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Once upon a time, there were eight great clans upon the world of Donald's Rest.

Their world was a

cold place, with thin atmosphere. But the Clans were the greatest of the families that had founded the
world, and they built for themselves a home on the tundras and mountains and sweeping plains.

Then came Union.

And with it, a world beyond the dreams of the Clans upon Donald's Rest.

The Clans knew what came next, they were wise in their ways. They saw what Union offered. The
chance to spread their families out beyond the hard and cold Donald's Rest. The risk of the great
Corpro-States breaking down their ancient ways of living.

There was only one option for them.

It was Grimm Clan (Children of the Rails, Masters of the Old Vaults, Kings Of the Mountains) who lead
the charge. They would become the Fatherclan, adopting the other seven great Clans as Sons. So it
was, and so Grimm & Sons was born with the blessings of Union, a Corpro-State in name only.

More truly they were a Corpo-Clan; and they set to work eagerly, aiding Union in building the Blinkgate
for the Sommena System. It was there that the first of their mechs, the John Henry, was born.

They never really looked back after that.

G&S is famous in the outer rim of the Galaxy for their works building colonies and aiding fledgling
frontier worlds in the taming of their wilderness. Heavy industry and civil engineering remain their
breadwinners, praised almost universally. Their mechs however... G&S mechs have a reputation for
unstable systems, strict ammo counts, and bizarre quirks. The great Corpro-Clan is good at a great
many things, but Mech design is consistently not one of them. Despite its unprofitable nature for them,
G&S pushes forward with their licensing programs out of pure ancestral love for the art of mech

(Design by Delilah)
(Art by Moid )
(LCP by hellaspooks)
John Henry- A former industrial mech, now a standout Heavy CQB mech that… might melt if you
don’t manage its powerful weapons properly
Volk- Often called a knockoff Blackbeard, this Big Bad Wolf is a lightning fast Brawling mech that
won’t steer you wrong…. If you can stretch its ammo and fuel long enough.
Jack- A ready, able and agile All-Rounder whose talent for giant-slaying can lead you to victory…
provided its guns and drones don’t jam when you try out those neat features.
Bunyan- An utterly massive industrial mech turned superheavy Defender, it’ll keep your team safe! ...if
it can haul its giant butt over there fast enough...
Dorothy- A solidly built search and rescue mech repurposed into a Combat Support mech... who is
surprisingly stable, all told. A rarity in G&S.
Magarac- A walking Fortress-Factory who can defend without compare and turn back death itself...
if you can manage its limited armament and speed that is.
Orlando- This Knight In Shining Armor is a premier Linebreaker crashing its way through any and
every enemy that dares to stand before it… If it doesn’t charge off a cliff.
Anansi- This Control Sniper has a story to tell. He has a thousand thousand stories to tell... if you can
utilize the wisdom of Br'er Spider correctly.
Max- A memory of our flight from Cradle, from the Fall and the Little War and all the horrors mankind
knew in those dark days. Max will make you a Brawler and a killer, things we shouldn’t need anymore.
Scheherazade- Both new and old, the Scheherazade uses its strange technology to shuffle the
battlefield into her perfect story…. If you can master her mysteries, no one will match your Battlefield

Grimm & Sons Core Bonuses

You know, a lot can be said for Passion. We’ve got plenty of it, we make sure it's in every design. That
love for what you’re making... you can feel it can’tcha? But that’s the trouble... There are some...
Design Issues that can’t be solved with Passion alone. So we made these, gifts for folks who’ve been
good customers, to help keep them good customers. To make sure that they get home safe and sound
when the day is done.

Koschei-Class Secondary Mobility Modification

● A reflex module and series of emergency limbs installed into your mech. The reflex module is a
mech-scale “muscle memory” program that helps keep the mech on its feet when put under
intense stress and the emergency limbs are there in case anything important gets shot off and
you need to stay mobile.
○ Your mech is Immune to the Slowed condition from sources other than yourself and
may stand from prone for 1/2 of your movement allowance rather than the full move.

Lilliputian Modifications
● So, the boys in the Mountain figured out a way to safely miniaturize the printing specs for most
standard type frames, the usage of GMS universal parts makes it easy to do! But it takes the
genius of the Grimm Clan to find a way to keep the reactor output stable when miniaturized.
There’s waivers and stuff involved when you use the mods, but that’s just what Vedevois said
we had to do or the DoJ’d come knocking
○ You may reduce mech's size by 1, to a minimum of 1/2. A size 1/2 mech that takes this
modification may fit through most doors. Additionally all actions against you taken as a
Reaction are at +1 difficulty.

A Family’s Pride
● One hand grips the gun, one finger pulls the trigger. But a thousand hands forged the gun. And
ten thousand hands mined the ore and made the bullets. Can you say you're greater than all
that? Of course not. You're another set of hands. Another part of the whole. Together we're
strong. So stand tall with this. A blessing from our Family to you. To make sure you get back to
your family.
○ If you would make an attack, save or skill check with net +1 difficulty, instead make the
roll with no accuracy or difficulty.

"Balm of Gilead" Nanoslurry Tanks

● Upgrading the spare parts and universal repair systems inherent to mechs and enhancing them
with the addition of our proprietary nanoslurry will make sure you don’t die! And really, isn’t that
just the best? We use the same kinda stuff in Dorothy’s nanotanks and it comes with a
manna-back-guarantee if it doesn’t save your skin at least once a deployment.
○ When you spend Repair to heal, or are healed by another player spending repair to do
so; you gain 2+GRIT Overshield.

“Angel’s Gift” Flash Printer

● Sometimes, you’re just tapped. Not enough RawMat for a real ammo-print or mine deployment.
And your friends, can’t be stealing bullets and grenades from them, that’s just a good way to
get shot. So whaddya do? You pull out this lil blessing. It’ll keep your tanks full as it can, but
its... well the Anlamanni boys don’t recommend using it on extended deployments or if you
gotta, only at the very end. S’not the most reliable stuff you get, printing off a raw coldcore
hookup. But it prints, Terra does it print.
○ You may attempt to use Limited Systems and Weapons if they are out of charges, if you
do so, roll 1d6. On a 4+ they work as though you had spent a charge to activate them.
On any other result, the system or weapon is automatically destroyed as whatever
cheapass ammo you shoved into it cooks off or a spare part goes flying and detonates
the whole thing.

New Tags

● Unreliable (X)
○ When you attack with this weapon, roll 1d6. On a 4+ the attack gains +X Difficulty, and
deals +2 Bonus Damage per Difficulty on hit.
● Exceed (X)
○ (Borrowed with permission from Creator Unreal’s QTA)
○ A weapon or system with Exceed can gain X heat when you make an attack or activate
the system to gain the listed effect.
● Slide
○ Any movement made by a system or action with Slide does not trigger Reactions and
ignores engagement
● Emplacement
○ Weapons with this tag can only be fired when Set Up. You may set this weapon as a
Size 1 object up in your space, an empty adjacent space, or an adjacent space
occupied by an ally as a quick action and it may only fire by any character sharing a
space with it. The weapon can then be packed up with another quick action while
adjacent to it.
● Nanite Coated (X)
○ When an enemy is hit with a weapon with Nanite Coated (X), they become coated with
nanites. The next melee or ranged attack that hits a target suffering this Condition
grants the attacker 1d6+X Overshield and ends this Condition. Nanite Coating does not
stack, instead the highest X value is applied.
Formerly an Industrial Mech meant for work both in Colony-building and in the maintenance of Solar
Rails, the G&S John Henry is a legacy suite of tools and weapons meant for the dangerous work of
building beyond the comfort of atmosphere. When the original Contract with Union that gave birth to
the John Henry was up; G&S were rich enough to play on the galactic field, but out of a job. So what
did they do? They repackaged John Henry for military licensing, spinning a successful industrial mech
into a battlemech and creating the rough and tumble legacy of Grimm & Sons. Without the John Henry,
G&S would not exist.

I. Molten Driver, Magnet Harness
II. JOHN HENRY Frame, “Giant” Class Myomar Musculature, Magneton Crusher
III. “Magarac” Class Pilebunker, Workman’s Pride


HP: 10 Evasion: 6 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 5

Armor: 2 E-Defense: 6 Size: 2 Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack:

Save Target:


Heavy Frame: The John Henry cannot be knocked back or prone by actors smaller than itself
A Mighty Man: When John Henry inflicts knockback to a target with a melee attack, it may take 1
Heat (Self) to force the target to make a Hull Save or be knocked prone
Steel Driving Man: John Henry treats Prone targets as Shredded when making melee attacks.
Slow: John Henry has +1 Difficulty on Agility checks and saves



Main Mount Heavy Mount RAIL-DRIVER

FRAME system

Born with a twenty ton hammer right in its hand, the G&S John Henry was designed to fulfill a
UNION contract for the construction of Blinkgates and Solar Rails. With the massive mechs birth
came the G&S Rail-Driver: An adamant compound hammer capable of the kind of work required on
those massive projects. When the John Henry was repackaged for military use, the hammer was not
removed. To do so, it was said, would kill the soul that made the mech.

