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Mental health is a serious issue that should be given specific care nowadays.

The economical
growth and the work pressure is a great deal to all the individuals as they are supposed to
excel in work without having worklife balance. According to the 2019 National Health and
Morbidity Survey, 500,000 Malaysians were found to be suffering from depressive
symptoms. Additionally, according to consultant psychiatrist and president of the Malaysian
Mental Health Association Datuk Dr. Andrew Mohanraj, the pandemic's beginning has
increased the number of instances of anxiety and sadness. According to an article, mental
health is defines as a condition of wellbeing known as good mental health is one that enables
people to successfully manage life's typical pressures. (Fusar-Poli et al., 2020) However,
there has been a rise in recent years in attempts to spread awareness about mental health in
Malaysia, whether from organisations or notable people. The stigmas associated with mental
illness are being reduced as society becomes more aware of it, but it also accomplishes much
more. Having a better awareness of mental illness, for instance, might help people identify
persons in their lives who may be struggling with anxiety, depression and other conditions
that have an impact on their mental health. This might even lead to a realisation of one's own
mental health issues. According to an article, mental health condition in the workplace are
estimated to cost RM14.46 billion in 2018 despite efforts by the Malaysian government
increasing number of counsellors. (Sook Ning Chua, 2020). In this assignment, we will
discuss on five core objectives of psychiatric care are interconnected and work together to
improve the quality of life of individuals with mental health disorders and how promoting
mental health can help to prevent the development of mental health disorders and improve
overall wellbeing. The objectives of mental health are promoting mental health, preventing
mental illness, assessing and diagnosing mental health disorders, providing effective
treatment and management and promoting recovery and rehabilitation. The ways to promote
mental health are mental health can be promoted in schools, encourage work life balance to
ensure good mental healthcare among workers, parents plays an important role in promoting
healthcare and government and private sectors plays role in promoting mental health.

Five core objectives of psychiatric care

Promoting mental health

The first core objective of psychiatric care is promoting mental health. It is very important to
promote mental health. People nowadays are busy with their daily life chores until they didn’t
notice about their mental health. Promoting mental health at wokplace is a good way to create
awareness among them to know the sign and symptoms of depression and anxiety. When they
encounter they would have a rough idea on how to handle it. Promoting mental health helps
people to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to promote and protect their own mental
well being. By doing mental health promotions, the workers will be alert of their mental
health and this will create a positive working environment for them. For example, every last
day of work they can be given 30 minutes of sharing session. This will allow them to share
their problems with their collegues regarding work to achieve peace in their working
environment. According to an article, some financial incentives for employees may be
acceptable to lessen this financial strain and mental health issues. (Oakman et al., 2020)

Preventing mental illness.

The next objective of psychiatric care is preventing mental illness. Psychiatric care is helpful
in preventing mental illness. This is because when a patient suffers with anxiety and
depression psychiatric care encourage them to teach them techniques like breathing technique
to cope up with their mental condition. Psychiatric care also includes counselling sessions
with the psychiatrics. In this conversation the patient’s are monitored to avoid worsening
symptoms that can lead to mental illness such as schizphrenia and adjustment disorders.
Counseling will be provided by trained psychiatrics to ease the patient’s condition. There are
few risk factors that cause mental illness that can be prevented. Risk factors are broader
social ecological, psychological or personal elements connected to a higher risk of having a
mental health illness. The majority of diseases are multifactorial, rather than being caused by
a single risk factor acting alone, and they develop as a result of a mixture of risk factors
acting either concurrently or cumulatively over time. A person's likelihood of developing a
mental health disorder is decreased by seven protective factors. A person's mental health and
wellbeing can be improved and protected by protective factors, which can also operate as a
barrier to guard against risk factor exposure and lower the likelihood that a person will
become ill. According to an article, patients with COVID-19 may encounter a range of
stressors and traumatic experiences in addition to the symptoms of the disease itself,
including problems getting into hospital wards, physical and social isolation, and the deaths
of other patients or family members. (Liu et al., 2020)

Assessing and diagnosing mental health disorders.

Morover, the next objective of psychiatric care is assessing and diagnosing mental health
disorders. A mental assesment is done by a doctor or a psychiatrist. They may do a physical
exam, run lab tests, collect mental health history, personal history, mental evaluvation and
cognitive evaluvation. Assessing and diagnosing mental health disorder is not an easy job as
it requires professionals to question the patients. This can prevent the illness in the early
stage. During a physical exam medical professional would check for other illness such as
thyroid disorder or neurological problem as it may seem like mental disorder. The drugs used
before this also should informed to the doctor to know whether it’s the side effect of the
medication. The next is lab test. Doctor may ask the patient to provide with samples like
urine, blood, brain scan and other suitable tests to examine clinically. Doctor may also
question about the frequency of the symptom and family problems or of there is any history
of taking psychotic treatment. Not only that, doctor may ask about personal history to know
the lifestyle of the patient and to know the specific trigger of the patient. This is also to know
the major traumas had by the patient. Medical practioner will aso evaluvate the patients
mental condition by giving them questionaires such as whooley and GAD 7 to assess their
symptoms and the frequency of the symptoms.

