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`Set 1: https://indianexpress.


India has become the fifth-largest economy in the world. The United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development’s ‘World Investment Report 2022’ shows that in 2021, India ranked
seventh among the top 20 recipients of foreign direct investment. India’s digital economy is
growing rapidly with more than 82,000 start-ups and 107 unicorn companies. The ‘2022-
2023 Indian Economic Survey Report’ predicts that India will become one of the fastest-
growing economies in the world in the fiscal years of 2023 and 2024.

Meanwhile, China’s economy achieved a comprehensive rebound with the first-quarter GDP
growing by 4.5 per cent year-on-year. Market vitality recovered with the SME Development
Index (calculated based on a survey of 3,000 small and medium-sized enterprises) reaching
89.3 points between January and March. The manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index and
the non-manufacturing Business Activity Index continued to stand above the boom-and-bust
line, and expectations for private enterprises rose on a gradual basis. Employment and prices
remained stable, and the Consumer Price Index rose by 1.3 per cent. Many international
organisations and investment institutions have revised their forecasts upwards for China’s
economic growth this year.

China and India are the most populous developing countries and the top two developing
economies in the world. The two countries account for more than 35 per cent of the world’s
total population and more than 20 per cent of the world’s total economic output. China and
India have a decisive impact on human development, and the strong economic growth of the
two countries has a vital role to play in the global economic recovery.

China and India have also made important contributions to world poverty alleviation. Over
the past more than 40 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese government has lifted
more than 800 million people out of poverty. From fiscal year 2006 to 2021, a total of 410
million people in India have been lifted out of poverty. According to the forecast of the
International Monetary Fund, the contribution of China and India to world economic growth
this year will be over 50.3 per cent.
Based on the passage, answer the following questions:

Question 1: Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument that “India's
digital economy is growing rapidly”?

A) The majority of new wave Indian start-ups are concentrated in the technology sector.

B) India has a high percentage of internet users compared to other developing countries.

C) The number of unicorn companies in India has remained stagnant over the past five years.

D) Foreign direct investment in India's digital sector has decreased by 50% in the last year.

Answer: The correct answer is A) - Option A (The majority of new wave Indian start-ups are
concentrated in the technology sector) is the correct answer because it directly strengthens the
argument about India's digital economy growing rapidly. The passage itself doesn’t tell us
whether the “82,000 start-ups and 107 unicorn companies” are in the digital or tech sector. If
the majority of new start-ups are concentrated in the technology sector, it indicates a
significant growth in the digital economy as more entrepreneurs and investors focus on
technology-related ventures. This supports the argument of rapid growth in India's digital

Explanation - Option B (India has a high percentage of internet users compared to other
developing countries) is incorrect because it provides unrelated tangential information about
internet usage. While it may indicates a favorablefavourable environment for the rapid
growth of in the India’s digital economy, it doesn'’t directly strengthen the argument about
that “India'’s digital economy is growing rapidly”.

Option C (The number of unicorn companies in India has remained stagnant over the past
five years) is incorrect because it contradicts the argument of India's digital economy growing
rapidly. If the number of unicorn companies has remained stagnant, it suggests a lack of
significant rapid growth in the India’s digital economy; thereby, weakening the argument.

Option D (Foreign direct investment in India's digital sector has decreased by 50% in the last
year) is incorrect because a decrease in foreign direct investment does not support the
argument of India's digital economy growing rapidly. It indicates a decline in investment,
which suggests a potential slowdown or challenges in the growth of the digital economy.
Question 2: Which of the following, if true, most weakens the assertion that China's
economic growth is rebounding?

A) China's manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers' Index) has consistently declined for
the past three quarters.

B) The SME Development Index in China reached its highest point in the first quarter of the
previous year.

C) China's non-manufacturing Business Activity Index has dropped below the boom-and-bust

D) Private Hospitality enterprises in China have experienced a significant increase in


Answer: The correct answer is A) – Option A (China's manufacturing PMI has consistently
declined for the past three quarters) is the correct answer because it directly weakens the
assertion of economic growth rebounding. If the manufacturing PMI has consistently
declined, it suggests a slowdown or contraction in the manufacturing sector, which is a
significant contributor sector to in China's any country’s economic growtheconomy. This
weakens the argument that China's economic growth is rebounding.

Explanation - Option B (The SME Development Index in China reached its highest point in
the first quarter of the previous year) is incorrect because it provides information about a
previous year's performance, which is not directly relevant to the assertion about current
economic growth rebounding. The focus is on the current state of China's economic growth,
and past performance doesn't necessarily reflect the present situation.

