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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division Office of Rizal
Tanay Sub- Office


S.Y. 2023-2024
Grade & Section:______________________________ Score:_______________
Directions: Identify the parts of a simple paragraph.Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write your answer on the blank .
_________ 1.What are the parts of a simple paragraph?
A. First part, Second part and Third part
B. Character, Events and Setting
C. Topic sentence, Supporting sentence and Concluding sentence
_________ 2.What part of the paragraph introduces the main idea?
A. Concluding Sentence
B. Supporting Sentences
C. Topic Sentence

_________3.This part of a paragraph includes sentences that support the topic sentence.
A. Concluding Sentence B.Supporting Sentences C. Topic Sentence

Directions: Read each paragraph and choose the best concluding sentence that will
complete the paragraph.Write the letter of the correct answer.
_________4. My grandmother is loving and a strong woman. She loves me more than
anything else. She is my personal nurse when I am sick. She always finds a solution to our
A. She’s the most loving and strongest person that I have in my life.
B. She is the best woman in my life.
C.She is the woman that woman that I love the most.

_________5.My pet dog is my best friend. We walk around the garden every morning. We
play together at the park in the afternoon. He is always with me wherever I go. I love my pet
so much. He listens attentively to my funny jokes.
A. My pet dog is the kindest one.
B. My pet dog knows how to give me comfort and happiness like a real best friend.
C. I am lucky for having a nice pet dog.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct guide words for each word.Write your
answer on the blank provided.
______ 6. compress A. counter-crust C. copper-comer
B. compare-comprise D. compute-courage
_______7. jump A. June-just C. judge - jug
B. Join -juice D.joke-juniper

_______8. international A. intense - interactive C. interprete - interrogate

B. internal - internist D. intercept - intermittent
_______9. It is a list of words with their synonyms and antonyms
A. dictionary C. thesaurus
B. Index D. map
______10. A _________is a reference tool that provides an alphabetical listing of words and
their meanings.
C. Index C. map
D. thesaurus D. dictionary

Direction: Read the various text types and note significant details by answering the
questions below.Write your answer in the blank.

Why Is Washing Our Hands Important?

Handwashing makes our hands clean if washed properly. By using a germicidal

soap and clean water, it will make our hands free from any form of germs. The germicidal
soap should stay at our hands for 20 seconds. Germicidal soaps are known to kill germs in
our hands and the body. Handwashing is important so that we will not get sick.

______11. Why is handwashing important?

A.It makes our hands dirty
B. It makes our hands clean
C.We will get sick
______12. How should a germicidal soap be used in handwashing?
A. Let the soap stay at our hands for 20 seconds or beyond
B. Germicidal soap did not kill germs
C. We will get sick

______13.Why is there a need to kill germs in our hands?

A. To make us dirty
B. In order for us not to get sick
C. It is not safe

Mr. Severo E. Valdez the principal of Ilaya Elementary School gave her inspirational
talk to the pupils, teaching and non-teaching staff during the first day of in-person classes
last August 29, 2023. She stated his mission and vision on how to make the school
conducive to learning. Furthermore, she gave light to the fact that instruction and facilities
will surely benefit the learners.

______14.Who is the principal of Ilaya Elementary School?

A. Mrs. Edith S. Mato
B. Mr. Severo E. Valdez
C. Mrs. Antonette M. Delos Reyes

______15.When was the first day of in-person class?

A. August 29, 2023
B. August 1, 2023
C. August 20, 2022
Direction: Read each selection and identify the structure, purpose and language features of
different text types. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
16. The streets became flooded due to continous rain.
A. Cause and Effect C. Description
B. Procedural/ Process D. Information report
17. In cooking pork adobo, you must heat the oil in cooking pot first.
A. Procedural/process C. Problem/Solution
B. Cause and Effect D. Description
18. The government thinks of all possible remedies to address unemployment due to
COVID-19 pandemic.
A. Compare/Contrast C.Description
B. Procedural/ process D.Problem/Solution
19.The annual Tanay HANE Festival is the commemoration of the Municipality of Tanay’s
Founding Anniversary.It is an agri- eco tourism, arts and cultural exhibition in one. It derived
its name from an ordinary expression of Tanayan (“Hane”) which is used to seek one’s
A.Problem/Solution C.Procedural/Process
B. Description D.Cause and Effect
Direction: Match column A with column B. Select the meaning of the following words with
A. B
20. careless A. not kind
21. improper B. without care
22. teacher C. one who teachs
23. fearless D. not proper
24. beautiful E. full of beauty
25. unkind F. write again
26. rewrite G. without fear

IV. Choose the denotative and connotative of the following sentences.

27.The father tenderly ______ at his new born baby.
A. smirked C. laughed
B. smiled D. cared
28. Filipinos are _______ for their delicious adobo.
A. noted C. famous
B. notorious D. perfect
29.Summer is unbelievably _______ even at night time.
A. sultry C. hot
B. dry D. cold
30 . Homeless people are _______ to death during pandemic.
A. hungry C. thirsty
B. starving D. lonely
31.Traffic causes cars to slow __________.
A. speed C. meters
B. velocities D. volume
32. She told him not to ________his food.
A. gulp C. gossip
B. sip D. discredit
33. Tim saves his money. He is a _________person.
A. wiser C. thrifty
B. extravagant D. old

V. Analogy and Word Classification . Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
34.Fire is to hot as ice is to _________.
A. cold B. dry C. lukewarm D. warm
35.Ring is to finger as shoes is to _______.
A. animal B. feet C. hair D.hands
36.Swimming is to beach as baseball is to _________.
A. dry B. night C. writing D. field
37. Heel is to foot as palm is to __________.
A. head B. hand C. leg D. stomach
38. Cream, butter, cheese
A. dairy B. sour C. sweet D. delicious
39. Dentist, teacher, police,
A. mostly men C. mostly women
B. all rich D all professionals
40. Hammer, saw, screwdriver
A. instruments C. utensils
b. all tools D. school supplies

Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division Office of Rizal
Tanay Sub- Office


Competencies Number of Items Placement Total

Recognize the parts of a single 5 1-5 5
Use resources such as dictionary, 5 6-10 5
thesaurus/online resources to find the
meaning of words
Note significant details of various text 5 11-15 5
Identify the structure, purpose, and 4 16-19 4
language features of different text
types( narrative, information
Identify meaning of unfamiliar words 7 20-26 7
through structiral analysis(words and
affixes,prefixes and suffixes)
Identify different meanings of content 7 27-33 7
specific words (dentation and
Get the meaning of words through word 7 34-40 7
association (analogy and classification)
TOTAL 40 40


1.C 11.B 21.D 31.A

2.C 12.A 22.C 32.A
3.B 13.B 23.G 33.C
4.A 14.B 24.E 34.A
5.B 15.A 25.A 35.B
6.B 16.A 26.F 36.D
7.A 17.A 27.B 37.B
8.B 18.D 28.C 38.A
9.C 19.B 29.C 39.D
10.D 20.B 30.B 40. B

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