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The four burners theory

ESL Brains
Let’s get started
with a warm-up

ESL Brains
Discuss the questions.

● What is your definition of ‘life balance’?

● Which phrase best describes your life balance?

○ I have good life balance.

○ It's better than in the past.

○ It could be improved.

○ I've got nothing to complain about.

○ It’s hard to say.

ESL Brains 3
Let’s learn some vocabulary!

ESL Brains
Match the sentence halves.

A. When I can’t control something in

1. spend with my friends.
my life,
2. I feel like everything is about to fall
B. At the current stage of my life, my
career is
3. going at full blast.
C. I never struggle with finding time to
4. up a huge chunk of my life.
D. Taking care of my health is on
5. the back burner now.
E. Managing household chores takes
6. keep up with the pace of modern
F. I often feel anxiety because I am
unable to

ESL Brains 5
Let’s check the answers.

A. When I can’t control something in

1. spend with my friends.
my life,
2. I feel like everything is about to fall
B. At the current stage of my life, my
career is
3. going at full blast.
C. I never struggle with finding time to
4. up a huge chunk of my life.
D. Taking care of my health is on
5. the back burner now.
E. Managing household chores takes
6. keep up with the pace of modern
F. I often feel anxiety because I am
unable to

ESL Brains 6
Find the phrases in the sentences (A-F) that have the same meaning as the phrases
on the right.
A. When I can’t control something in my life, I feel
like everything is about to fall apart. 1. collapse, break down

B. At the current stage of my life, my career is 2. be as fast as

going at full blast.
3. have problems or difficulties
C. I never struggle with finding time to spend with with
my friends.
4. having low priority
D. Taking care of my health is on the back burner
5. consume, occupy
6. with maximum speed, power or
E. Managing household chores takes up a huge
chunk of my life.

F. I often feel anxiety because I am unable to keep

up with the pace of modern life.

ESL Brains 7
Let’s check the answers.

A. When I can’t control something in my life, I feel

like everything is about to fall apart. 1. collapse, break down

B. At the current stage of my life, my career is 2. be as fast as

going at full blast.
3. have problems or difficulties
C. I never struggle with finding time to spend with with
my friends.
4. having low priority
D. Taking care of my health is on the back burner
5. consume, occupy
6. with maximum speed, power or
E. Managing household chores takes up a huge
chunk of my life.

F. I often feel anxiety because I am unable to keep

up with the pace of modern life.

ESL Brains 8
Let’s talk!

ESL Brains
Say if you find the statements relatable.

● When I can’t control something in my life, I feel like everything is

about to fall apart.

● At the current stage of my life, my career is going at full blast.

● I never struggle with finding time to spend with my friends.

● Taking care of my health is on the back burner now.

● Managing household chores takes up a huge chunk of my life.

● I often feel anxiety because I am unable to keep up with the pace of

modern life.

ESL Brains 10
Talk about the stages of life using the points below.

when you’re when you’re when you’re when you’re

a teenager in your 20s in your 30s in your 60s

● things people struggle with

● things that people put on the back burner

● things that take up a huge chunk of people’s lives

● things that go at full blast

ESL Brains 11
In a moment, you’ll watch a video about:

the four burners theory

But first…
ESL Brains
Complete the four gaps with your ideas.

The four burners theory suggests that we look at life like it is a

stovetop with four burners. Each burner represents a key part of a
person's life: one is _______, one is _______, one is _______ and one is

ESL Brains 13
Watch the beginning of the video (to 00:45) and compare your answers with what
the speaker says.

The four burners theory suggests that we

look at life like it is a stovetop with four
burners. Each burner represents a key part
of a person's life: one is _______, one is
_______, one is _______ and one is

ESL Brains 14
Let’s check the answers.

The four burners theory suggests that we

look at life like it is a stovetop with four
burners. Each burner represents a key part
of a person's life: one is _______, one is family
_______, one is _______ and one is friends health
_______. work

ESL Brains 15
Watch the rest of the video (from 00:45) and answer the questions.

A. What does the four burners

theory state?

B. What seasons are there in

our lives?

C. In what way can this

framework be helpful?

ESL Brains 16
Let’s check the answers.

A. What does the four burners You can only have three of the burners going at full blast, meaning you
theory state? have to sacrifice some parts of your life to succeed in others.

There are some phases in our lives when we are focused on one thing
and others when we prioritize different goals. Something we're
B. What seasons are there in
excited about will take up a huge chunk of our lives, while all the
our lives?
others will be on the back burner, but this is a temporary state.

It’s easy to think that others have it all. However, the framework serves
C. In what way can this as a reminder that all of us struggle with the same things and have to
framework be helpful? balance our lives, so there’s no need to chase the perfect balance.

ESL Brains 17
Let’s discuss!

ESL Brains
Discuss the questions.

● Do you agree that we need to sacrifice some parts of life to

succeed in others? Why/Why not?

● Why do some people chase the perfect balance and want to

have it all?

● How can the speaker’s ideas help someone who struggles with
life balance?

● Do you know any strategies to use when you’re overwhelmed

with life?

ESL Brains 19
Let’s think!

ESL Brains
Say which of the ideas you would try to make your life more balanced and
explain why you wouldn’t try others.
● asking colleagues for help with complicated tasks

● hiring a babysitter

● ordering food

● taking up shared hobbies with friends

● finding a job with flexible hours

● using technology to save time

● making cooking a healthy dinner a family activity

● hiring a cleaner

● exercising during the workday

● setting screen time limits

ESL Brains 21
Let’s revise!

ESL Brains
Correct one word in each sentence.

A. The two things that people struggle for when looking for a job are…

B. The two things people can’t keep up on when they are stressed at work

C. The two things in student life that are in the back burner during
university exams are…

D. In my experience, plans fall off in two cases: …

E. The two things that take upon a lot of working time are…

F. I (don’t) like it when the music is playing under full blast for two
reasons: …

ESL Brains 23
Let’s check the answers.

A. The two things that people struggle for when looking for a job are… with
B. The two things people can’t keep up on when they are stressed at work with

C. The two things in student life that are in the back burner during on
university exams are…

D. In my experience, plans fall off in two cases: … apart

E. The two things that take upon a lot of working time are… up
F. I (don’t) like it when the music is playing under full blast for two at
reasons: …

ESL Brains 24
Complete the statements with your ideas.

● The two things that people struggle with when looking for a job are…

● The two things people can’t keep up with when they are stressed at work

● The two things in student life that are on the back burner during
university exams are…

● In my experience, plans fall apart in two cases: …

● The two things that take up a lot of working time are…

● I (don’t) like it when the music is playing at full blast for two reasons: …

ESL Brains 25

ESL Brains

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