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-Hey, guys.

I'm here at a great Irish pub, Paddy

here in New York City. And I'm
about to go inside
and meet a great Irish friend of
Come on. [ Irish music plays ]
Conor? -Let's go, Seamus!
How are you, man? Good to see
you, brother!
Good to see you. -Seamus
-Conor McGregor, as well. -
Thanks for coming out
and meeting us, buddy. Appreciate
-Thank you. It's my pleasure. This
Proper No. 12 Irish Whiskey. So,
the finest manmade
Irish whiskey there is. -Ah.
-Enjoy, enjoy. -Oh, it's smooth.
Oh, I love this. -Smooth, yes. So,
thank you.
Thank you so much. -You're
getting involved
with this, down to everything. Why
is it called Proper 12? -"Proper" is
a term we use
in Ireland. If we say something is
legit, true, it is proper. -It's proper.
-It is proper, exactly. And then 12
is the district
I come from, Dublin 12 -- a small
little district full of blue-collar,
hard-working people. It is also
home to the largest
children's hospital in the country of
Ireland. So everyone in Ireland has
a relationship with Dublin 12. And
I wanted to pay homage
to where I came from, where I
the values of hard work, where I
learned loyalty,
where I learned how to fight. And I
wanted to pay back and
place the name on my logo --
Proper No. 12 Irish Whiskey. -You
also give back
to first responders. -Our first
are our true heroes. They are our
proper heroes. They are the people
who run into buildings as we are
running out. So it was only right
for me to
give back to these great people.
And, yes, we donate
off of every case sold. So it's a
major operation
to do that, as well. -That is so cool
that you do that. -It is more and
that these men and women, they
serve us, they protect us. They
deserve the world and more. -Let's
just cut back
to six years ago. What was your
main income,
six years ago? -Six years ago, I
a young Irish kid working on the
building sites
of Ireland. I was working
as an apprentice plumber. So, six
years ago. -You were I plumber
six years ago? -I was a plumber.
I was a plumber, yes. -Oh, my
God, what a great story.
-Yes, yes. And actually, funny
only the other day, for the St.
Patrick's Day
parade, I was in Chicago, and they
had me
on the plumbers' float. -I saw that.
-So I was with the plumbers. So
they gave me a plunger and I
got to represent the plumbers. Like,
I was
getting the crowd up, and then I
was pointing back
to the plumbers -- local plumbers'
that was on the float. -[ Chuckles ]
-So it was absolutely amazing. I
felt like
I had come full circle. -What gives
you the drive
to do this, to become the best? -
First of all,
I'm doing what I love. I love to
I love to fight, I love clothes, I love
and I love Irish whiskey. My
grandfather --
-It's like we're twins! [ Laughter ] I
love all the same things
you like. Yeah, absolutely.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh, sorry, it's
my wife calling.
I'm not here. [ Laughter ] You
know that old joke, right? That will
do it,
that will do it. -Yes, I love it. -This
is one of my
favorite places to come hang. One
of the best Guinnesses
in the city, but also -- -Look, I love
I love art. I have big respect to art.
We used to have a day --
Arthur's Day. We should have
more days.
We should celebrate more days.
For some reason,
Arthur's day was stopped. And I
mean, now that --
since I've been here for Saint
Patrick's week,
here in the U.S., in Ireland, we
Saint Patrick's Day. But here in the
U.S., they
celebrate St. Patrick's week. And it
was the best week
of my life. It was the best week of
my life. So, when I get home, I'm
start campaigning. Let's start
more holidays. Let's start
celebrating more.
Celebrate where we come from,
celebrate our surroundings.
That is the key to success. You
must celebrate
where you come from. Be proud of
where you come from.
And that's it, so -- -That's right.
-So, today is Proper Day! [
Laughter ]
The day after Paddy's Day! -The
day after Paddy's Day.
The Proper. -I'm gonna count the
one, two, three, four. -Yeah,
exactly, yeah.
-Right up to 12. -It's good to see
who just has enormous success but
