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Inventor: Tim Berners Lee

HTML: Hyper text markup language

HTTPS: Hyper text transfer protocol


<title> Lesson 1+2 <title>
The head contains information about the webpage (title, imported
fonts, link to css)
The body contains the visible content (images, text, videos)

Common tags:
<img src = “ link ” />
“Src” is the attribute, and “link” is the value
Opening: <a href = “ link ”> Closing: </a>
Opening: <h1> Closing: </h1>
Opening: <h6> Closing: </h6>
Opening: <p> Closing: </p>
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets ) — What makes a website pretty

body { (selector)
Background-color: orange; (declaration: property + value)
P { (selector)
Font-family: Arial; (declaration: property + value)

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