Integrated Mount: Gain the G&S Rail-Driver, the hammer that won the western arm. It takes its own
special mount that cannot be modified, nor can the weapon be removed.

Heavy Melee (Hammer)
Threat 1
1 Heat (Self)
Knockback 2
2d6 Kinetic
Active (requires 1 core power): Mountain-Powdering Blows
Even outside the weight of gravity, John Henry is too strong for his own damn good.
The Rail-Driver gains the following weapon profile, replacing the original for the rest of the Scene:

Rail-Driver, Overclocked
Heavy Melee (Hammer)
Heat 4 (Self)
Threat 1
2d6+6 Kinetic
On Hit: Place a Blast 1 with at least one space adjacent to you, all characters in this blast must
make a Hull save or be Immobilized until the end of your next turn and knocked prone. The original
target makes this save at +1 Difficulty, even if they are not in the Blast. All objects in the blast take
30 AP kinetic damage from the shockwaves of your mighty hammer.

Molten Driver
An iconic piece of equipment for those used to work on Solar Rails, this frankly massive railgun is used
mostly for anchoring void-resistant plating to the outside of space stations and is capable of
superheating the rails it fires to help with penetration of those heavy materials. The military version
forgoes the traditional luna titanium spikes for spikes made almost entirely of Adamant Compounds.

Heavy Cannon
Line 5
Unreliable (1), Exceed
1d6+3 Kinetic Damage
Exceed (2): Weapon gains +1d6 Energy Damage

Magnet Harness
Designed using both conventional magnetics and the Union approved Hypermagnetic Systems, this
large, bulky system of rotating metal bands help create a small magnetic field that allows an equipped
mech to move through the dangerous terrain of 0G. And move up walls when down the gravity well,
albeit very much… worse.

1 SP
System, Unique
A mech equipped with this system treats all vertical and overhanging surfaces as flat ground for the
purposes of movement and no longer count as climbing these surfaces. However you may only move
½ speed vertically when under the effects of gravity (moving full speed vertically in 0G). In addition the
mech gives +1 Difficulty to being knocked Prone by enemy attacks while this system is installed.

“Giant” Class Myomar Musculature

Myomar Musculature is standard in a hell of a lot of mechs, but the “Giant” class of Musculature are
famous for their ability to wrench ton after ton of material straight out of the ground and set it down
with the gentleness of a kitten. Or hurl the whole lot at some poor fool. Outside of the gravity well, he
can probably catch and stop it if he’s equipped with “Giant” as well but otherwise….

2 SP
System, Unique
2 Heat (Self)
Quick Action
A mech with this modification may hurl terrain smaller than itself or destroyed enemies of any size in
adjacent squares as an improvised weapon by selecting a target within 10 Squares to take an Agility
Save; taking damage by the Size of the hurled weapon or half as much on a successful save. This
ability cannot be used on enemies with the “Strength in numbers” rule. If attempting to throw an
enemy or object of Size 3 or above, take additional heat for each size category above 2.
½: 1d3 Kinetic
1: 1d6 Kinetic
2: 2d6 Kinetic
3: 3d6 Kinetic +1 Heat (Self)
4: 4d6 Kinetic +2 Heat (Self)

Magneton Crusher
A modification of the Magnet Harness (a really simple but potentially explosive modification) allows for
a localized “big crush” effect, sending mech scaled enemies to their knees as their mechs suddenly
struggle with a sudden crushing weight on important systems.
2 SP
You may make a Ram action with a range of 5 squares. If successful, you do not move, but the
targeted enemy still suffers the effects of the ram.

“Big Bend” Class Pilebunker

Traditionally mech-scale pilebunkers pull back the pistons in a prompt manner, allowing a rapid use of
the full force of the blows. The Big Bend however, is based on much older designs (including the
rumoured and feared “Judgement” ) and requires at least a dozen seconds to fully prime for firing. But
when it does fire, hoo boy.

Superheavy Melee
Cone 3
Loading, Reliable (4)
4d6+2 Kinetic Damage
When unloaded, this weapon may be used with the following profile
Superheavy Melee
Threat 1
2d6+2 Kinetic Damage
Workman’s Pride
Inside the mech sits a man, and the man who uses the John Henry on a Solar Rail with a dozen others
knows that this kind of work can only be done by skilled humans. No Drone or AI program can ever
truly replace the swing of the hammer and the heat of the reactor. This song is the final gift of Master
Grimm LV, a man born a steel-driver.

3 SP
2 Heat (Self)
As a free action at the start of your turn, select an adjacent enemy. That enemy receives a “Worksong
Mark”. As long as the mark persists, the first melee attack made against the target each turn gains +1
The Volk is perhaps most well known for its use in the frontier, where G&S market it as the ultimate in
cheap and effective colony defense. Originally modified from lumber-mech designs, the Volk’s been...
tweaked... over the years by the enthusiastic Grimm engineers to the point where it bares little
resemblance to WOODSMAN class logger-mechs that are its direct predecessors. Now it resembles
nothing so much as a hot-rod engine that powers chainsaws, dead sprinting into gangs of pirates and
tearing them apart. Speed, force, and rending teeth are the traits Volk uses in the prosecution of its
duties. Some people call it a ripoff of the Blackbeard. Maybe. Maybe. That lawsuit didn’t prove
anything for anyone and was just really a waste of time. What matters is that our customers appreciate
the finer things in life. Like not breaking the bank on colony defense or hyperfauna hunting... and some

Some days the pirates say “My, what big saws you’ve got...” and you just have to answer

“All the better to rip n tear, my dear”

I. Utility Saws, “Bushwhacker” Module
II. Volk Frame, Burst Coat, Shot-Spear
III. “Boarkiller” Reflex Module, Askr Hypersaw


HP: 12 Evasion: 8 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 4 Sensors: 5

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 6 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack:

Save Target:


Howling Jets: The Volk may fly when it moves or boosts, but must land at the end of its movement.
If it does not land, it falls.
Biting Saws: The Volk may freely cling to and climb surfaces large enough to support it, digging
saws into them to scrabble up into place.
Exposed Reactor: The Vok suffers +1 Difficulty on all Engineering checks and saves



Main/Aux Mount Flexible Mount

CORE system

Fenrir Shredders

Original the “Chainhands” of the Woodsman-class lumber mech, the Fenrir Shredders have been as
overtuned and modified as the rest of the Volk- turning a simple utility into a deadly beast. With
Adamant compound teeth and direct power-lines to the Volk’s coldcore, the Shredders would be
deadly enough. What makes them truly terrible is the blistering speed at which a properly acclimated
pilot can swing a seemingly empty hand and tear the head off an unsuspecting victim. In
closer-than-close quarters, no one is more deadly than a Volk with saws revved to full speed.

Passive: 1/Round, when the Volk hits a character with a melee attack, it can deal 3 AP Kinetic
Damage to another character in Range 3

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Screaming Saws

Until the end of the scene, when you activate Fenrir Shredders, you may hit as many targets within 3
Spaces as you please. Any targets struck with the Fenrir Shredders may not make Overwatch
attacks against you

Utility Saws
You know you can just strap chainsaws to a mech? I love bein an engineer. The difference between a
combat saw and a utility one is just the speed at which you can deploy ‘em? Anyway, you can just get
a bunch of hullbreaker saws on a mech, so anything unlucky enough to stand still near you is gonna be
in a world of hurt.
2SP, Unique
When you successfully initiate a grapple you may deal 2 Kinetic Damage to the grappled target.
Additionally you may use a Quick Action to rev up your saws and deal 10 AP Kinetic Damage to
adjacent objects or terrain

“Bushwhacker” Module
You know, you put hooks on your weapons, you can just. Grab a dude and slam him around. It hurts
more than their mech, pilot, hurts their pride! And then you can kick ‘em while they’re down! They
probably deserve it for not buyin a G&S mech!
2SP, Unique, Mod
Pick a Melee weapon, when you hit a target with it, you may spend a Quick Action to swap places with
them and knock the target Prone.

Burst Coat
A specialized layer of Adamant Compound worked just beneath the armor of a mech allows for the
release of simple interference* when primed with a strong electrical charge. We guarantee the Burst
Coat will break locks and keep you safe when the enemy begins to fire on you!
*the appearance of the Adamant Compount interference is not “weird lightning” and Grimm & Sons is legally not responsible for what happens if you dump too
much juice into the Burst Coat, Adamant Compounts are a trademarked metamaterial utilized in many advanced systems created by Grimm & Sons.
2 SP, Limited 2, Unique, Reaction
Gain the Burst! Reaction
Trigger: An attack targets you but is not yet rolled
Reaction: You become Invisible until the end of your next turn. If the attack misses you, you may also
Slide 1

A hunting spear with underslung shotgun, originally designed to be used at human-scale for boar
hunting. You ever go hunting boars, pilot? Nasty critters. Don’t know when to die. That’s why we put a
shotgun in the spear, so you could shoot the boar afore it pushed down the spear and et your damn
face. What was I talkin about? Oh yeah! We made it big enough for a mech, so give it a try!
Main Melee
Threat 2
1d6+4 Kinetic Damage
You may continue to use with this weapon without reloading it, dealing 1d6 kinetic damage on hit.

