IB History Authoritarian States (ENG)

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Key concepts of the course:

Change (CH) Transformation from one state to another.

Perspective (P) Plan, the aspect under which one places oneself to examine

Consequence (QC) Short-term changes.

Causality (CA) Relationship of a cause to its effect.

Importance (GI) When an object, person, event etc... is more valuable than

Continuity (CT) An event that does not stop.

Biography of authoritarian leaders:

Hitler Nasser

Born in Austria, 1894-1945 Born in Alexandria in 1918

Veterans of the First World War Comes from a peasant family

Takes the head of the NSADP (German Joining the army in 1938
nationalist part) in 1921 ⇒ future Nazi party

Becomes economic adviser to the Brunswiek He was involved in the fight against the British
legation in Berlin → confers on him German presence.
citizenship ⇒ thanks to Nazi acquaintances.

Became Chancellor on 30 January 1933 Took the lead in the officers' movement in 1949

Became president on 1934 Gamal Abdel Nasser was not an opponent of the
war since he was part of the army. He believed that
the only solution to get rid of the Zionist presence
in the former Palestinian lands is force

Germany: Since the First World War in 1918, the state of Germany was deteriorating as time
passed. Its economic, political and social situation was extremely unstable and the people lived
in deep poverty. It was therefore in 1923 that Hitler's name began to gain momentum after the
publication of his book "mein kampf" highlighting the characteristics of his ideology; Nazism.
On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and in 1934 he became its
Führer imposing his authoritarian policy on the country.
Egypt: In 1952, Egypt was controlled by the British government and the Egyptian monarchy
found itself powerless against the decisions taken by the British. The population is therefore
desperate to see their country become independent and want to see King Farouq detroner. It was
therefore on July 23, 1952, that Gamal Abdel Nasser, a man belonging to the movement of free
officers, overthrew the monarchy and deposed the king. He would eventually become an
authoritarian leader in Egypt in 1956 when he became president of his country.

The causes of the ascent

In power.
« Causaliter »
« Importance »
« perspective »

Historical background

Hitler Nasser

Defeat of the First World War (CA) The British presence was very strong in Egypt

The signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 The government was seen as subject to British
by the Weimar government (MI) influence (P)

The government is seriously in debt (MI) Defeat of Palestine in 1948

The British exploit Egyptian resources


Hitler Nasser

The country was in a state of misery (CA) Egyptians wanted independence (P) ⇒ sense
of humiliation due to the growing influence of
the British on the Egyptian government

More than 6 million unemployed (CA)

People angry at the Weimar Republic for signing the

Treaty of Versailles 1919 (P) + (CA)

Hitler Nasser

1923, hyperinflation in Germany → the value of the Implementation of a British economic policy
currency falls (CA) → loss of confidence in the

In 1930, Germany is affected by the economic crisis

caused by the fall of production in America in 1929→
USA asks all countries of countries their debt (CA)


Hitler Nasser

Constantly succeeding ⇒ The country has always been ruled by non-Egyptians → Greeks,
unstable government (CA) Arabs, Ottomans, French and British.

National Accumulating Problems Egypt participates in PGM on behalf of Great Britain


Extremist parties become popular The Muslim Brotherhood wants to establish its extremist policy
in Egypt = political instability

Increased fear of the left by the The wafd side organizes several events
existence of the Soviet Union

Weakness of the monarchy → corruption and under influence


Incident of 4 February 1942 → Great Britain imposes a new

Prime Minister on Egypt (P)

The means undertaken to achieve power

« Perspective »
Hitler: Nasser:
Hitler takes power legally by taking Takes power by force using the Free Officers
advantage of a serious economic and political movement.
crisis → peacefully but illegal (and starts
aggressively = failure)

1921, Becomes the head of the NSDAP The Free Officers movement, of which Nasser
was a member→ Participated in the fall of King
Farouk in 1952 and the fall of the monarchy in
On 23 July 1952, a committee of protesting 'free
officers', including two future Egyptian heads of
state, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat,
overthrows the government

1923, Coup d'état in Munich (failure) goes to Inspiration of the Council of the Revolution in
prison 1953
Ousted the president, General Neguib, and
became prime minister.
Then became president with more than a majority
of votes in 1956.

