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drill #20
1. A Sarah trabalha aqui desde 2015 mais ou menos.
Sarah has worked here since 2015-ish.
Sarah has worked here since 2015 or so.

2. Nós não nos conhecemos há muito tempo.

We haven’t known each other for a long time.
We have not known each other for very long.

3. Você já cavou um buraco?

Have you ever dug a hole?

4. O meu gato nunca fez isso antes.

My cat has never done that before.

5. Foi caro, mas eu tinha guardado dinheiro pra isso.

It was expensive, but I had saved money for it.
It was pricey, but I had set aside the money for that.

Fast Thinking Drill #20

6. Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar sobre gorgonzola antes
daquele jantar chique.
I had never heard about gorgonzola before that fancy dinner.
I had never heard about blue cheese until that chic dinner.

7. Eu precisei voltar para casa porque eu não lembrava

se tinha trancado a porta.
I needed to go back home because I didn’t remember if I had
locked the door.
I had to go back home because I couldn’t remember if I had bolted
the door.

8. Ele tinha me dito que aquele era o melhor

He had told me that that was the best investment.
He’d said to me that this was the best investment.

9. Quando cheguei lá, fiquei impressionado de ver que

eles tinham preparado tudo de um dia para o outro.
When I got there, I was impressed to see that they had set it up
When I arrived there, I was amazed to see that they had prepared
everything from one day to the next.

R h a v i C a r n e i r o’s F l u e n c y A c a d e m y 2 0 2 1 - To d o s o s D i r e i t o s R e s e r v a d o s .
10. O porteiro disse que ele não tinha estado em casa por
dois dias.
The doorman said he hadn’t been home in two days.
The doorkeeper said that he hadn’t been home for two days.

11. Elas tinham esperado tanto por aquele dia!

They had waited so long for that day!
They had waited so much for this day!
They had waited for this day for so long!

12. Fiquei chocado ao descobrir que alguém tinha

grafitado meu muro da frente.
I was shocked to find out that someone had graffitied my front
I was stunned to discover someone had graffitied my front wall.

Fast Thinking Drill #20

13. Se eu tivesse tido mais tempo, eu teria escrito uma
carta mais curta.
If I had had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter.

14. Eu já vou ter comido a essa hora.

I will have eaten by that time.

15. A gente não vai ter terminado isso até sexta!

We won’t have finished that by Friday!

16. Você vai ter aprendido a tocar essa música até o

Will you have learned to play this song by the recital?

17. O seu pai não vai ter se aposentado até o final do

Won’t your dad have retired by the end of the year?

18. Você está maluco? Até o pôr-do-sol, nós vamos ter

trabalhado sem parar por dez horas!
Are you nuts? By sunset, we will have worked nonstop for ten
Are you crazy? By sundown, we will have worked nonstop for ten

R h a v i C a r n e i r o’s F l u e n c y A c a d e m y 2 0 2 1 - To d o s o s D i r e i t o s R e s e r v a d o s .
19. Eu não acho que eles vão ter consertado isso da noite
pro dia.
I don’t think they will have fixed this overnight.

20. Você não vai ter planejado toda a sua vida antes de
fazer 21. Só aceite isso.
You won’t have planned all your life before you turn 21. Just
accept it.
You will not have planned your whole life before you turn 21. Just
deal with it.

21. Me surpreende o quão ingênuo ele é.

It beats me how naive he is.
It amazes me how innocent he is.

22. Outro jeito de ter um estilo de vida mais saudável é

Fast Thinking Drill #20

exercitando seu cérebro.
Another way to have a healthier lifestyle is by exercising your
Another way to lead a healthier lifestyle is to exercise your brain.

23. Resumindo, eu acho que é um pouco cedo para tomar

uma decisão.
In a nutshell, I think it‘s a bit early to make a decision.
In short, I think it is a little early to decide.

24. Se eu tivesse mais espaço, eu adotaria mais um

If I had more space, I would adopt another dog.

25. Se eles não fossem tão teimosos, a gente poderia ter

economizado muito.
If they weren’t so stubborn, we could have saved a lot.
If they were not so pigheaded, we could have saved a lot.

26. Desculpa te incomodar, mas acho que você está no

meu assento.
Sorry to bother you, but I think you’re in my seat.

R h a v i C a r n e i r o’s F l u e n c y A c a d e m y 2 0 2 1 - To d o s o s D i r e i t o s R e s e r v a d o s .
27. Ok, me fale mais sobre isso, sou todo ouvidos.
OK, tell me more about it, I’m all ears.

28. Às vezes, tudo o que você precisa é de vinte segundos

de insana coragem.
Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage.

29. Trabalhar duro vai te dar uma injeção de confiança

Working hard will give you a huge confidence boost.

30. Você nem sempre deveria confiar somente em seu

You should not always rely only on your knowledge.
You shouldn’t always rely solely on your knowledge.

Fast Thinking Drill #20

You shouldn’t always trust your knowledge alone.

31. Você sempre escolhe o sapato mais caro

para comprar!
You always pick out the most expensive shoes to buy!
You always choose the most expensive shoes to buy!

32. Ela precisa pagar o Jim! Ele precisa do dinheiro.

She has to pay Jim off! He needs the money.
She needs to pay Jim! He needs the money.

33. Eu estou esperando ansiosamente para conhecer

minha amiga virtual.
I’m looking forward to meeting my online friend.

34. Eu não me dou bem com pessoas bagunceiras.

I don’t get along with messy people.

35. Uma mãe sempre se importa com seu bebê.

A mother always cares about her baby.

R h a v i C a r n e i r o’s F l u e n c y A c a d e m y 2 0 2 1 - To d o s o s D i r e i t o s R e s e r v a d o s .

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