“Boarkiller” Reflex Module

A Reflex Module is made by lettin a C/C watch someone do something for about a thousand hours,
creating a perfect recording of their movement, then extrapolating it into a “Muscle Memory Record”
someone with the right kinda headware can install. You can make ‘em for mechs too, but it takes
awhile for the recording to “kick in”, so be smart about it pilot.
2 SP, Unique, Shield
Quick Action
This system charges as Quick Action, while charged when you are hit by a melee attack you may
expend the charge to force the attacker to suffer Knockback 2 and make a Hull save or be knocked
Prone. Charges last until the next time your mech takes damage or the end of the scene, whichever
occurs first.

Askr Hypersaw
Combat chainsaws have ever been the obsession of all good mech technicians. We at G&S like to think
that between the Fenrir Shredders and the Askr, that we have the finest chainsaws on the market for
both combat and utility purposes. The Askr, especially, hits like a truck, chewing up armor and myomar
like nobody’s business! Our advice, swing for the legs, bring ‘em down like a tree!
Main Melee
Threat 1
1d6+2 Kinetic Melee
On Crit: The target must make a Hull save or become Shredded until the end of their next turn and
knocked Prone, only becoming Prone on a successful save.

This big lug used to be an industrimech, meant for hauling materials, setting up arcologies, that kinda
stuff. The drone too, it was just for keeping workers safe in case the building came down. Sure you can
have a C/C do the job, subalterns, but that’s not right. Men need work to stay sane, and you know?
Sometimes, bigger is better. We don’t mean to be crass! It’s just a fact sometimes. When you need a
point held, when you need people kept safe, when the chips are down and everyone needs a second
to catch their breath... that’s where Bunyan shines. The biggest mech on offer from we here at G&S.
That’s Bunyan. The last bastion, the one who wades through the thick of it, axe in hand and BABE
Drone at his side. C’mon pilot, step up to the plate and see if you can’t make a tale to be astounded by!

I. Jet Axe, Short Life Shielder
II. BUNYAN FRAME, “Pontchartrain” Entrenchment Tool, Ox-Class Musculature Reinforcement
III. Flash-Ammo Mortar, Rocky Mountain Defensive Drone

HP: 12 Evasion: 6 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 5

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 6 Size: 3 Repair Cap: 6 Tech Attack: +0

Save Target: 10


Guardian: The Bunyan can be used for hard cover by adjacent allied characters
Heavy FRAME: The Bunyan cannot be knocked back, pushed, pulled, or be knocked prone by
actors smaller than itself
Slow: The Bunyan gets +1 Difficulty on agility checks and saves



Heavy Mount

CORE system

Ballistic/Advanced Barrier Enhancement Drone

The Ballistic/Advanced Barrier Enhancement (BABE) Drone is some of the fanciest tech G&S has
ever managed to get off the ground without it going up in flames on them. The frankly massive and
clunky drone manages to output powerful shield to defend its core Frame from incoming
kinetic/ballistic fire, but most pilots see fit to use it to help their friends. G&S knows its customer
base well, and the full production line of Bunyan includes a built-in BABE drone, capable of being
supercharged with a dump from the coldcore. The tell-tale blue is your friend, pilot, trust in BABE
and he’ll bring your lance home.

Passive: As a reaction to an incoming attack, 1/round you may give yourself or an ally within your
sensor range resistance to kinetic damage until the start of their turn

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Big Blue Friend

Quick Action
You place your BABE Drone in an unoccupied space within your sensor range, it generates a Burst 3
shield that is bubble-shaped. Any attempts to enter or exit the shield through movement of any sort
must roll 1d6, on a 4+ the movement fails and the moving character takes 3 Kinetic Damage that
cannot be reduced. Any attack (tech, melee, ranged) that crosses the barrier must roll a d6, on a 4+
the attack fails. You may reposition the drone with a Quick Action on your turn.

Jet Axe
Would you believe me if I told you this was supposed to be for lumber? Yeah with the jet engine and
everything. They get some bigass trees out in the frontier, so we figured, make the axe faster! S’just
physics, right? Well, ends up, its actually pretty good for baseball swinging fools the hell out of your
buddy’s face when you really open up the jets and let the heat through your frame. What do you mean
you don’t know what baseball is.

Heavy Melee
Overkill, Knockback X
Threat 2
3d3+3 Kinetic
The knockback of this weapon is equal to the amount of times Overkill is triggered while rolling

Short Life Shielder

We made a simple lil drone, it latches onto your friends as part of benefic code delivery that most
mechs can broadcast to allies. When it latches on, it deploys a nice lil barrier! Either keeps your buddy
where he is, or you can burn out the drone and shield for a nice big pop! It's sort of a sonic boom?
Anyway, atmospheres don’t like it when you detonate warp-fields in them and it keeps assholes off
your buddy’s back, that’s what’s important here.

When you Bolster an ally, you may pick one of the two effects listed below in addition to the normal
effects of Bolster
Shield Pop: All actors adjacent to your bolstered target are knocked back 1 space away from your
Shield Brace: Until the start of their next turn, the Bolstered target reduces all involuntary movement
by 1 to a minimum of 0

“Pontchartrain” Entrenchment Tool

Sometimes, you just need a fuckoff big shovel. So that’s what we made! And then we put some of the
smaller terraforming tools we use for KINGDOM Colonies into it! Now you’ve got a lil hand terraformer!
It turns regular ground into a dangerous line that the enemy will think twice about crossing!

2 SP
Quick Action
Draw a Line 4 of Difficult Terrain adjacent to your mech. If any of the spaces of the line intersect with
Difficult Terrain already present on the map, it upgrades to Dangerous Terrain (Kinetic).

Ox-Class Musculature Reinforcement

“Strong as an Ox!” That’s what they say about people, but what about mechs? Well we decided that
reinforcing the myomar musculature should get you enough lifting and hauling power to either build a
city or tear it down, seemed easy enough to sell at least.

2 SP
Full Action
You may seize and tear a size 1 object, piece of hard cover, or part of an obstacle and hurl it as an
improvised weapon using your GRIT for the attack roll at an enemy within 10 spaces and Line of Sight,
targeting their Evasion. If you strike a foe with the torn-up terrain, deal 2d6 Kinetic Damage and place
a size 1 piece of Hard Cover next to them. You may also just hurl hunks of terrain into empty spaces,
where they act as Hard Cover to adjacent spaces.

Flash-Ammo Mortar
Yaknow, you can make some pretty cool ammo out of nanoslurry and spare parts! It's true, which is
how the Flash-Ammo Mortar fires. Weight restrictions on what our printers could handle means you
sorta have to shoot spare parts out of it, but, it hits like a damn truck. Hell! It hits like a whole damn

Heavy Cannon
AP, Arcing, Limited (1)
Range 15, Blast 2
3d6 Kinetic
This weapon’s Limited charges do not increase with Engineering, nor any other Core Bonus or effect
that increases limited charges. However, you may expend Repairs to fire this gun instead of using its
Limited Charge

Rocky Mountain Defense Drone

There’s this story, from the Vaults, (from the Homeland, from Cradle) about a giant of a man who with
an ax, an ox, and his will, tore mountains up from flat plains to defend his countrymen from an invading
army led by an evil saint. We made this, so you can be a hero too. Use it well pilot, use it well.

2 SP
Limited (2), Drone (10hp, 8 Ev, 8 Edef)
Quick Action
When this drone is placed adjacent to your mech, it creates a Line 5, 3 High shimmering shield that
blocks line of sight for enemy actors, but not allied actors. The Line is centered on the drone who may
be attacked, though it benefits at all times from Hard Cover. The shield lasts until the drone is
destroyed or the scene ends.
Built to compliment the Volk, the Grimm & Sons Jack is a solidly built line-mech meant for use on
frontier worlds. Boasted that it “Never needs a reload” and “Keeps on going when the going gets
tough” the Jack none-the-less suffers from heat problems and problems keeping its signature plasma
weapons working when it runs out of cooling racks. Its expertise, however, truly lays in fighting things
bigger than itself and supplying others with the means to survive encounters with the kind of frankly
stupid huge things one can run into on the frontier. Everyone underestimates the little guy, but Jack
has a habit of giant-slaying..

I. Plasma Pistol, “Be Nimble!” Reflex Module
II. JACK Frame, “Pumpkin” Class Markerlights, Plasma Repeater
III. “Golden Goose” Drone Nexus, “Golden Harp” Memetic Chaff

HP: 6 Evasion: 10 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack:

Save Target:


Giantkiller: The Jack ignores engagement from actors larger than itself. It can share spaces with
larger actors (even hostile ones) and move through their spaces unimpeded. While the Jack shares
space with a character, it has soft cover from all sources and resistance to all damage from the
character it shares a space with.
Adventurer: The Jack may climb and jump at full speed.