also remembers
where they came from, and you
give back.
-Thank you. That's what it's about.
You know, nothing -- I've said this
and I said this -- 'cause I was
at the Boston game, man, I've had
such a journey, Seamus.
I'm gonna call you Seamus. -I love
that you call me Seamus.
-I've had such a crazy journey. I
was in the Boston Bruins
locker room. They sent me in
to help fire them up. And I was
"Nothing heroic gets done. And
this is my thought on the first-
responder situation
that I'm involved in." I was like,
"Nothing heroic.
Heroes are not born unless they
have a good, solid
support network. You know,
heroes are born
through support, through unity,
through guidance and help. And
you know,
the more we support each other,
the more we unite,
the more we lift each other up, the
more we celebrate
where we come from, the more
heroic things happen.
The more heroes are born." -Yeah!
-And that's my thinking of it. -Oh!
By the way, I do love
your style game. -Thank you.
Thanks so much. -You always
a well-tailored suit. -Again, it's a
passion of mine,
the clothing game. I have my own
line --
August McGregor. We're deep in
We're on our second drop now.
We're steady building the line.
Again, starting
at the foundations. Approach and
a beginner's mind, and rise up. And
that's what
I've done with this, that's what I've
with my clothing. Obviously, that's
what I've
done with the fighting. You
approach every day
in the gym as a beginner. You look
at people who go to --
Like, the beginners in a gym, they
always make
the biggest leaps. Then, they
always -- It kind of
filters out a little bit, The progress
slows down.
-Yeah. -You approach something
with a beginner's mind, ask
questions, think a lot, learn from
anything and everything, like a
and you grow quicker, you learn
And so that's what I'm trying to do
with everything I'm doing. -i can't
think of a better man to come to an
Irish pub with
than Conor McGregor. Also, I feel
very safe.
I got to be honest. [ Laughter ]
I feel very, very, very safe. -I wore
a little flowery shirt.
-Yeah, I know! -Tempting them,
"Say something!"
-Someone say something! -Say
about my flowery shirt. -Watch
what happens, yeah.
Absolutely. -That takes true balls.
[ Laughter ] -Let's talk about
What's next? We're waiting.
We're waiting for you. -My next
we're in talks for July. We're in
talks for July,
so we'll see what happens. A lot of
politics going on.
The fight game is a mad game.
But, again, like I said,
and to my fans, I am in shape, and
I am ready,
so... -Do we know who it is yet?
-There are many opponents. In
I can pick who I please. You know,
I've done a lot.
I've fought a lot. I never pulled out
of contests.
You know, I've gone through some
crazy injuries and
crazy external situations that many
a man would sprint
for the hills if it happened to them.
But I stood firm and done my piece
for the company. So I am in a
position now,
there are a lot of -- Like I said,
this whiskey is my baby. I have a
lot of great entities. I don't
need to fight. I am set for life.
My family is set for life. We are
But I am eager to fight. You know,
so we'll
see what happens. I'm just staying
as I like to say. -You make a lot of
people proud,
and we're proud of you. And as a
fellow Irishman,
I thank you very much. -Thank
you, Seamus, my man.
Thank you. -Good man.
[ Applause ] -Cheers.
-Cheers. [ Applause ] -Hey, should
go sing a song? -Yes, let's sing a
What's up, everybody! -Hey!
-Yo, let's go! Yes! -♪ I've been a
wild rover
for many a year ♪ ♪ And I've spent
all my money
on whiskey and beer ♪ Cheers,
-Cheers! I want to go to Dublin
with you once. -Yes, please!
I would love that. Let's do it!
Ireland -- we are
a welcoming nation. It would be an
to have you over there. I would
show you around.
-Let's do it! -Here you go! -♪ Nay,
never ♪ -1, 2, 3! -♪ No, nay, never,
no more ♪ ♪ Will I play the wild
rover ♪ ♪ No never, no more ♪
Conor McGregor, everybody! [
Cheers and applause ] Thank you,
Paddy Reilly! Thank you, Proper
Thank you very much! All the best,


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