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com 21 Nov 2023 21 Nov 2023

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
How to Use This Book ................................................................................................................................... 3
Key to Chord Names .................................................................................................................................. 3
C Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................... 4
G Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................... 5
D Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................... 6
A Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................... 7
E Melodic Minor ............................................................................................................................................ 8
B Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................... 9
G♭ Melodic Minor ....................................................................................................................................... 10
D♭ Melodic Minor ....................................................................................................................................... 11
A♭ Melodic Minor........................................................................................................................................ 12
E♭ Melodic Minor ........................................................................................................................................ 13
B♭ Melodic Minor........................................................................................................................................ 14
F Melodic Minor .......................................................................................................................................... 15
What’s Next?............................................................................................................................................... 16 21 Nov 2023

The Melodic Minor Scale is essential for every advanced improviser as it provides some very usable
options for soloing on minor, dominant, altered dominant, and even major chords. For me, it was a very
accessible way to step outside the confines of diatonic harmony and get some of those other tones into
my playing like my heroes John Scofield, Mike Stern, and Allan Holdsworth, among many others.

The Melodic Minor Scale is very subtle and requires you to spend some time really listening to it before
it reveals itself. This can be achieved by getting it onto the fretboard through consistent practice, which
is what this book is all about. Here you’ll find the patterns for all 12 Melodic Minor Scales with their
corresponding triads, seventh chords and modes.

BONUS: If you’ve studied the patterns in Hacking the CAGED System (Book 1) or Major Scale Modes
Designed for the Guitar, you’ll have a huge head start as these Melodic Minor patterns are based on the
Major Scale ones used in those books.

In this book, our focus is less on theory and more on getting the information onto the fretboard, then
when you come to learn the theory behind it, you’ll be able to apply it in a practical way. Indeed, if you
check out Hacking the CAGED System (Book 2), it contains these patterns plus an in-depth look at the
chords, arpeggios, and modes of the Melodic Minor Scale and the theory behind them.

Graham Tippett 21 Nov 2023

How to Use This Book

On each page of this book, you’ll find four (in some cases five) patterns for each scale. After you’ve
played through a few of them, you’ll see how they repeat and how there’s much less to learn that what
is laid out in the book.

You’ll also see a table with information on the triads, seventh chords, and modes in each scale. Don’t
worry too much about memorizing this, just observe and absorb it as you play through the scale

Your first task will be to get all the patterns off the page and into your head. This sounds like a
mammoth task, but once you see how they all repeat, it shouldn’t take you that long. Make sure to
practice with a metronome or some kind of beat, making sure you’re picking and fretting every note
cleanly. This is not about playing fast, so don’t worry about trying to play the patterns faster and faster.

Once you have the patterns in your head, run through them daily and start to notice or pick out the
information in the tables for each scale. After a few months, you should notice a huge improvement in
your technique, and if you want to continue studying the Melodic Minor Scale in more depth, check out
Hacking the CAGED System (Book 2).

Key to Chord Names

aug – augmented
dim – diminished
m – minor
M - major
mM – minor major 21 Nov 2023

C Melodic Minor

Notes C D E♭ F G A B

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Cm Dm E♭ aug F G A dim B dim

7th Chords CmM7 Dm7 E♭M7♯5 F7 G7 Am7♭5 Bm7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

G Melodic Minor

Notes G A B♭ C D E F♯

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Gm Am B♭ aug C D E dim F♯ dim

7th Chords GmM7 Am7 B♭M7♯5 C7 D7 Em7♭5 F♯m7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

D Melodic Minor

Notes D E F G A B C♯

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Dm Em F aug G A B dim C♯ dim

7th Chords DmM7 Em7 FM7♯5 G7 A7 Bm7♭5 C♯m7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

A Melodic Minor

Notes A B C D E F♯ G♯

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Am Bm C aug D E F♯ dim G♯ dim

7th Chords AmM7 Bm7 CM7♯5 D7 E7 F♯m7♭5 G♯m7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

E Melodic Minor

Notes E F♯ G A B C♯ D♯

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Em F♯m G aug A B C♯ dim D♯ dim

7th Chords EmM7 F♯m7 GM7♯5 A7 B7 C♯m7♭5 D♯m7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

B Melodic Minor

Notes B C♯ D E F♯ G♯ A♯

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Bm C♯m D aug E F♯ G♯ dim A♯ dim

7th Chords BmM7 C♯m7 DM7♯5 E7 F♯7 G♯m7♭5 A♯m7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

G♭ Melodic Minor

Notes G♭ A♭ B♭♭ C♭ D♭ E♭ F

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads G♭m A♭m B♭♭ aug C♭ D♭ E♭ dim F dim

7th Chords G♭mM7 A♭m7 B♭♭M7♯5 C♭7 D♭7 E♭m7♭5 Fm7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

D♭ Melodic Minor

Notes D♭ E♭ F♭ G♭ A♭ B♭ C

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads D♭m E♭m F♭ aug G♭ A♭ B♭ dim C dim

7th Chords D♭mM7 E♭m7 F♭M7♯5 G♭7 A♭7 B♭m7♭5 Cm7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

A♭ Melodic Minor

Notes A♭ B♭ C♭ D♭ E♭ F G

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads A♭m B♭m C♭ aug D♭ E♭ F dim G dim

7th Chords A♭mM7 B♭m7 C♭M7♯5 D♭7 E♭7 Fm7♭5 Gm7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

E♭ Melodic Minor

Notes E♭ F G♭ A♭ B♭ C D

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads E♭m Fm G♭ aug A♭ B♭ C dim D dim

7th Chords E♭mM7 Fm7 G♭M7♯5 A♭7 B♭7 Cm7♭5 Dm7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

B♭ Melodic Minor

Notes B♭ C D♭ E♭ F G A

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads B♭m Cm D♭ aug E♭ F G dim A dim

7th Chords B♭mM7 Cm7 D♭M7♯5 E♭7 F7 Gm7♭5 Am7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

F Melodic Minor

Notes F G A♭ B♭ C D E

Intervals 1 2 ♭3 4 5 6 7

Triads Fm Gm A♭ aug B♭ C D dim E dim

7th Chords FmM7 Gm7 A♭M7♯5 B♭7 C7 Dm7♭5 Em7♭5

Modes Melodic Dorian ♭9 Lydian ♯5 Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian ♭5 Altered

Minor Dominant ♭6 Scale 21 Nov 2023

What’s Next?
Thank you for downloading this eBook! If you’d like to continue your studies of the Melodic Minor Scale,
check out Hacking the CAGED System (Book 2), which is available on Amazon, Google Play, iBooks, and
in PDF format.

If you need to brush up on your major scale keys and modes, check out Hacking the CAGED System
(Book 1) or Major Scale Modes Designed for the Guitar, where we use the same patterns you’ve been
studying in this book.

All the best,

Graham Tippett

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