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The Blue Diamond

The Dr. Watson visited to his friend Sherlock Holmes after Christmas.

He found to Sherlock looked an interesting hat, then Sherlock told to Watson that his friend Peterson
the doorman the Baker Street Hotel gave to him the hat. Mr. Peterson looked a street fight, the owner
of the hat was hit for the small man, after that both men ran away, the owner of the hat left the hat and
a goose.

Mr. Peterson cooked the goose for Christmas and found into the goose a blue diamond.

Sherlock was interested in the case of the hat and the goose because a blue diamond disappeared the
last week, the Countess of Morcar was her owner and She was found its.

Sherlock put an advertisement in the newspaper for the owner of the hat and the goose.

Mr. Henry Baker visited to Sherlock, Henry was the owner of the hat and the goose, but he didn´t know
about the blue diamond, Sherlock asked him where bought the goose, Mr. Baker answered that he
bought the goose in The Alpha, a pub.

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