Providing effective treatment and management

Furthermore, providing effective treatment and management is also one of the objectives in
psychiatric care. Psychiatric care also involves providing apropriate treatment to the patients
to recover and to live quality lifestyle. Psychotherapy is given by trained medical
professionals. It is done to know the feelings, behaviours and the thoughts of the patient and
it is more effective if done with the medications. This promotes recovery faster. Example of
psychotherapy are cognitive behavioural therapy, dialetical behaviour theraphy and exposure
therapy. Medications are also effective treatment for patients. Examples of medications used
in mental illness are antipsychotic, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, tranquilizers, sleeping
pills and stimulants related medications. Antipsychotic medications can help reduce or in
some cases, eliminate hearing unwanted voices or having very fearful thoughts. They can
promote thinking clearly, staying focused on reality, and feeling organized and
calm. Antidepressants help reduce such feelings as sadness or depressed mood and anxiety as
well as suicidal thoughts. Mood stabilizers help reduce or eliminate extremes of high and low
moods and related symptoms. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills can reduce anxiety and
insomnia and help you feel more relaxed. Stimulants and related medicines can have a
calming effect and help improve concentration and attention span in both children and
adults. However, the medical practitioners have to ask the advice from other to help with
medications which is suitable for the patient. The can also ask someone with similar
experience and sometimes may try the medications to know the medication is suitable or not
for the patient. Medical professionals should manage the case effectively to facilitate
recovery. Hospitalization is also needed if the person’s mental illness has become worsening.
According to an article, although the treatments are effective for some patients, it need to be
improved to yield a better result. (Cuijpers et al., 2020)

Promoting recovery and rehabilitation

Psychiatric care is promoting recovery and rehabilitation. Recovery and rehabilitation

happens ater the patient is diagnosed and may have come for several visits and the patient is
stable without aggressive act. Patients with mental disorders should be encouraged to involve
in daily household activities. They can be given simple house chores such as sweeping the
floor to normalise doing daily activities. They should be encouraged to participate in self care
management . They should be trained to bath on time and to do basic self care such as cutting
the nails and combing hair. They can be given praising on daily basis to boost their confident.
Another part of recovery is safety and protection. Female patients should be taken care of as
they are easily manipulated. This can lead to rape cases. Other family members who stay with
the patient should always monitor the patients. They should inform the doctor if there is any
changes in their behaviour such as I the patient seem to like aggressive or tries to hurt
himself. The caregivers should be responsible for them. Thy should know them well and try
to protect the patients. Awareness should becreated in the community as if they see any
patients on street without caretaker they should report to the family member or the police as
the patients sometimes do not remember their way back home.

How promoting mental health can help to prevent the development of mental health disorders
and improve overall wellbeing.
Can be promoted in schools

First of all, mental healthcare can be promoted in schools. Schools has been the fundamental
learning system for the kids. According to reliable figures from the United Kingdom, one in
eight children and young people suffer from mental health issues, which may have expensive
long-term repercussions(Hayes et al., 2019). Children spend more time in school with their
friends in school. Hence, it is important to promote mental healthcare in schools. The first
way to promote mental helathcare in school is by encouraging social time. They can be given
time for example 30 minutes a week to socialise with their peers. They can be divided into
groups and be given simple tasks such as colouring or puzzles to be solve together with their
peers. This will improve their communication skills with their peers and provide a good
environment for their mental health growth. Next, is to have open door policy. The children
need to be taught that they should express their feeling whenever they need. A teacher can be
inchage of mental healthcare for every week for the children to talk. They can be encourage
to discuss any issues to their teachers whenever they want. Teachers should be trained to
listen and to give advice that is suitable for the children’s age and they should engage with
parents to talk about the children’s mental health. This will help the parents to understand
their children better to give a non stressful environment for the children at home. The next is
hosting sport activities. Hosting sport activities is important as this can help to reduce the
stress of the childrens. It may divert the children’s mind from school educational system and
to sweat out to improve physical health as well. Sports activity is best known to boost
endorphins that can improve the sense of well being. Sports may boost their self estem too.