Main Mount Aux/Aux Mount

CORE system

“Beanstalk” Climbing Gear

Built out of climbing gear for use on mountainous frontier worlds and proved the Mediterranean
planet of Au Nova (Though there are rumours of G&S trying to smuggle Jacks onto Ras Shamra), the
“Beanstalk” climbing gear normally just helps the Jack handle rough terrain. But you know... if we
hook it up into your COLDORE, we can probably like, supercharge the magnetics and get you a
good enough grip to actually get up on another mech.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Scaling the Beanstalk

Gain the following Quick action for the rest of the Scene:
The Jack may attempt to Jockey a mech larger than itself that is adjacent with an Agi VS Hull test. If
successful the Jack moves into the opposing mech's square and moves when they do. You gain
Hard Cover against ranged attacks and the enemy mech can attempt to shake you off with another
Agi (Jack) VS Hull (opponent) as a free action on its turn. The mounted mech may attempt to attack
the Jack while it Jockeys, but suffers +1 Difficulty when doing so.

You also gain the following actions on your turn (using one after you jump on if you have the actions
to do so)
Sabotage- Inflict either Immobilized or Jammed on the jockeyed mech until the end of their next
Wreck- Deal 4 Heat to your target.
Open Fire- Fire with one of your weapons, ignoring Armor and Resistance.
Damage is decided by the size of the weapon
Aux (1d3+2)
Main (1d6+4)

Plasma Pistol
Pitched as the ultimate side-arm, the G&S Plasma Pistol is touted as having 0 reloads and superior
damage to other energy weapons: drawing hydrogen out of the air to create its solar-hot projectiles,
the pistol does have a flaw. To get that extra power, the whole damn pistol starts to overheat like the
small suns it fires, damaging the internals. This is likely to either destroy the pistol outright or futz with
the cooling racks enough that they’ll have to be field-swapped which is damn hard to do in the middle
of a fight.

Range 5, Threat 3
1d3 Energy damage
As a Limited (3) Attack, you may “Supercharge” this weapon, gaining the AP and Unreliable 1 Tags.
When you are out of Limited charges, you may still attack with the base profile and a high Engineering
score will add more Limited charges as normal.

“Be Nimble!” Reflex Module

A sort of “recorded muscle memory” that is installed into a mech, allowing for incredible feats of...
mostly shooting right back at anyone dumb enough to open fire on you. An odd little quirk of the Reflex
Module is that many pilots report a better subjectivity sync with their Jack; something G&S marks up to
the comforting feeling of muscle memory. Even if the muscle is myomar.

2 SP
Gain the Quickdraw reaction
When an enemy attack misses you, you may immediately fire with a single Aux weapon at the
triggering actor. If you hit with this attack, in addition to normal damage, they suffer Knockback 2

Plasma Repeater
Really just an upscaled version of the plasma pistol, the Plasma Repeater suffers from many of the
same problems of its smaller sibling, often getting so hot that the internals start to melt from the stress
of firing. But! You can flip cock it to cycle cooling racks. And isn’t that all worth it?

Main Rifle
Range 8
1d6+1 Energy damage
As a Limited (5) Attack, you may “Supercharge” this weapon, gaining the AP and Unreliable 2 Tags.
When you are out of Limited charges, you may still attack with the base profile and a high Engineering
score will add more Limited charges as normal.
Pumpkin Markerlights
A system of integrated launchers fire a sort of ‘sticky’ chaff that both clings to targets and, through
simple chemical reactions with the heat produced by mechs, releases a glow that makes shooting
them all the easier. It's actually named for the bright orange color of the sticky chaff, something many
pilots have called “festive”.

2 SP
1 Heat (self)
Select a target within line-of-sight and sensor range. This target cannot benefit from Soft cover (such
as smoke) or Invisibility. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn, after which the chaff loses
stick and falls off.

“Golden Goose” Drone Nexus

Is the “Golden Goose” drone based on nigh ancient resupply drones? Maybe. But it's one of the
newest pieces of tech put into the Jack. The drone actually uses a nanoslurry to create a cloud of
nanobots that slowly (but effectively) heal both the Jack and anything sharing its Tacnet. But that’s not
all! The Golden Goose can ‘burn’ itself, injecting its full payload of nanoslurry into a mech for major
repairs! But wait! Dear customer there’s one more little function baked into the thing: “Savior
Protocols”! A simple modification to the drone’s damage calculators allow it to tell when an attack may
do unacceptable harm to its charges and the drone is happy enough to sacrifice itself for the good of
the unit.

3 SP
Drone (Size 1/2, 5HP, 10Edef, 10Eva), Limited (2), Deployable
As a quick action you can set this drone down in any adjacent space. After your turn ends, the drone
primes and activates. All allied mechs within Burst 3 of the drone are healed 2 hit points per round.
Any ally within the burst may, as a reaction to receiving a critical hit or losing a point of structure, allow
the drone to be destroyed instead of taking the damage themself, this destroys the drone. Alternatively
any ally may, as a Quick action, supercharge the drone and giving all allied mechs within Burst 3
1d6+3 hit points, destroying the drone. The drone can be shot and destroyed if a single attack beats
its Evasion 12 and does benefit from cover.

“Golden Harp” Memetic Chaff

Fun fact, this piece of tech is actually reverse-engineered experiment from the much newer
Scheherazade’s data-vaults and worked into the aging Jack license in an attempt to enliven the brand.
So far, it’s worked! Pilots report enhanced survivability and utility, and only a few half-melted Jacks. So
really, all the kinks are worked out of it and the “Golden Harp” is going into full production in the
upcoming quarter.

3 SP
Unique, Protocol
Heat 2 (Self)
When this system is activated, create a Burst 2 centered on your mech; this burst moves with your
mech as an “Aura” when you move. This cloud provides Hard cover to yourself and all allied mechs
within the burst. Enemy mechs within the Burst do not benefit from this cover. This “Aura” lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Dorothy was designed for something other than the battlefield, like her brothers and sisters in the G&S
line up. She was built for search and rescue operations, to move into and through destruction and
flames and get humans to safety, utilizing a simple nanite-driven suppression foam as the signature
system. Of course, the Grimm clan can’t help themselves, taking a tool built by their relatives in Clan
Zahedi and turning it into a combat support mech. With just slight modifications its nanite suppression
foam becomes ravenous stripper-swarms that work to peel armor off enemy mechs. When the armor is
finally peeled off, the swarms bring it to a friendly to help patch them up! Its efficient don’tcha know!

I. Sprayer Gun, “Over the Rainbow” Drone System
II. DOROTHY Frame, Rubble Blaster, Stripper-Swarm Ammo
III. Layer Blade, Companion Drones


HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: 5 Tech Attack:
Save Target:


Environmental Sealing: The Dorothy has resistance to environmental damage (such as Dangerous
Terrain, extreme heat, void, extreme cold, et al) and cannot have Burn applied by environmental
Adventurer: The Dorothy may climb and jump at full speed
Emergency Boosters: The Dorothy always counts as having flight while underwater and 0g



Main Mount Main/Aux Mount

CORE system

Emerald Class Emergency Response Kit

The Emerald Emergency Response system uses Stripper-Swarm nanites to tear away at ruins and
create armor and shelter to... well rescue people. What happens when you overclock the Hive that
produces the nanites? Like with a Coldcore? Well They turn into the best damn suppression foam in
the galactic arm! “Suppress” isn’t even the right word for its properties! It's a damn panacea!

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Suppression Foam

Quick Action
Create a burst 10 area. End all conditions that the Stabilize Action could end on friendly actors in
this area. Hostile actors in this area must make an Agility save. On a failure, they are inflicted Nanite
Coated (5), or Nanite Coated (2) on a successful save.

Sprayer Gun
A simple, no nonsense shotgun, loaded with mech scale shells. But what’s more important is what’s in
the shells: Stripper-Swarm nanites that tear at armor and bolster allies. Its name is technically
incorrect... but hey! It does what it’ll need to do, hurt people and heal friends.

Main CQB
Range 5, Threat 3
Loading, Nanite Coated (2)
1d3+1 Kinetic damage
“Over the Rainbow” Autonomous Boosters
A simple modification of the Latch Drones well beloved by IPS-N customers and widely available from
many sources. These are nicer though, and not just because they have the G&S logo on them. They’ve
traded any repair capabilities for extra fuel to BOOST your friends into the sky and to where they need
to be. Safety. Or danger. Depends on the friend, don’t it?

2 SP
Limited (3)
Quick Action
Select an ally within Sensor Range. When they next Move or Boost, they may take 2 Heat (Self) to Fly
an additional 3 Spaces.

Rubble Blaster
It does exactly what it says it does. It busts rubble wide open, to let mechs like Dorothy through to
where people need saving. It's also really good at handling walls that aren’t rubble yet, but really,
that’s just a side effect of the design.

