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Aakash Pandey Sone TVs ae amare te a eet My Contact © aakash.p2002@gmailcom © +919325610859 @Q Pune, Maharashtra Soft Ski ‘Observation Decision making ‘Communication Multi-tasking Problem Solving Education Background + The Orbis school, Pune, Maharashtra 2013- 2018, = Participated in quizzes, dance competitions at state and national level. = State level Cricket Former Captain under 16. Joth boards percentage(Case)- 80.4% ihant College of arts commerce and science ,Pune , Maharashtra 2018- 2020 12th boards percentage(HSC)- 67.69% Maharashtra 2020 - 2024 Pursuing BTech in Computer Engineering, with specialized IBM course in Cyber forensics and Information Security. Latest CGPA-8.89 About Me Proactive Computer Engineering major, currently attending vishwakarma University. Good in problem solving and Coding in various languages such as python c++, ¢ java, sql. Frequently praised as diligent by my peers, | can be relied upon to complete any task assigned to me and help your company achieve its goals. Ihave unique interests in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, but am always looking forward to learning new skills and working in new areas. Projects + Completed project in c++ OP concepts- made COVID vaccination website . + Completed project in Modern Application Development by making a “Quantified Self App” using API in Python as wellas in JAVA. * Web based facial Authenticat server (Cybersecurity) . + Yoga Pose Detection and Correction using Computer Vision and Machine Learning. + Earthquake Prediction Model with Machine Learning n system with flask vements And Certification + Completed course in Full stack Web development and serveral other courses on udemy. © IEEE student club member (as assistant Treasurers) * College Student Council Member (as Head of managing events) * Completed IBM cyber security analyst certification course. * Found and reported several vulnerabi government websites * OverDrive(Motorsport Team)- Worked in the Technical department in Power train department. sin inkedIN : /

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