Writes a book "mein kampf" → represents his Political rapprochement with the Muslim

Nazi ideology and manages to create a Brotherhood: the secret society of the Muslim
community (P) → Leaves prison in 1924 and Brotherhood in 1928 which are against the
reorganizes his political party current of secular movements. This
⇒This deeply anti-Semitic man develops his rapprochement helps to have their support and
vision of the world and international relations. help in his rise to power.
His goal: to create the Third Reich, a great
empire that would last a thousand years and
bring together all German speakers in Europe.

Participation in the elections of 1928 - 1932. in 1954, Nasser arrested General Mohammed
Naguib accusing him of supporting the Muslim
Brotherhood and became prime minister in
February 1954.

Hitler was appointed Chancellor in January 1933 Nasser, in order to achieve his goal of getting rid
and took control of the country after of Britain's military presence as well as his goal
Hindenburg's death in 1934. of having the necessary funding for the
construction of the Aswan Dam, decided to
nationalize the Suez Canal. This led to a war
(Suez Crisis) between 29 October 1956 - 7
November 1956.

February 27, 1933, the Reichstag fire.:

Pretext for Hitler to arrest 4000 communist
leaders. He had President von Hindenburg sign a
decree by the Reich suspending fundamental
On 23 March 1933, a first concentration camp
for political opponents opened near Munich, in

Uses the difficult economic situation in the

country to enable the people to be their only →
most viable choice
→ it could restore order and authority

Reforms due to ideologies:

Hitler (Nazism) Nasser (nationalism)/ Arab socialism

Totalitarian State/Nazism: Political system Nasser's ideology was mainly focused on Arab
based on the superiority of the Aryan race and nationalism, Arab socialism, anti-imperialism and
on the notion of living space for the German pan-Arabism. Its political ideology, known as
people (lebensraum) Nasserism, combines elements of republicanism,
nationalism, solidarity with the developing world,
and international non-alignment. Nasserism
aimed to create a united Arab state and rejected
foreign control of Arab nations and their
resources. Although Nasserism lost its power
after the 1967 Six-Day War, it remains an
important element of public dialogue on politics
in Egypt and the wider region.

-Equal rights of the German people According to some historians→ "He rewrote the
-Jews are not citizens history of Egypt in a way that no one can ignore,
-Only citizens enjoy civil rights and will always be remembered, whether 100
-Against parliamentary practice years after his birth or 200 years after his birth."
-Equality between social classes (no more → by overthrowing the long-established
slavery) monarchy on July 23, 1952 and engraving his
-Any crime is punishable to death name as the first Egyptian to rule the country in
-Teach children in schools the value of their thousands of years.
-Take care of children whether rich or poor
-Create a national weapon
-That all media use only the German
language, all non-German media is banned in
the country.
-The group before the individual
-Power goes to the political side

While some consider his policies positive and

beneficial, others consider it disastrous and
harmful. In particular, those who opposed Nasser
and suffered the negative consequences of his
economic policies, such as the large landowners
who had their property confiscated and the
foreigners who were forced to leave Egypt, have
deep grievances against him. In addition, liberal
politicians whose parties were dissolved by a
presidential decree in 1954

Improving the national education system to

enable more low-income social classes to attend
school → makes schooling compulsory.

Maintaining power
« Continuiter »

Hitler Nasser

Intimidation of peoples; Nasser stayed in power through a combination of

-Uses of concentration and re-education camps factors, including his charisma, popular support,
(such as Dachau). and the effective use of propaganda. He was able
-Uses of political police and censorship (SS, to present himself as the champion of the Egyptian
SA, GESTAPO) ⇒ use of violence → control people, promoting a message of Arab nationalism,
of the working population. socialism and anti-imperialism. Nasser also
-The threat of communists who are eliminated retained a strong grip on the military and security
with political arrests and concentration camps apparatus, allowing him to suppress dissent and
with Jews and the disabled. opposition. He also used state-controlled media to
promote his message and suppress dissenting
views. In addition, Nasser's policies, such as land
reforms and welfare programs, helped improve the
living standards of many Egyptians, which
strengthened his base of support. Despite setbacks
such as military defeats and economic hardship,
Nasser's ability to retain popular support and
control of key institutions allowed him to remain in
power for 18 years, until his death in 1970.

Demagoguery (creates fear to generate a seizure Demagoguery

of power)

Media manipulation→Propaganda; The Propaganda:

propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels was in He used the media to spread nationalism which
charge of manipulating the people with was a relevant aspect of Nasser's policy. Nasser
numerous posters that supported Hitler. took the non-education of people as an advantage
-A propaganda, directed by Goebbels, uses the of spreading nationalism. There were several
press, radio, cinema and art. Hitlerite symbols speeches of the Free Officers given by Sadat and
like the swastika and the imperial eagle are Nasser. And the films reinforced Nasser's ideology.
displayed everywhere.
Major military ceremonies were held at
Nuremberg to demonstrate the strength of the
army gathered around the Führer.

