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My childhood

1. His house was on the mosque street in an island town of rameswaram in the erstwhile
2. Dinamani is the name of a newspaper because as it was described earlier that the brother in
law of kalam would tell him the stories of war and kalam tries to trace it in the hedlines of
dinamani .
3. Abdul kalam school friends were ramandha sastry, aarvindan and sivaprakasan. Ramandha
sastry became the priest of rameswaram temple, aarvindan went into the business of
arranging transports for arranging transports for pilgrimage, sivaprakasan became a catering
contractor at south indian railways.
4. Abdul kalam earned his first wages by catching the newspaper which were thrown out the
rail as there was a suspension in the halt of train, this job was provided his cousin samsuddin
who distributed the newspaper in the rameswaram.
5. Yes, he earned money before distributing the newspaper by collecting tamarind seeds and
selling them at a provision shop in the mosque street. He didn’t still came to know the
sudden eruption in the demand of tamarind seeds in the market during the second world
war. By selling tamarind seeds he was able to earn a pricely sum of one anna

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