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Alisya Reviana


Blending Assessment and Feedback for Learning

 Blended assessment: Uses both online and onsite methods to evaluate student
learning, providing a wider range of tools and flexibility.
 Benefits of blended assessment:
o Improves variety of assessments to avoid repetition and cater to different
learning styles.
o Increases frequency of assessments for better progress tracking and reduced
o Enables more authentic assessments with real-world content and simulations.
o Enhances feedback on performance with specific actionable guidance.
 Types of onsite assessments:
o Quizzes and exams for knowledge retention.
o Online discussions for participation and understanding.
o Projects and presentations for applying and showcasing skills.
o Peer reviews for collaborative learning and feedback.
o Interactive modules for engaging assessments and simulations.
 Benefits of onsite assessments:
o Easier to maintain assessment integrity and prevent cheating.
o Facilitate physical demonstration and real-time intervention.
o Provide authentic presentation experience with audience interaction.
o Support interpersonal interactions in language courses.
 Types of online assessments:
o Online quizzes and exams for objective and automated scoring.
o Digital paper submissions and collaborative editing for efficient workflow.
o Peer assessment for faster and comprehensive feedback.
 Benefits of online assessments:
o Reusability and flexibility for time and space.
o Multimedia integration for engaging assessments.
o Automation for efficient scoring and feedback delivery.
 Strategies for supporting academic honesty online:
o Review collaborative contributions using revision history tools.
o Assess progressively in stages and build on previous work.
o Reduce stakes and increase frequency of assessments.
o Make learning meaningful and build intrinsic motivation.
o Encourage sharing on the open Web for increased visibility and feedback.
 Setting expectations for online assessments:
o Provide clear and concise instructions.
o Clearly state learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
o Give specific expectations and grading rubrics.
o Explain submission procedures for graded assignments.
 Online grading methods:
o Manual entry in gradebooks.
o Automatic scoring for objective quizzes.
o Semi-automatic scoring with online rubrics.
o Spreadsheet upload for offline scores.

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