Option C (China's non-manufacturing Business Activity Index has dropped below the boom-
and-bust line) is incorrect because it contradicts the assertion of China's economic growth
rebounding. If the Business Activity Index has dropped below the boom-and-bust line, it
suggests a decline or stagnation in non-manufacturing business activity, which weakens the
argument of economic growth rebounding.

Option D (Private Hospitality enterprises in China have experienced a significant increase in

bankruptcies) is incorrect because an increase in bankruptcies among private enterprises
doesn't directly weaken the assertion of economic growth rebounding. While bankruptcies
can be an indicator of economic challenges, they don't provide comprehensive evidence or
directly address the overall economic growth of China.

Question 3: Which of the following assumptions is the most reasonable for the argument that
India's economic growth will surpass China's in the coming years?

A) India's population growth rate is significantly higher than China's.

B) The digital economy is the primary driver of economic growth in India.

C) India's government has implemented effective policies to attract foreign direct investment.

D) India has a higher number of unicorn companies compared to China.

Answer: The correct answer is C) - Option C (India's government has implemented effective
policies to attract foreign direct investment) is the correct answer because it establishes the
role of effective policies in attracting foreign direct investment, which can contribute
significantly to economic growth. If India's government has implemented effective policies, it
suggests a conducive environment for investment, which can help drive economic growth and
potentially surpass China's growth in the coming years.

Explanation: Option A (India's population growth rate is significantly higher than China's)
is incorrect because population growth rate alone does not determine economic growth
superiority. While a larger population can contribute to economic potential, it doesn't
necessarily indicate that India's economic growth will surpass China's. Economic growth
depends on various factors, including productivity, innovation, investment, and policy

Option B (The digital economy is the primary driver of economic growth in India) is
incorrect because it limits the argument to the digital economy as the primary driver. While
the digital economy can be a significant contributor to economic growth, it doesn't provide
sufficient evidence to support the assertion that India's overall economic growth will surpass
China's in the coming years. Other sectors and factors also play crucial roles in determining
economic growth.

Option D (India has a higher number of unicorn companies compared to China) is incorrect
because the number of unicorn companies alone doesn't determine the overall economic
growth superiority of a country. While the presence of unicorn companies reflects
entrepreneurial success and innovation, it doesn't provide a comprehensive picture of the
entire economy or guarantee that India's economic growth will surpass China's.

Question 4: Which of the following options most strengthens the argument that China and
India's economic growth has a positive impact on global poverty reduction?

A) China and India are among the top importers of goods from low-income countries.

B) Both countries have implemented comprehensive social welfare programs.

C) China and India have the highest GDP per capita among developing countries.

D) Poverty rates in China and India have steadily declined over the past decade.

Answer: The correct answer is D) – Option D (Poverty rates in China and India have steadily
declined over the past decade) is the correct answer because declining poverty rates directly
indicate the positive impact of China and India's economic growth on global poverty
reduction. It suggests that economic growth has translated into improved living conditions
and reduced domestic poverty levels, supporting the argument that their economic growth has
a positive impact on global poverty reduction. This also most closely resembles the logic of
the argument in the passage.

Explanation: Option A (China and India are among the top importers of goods from low-
income countries) is incorrect because being top importers of goods from low-income
countries does not necessarily imply a direct positive impact on poverty reduction. While
trade can contribute to economic development and opportunities for low-income countries, it
doesn't directly establish a causal relationship between China and India's economic growth
and poverty reduction, since the benefits to the low-income countries could be going
primarily to the upper strata of their societies. Further, the quantum of the impact is anyway
not indicated. In the absence of any other facts about the low-income countries, this option
does not strengthen the statement..

Option B (Both countries have implemented comprehensive social welfare programs) is

incorrect because the implementation of social welfare programs, while important for social
and human development, does not directly strengthen the argument about the positive impact
of China and India's economic growth on global poverty reduction. It focuses on domestic
welfare initiatives rather than global poverty reduction efforts.

Option C (China and India have the highest GDP per capita among developing countries) is
incorrect because having the highest GDP per capita among developing countries does not
directly establish a positive impact on global poverty reduction. This option fails on two
counts. GDP per capita alone does not reflectis not an effective indicator of income
distribution or poverty levels, and it doesn't provide comprehensive evidence of poverty
reduction efforts or success or their impact on global poverty. Further, by limiting comparison
to developing countries, no clear conclusion about impact on global poverty levels can be

Question 5: Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument that China and
India's economic growth is sustainable and resilient?

A) Both countries’ economies are expected to take a hit due to a resurgence of COVID.

