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Please answer the questions

below based on what you know
so far about globalization and

1. What is the difference between one’s local culture and one’s global culture?

2. Explain what is meant by “delocalization.”

3. How might the sampling bias of Ogihara and Uchida’s study of students’ well-
being have affected the results of the study?

4. According to Berry’s acculturation model, what do we call it when someone has

a positive attitude toward their local culture but then does not feel accepted or
able to function in the global culture?

5. In Norasakkunkit & Unchinda’s study of hikikomori, they used a sample of

university students. They were then tested for their “risk of hikikomori” based
on their patterns of behaviour, and their relationship to Japanese culture. Why
would they choose to use this type of a sample?

© John Crane, InThinking 1
The unseen research passage

A study in the Ivory Coast (Delafosse, Fouraste & Ghobouo, 1993) found that
globalization may lead to negative behaviours in young adults. The researchers
studied a group of young Ivorians age 16 to 20 from 1980 to 1991. They wanted to
see if identity confusion as a result of the rapid Westernization of the country would
play a role in behaviour. Through both clinical interviews and data from police and
social workers, they found an increase in suicide attempts, drug use, prostitution
and interpersonal aggression. The researchers attributed the increase in problems
and changes in their behaviour to the conflict they experienced between the values
of their traditional culture and the values of the West.


1. What research method is used in the above study? Be able to justify your

2. What is being measured in this study? What problems do you see with this?

3. To what extent do you think that the study is transferable (generalizable) to

other cultures?

4. How is data collected? What are the limitations of this strategy?

© John Crane, InThinking 2

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