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Unit 1

Vocabulary I

Exercise 1

1 e-reader; 2 cloud; 3 online tutorials; 4 posts; 5 apps; 6 charger; 7 social media; 8 earphones

Exercise 2

1 laptop; 2 posts; 3 social media; 4 e-reader; 5 app; 6 earphones; 7 online tutorial; 8 the cloud

Exercise 3

1 the cloud; 2 social media; 3 charger; 4 app; 5 earphones; 6 online tutorial; 7 e-reader; 8 posts

Vocabulary II

Exercise 1

1 off; 2 up; 3 up; 4 on; 5 out; 6 up; 7 up; 8 back

Exercise 2

1 look up; 2 turn up; 3 call back; 4 catch up with; 5 turn off; 6 log on; 7 find out; 8 set up

Exercise 3

1 find out; 2 look up; 3 log on; 4 set up; 5 turn up; 6 call back; 7 turn off; 8 catch up with

Grammar I

Exercise 1

1 love watching; 2 do you; 3 Do you use, I do; 4 don’t upload; 5 listening to; 6 have, she
doesn’t; 7 like posting

Exercise 2

1 do you want; 2 playing; 3 don’t think; 4 do you play; 5 loves; 6 Do you have; 7 do; 8 does
your sister like; 9 doesn’t

Exercise 3

1 is; 2 never lose; 3 don’t save; 4 upload; 5 does; 6 know; 7 posting; 8 looking; 9 do I like;
10 do; 11 do you think; 12 Do you want; 13 studying; 14 don’t love

Grammar II

Exercise 1

1 Did Billie come, she did; 2 went; 3 didn’t drive; 4 How did you call; 5 didn’t have; 6 Did you
turn off, I did; 7 did they buy

Exercise 2

1 Did you call back, did; 2 made; 3 did you speak; 4 did Jenny set up; 5 Did we catch up with,
did; 6 didn’t turn off; 7 did Sara’s presentation go

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Exercise 3

1 phoned; 2 did; 3 posted; 4 logged on; 5 saw; 6 did it say; 7 said; 8 didn’t feel; 9 wrote; 10 Did
you delete


Exercise 1

1 The government controls everyone. 2 They are screens. 3 He wants to have a girlfriend and a
normal life. 4 Yes, she did. 5 George Orwell wrote the book in 1948. 6 Because social media
and advertisements influence our lives like in 1984. 7 Some parts made her very sad and she

Exercise 2

1 False; 2 False; 3 False; 4 True; 5 True; 6 True; 7 False


Presenter: Hello and welcome to Technology Today. In tonight’s programme we are going
to talk to three young people to find out what are the ‘must have’ gadgets and
technological items for the young people of today. Our guests tonight are Jack,
Lily and Rob. Hi.
Jack, Lily and Rob: Hello.
Presenter: So, Jack. Let’s start with you. First of all, how old are you?
Jack: I’m 16.
Presenter: What is the most important technological item in your opinion, Jack?
Jack: It’s definitely my tablet.
Presenter: Really? Why?
Jack: Because I can basically do everything with it, I can surf the Internet, send emails,
download video clips. Everything I need to do. But the most important thing is I
can take it with me everywhere I go. It’s cool!
Presenter: Do you use it for educational purposes? I mean for school?
Jack: Sure. I research things on the Internet and it’s really useful for homework too.
Presenter: Lily, how about you? How old are you?
Lily: I’m 15.
Presenter: And what’s your number one gadget?
Lily: Well, I’ve got a new phone which is great, but I think the best gadget is my MP3
player. I love music and I can use my MP3 player to download new songs. I can
listen to them anywhere – at home, on the bus, in the park, even at school, in
the breaks, of course! My phone’s really useful too, though.
Presenter: OK, and how old are you, Rob?
Rob: I’m 15 too.
Presenter: And what gadget is absolutely essential for you?
Rob: That’s a difficult question. I think a lot of different gadgets are important for me,
my mobile phone, for example, and my computer. I’ve got an MP3 player too,
and it’s really cool. But I think perhaps the most important one is my digital
camera. I’m really interested in photography and I’ve got a really nice camera. I
take pictures all the time and the camera's software lets me edit the photos,
upload them to the Internet and share them with my friends. I really enjoy doing

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

Presenter: Thank you, Rob. OK, that’s all we have time for …

Exercise 1

1 kids and teens; 2 16; 3 when he is away from home; 4 to work and have fun; 5 MP3;
6 doesn’t ever listen; 7 digital camera

Exercise 2

1 surf; 2 video clips; 3 homework; 4 downloading songs; 5 useful; 6 computer; 7 editing


Students’ own answers

On the Pulse 2nd Edition 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2021

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