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Key of annual pathology batch 45

Dr. Naveed Ahmed Panhwar
Grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity.......
1.Beta hem olytic ========streptococcus agalactiae

2.non enveloped virus =======HAV

3.spore resistant =======coat

4.pencillin antibiotics acts on =====log phase

5.Pap sm ear ====Ca cervix

6.Thin walled ==== treponema palladium

7.pappilom a ===epithelial in origin

8.cystic fibrosis ==== metabolic disorder

9.APC =====B-Lymphocytes

10.m alig nant postule ====Bacillus anthrax

11.BAX under control of ===p53 gene

12.Diphyllobothrum ====== vit B12

13.Entaem oba histolytica ===liver abscess

14.coag ulase +ve ======= styphalococcus aureus

15.low infectious disease ====shigella

16.Fung us ====Subaround agar

17.wall less becteria ======mycobacterium pneumoniae

18.kelloid tissue =====excessive collagen

19.Reversible injury ====rough endoplasmic reticulium

20. Malaria======sporozoite

21.cong enital anom alies ======chromosome abberation

22.pain===== Prostagladin

23.ascaris lum bricoids ===== Round worm

24.down syndrom e ====Trisomy 21

25. Rubor======= vasodilation

26.Trihalose m ycolate ====cord factor

27.IL2===== TH2

28.T.B =====caseous necrosis

29.m easles ====koplike spot

30.m ural theom bosis ====cardiac chamber

31.pulm onary edem a ====left ventricular failure

32. Cardaic cells=== hypertrophy

33.Mucoid nucleus =====klebeseilla m unog lobulin that cross the placenta ===IgG

35. Lead ====bone marrow?????

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