B) The World Bank predicts a global recession in the upcoming year.

C) China and India have diversified their economies by reducing reliance on a single

D) Foreign direct investment in China and India has experienced a significant decline.

Answer: The correct answer is C) - Option C (China and India have diversified their
economies by reducing reliance on a single industry) is the correct answer because it directly
strengthens the argument of sustainable and resilient economic growth. By reducing reliance
on a single industry, both countries have diversified their economies, which enhances their
ability to withstand shocks and challenges. Diversification contributes to sustainability and
resilience by reducing dependence on a single sector and creating a more balanced and robust

Explanation - Option A (Both countries' economies are expected to take a hit due to a
resurgence of COVID) is incorrect because it suggests that both China and India's economic
growth is vulnerable and not sustainable in the face of a pandemic resurgence. It weakens the
argument of sustainable and resilient growth.
Option B (The World Bank predicts a global recession in the upcoming year) is incorrect
because a global recession prediction does not directly strengthen or weaken the argument of
sustainable and resilient economic growth in China and India. It implies a challenging
economic environment that could potentially affect their growth but doesn't provide evidence
of their resilience or sustainability.

Option D (Foreign direct investment in China and India has experienced a significant decline)
is incorrect because a significant decline in foreign direct investment does not necessarily
support the argument of sustainable and resilient growth. While foreign direct investment can
contribute to economic growth, the decline in itself does not provide evidence of the
sustainability or resilience of their economies.

Set 2:

Vadimir Putin has never been honest with the Russian people about the war in Ukraine. He
lied about the scale of the invasion and the reasons for it. The deception is sustained
with propaganda and repression. Outlawing the truth has kept the reality of war mostly out of
sight, which is a condition of public acquiescence.

That doesn’t mean that millions would rise up against their government if confronted with the
true horror of what is being done to Ukraine in their name. The bellicose cult is well
embedded in Russian society. But it is easier to support a war that unfolds on television than
one that can be heard flying overhead, which is why drone strikes against targets in Moscow
this week have rattled the Kremlin.

Most analysts interpret these attacks as part of a disorientation strategy, forcing the Kremlin
to divert resources and attention away from the frontline in advance of a Ukrainian
counteroffensive to recapture occupied territory. The same applies to the murkier business of
raids across the Ukrainian border into Russia’s Belgorod region, carried out by far-right, anti-
Putin Russian militias. The fog of war is dense, with Ukrainian strategists cultivating
uncertainty to unsettle Russian defences and Russian lines of command, tangled amid
factional bickering in Moscow and between rival commanders on the ground.
That makes it all the more important to keep a focus on core facts and moral imperatives:
Ukraine is the victim of an unprovoked invasion by forces whose primary tactic is terrorising
the civilian population into submission by means of indiscriminate murder and destruction.
This campaign of atrocity has not succeeded, because Ukrainians have shown heroic fortitude
and ingenuity on an epic scale. Also, they have been armed for that endeavour by western
governments, which had to balance fear of escalation with a realistic appraisal of the
character of Mr Putin’s regime, and the threat he posed to European peace if unchecked.

Russia did not start its territorial aggression against Ukraine in 2022, but eight years
earlier, in Crimea. Mr Putin did not stop there because Russia wanted to have complete
dominance over the domestic and foreign policy orientation of the government in Kyiv. He
gambled that the west would look away again. Thankfully, the Russian president was
mistaken. He thought then that Russia’s appetite for carnage, even from a losing position,
would outlast western solidarity with Ukraine. That too turns out to be a miscalculation, so

Without a follow-up strategy, Mr Putin’s war is sustained by his monstrous pride, readiness to
sacrifice conscript soldiers for no measurable purpose and a political apparatus that allows
him to cover up his failures. Those conditions make Russia’s position look solid. But they
could turn out to be brittle, as long as Ukraine’s allies stand firm.

Based on the passage, answer the following questions:

Question 1: Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument that the Russian
population supports the war in Ukraine due to government deception?

A) Independent journalists in Russia have been jailed for reporting on the true scale of the

B) Polls conducted in Russia show a majority of citizens supporting the government's actions
in Ukraine.

C) The Russian government has implemented strict censorship laws to control the flow of
information about the war.

