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Q1: What does PHP Stands for??

a PHP Hypertex Processor

b PHP Hyper Markup Processor

c PHP Hyper Markup Preprocessor

d PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

e None

f None

Q2: Multiple inheritance is supported in PHP.?

a True

b None

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q3: How are devices represented in UNIX/Linux??

a None

b For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory

c For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the directory

d None

e For UNIX/Linux every device is a block and are typically located in the
directory /proc.

f For UNIX/Linux every device is a file and are typically located in the directory
Q4: Each virtual machine includes the application, the necessary binaries and libraries, and
an entire guest operating system - All of which may be tens of GBs in size.?

a True

b None

c None

d False

e None

f None

Q5: __________ is the XML equivalent to strict HTML 4.01.?

a None

b XHTML 1.0 Transitional

c None Of The Mentioned

d XHTML 1.0 Frameset

e None

f XHTML 1.0 Strict

Q6: _______________ is cocatenation operator in PHP ??


b None

c + (plus)


e None

f . (dot)

Q7: How to restart the docker container with container id mentioned in the command.?
a $ docker res 109cb6nw

b $ docker rs 109cb6nw

The correct Answer is: None

d $ docker restart 109cb6nw

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: How can you make sure your Docker containers and their data are safely backed up??

a Data stored in Docker containers is backed up to Docker Hub.

b Backup the /var/lib/docker/ directory manually Nothing.

c Schedule regular Plesk backups. Docker containers are included in Plesk backups.

d None

e None

f Set up volume mapping on all containers to store their data in a single location on
the server (example, /data/) and backup this location.

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