Main Cannon
Range 8
1d6+2 Kinetic damage
While equipped with this weapon, you may make the Jackhammer action even if you lack the talent for
it. If you would otherwise have Jackhammer, that action deals double damage.

Stripper-Swarm Ammo
A set of ammunition, the payload of which is a slurry-swarm of Stripper Nanites. Now any gun you can
shove them into becomes both a good gun and a tool that will keep your lance in the fight as long as
you keep firing.

2 SP
Limited (3)
Pick a ranged weapon that deals kinetic or explosive damage without an AoE and without Nanite
Coated. When you attack with this weapon, you may expend a charge of this system to give it the
Nanite Coated (3) and Unreliable tags.

Layered Blade
A short, chopping blade meant for clearing flora and other detritus in the course of the Dorothy’s
normal role that has been modified with a regenerating stripper-swarm coating. In practice its much
like a reactive blade. Only with the reactive coating being aggressive nanites rather than explosive

Main Melee
Threat 1
Unique, Loading, Nanite Coated (4)
1d3+2 Kinetic damage

Companion Drones
Designed for military application (by taking a bunch of regular drones and making them modular as shit)
the Companion Drones were worked into the Dorothy License in the hopes that they’d keep the little
trashcan alive long enough on the battlefield to do her job. Surprisingly, everything worked out fine,
and the Drones have been back-patched into the civilian version of Dorothy to see if they can help her
out in disaster relief deployments.

3 SP, Unique
This drone may be deployed in the following three patterns:
Lion: +5 HP and 1 Armor to the Drone’s stats. The drone makes an attack on all enemies within Burst
2 using your GRIT and dealing 1d6 Kinetic Damage at the end of your turn.
Scarecrow: +2 Evasion. Allies within Burst 2 of this drone cannot be targeted by Overwatch reactions.
Tinman: +2 EDef. The drone grants 3 Overshield at the start of your turn to all allies within Burst 2

Imagine it, won't you? We just take one of the orbital forges... and we put legs on it. We make it make
things. The smiths and engineers all subalterns networked under a Mother Goose clone and Pilot
working in tandem. A fortress. A factory. It'll turn back death. It'll do everything we need to make our
Promise. No more working into the grave. Just this. A magnum opus.

-Charity Zahedi, Lead Developer of the MAGARAC Production Project

Born from the promise of Grimm & Sons and the work of the Zahedi Clan, MAGARAC is a promise
made flesh in steel and fire. An orbital print-forge on legs, capable of creating entire towns in a matter
of hours, of putting together mechs in a matter of minutes, of making everything that needs to be
made. Within its titanic bulk is a veritable army of drones and subalterns, networked to the Pilot
through a series of complex command/control structures. The MAGARAC is in full production, despite
being a new design, sent out to the borderlands and frontiers of the galaxy where G&S sees the need
for their Promise- “Working for the Promised Land.”

I. Emergency Tether, Rapid-Print Cannons
II. MAGARAC FRAME, Portable Mortar Cannon, Armorcladding Systems
III. Emergency Nanolaminating System, TALL_TALE Class NHP


HP: 12 Evasion: 6 Speed: 2 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 5

Armor: 2 E-Defense: 6 Size: 4 Repair Cap: Tech Attack: 0

10 Save Target: 10


Behemoth: Allies may end their movement within the Magarac's spaces and adjacent allies may use
it as Hard Cover. The Magarac cannot take the Hide action, nor benefit from Invisibility.
Walking Factory: At your discretion, other characters adjacent to or within Burst 2 of the Magarac
can spend its Repairs as their own, many automated arms and subaltern engineers rushing to do the
Entrench: When the Magarac is Immobilized or spends a Quick Action to become Immobilized until
the start of its next turn, it gains Hard Cover and creates a Burst 1 of Difficult Terrain for the same
duration as it hastily erects spiked palisades.
Slow: The Magarac takes +1 Difficulty on all Agility Checks and Saves


Flexible Mount

CORE system

Brotherhood Automated Factory-Fortress

Look, behold, it's almost ready. It is everything we’ve worked for over the centuries. With this, we
won’t have to work for the Promised Land anymore. It’ll be here. In the Factory. In the Fortress. A
mech built our fortunes, a mech will make everyone’s fortunes. Teams of subaltern engineers and
automated armoring systems. We built the entire mech around an orbital-forge grade printer. It’ll
make a miracle.

We’ve waited so long for this day, someone to take the death away. We’re doing it, by our own
hands. No one else will. We’ll make sure of it. No one has to die, not today, not ever again.

I promise.

-Charity Zahedi

Passive: As a full action you may spend 4 repairs and return an adjacent, destroyed ally to 1
Structure/1 Reactor Stress and 1 HP.

Active (Requires 1 CP) Overclock Production Modules - Turn Back Death

For the rest of the scene, 1/round when an ally within your sensor range would Lose Structure or
become Destroyed, you may as a reaction roll 1d6. On a 3+ their HP is set to 1 and they do not lose
the Structure or become Destroyed. If an ally is adjacent to you, this effect happens automatically
with no need to roll.

Emergency Tether
STEP ONE: Prime Tether Launchers
STEP TWO: Allow Wingman Unit To Identify Friendlies

2 SP, Unique
1 Heat (Self)
When an ally within 8 spaces of you suffers a critical hit or loses Structure you may Slide them
adjacent to your Mech. You must Slide them in a straight line, or this reaction fails.
Additionally you may use this system to let an allied mech move down a sheer surface 8 Spaces with a
single move action, so long as their movement starts adjacent to your mech. Doing this does not inflict
Heat (Self).

Rapid-Print Cannons
If you replace the entire weapon mount with a weapons-grade printer, you can make some fine guns.
They don’t have many shots and literally decay into semi-useful matter-goo after a couple of hours, but
you can make them cheap and you can give them to people who need them. People who want to fight
but don’t have anything else.

Aux Cannon
Loading (3)
Range 6
1d3+2 Kinetic damage
This weapon has three chambers, all of which are reloaded when you take the Stabilize action (by
printing a new gun). When you attack with this weapon, you may empty all of the chambers at once to
grant this weapon Knockback 3
At your discretion, adjacent allies may remove this weapon from your mech as a protocol and use it
themselves as an Integrated Auxiliary Cannon with Limited (3) rather than Loading. When you stabilize,
you may Reclaim this weapon from any ally, removing it from their mech.

Portable Mortar Cannon

A more powerful version of the weapon-printers common to the Magarac license, the Portable Mortar
Cannon allows a pilot to print a short-lived artillery piece that can help it live up to the title of

Main Cannon
Emplacement, Arcing
Range 10, Blast 1
2d6+2 Explosive damage

Armorcladding Systems
Automated arms, linked-swarm drones, and subaltern engineers make up this system, dismounting and
unfolding from the equipped mech to apply spare plating and rapid-hardening nanoslurry to create
temporary armor to help keep your squad in the fight.

2 SP, Unique
Quick Action, 1/round
You may spend a repair to give an adjacent ally a temporary point of Armor that lasts until the end of
the scene.

Emergency Nanolaminating Systems

Nanolaminating is a process by which one reinforces the armor plating of a mech or other heavily
armored vehicle by applying specialized nanite-infested paints. The nanites use the paint as a medium
to create hardening polymers that reinforce existing armor and semi-repair gaps. This system uses a
simple fact: paint is liquid so you can probably just shoot it out of a big high-pressure hose and
everything’ll be fine.

3 SP, Unique
Shield, Overshield, Limited (1)
When an ally within 5 spaces of you suffers a critical hit, you may expend a limited charge from this
system and give your ally 1d6 Overshield before they take damage from the attack. You may grant an
additional 1d6 Overshield to your ally if you take heat equal to all Overshield granted this way.


Derived from clones of Grimm & Sons’ colonial NHP line, Mother Goose, and trained for field support,
the TALL_TALE Class NHP is often described as ‘faceless’ or ‘reactive’. Indeed, all the troublesome
overmothering of the base NHP class has been removed in favor of “flexible thinking”. TALL_TALE will
assist the pilot in whatever needs doing, bending the massive power of a mech reactor and ammo
printers to this end.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI property and the TALL_TALE Overclock.
TALL_TALE Overclock
Quick Action
4 Heat (self)
Limited (1)
Mark a Burst 3 around your mech as it releases a flood of repair drones, whitewash swarms,
and Nanoreactive Slurry from its repair and ammo printers. All enemy actors must make an
Agility save or become Immobilized until the end of their next turn. All allies within the Burst
gain 1d6+4 Overshield, and the terrain becomes Difficult as drones fall from the sky and
nanites harden.
The Absolute Newest, the very Pinnacle of G&S Design, the Orlando is built to do one thing, and one
thing alone. To lead the charge. Given only to Pilots with strong ties to the Grimm clan (or with the cash
and prestige to get into such inner circles), the Orlando will be ready for full production within the
standard year… If the tests keep going as well as they’re going at least. Lotta melted engines in this
one. G&S promises that the full production run DEFINITELY won’t do the thing the prototypes
sometimes do, which is get stuck in full gear and careen through a couple of buildings and off a cliff.
Good news is the prototypes were going fast enough to activate the Curtana Active Shield! Bad news
is they were going fast enough to give the test pilots whiplash of the everything.