D) Russian citizens have limited access to international news sources that provide unbiased
coverage of the conflict.
Answer: The correct answer is C) - Option C (The Russian government has implemented
strict censorship laws to control flow of information about the war) is the correct answer
because it directly supports the argument that the Russian population may support the war
due to government deception. The passage mentions the government's use of propaganda,
repression, and outlawing of the truth to sustain the deception and keep the reality of the war
hidden from the public. Strict censorship laws would be consistent with these tactics and
indicate that the government is actively controlling the information available to the Russian

Explanation: Option A (Independent journalists in Russia have been jailed for reporting on
the true scale of the invasion) is incorrect because while it suggests a restriction on
independent reporting, it doesn't directly address the support or deception of the Russian
population regarding the war in Ukraine. The passage emphasizes the government's deception
and manipulation of information rather than the imprisonment of journalists.

Option B (Polls conducted in Russia show a majority of citizens supporting the government's
actions in Ukraine) is incorrect because it merely suggests that the Russian population's
support for the war, without attributing a reason for the same. is based on their own
convictions rather thanThe statement which had to be strengthened was that the people
support the war due to government deception. The passage highlights the role of propaganda
and repression in sustaining the deception, implying that public opinion may be influenced by
the government's control of information. This option neither strengthens nor weakens it.

Option D (Russian citizens have limited access to international news sources that provide
unbiased coverage of the conflict) is incorrect because while it acknowledges limited access
to unbiased coverage, it doesn't directly address the issue role of government deception. The
passage emphasizes the role of propaganda and censorship, suggesting that the Russian
government actively manipulates information to control the narrative about the war in

Question 2: Which of the following, if true, most weakens the assertion that the Russian
population would continue to support the war in Ukraine if confronted with the true horror of
the conflict?

A) The Russian government tightly controls media coverage of military activities in Ukraine.
B) The majority of Russian citizens have family members serving in the Russian armed

C) Independent journalists within Russia have exposed the truth about the war in Ukraine.

D) Public protests against the war have been brutally suppressed by the Russian government.

Answer: The correct answer is C) - Option C (Independent journalists within Russia have
exposed the truth about the war in Ukraine) is the correct answer because it weakens the
assertion by suggesting that some independent journalists have managed to uncover and
expose the true horrors of the conflict. If the truth about the war becomes widely known
through the work of independent journalists, it could potentially lead to a shift in public
opinion and reduced support for the war. The exposure of the truth counters the idea that the
Russian population would continue to support the war in the face of the true horrors.

Explanation - Option A (The Russian government tightly controls media coverage of

military activities in Ukraine) is incorrect because it reinforces the notion of media control
without directly weakeninghaving any impact on the assertion that the Russian population
would continue to support the war. While media control is a factor that contributes to
government deception, it does not necessarily weaken the assertion that the population would
continue to support the war if confronted with the true horrors.

Option B (The majority of Russian citizens have family members serving in the Russian
armed forces) is incorrect because it doesn't directly weaken the assertion either. While
having family members in the armed forces may create a personal connection and emotional
investment in the conflict, it doesn't address whether the population would continue to
support the war if confronted with the true horrors. Family ties alone may not be sufficient to
sway public opinion or change perceptions.

Option D (Public protests against the war have been brutally suppressed by the Russian
government) is incorrect because it also doesn't directly weaken the assertion. While the
suppression of public protests indicates a lack of dissent and potential control over public
opinion, it doesn't necessarily address the question of whether the population would continue
to support the war if confronted with the true horrors. The assertion focuses on the impact of
the true horror of the conflict on public support, rather than the suppression of protests.
Question 3: Which of the following assumptions is essential for the argument that the
Ukrainian counteroffensive will be successful?

A) Ukrainian strategists have a thorough understanding of Russian lines of command.

B) The far-right, anti-Putin Russian militias are well-organized and effective.

C) The fog of war will prevent Russian commanders from effectively responding to the

D) Western governments will continue to provide military support to Ukraine.

Answer: The correct answer is A) - Option A (Ukrainian strategists have a thorough

understanding of Russian lines of command) is the correct answer because it is essential for
the argument. A thorough understanding of Russian lines of command would enable
Ukrainian strategists to effectively plan and execute the counteroffensive. It suggests that the
Ukrainian forces have knowledge of how the Russian military is organized and can exploit
potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in their command structure. Without this assumption,
the success of the counteroffensive would be uncertain.

Explanation: Option B (The far-right, anti-Putin Russian militias are well-organized and
effective) is incorrect because the argument does not depend on the effectiveness of these
militias for the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. While the passage mentions their
raids across the border, it does not explicitly connect their actions to the success of the
counteroffensive or its success. The argument primarily focuses on the Ukrainian
counteroffensive and the fog of war, rather than the involvement of these militias.