Encourage work life balance

Morover, workplaces should encourage work life balance to ensure good mental healthcare
among workers. As we spend most of our time at workplace, our incharge should provide a
healthy environment to achieve a better outcome without exhausting the staffs. First way is,
built trust between workers and the organisation. This can be achieved by having good
communication skill between them. The organisation should listen to their staff whenever
they complain about overworking. Most of the problems happen when the organisation
ignores them and eventually will effect the staff’s mental health. For example, the
organisation could prepare a psychiatrist to help them to listen and to be a mediator between
the staff ad the organisation. Second is mental healthcare can be promoted by taking a break
from hectic work simply by going on vacation. The staffs can be brought for vacation either
sponsored by the company or on own to release stress. They should be given adequate time to
take off to enjoy themselves. Company trips also will do. Going trip with collegues will help
them to build good bond with cooworkers making them easier to communicate while working
and this convenient will help in preventing mental health problems. The next is, the
workplace can organise talks regarding mental healthcare to create awareness among the
staffs. They can teach them the sign and sympthoms of mental health problems and even
prepare a psychiatrist to give free consultation the problematic staffs. This will prevent
mental health disorders among working adults. According to an article, having good worklife
balance will make the employees feel good, less stress at work and experience satisfaction
towards their work. (Bataineh, 2019)

Parents play an important role

Furthermore, parents plays an important role in promoting healthcare among children to

prevent mental health disorders. Parents are the first person in every child’s life. Therefore,
parents should themselves be a role model for the children. Parents themselve should potray a
good mental health for the kids to look and learn. Parents can be open with their feelings
without oversharing the details so that they could expect the same from their children. This
will build the trust of the children towards their parents. Parents should always communicate
with the kids. A good communication between them will let them to know more about their
childen’s behaviour. Any wrong behaviours or thought can be corrected if the parents listen to
their children. Social health is a key part of mental health. Having good communication may
help the children to release their stress. This will develop a good mental healthcare. The next
is, parents should allow children to experience failure. This is an important way to build their
mental health. This will help them to find a way to solve their failure in future without
depending on others. This will boost their mental health. Even when there is no one around to
help them in future theyy would find a way as they have strong mental health training since
small. According to an article, it is concluded that parent-child discussion prevented them
from developing severe symptoms of depreession, anxiety aand stress even when they parents
failed to find benefit in pandemic. (Tang et al., 2021)

Government and private sectors

The last is government and private sectors plays an important role in promoting healthcare.
Malaysian health ministry and non-government association(NGO) should come up with more
violence prevention programmes to create awareness among the people. They should
organise talks especially in rural areas to enlighten the people with lower education level.
This will develop mental awareness in them. The government sector and NGO could also
create programmes for vulnerable group such as migrants, minorities and people affected by
disaster. They can build camps to give free counselling to the people involved. They should
also give moral support to these people to prevent any mental issues in future. They can
provide them with food and neccesaries to comfort them temporarily to reduce the trauma
they are going through. This will prevent intense trauma and will help them to lead a life with
good mental health in future. The next is government sector and NGO should provide
opportunities for youngsters and help to build their leadership skills. After the pandemic it’s
been difficult for the youngsters out there to find a job. Being in their 20’s and unable to get a
job will make them depressed as they are unemployed or doing the job that they are not
interested. Government and private sectors should provide more job opportunities to the
youngsters to build a healthy lifestyle for them. This may also reduce the crime rate as more
job opportunity will reduce crimes like robbery. Job opportunties will also help to build the
leadership quality within them because they are the leaders of the country in future. This will
build a community with healthy mindset and will help to prevent mental health disorders and
to improve the overall well being. According to an article, in Pakistan private sectors have
provide higher secondary and primary levels learning continuity during pandemic Covid-19.
(Maqsood et al., 2021)


As conclusion, in this assignment we have discussed five core objectives of psychiatric care
are interconnected and work together to improve the quality of life of individuals with mental
health disorders and how promoting mental health can help to prevent the development of
mental health disorders and improve overall wellbeing. The objectives of mental health are
promoting mental health, preventing mental illness, assessing and diagnosing mental health
disorders, providing effective treatment and management and promoting recovery and
rehabilitation. The ways to promote mental health are mental health can be promoted in
schools, encourage work life balance to ensure good mental healthcare among workers,
parents plays an important role in promoting healthcare and government and private sectors.
Mental health resembels the growth of the country. Mental health should be given attention to
produce good leaders without mental issues in future. Growing mental health awareness not
only contributes to the fight against stigma, but also accomplishes much more. For instance,
gaining a better awareness of mental illness can help individuals spot persons in their lives
who could be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other conditions that have an impact on
their mental health. This might even involve coming to terms with one's own mental health

(2988 words)

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