I. “Joyeuse” Beam Saber, Roncevaux Overboosters

II. Orlando Frame, “Astolfo” Reactive Lance, Ascalon Engine
III. Paladin Armor, “Belt of Roland” Supercharger


HP: 10 Evasion: 8 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 4 Sensors: 5

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 6 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 4 Tech Attack:

Save Target:


Curtana Passive Shields: The Orlando has resistance to all damage while moving and always
counts as size 3 when making Rams.
Momentum: When the Orlando inflicts involuntary movement as part of any action, it can Slide the
same number of spaces afterwards as a free action or reaction, as long as it moves towards its
target by the most direct route possible.
Slam: 1/round when the Orlando knocks a character into a wall, mech, or other obstruction that
would cause it to stop moving, it’s target takes 2 kinetic damage and becomes impaired until the
end of its next turn.
Exposed Reactor: The Orlando has +1 Difficulty on all Engineering checks and saves.



Main Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

CURTANA Shield Systems

A sort of warp-shield not unlike that found on the HA Saladin, the CURTANA was designed to be
used by small spaceships to combat the dangers of atmospheric reentry. That it is now strapped into
the Orlando, it has the problem that Orlando’s engines only generate enough power to activate a
weak barrier while under high speeds. If one was to say, dump the full might of a Coldcore engine
into the engines and the linked Curtana system however... One could create a massive ‘lance’ of
force directed dead ahead! It probably won’t melt the reactor, and it’ll show the galaxy what it means
to truly be the tip of the spear.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Holy Kingdom Charge

Full Action
When you use this action, your mech begins to rev its engines up to speed. Until the start of your
next turn, you are Immobilized. If you Overheat or lose a point of Structure, you stop revving and
are refunded your Core Power. At the start of your next turn, repeat this full action then draw a Line
20 that is 3 spaces wide from your mech’s position, then place your mech adjacent to the end of this
line. All actors caught in this area must make an Agility save at +1 Difficulty or be knocked to the
outer edge of the Line, knocked Prone, and suffer 6d6 AP Kinetic Damage. A successful save halves
the damage and pushes them to the outer edge of the line. Any obstacles or terrain in the Line are
assumed to be smashed through at frankly reckless speeds.
“Joyeuse” Beam Saber
A badly contained blade of plasma that so many pilots refused to update that G&S made the poor
containment a feature. A simple flick of a switch in the cockpit creates a timer on the blade, swing it
just right and they’ll eat a faceful of sun-hot plasma. Or don’t flick the switch and keep a nice sharp
sword of sunlight. Comes in over 300 shades!

Main Melee
AP, Inaccurate
Threat 1
1d6+1 Energy OR Explosive
At the start of your turn, you may choose whether this weapon deals Energy or Explosive damage.

Roncevaux Overboosters
You know what makes you faster? More boosters. This heavy system of extra fuel, boosters, and
engine-hookups allows a Mech performing a Ram to do so much more than just slam into an enemy.
It's really more of a shoulder tackle at this point, both mechs being rocketed in whatever direction
Orlando choses.

2 SP, Unique
1 Heat (Self)
When your mech Boosts, if it moves in a straight line, may make a Ram attack as a free action against
an adjacent target at the end of its movement.

Ascalon Engines
An engine overhaul, a Minovsky reactor, and rebuilt actuators make up this system, creating a mech
capable of frankly insane speed. If your engine doesn’t melt out of your mech, no one will be able to
escape your reach.

2 SP, Unique
X Heat (Self)
You may activate this system as a free action whenever you move or boost. Increase your speed by up
to 6 for this movement, gaining heat equal to the speed increase. During this movement, you must
move in a straight line. Additionally, if this heat would cause your mech to mark Reactor Stress, you
may complete your turn before rolling on the Overheating table.

Paladin Armor
Not all that different from most reactive armors, except that the explosive load is about triple the
normal. This is good, as it feeds into the Orlando’s ability to charge in and break open enemy lines by
buffeting any foolish to strike it. This is bad, because most mechs can’t carry the extra weight of all the
explosives required for the armor AND the explosion can’t really be controlled enough to not damage
the mech using the armor.

3 SP
Unique, Limited (1)
Gain the following reaction
Holy Armor Burst- When hit by an attack, you may create a Burst 2 centered on your mech. All units
within this Burst take 2 Explosive damage and are pushed to the outer edge of the burst. You are
excluded from the push, but not the damage, which you cannot reduce in any way.

“Astolfo” Reactive Lance

Ah, the Lance, most ancient of mounted fighting weapons. Why not stuff the bastard with explosives
and see just how fast you can ram it through any fool who stands against you? After all, Pre-Fall stories
tell of a knight with a magical lance that could unhorse any it touched. We at G&S think our reactive
lance is up to the task.

Superheavy Melee
Threat 1
2d6+3 Kinetic damage
If you move 6 or more spaces in a straight line before attacking with this weapon it gains the AP tag
and deals +1d6 bonus explosive damage. Once per round, after successfully hitting an adjacent
enemy with a Ram attack you may spend a quick action to make a special attack with this weapon
against the same target. This attack automatically hits but deals half damage.

“The Belt of Roland” Supercharger

A system of power cords and energy feeds designed to create more devastating blows, the Belt of
Roland unfortunately shares a usual problem of G&S technology. It’s finicky about what you can hook it
into, and once its hooked in, it’ll stress your mech’s reactor out... careful with it, okay?

3 SP
Unique, Modification
Pick one Main or larger weapon without the Reliable, Unreliable, or Overkill tags. That weapon gains
Reliable (4) and 1 Heat (Self)
The Anansi is the twin of the Orlando, the newest mechs in the lineup and ACTUALLY built for military
use. Where the Orlando is the Line-Breaker who crashes through the lines, Anansi is a sniper who
provides overwatch and guidance for the entire battlefield. Installed within Anansi is the...
semi-advanced “Br’er Spider” Comp/Con created by Clan Vediovis. It does what it needs to, helping
the pilot sit at the center of a perfect defensive web. Reports of self-enlightening “Br’er Spider” Units
are highly exaggerated, perhaps mistaking the advanced programming for true thought. Though the
unit does come pre-installed with a collection of fables meant to help educate less experienced pilots
and help gently bring them up to the Combat Standards of Clan Rockatansky, the family most
responsible for G&S’s more recent “Real Warrior” design school and marketing philosophy. Despite
any rumoured setbacks, the ANANSI is set for full production along with the Orlando, slowly filtering
into G&S’ usual markets.

I. Silencer, Octocamo Ghillie
II. ANANSI FRAME, Trick Charges, Anti-Hyperfauna Rifle
III. Gumdoll Broadcasters, Radar Shot

HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 20

Armor: 0 E-Defense: 8 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack:

Target Save:


Climbing Rig: The Anansi can climb and remain stationary on any surface without penalty, including
overhanging and vertical surfaces.
Know the Story: When the Anansi Scans a target, you learn all three listed types of information
about it, and you always know the target's current HP until you take the Scan action again.
Don't Throw Me in the Briar Patch!: The Anansi gains Hard Cover while in Difficult or Dangerous
Terrain, and can Boost at full speed through Difficult Terrain.



Main Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

“Br’er Spider” Computational Systems

We do not really mean, we do not really mean that what we are about to say is true.
A story, a story; let it come, let it go.

Br’er Spider is always watching from his web, a supposedly sub-sentient Companion-Combat unit
designed to compete with the SSC Cloudscout systems. He doesn’t really do as good a job, but
there are strange little quirks to Brother Spider that have many a pilot singing his praises.. Most
notably his ability assist pilots in setting up “Spiderwebs”, zones of covering fire monitored by Br’er
spider while the pilot focuses on more active shotcalling and target-selection. Autonomously, Br’er
Spider can grab control of weapons and put bullets where they need to be to lock down zones of

This is my story which I have related.

If it be sweet, or if it be not sweet, take some elsewhere, and let some come back to me.

Passive: Spiderweb Tactical Oversight Rig

Gain the “Spiderweb” quick tech
Quick Tech
2 Heat (Self)
Choose a weapon on your mech without the Blast, Burst, Cone or Line tags and create a Blast 2
area called a Spiderweb entirely within the weapon's Range and line of sight. Hostile characters that
move into a Spiderweb must stop moving immediately, losing any unused movement. While a
Spiderweb is active, you gain the Watch Your Head! reaction and can't make Overwatch attacks.
Spiderwebs last until you take this action again or until you move, including involuntary movement.

Watch Your Head!

