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1. Write the correct word (just the underlined word) under each picture :
225 g of flour - 3 tablespoons of sugar - ½ teaspoon of salt - 25g of butter –

100 ml of milk – 2 teaspoons of baking powder - 1 egg

….................. …............... ….................... ….................. …........... …................. …..............

2. Utensils: circle the ones we need:

a tablespoon a teaspoon a bowl a fork a knife

an oven a plate a baking tray a rolling pin a pan

3. Underline all the action verbs in red:

Fahrenheit Celsius
a. Add the sugar and the egg 224 110
b. Make small balls. 250 120
c. Enjoy! 275 140
d. Mix together the flour, the baking powder and the salt in a bowl. 300 150
e. Put the balls on the baking tray and put into the oven 325 160
f. Cook for 10 minutes. 350 175
g. Preheat oven to 370 F (Fahrenheit). 370 F = …............... Celsius 375 190
h. Pour the milk and mix everything. 400 200
425 220
450 230
4. Now, reorder the recipe!
475 240
Order: 1/__ 2/__ 3/__ 4/__ 5/__ 6/__ 7/ __ 8/__ 500 260

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