Creation of autarky = self-sufficiency → cutting Use of violence and terror
off from the world ⇒ better control of the

The indoctrination of youth (Hitler Youth) Repression of opposition

The affirmation of patriotism and nationalism Influence of militarism on politics → wanted to

create a secular and modern nation not influenced
by religion

Elimination of opponents (either physical or by Nasser began to centralize the state of Egypt:
political suppression). increase the powers of the president of the republic
+ nationalize industry + public works reforms =
Aswan dam

Reichstag fire in February 1933 (getting rid of External active diplomacy

communists) Intense diplomatic activity: 1962 to 1967, Nasser
tightened his ties with Moscow, which financed the
construction of the Aswan Dam

Support from several social classes: Support from several social classes:
The middle classes and the working class. The -The peasants, the artisans, the workers: the
latter benefit from Hitler's promises during the working class.
crisis to see work. -the middle class
This support was obtained by promises made Obtained the support of peasants through its
during his seizure of power by the agrarian reforms
implementation of the policy of major works. -The workers: modernization and major projects
such as the Aswan dam.

- In schools, all subjects contribute to forging Nasser's goal was to redistribute the lands of Egypt
anti-Semitism and children's loyalty to their for the people of Egypt. This is done by Law 178
Führer where Gamal abdel Nasser applies the
redistribution of agricultural land.

Rhineland An ultranationalist imperialist policy Sends advisers to the Yemeni military to help them
that aims to create a Third Reich. Expansions in overthrow, in September 1962, the ultra-
Europe such as the Anschluss and the conservative monarchy of Sanaa.
Sudetenland→ Expansionist attempts to take
over "living space" by conquering the
Anschluss and Czechoslovakia.

Alliance with Italy and Japan to defeat A nationalist and socialist, he sought to modernize
communism, the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis Egypt and improve the lives of its citizens. It
Deteriorating relations with France, the United achieved this through a series of economic and
Kingdom, the United States and the USSR social reforms, including land reforms that
redistributed land from wealthy landowners to poor

farmers, nationalization of industries and banks,
and investments in education and health care.

Impact on women:

Hitler Nasser

In June 1935, the Nazi government introduced Dismantle feminist associations/organizations.

the marriage loan to encourage Aryan couples Didn't want any other party (Nasser).
to settle. It was a success as the number of
marriages increased rapidly by 50% the
following year.

If the family is the source of strength of the In the private sector (all that is role in the family etc)
nation, the woman is its nucleus and center. the woman is always seen as a mother, mistress of
The best place for a woman to serve her the house and is educated as such.
people is in her marriage, in the family, in
motherhood. (P)

The first, best and most appropriate place for Law 91, 1954: they cannot work in sectors that
women is in the family, and its most glorious would endanger their health. → highlight that the
duty is to give children to its people and government still sees the woman as a being who is
nation, children who can perpetuate the supposed to have children and therefore should
lineage of generations and who guarantee the focus on her health to be able to take good care of
immortality of the nation. (P) her children/home/maries.

Without these unconditional admirers, Hitler There were feminist conferences to defend women's
would not have benefited from funding to rights.
launch his political campaigns, nor from →" they were Nasser's main supporter in the war
opinion relays to impose his monstrous ideas against the poor."
and make them accepted by an entire people. They also helped Nasser create a socialist society.

Now they have been forced out of key Receives the same education as boys.
professions and educational opportunities -The number of female students is the same as that
have been reduced. They were also expected of men.
to meet certain standards in their appearance. -Compulsory school up to 14 years.
-Universities outside Cairo to encourage women
living in villages to study.

Restrict educational opportunities to ensure Women's Political Inclusion → A woman is

they focus on preparing for their appropriate appointed Prime Minister. (Hekmat abu zeid) 1962.
role + Keep women out of key professions
and politics.

Historian Claudia Koonz argues that German
women also continued to study at university
and receive doctorates. Some NSDAP
members feared that the loss of women from
academia would weaken the long-term future
of the state.

The Nazis did not accept the type of German families and thus todestroy German
organization that promoted women's society .
liberalism and others → thinking it was a set-
up of Jews in order to separate the


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