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IELTS speaking test:

Question about topic Hobby:

1. What hobbies do you have?

2. How long have you been doing your favorite hobby?
3. Why did you start doing [specific hobby]?
4. Do you spend a lot of time on your hobbies?
5. What do you enjoy about your hobbies?
6. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor hobbies?
7. Do you think hobbies are important? Why or why not?
8. Do you have any hobbies you'd like to try in the future?
9. What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?
10. How did you develop an interest in [specific hobby]?
11. Do you think hobbies are important? Why or why not?
12. Have your hobbies changed over the years?
13. Do you prefer individual hobbies or group activities? Why?
14. What benefits do you think people gain from having hobbies?
15. Would you encourage children to pursue hobbies? Why?
16. Are there any traditional hobbies in your country that are becoming less popular?
17. Do you think hobbies help in reducing stress?
18. Have you ever tried turning a hobby into a profession?
19. Do you think people's choice of hobbies reflects their personalities? How?
20. What role do hobbies play in maintaining a work-life balance?
21. Are there any hobbies you would like to try in the future? Why?
22. How have your hobbies influenced your life or your way of thinking?
23. Do you think technology has affected the types of hobbies people have? How?
24. In your opinion, should schools encourage students to pursue hobbies alongside their studies?
25. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a hobby that requires a lot of time and
26. Do you think hobbies are more important for children or for adults? Why?
27. Have you ever taught someone else your hobby? How was the experience?
28. Do you think hobbies can bring people from different cultures together? How?

To perform effectively in the speaking task of the IELTS exam,

consider these strategies:
Practice Speaking Regularly:
Engage in regular conversations in English with friends, family, or
language partners. The more you speak, the more comfortable and fluent you'll become.

Familiarize Yourself with Common Topics:

Review and practice speaking about common IELTS topics
such as hobbies, family, work, education, etc. Familiarity will make it easier to respond during the test.
Expand Vocabulary:
Work on expanding your vocabulary related to various topics. Practice using

synonyms and varied expressions to avoid repetition.

Use Connectors and Fillers:

Incorporate connectors like "however," "on the other hand," or "in
addition" to link your ideas. Use fillers like "Well, I think," or "That's an interesting question" to give
yourself a moment to gather your thoughts.

Practice Timing:
During practice sessions, time yourself to get used to speaking within the time limit for
each section. This helps avoid rushing or running out of time during the test.

Listen to Instructions Carefully:

Understand the instructions clearly before responding. Ensure you
address all parts of the question asked.

Develop Fluency and Coherence:

Try to speak fluently without long pauses or hesitations. Organize
your thoughts logically to ensure coherence in your speech.

Provide Details and Examples:

Support your ideas with relevant details or examples to showcase your
ability to communicate effectively.

Record your practice sessions and listen back to identify areas for improvement, such as
pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary usage.

Relax and Be Confident:

Nervousness can impact your performance. Take deep breaths, stay calm,
and speak confidently. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes.

Practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with the test format will significantly improve your
speaking performance in the IELTS exam

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