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Text: Learning a new language

In countries around the world, a growing number of people are learning new tongues for a variety
of reasons – some personal, some financial and some religious. We interviewed a number of
people who are studying a foreign language. Among the questions asked were: What is it like to
learn a new language as an adult, and what can help a person to learn? The following material is
based on their comments. You may find the points both encouraging and insightful, especially if
you are learning a new language or are thinking about doing so. Consider, for instance some
important qualities that the interviewees felt are necessary to the mastery of another tongue.
While young children can pick up two or languages simultaneously, often by being exposed to
them, adult usually find learning a new a new tongue much more difficult. For one thing they
must be patient because learning a new language can take a long time. and with their heavy
schedules, this often means putting other pursuits on hold.
Humility is essential. when you are new to a language, you must be humble to speak like, and in
some respects, be treated like a child. You have to shed some of your own self-importance and
your worries about dignity if you really want to make success. So don’t take yourself seriously.
Source (Anonymous)!

1. According to this passage, learning a new language is easier for children than adults. True or
2. What can lead a person to learn a new language?
3. Give two qualities that can help an adult person to learn a new language.
4. What can hinder (prevent) an adult person from learning a new language quickly?
5. Give two reasons why you learn English as a new language.
PART B: VOCABULARY: (04 marks)

➢ Give a synonym for each of the following words as used in the text:
1. growing:
2. heavy:
➢ Form a noun from the following words:
3. long:
4. young:
➢ Find in the text above an opposite (antonym) for each of the following words:
5. mother tongue #
6. teaching #
7. flaws #
8. hinder #
➢ Rewrite each of the sentences below beginning as directed between parentheses.
1. They scarcely pray before going to sleep. (Scarcely……………)
2. The supervisor beat the boy and punished him too. (Not only…….)
3. Ali does not learn his lesson, so he often fails. (Did Ali……….)
4. Alcohol is not good for you; neither are cigarettes. (Neither…..)
5. How much is this bag? (What ………….)
➢ Complete with: yet; although; despite; since; for ago; how; what; so; such.
6. Kofi is sick……he always comes to school on time.
7. The rich are not happy………..their wealth.
8. The prefect drew………….wonderful chart on the board.
➢ Supply with the suitable tag question
9. I think the joe’s brought his car.
10.The poor suffered a lot.
➢ Rephrase these sentences
11. a. They suffered a lot as they lazed during their youth. b. Owing to………..
12. a. She will die if she does not eat anything now. b. Unless……………

You are Ama Kwatcha, 03P.O.Box 8901, Lomé. Nowadays, early or undesired pregnancies
prevent most girls from pursuing their studies. Write an article denouncing that phenomenon.

Nowadays, it is common for women to do the same works as men. However, people are still
debating if women should work or no. some people believe that a woman’s place is at home near
the stove. Because of this, women who work face problems at work and at home.
Good luck!

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