Option C (The fog of war will prevent Russian commanders from effectively responding to
the counteroffensive) is incorrect because it assumes that the fog of war alone will be
sufficient to hinder Russian commanders and their ability to respond effectively. While the
fog of war can introduce uncertainty and potentially impact decision-making, the success of
the Ukrainian counteroffensive cannot solely rely on this assumption. Other strategic factors
and military capabilities would also be necessary.

Option D (Western governments will continue to provide military support to Ukraine) is

incorrect because the argument does not explicitly depend on continued military support from
western governments. While the passage mentions that Ukraine has been armed by western
governments, the success of the counteroffensive is not contingent on this assumption. The
argument primarily emphasizes the fortitude and ingenuity of Ukrainians and the
understanding of Russian lines of command as essential factors.

Question 4: Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument that Russia's war
effort in Ukraine is unsustainable in the long run?

A) International economic sanctions have severely crippled Russia's economy.

B) The Russian government has effectively suppressed domestic dissent against the war.

C) Russia has successfully annexed significant portions of Ukrainian territory.

D) Western governments have demonstrated a reluctance to intervene militarily in Ukraine.

Answer: The correct answer is A) - Option A (International economic sanctions have

severely crippled Russia's economy) is the correct answer because it directly strengthens the
argument about the unsustainability of Russia's war effort in Ukraine. Economic sanctions
have a significant impact on a country's resources, including its ability to sustain a prolonged
military conflict. If Russia's economy is severely crippled due to international sanctions, it
would suggest a limited capacity to sustain the war effort in the long run. Economic
constraints can affect the availability of funds, resources, and overall military capabilities,
making the argument for unsustainability more compelling.

Explanation - Option B (The Russian government has effectively suppressed domestic

dissent against the war) is incorrect because while it suggests a suppression of dissent, it
doesn't directly strengthen the argument about the sustainability of Russia's war effort in
Ukraine. The argument focuses on the long-term sustainability of the war effort, and while
domestic dissent can be a factor, it doesn't directly address the economic or logistical
challenges that may affect the sustainability.

Option C (Russia has successfully annexed significant portions of Ukrainian territory) is

incorrect because the successful annexation of territory does not necessarily strengthen the
argument about the war effort's sustainability in the long run. While it indicates military
success till now, the sustainability of the war effort depends on various factors such as
economic resources, international support, and military capabilities, which are not directly
addressed by the annexation of territory.
Option D (Western governments have demonstrated a reluctance to intervene militarily in
Ukraine) is incorrect because the argument does not directly depend on western governments'
military intervention in Ukraine. The sustainability of Russia's war effort is not solely
determined by the reluctance of western governments to intervene militarily. The argument
focuses on other factors such as economic sanctions and the long-term viability of the war
effort, which are not directly connected to military intervention option weakens the argument.

Question 5: Which of the following options most strengthens the argument that Ukraine's
armed resistance to the invasion has been remarkable?

A) Russia's military forces have faced significant logistical challenges in maintaining

supplies to their troops.

B) Ukrainian civilians have actively collaborated with Russian occupying forces.

C) Western governments have been hesitant to provide any form of military assistance to

D) The Russian government has successfully manipulated international media coverage to

downplay Ukrainian resistance.

Answer: The correct answer is A) - Option A (Russia's military forces have faced significant
logistical challenges in maintaining supplies to their troops) is the correct answer because it
directly somewhat strengthens the argument about Ukraine's remarkable armed resistance. If
Russia's military forces have faced significant logistical challenges, it implies that Ukraine's
resistance has been effective in hindering the operations and supply lines of the invading
forces. Further, due to the lack of other viable options, this appears to be the best available
option.This suggests a remarkable level of resistance by Ukraine's armed forces.

Explanation: Option B (Ukrainian civilians have actively collaborated with Russian

occupying forces) is incorrect because it weakens the argument about the remarkable armed
resistance of Ukraine. If Ukrainian civilians actively collaborate with the Russian occupying
forces, it suggests a lack of resistance and undermines the notion that Ukraine's armed
resistance has been remarkable.
Option C (Western governments have been hesitant to provide any form of military assistance
to Ukraine) is incorrect because it doesn't directly strengthen impact the argument about the
remarkable armed resistance of Ukraine. While the hesitation of western governments may be
a factor, it doesn't neither provides any evidence nor directly relates to the armed resistance
itself. If anything, it tends towards weakening the argument.

Option D (The Russian government has successfully manipulated international media

coverage to downplay Ukrainian resistance) is incorrect because it doesn't strengthenhas no
impact on the argument about the remarkable armed resistance of Ukraine. While media
manipulation may affect the perception of Ukrainian resistance, it doesn't provide evidence of
the actual resistance or its remarkable nature.

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