Reaction, 1/Round
Trigger: A hostile character exits one of your Spiderwebs.
Effect: Interrupt the movement or action with a single weapon's attack.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Anansesem

Until the end of the scene, whenever you would use Spiderweb, you may create an additional 1d3
Blast 2 areas- they must follow all normal rules for placement and may not touch nor overlap.
Additionally, targets in your Spiderweb cannot benefit from Hidden or Invisibility.

What was that noise? People always ask that. Mostly because a silencer isn’t actually silent, especially
a mech-scaled one. On the other hand, frame audio radars are tuned to pick up on very loud sounds,
so a sound that’s only kinda loud just doesn’t show up! It helps you stay out of the spotlight, though if
you go popping heads, ballistic tracing will still tell where your mech is.

1SP, Mod
Pick a Rifle weapon- when you attack with this weapon and Miss (and the weapon has no other
effects such as Reliable) you do not lose Hidden.

Octocamo Ghillie
Octocamo is the bog-standard in human-scale stealth-tech, a smart fabric that mimics the property of
Old Cradle monsters called “Octos'' that could change their color, texture, and pattern to blend into
their environment. We at G&S believe that if it was good enough for grandad, its good enough for you-
and so we present a mech-frame scaled ghillie cloak made from octocamo. Capable of all the
color-changing expected, the ghillie also includes heat-masking systems that makes actually targeting
your mech hard as hell! long as you’re actually using something to hide with.

2SP, Unique
Quick Action
As a quick action, you don this cloak of color-shifting octocamo until you remove it as a protocol,
overheat, or suffer structure damage. While the cloak is active your mech is Slowed, but gains Soft
Cover from Difficult Terrain and treats other Soft Cover as Hard Cover.
Trick Charges
You can do a lot with a powerful electrical charge. You can make explosions, or you can power a
somewhat convincing hologram for a good while. Either or really, just a matter of how you kajigger with
the switches and fuses n such. Our Trick Charges are mostly battery by volume, but they know *just*
how to run to keep the battlefield yours to command!

2SP, Limited (3), Unique

Expend a charge for one of the following effects
Tripwire (Mine, Burst 1): When this Mine arms at the end of your turn, it creates a Line 5 in a direction
of your choice. The first character who moves through this Line triggers the Mine: they create a Burst
1, then all characters in the area take 1d6+2 Explosive damage (Agility save for half).
Holoterrain (Grenade, Range 5, Blast 1): All actors in the Blast must make a Systems save or
become Impaired and Slowed, only becoming Impaired on a successful save. The Blast lingers as a
piece of Soft Cover until the end of the scene.

Radar Shot
Ping! What an awful noise for somebody to hear when they’re trying to go unnoticed, right? Our
patented (trademark pending) Radar Shot will drive those sneaky bastards crazy! It uses the impact of a
bullet... or rocket... or laser... to create a soundwave your mech can pick up on, essentially
echolocating those who don’t want to be found

2SP, Mod, Limited (3)

Choose a Ranged weapon. When you attack with this weapon, you can expend a charge: All hostile
characters within Burst 2 of the target must make a System save or they may not benefit from Hidden
and Invisibility until the end of their next turn.

Gumdoll-Class Holocaster
Holocasters are old tech, but you know, people still fall for the oldest trick. Especially when snipers are
dueling. Catching just the sight of an enemy, a little bit of heat-signature, that can be enough to pull
the trigger... and blow away a hologram, revealing a sniper’s position. Anansi has lots of tricks, and
tricking a sniper into showing his hand is one of our favorites (especially with how cheap to make the
holocasters are!)

2SP, Unique
Gain the “Fakeout” Reaction
Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: You are targeted by an attack from 3 spaces or beyond
Reaction: Teleport 4 spaces before the attack is rolled, if this would place you outside the attack’s
range or attackers LoS, it automatically misses.
Anti-Hyperfauna Rifle
Hyperfauna are endemic to the frontier, worlds with more oxygen and bigger beasties still need to be
tamed. Everybody’s heard of Vast, Daikaiju, and every other name these biological weapons go by! The
AHR is a low-weight, ultra-high caliber, modular rifle designed for mechs braving the dangerous
frontier. The modular bit is the important part, the AHR comes with parts for two modes- the speed
loading LEOPARD and the precision bolt-action SKYGOD. Pick the right one for the job and drop a few
monsters for me, eh?

Heavy Rifle
Loading, Ordinance, 1SP
Range 20
2d6+2 Kinetic Damage
At the start of a mission and whenever you a Short or Long Repair, pick a mode to assemble the rifle
SKYGOD: If you consumed Lock-On as part of the attack, this weapon’s damage becomes AP
LEOPARD: The weapon gains On Crit: Reload this weapon as a free action

This is a story of the Fall.

This is a story of a man who lost everything to that most dreadful of our sins. His family. His community.
His name. His world. It all burned. It all turned to dust. All that was left to him was this- to wander the
wastes and seek a worthy cause to die for.

This is a story of the Little Wars.

This is the story of men and women who lost more than they could know. Who were broken by the
First and Second Traumas. Who had no family. No community. No names. No world. Nothing of their
own. It was all turned to blood. All that was left to them was this- to take up the name of another and
wander the wastes- to seek a worthy cause to die for.

This is a story of Now

You do not need this weapon, o Child of the Mountain. We tell these stories and remember them as a
dirge. This is no place for us, this is no way for a Child of Mankind to live. This should not exist, but as a
memory of our Past and our Flight.

But take it, take it if you must.

The Black-on-Black.
Last of the Mark Eight Interceptors
Road-Warrior, Fury-Driven
Holy Combustion, Damned Destruction

This is Max.

I. “Wild Bronco” Reflex Module, Brawler Caging
II. MAX FRAME, Shot-Saber, “Wild Child” Reflex Module
III. “Troublemaker” Break Action, Nitro Charger

HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 6 Heat Cap: 8 Sensors: 5

Armor: 1 E-Defense: 6 Size: 1 Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack: -1

Save Target: 10


Fury-Driven: The Max has Immunity to bonus damage and critical hits, treating them as normal
Shoulder Tackle: The Max counts a Size 3 for Ram attacks and on a successful Ram may
immediately Slide 2 spaces.
Road-Warrior: The Max can move through the spaces of Prone or Immobilized characters though
it cannot end it’s turn in them. 1/Round when it moves through another character's space they take
1d6 Kinetic Damage.



Main Mount Flexible Mount

CORE system

Mk8 Super Reactor

The Mark 8 Super Reactor is not a coldcore. It is an older beast, from the years of warfare on Cradle,
when man learned again of the crimes Cain committed unto Abel. It is a nuclear heart that screams
with power barely contained, a wild and untamed thing that spits great gouts of flame and billows of
black smoke into the sky. A Mark 8 can pull the kind of speeds rarely seen outside of an SSC racer or
a Nelson with full PMD suite- for a fraction of the cost of either. But the Mark 8 is a cruel thing, it
pulls the same kind of Gs as those newer machines- with a fraction of the safety.

Be careful child, or you’ll die before your task is done, the Mark 8 taking you down to Hell with
whomever you duel.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Last of An Ancient Breed

For the rest of the scene, when you successfully Ram a character, you apply a demolition mark to
them - at the start of their next turn, if they have 7 HP or less, only 1 structure remaining, and aren’t
immune to damage they are immediately destroyed. Demolition marks are cleared at the end of a
marked character's turn. Additionally, 1/round the Max may Ram an adjacent character as a Free

“Wild Bronco” Reflex Module

If you must tell this story, O Child of the Mountain, remember the first lessons our kind learned in the

No one can make you do anything.

Violence is always an option.

1 SP, Unique
Gain the Rowdy Kick Reaction
Rowdy Kick
Reaction, 1/Round, 1 Heat (Self)
Trigger: A character attempts to Grapple you
Effect: They have +1 Difficulty on the grapple attempt. If they fail, they take 3 Kinetic damage and are
knocked 2 spaces directly away from you. This reaction resolves before they roll for the grapple.

Brawler Caging
The Devil has a name, in the old stories- its name is Greed. Greed is what drove the Fall. Greed is what
drove the Little Wars. Greed is what drives man to take up sharp stone, razored blade, piercing bullet
and murder his fellows.

Punish greed where you see it, O Child of the Mountains.

1 SP, Unique
When a target triggers your Overwatch, you may use your action to Ram rather than Skirmish

A weapon from a fallen age, wrought now for hands never meant to know such sorrows. Blade and gun
in accord- chopping, slashing, shredding, belching gunsmoke and spilling blood. A symptom of lives
gone and half lived. Take it up if you must, but keep it steady, keep it loaded, keep it sharp.

When all the world goes mad, it won’t keep you safe.

But it will keep you alive.

Main CQB
Range 5, Threat 2
1d6+1 Kinetic damage
Exceed (2): Make a Melee attack with this weapon targeting a different target within this weapon’s

“Wild Child” Reflex Recorder

Remember. Remember. Remember with us, this story of men and women who knew the Fall and the
Little War. Remember what it takes to survive such a life. To hollow yourself out and leave nothing left
but the Drive. Remember it with us and so will your mech.

