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Q1: All elements are identified by their __________ and are marked up using either start tags

and end tags or self-closing tags?

a None of the mentioned

b None

c Attribute Names

d Tag Names

e None

f Class Names

Q2: The GROUP BY command cannot be used with aggregate functions together?

a None

b True

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q3: Intensity of a color can be described through?

a None

b Lightness

c Grayscale

d Saturation

e Hue

f None

Q4: What happens when you use this 'kill %s' command??
a All jobs with command beginning with ‘s’ will be terminated

b None

c None

d The last job with 's' will be terminated

e The first job with 's' will be terminated

f System processes will be stopped

Q5: A systematic collection of data stored in a central location is known as??

a None

b Flat file

c Database

d Excel

e None


Q6: How to install a docker plugin vieux/sshfs with debug environment set to 1.?

a $ docker install plugins vieux/sshfs DEBUG=1

b None

c $ docker plugin install vieux/sshfs DEBUG=1

d $ docker install vieux/sshfs DEBUG=1

e None

f None

Q7: What does the FROM instruction do in a Dockerfile??

a FROM creates a layer from a base Docker image.

b FROM adds files from your Docker client’s current directory

c None

d None

e FROM is an invalid instruction

f FROM specifies the creator of the image

Q8: What is the full form of HTTP??

a Hyper text transfer protocol

b None

c Hyphenation text test program

d Hyper text transfer package

e none of the above

f None

Q9: Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP comparison operator??

a None

b >=

c >==

d None

e <>

f <=>

Q10: How do we escape data before storing it in the database??

a The addslashes function enables us to escape data before storage into the

b The addstring function enables us to escape data before storage into the database.

c None

d None
e None

f None

Q11: Which of the following are true for a pod in Kubernetes??

a A Pod represents processes running on your Cluster

b Pods are the simplest units in the Kubernetes object model that you create or

The correct Answer is: None

d A pod is the same as a container

The correct Answer is: None

f You can have only 1 container running in 1 pod

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