2 SP, Reaction
Gain the Backhand Reaction
Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: You are hit by an Overwatch attack
Effect: You may attempt to Ram your attacker.
“Troublemaker” Break Action
Crack the gun, let it spit hot shells onto blasted earth. Slide in two. Point. Fire. Break them. Punish
them. Hurt them. Send them down and send them screaming. You are hellfire now, more rage than

You didn’t have to be. The world is better now. Why have you taken up a funeral dirge in your soul? Is
the cause you seek worth the terror the ancients? Is it worth being haunted by dreams of dying

Main CQB
Loading, Inaccurate, Knockback 3
Range 5, Threat 3
2d6 Kinetic damage
On Crit: The target is knocked Prone. If the target was already Prone they must pass a Hull Save or
become Shredded until they stand up.

Nitro Charger
There is a story that goes like this-

Once there was a Road-Warrior, he travelled through the wastes in a car black as night and fast as fear.
He was someone, once. But after the Fall no one was anyone. That much and more was lost as the
seas flooded then dried, as the Garden of Eden died in a long, awful, terminal cancer.

All that was left was this-

The Wastes, Guzzoline, Water-Wars, and Horrors.

A Coldcore can be coaxed. Can be forced. It can be made to sing and scream like the engines of those
times. Things that rode on cracked black roads and endless sands. It roars in pain and fury, but it goes.
It goes fast as fast, it rides like death. Use it wisely.

2 SP, Unique, Limited (2)

1/Round, 2 Heat (Self)
When you Overcharge, you may Boost as a free action in addition to your Overcharge action
Here’s a secret. Grimm & Sons don’t know where the original designs for the mech known as the
Scheherazade come from. The original printer specs were found in an ancestral Data-Vault in a hidden
room in the Grimm Clan’s familial stronghold. It is the most technologically advanced license they offer,
free of the troubles that face other G&S cores. It is, to them, a gift from their Ancestors, a gift from the
Kings Under The Mountain that will help lead them to the Promised Land. Through the sands and
secrets they’ll build perfection, and Paradise will follow.

The family does as craftsmen do, they build more and more Scheherazades, tinkering and toying with
its pieces, trying to use the seemingly arcane technologies within to further the family fortune. Do they
have any idea what they’re toying with? Not really. But does that matter? It is a gift from their
Ancestors. [Do you yet understand Mirror-Logic?]
I. “Morgiana” Revolver, Foundational Mirror Logic
II. Scheherazade Frame, Sandstorm Charges, Displacement Mirrors
III. Mirror Logic Charges, DINAZADE Class AI


HP: 6 Evasion: 8 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 15

Armor: 0 E-Defense: 10 Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: 3 Tech Attack:

Target Save:


Silver Mirage: If the Scheherazade is hit by an attack while not Invisible and not suffering Lock-On,
it can, 1/round, roll 1d6. On a 5+, the attack automatically misses and is negated.
Mirror Logic: This has all happened before. It will all happen again. You are not
yourself. You are a reflection. Mirrors reflect mirrors. We are all within the
Hangar Queen: Scheherazade must spend 2 repairs to repair a destroyed system during rests
instead of 1
A Favorable Dream: At the start of the scene, before any turns are taken, the Scheherazade can
place up to three mines within Range 50. These mines cannot be placed adjacent to [or within their
own Blast of] any character. At the end of the scene, remove any undetonated mines deployed by
the Scheherazade. For each of those mines, the Scheherazade regains 1 Limited charge for the
system that deployed it.



Flexible Mount

CORE system

Mirror-Logic Basilisk

We are within the dream of Mirror-Logic.

Choose wisely which Mirror you look upon.
For you are a Mirror as well.
Where you place your gaze decides your actions.
There is no self.
There is only reflection.
Do you understand?
Hush now.

Look Into the Mirrors.

Active (requires 1 Core Power): Endless Dream of The Mirror

Full Tech
Mark a Burst 5 that lasts 3 Rounds. Any enemy character that starts their turn in this area or enters it
for the first time on their turn must make a Systems save or become Jammed until the start of their
next turn.

“Morgiana” Revolver
A reliable mech-scale revolver wasn’t actually part of the original designs of the Scheherazade core,
but G&S can’t really let out a mech without at least one gun. Plus they don’t know how to build the
original weapon meant to be used by the mech. Such manufacturing is beyond them and they are
loathe to let the original Scheherazade data be seen by any not blood related to the Grimm clan.

Range 5
1 kinetic
Loading (6), Inaccurate
This weapon has six chambers, all of which are reloaded when you perform a reload and can be fired
individually with the base profile or together to increase the base damage of this weapon by +1 for
each additional chamber fired. You must declare how many chambers you are firing before rolling to

Foundational Mirror Logic

I look upon the mirror and for a moment it fills my entire gaze, I am looking upon a reflective silver
wasteland. I am multitudes, all staring into the mirror. And the mirror stares back at me, and it slithers,
and I am no longer infinite. I am me. But not the same me that looked into the mirror. I am not where I
stood before. The world has moved underneath me. I was always here.

2 SP, Unique
Quick Tech
Choose up to 2 characters within Sensors. Make a Tech Attack roll against each hostile character
chosen this way. For each successful Tech Attack, Slide that character 3 spaces, then Slide all chosen
friendly characters 3 spaces.

Sandstorm Charges
The Grimm hold a story in their vaults, about Homeland, about Cradle, about the Djinn who lived in the
cold red deserts of Mars. Sons of the War God who turned from War and sought a life of their own.
They became tricksters and spread mighty dust-storms to keep themselves safe. A King of Mars came
upon a Djinn’s heart and forced it to make sandstorms to protect his kingdom. We made you these for
you, think of them as artificial Djinn Hearts. They’ll keep you safe.

2 SP, Limited (3)

Expend a charge for one of the following effects:
Sandstorm Grenade (Thrown 5, Blast 1)- This blast lasts until the end of your next turn. All
characters in the blast are consumed by a whirling sandstorm, Blocking Line of Sight in, out, or
through the raging winds.
Sandstorm Mine (Mine, Deployable, Blast 2)- This mine deploys and primes at the end of your turn,
when primed it can be detonated with a Quick Action on your turn or automatically when an actor
moves adjacent to it. The Blast creates a whirling sandstorm that acts as Dangerous Terrain (Kinetic)
and Soft Cover and lasts until the mine is destroyed by any attack action hitting it (Evasion 5, HP 1).
Any checks provoked by the Dangerous Terrain are instead replaced by saves against your Save

Displacement Mirrors
[Look, the desert gives up its gifts to us. We shall be a ghost, a figment,
a dream, a mirage. If they strike at you, they strike only a reflection.
They are already within the Dream, they have done this before and shall do
so again. Such is the nature of Mirror-Logic.]

2 SP, Unique
Gain the following reaction:
1 Heat (Self)
You may not use this reaction if you are Suffering Lock-On
Trigger: An attack that did not consume Lock-On misses you
Reaction: Slide 3 in any direction, even through objects and characters

Mirror Logic Charges

[The Foundation of Mirror-Logic is showing them where they stand. The
Advances of Mirror Logic are to show them how they must act. They were never
to fire, they were never to walk, they were never to be. And yet in this
dream they are.]
[Correct it.]

3 SP, Limited (2)

Expend a charge for one of the following effects:
Twist Causality (Thrown 5, Blast 1)- Create an area of warped causality until the end of your next
turn. All characters within this area reverse the effects of Accuracy and Difficulty (Accuracy penalizes
rolls it applies to, while Difficulty improves those rolls). Accuracy and Difficulty still cancel each other
out as normal.
Twist Logics (Mine, Deployable, Blast 2)- This mine primes at the end of your turn. It can be
detonated with a Quick Action, and detonates automatically when any character moves adjacent to it.
Create an area of warped time within this mine's Blast that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any
character starting their turn within this area must succeed at a Systems save or attempt the same
actions they took on their previous turn. They make the same choices for those actions (such as
distance moved, or targets attacked). If, for any reason, an affected character cannot make the same
action or the same choices, such as if a target is out of range or a system with Recharge has not yet
recharged, they take all repeat actions they are capable of taking, then end their turn.

She lives in the Mirrors. She picked you. She always will, because she always has. That is the Nature of
Mirror-Logic. Do you understand? Can you understand? Can any of us? What is she? We aren’t sure.
She allows us to chain her, to keep her locked away, to tell us stories.

Don’t listen too closely. Cycle her every 1001 Standard Days.

3 SP, Unique
Your mech gains the AI property and the KING-SLAYING STORY.
Full Tech
4 Heat (self)
Pick 1 standard enemy or 2 grunts within Sensor range. Both you and the game master roll
1d20, that cannot be modified or exchanged in any way. If you roll higher than the GM, you
force those enemies to become Allied Actors for 3 Rounds and this action cannot be used
again this Scene. If the GM rolls higher, this action fails and cannot be used again in the scene.
If you tie, the action fails, but the ability may be used again this scene.

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