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Distance learning and the psychological state of nursing

Didattica a distanza e stato psicologico degli studenti infermieri

Gianluca Casaroli1 Stefano Finotto2

1 RN, Degree Course in RIASSUNTO

biotechnology, University of INTRODUZIONE: La sindrome respiratoria acuta grave Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) e’ il nome dato al
Parma, Parco Area delle
Sciene, 11/a, 43124, Parma, coronavirus comparso in Cina, probabilmente nella citta’ di Wuhan, e rintracciato nell’uomo nel
Italy. Tel: 3384756155; Email: dicembre 2019. La pandemia causata da questo nuovo virus ha portato ad uno stravolgimento della vita delle persone in tutti gli ambiti: dalla scuola, alle attivita’ sportive, alle attivita’ lavorative, all’istruzione
e all’assistenza sanitaria.
2 RN, M.Sc., Adjunt Professor L’istruzione è stata colpita in ogni forma e grado ed è stata costretta a mutare la tradizionale didat-
in Nursing Science, University tica in presenza a favore di quella a distanza.
of Modena and Reggio OBIETTIVO: Scopo dello studio è descrivere, attraverso la percezione degli studenti infermieri ita-
Emilia, Campus Universitario liani, l’efficacia della didattica a distanza e l’impatto di essa sullo stato psicofisico dello studente
“San Lazzaro”, Via Amendola
2 ­Padiglione De Sanctis, durante il periodo di lockdown della prima ondata covid-19.
42122 Reggio Emilia, Italy. DISEGNO DI STUDIO: studio descrittivo analitico trasversale
Phon. +39 0522 522001, METODI: Il campionamento è stato per convenienza. Esso è composto da 375 studenti iscritti al
Email: Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica nell’anno accademico 2020-2021. Hanno aderito allo studio 239
studenti (64%). Lo strumento utilizzato per la raccolta dati è un questionario in formato elettronico.
RISULTATI: Gli studenti utilizzano maggiormente dispositivi mobili e la maggior parte di loro trova
di adeguata qualità l’audio in ingresso, il video in ingresso e la rete internet a disposizione. Gli osta-
coli vissuti principalmente dagli studenti sono: la mancanza di relazione con i compagni di corso
(32%), la mancanza della relazione con il docente (27%) e la mancanza di assistenza tecnica in caso
di problemi con le piattaforme utilizzate (19%). Emerge che la didattica a distanza fornisce meno
motivazione rispetto alla modalità in presenza. Il 74% degli studenti che ha risposto al questionario
crede che l’apprendimento online non abbia la stessa efficacia di quello in presenza. Il 38% degli
studenti ha ottenuto un punteggio di ansia media al GAD-7 e il 38% un punteggio di ansia minima
e in generale le emozioni negative sono state vissute dalla minoranza degli studenti.
CONCLUSIONI: la qualità dei dispositivi e della rete, la comunicazione con docenti e compagni
durante la didattica a distanza è stata valutata in modo sufficiente. La qualità dell’apprendimento
non ha riscontrato criticità troppo evidenti e la didattica a distanza non ha portato all’insorgenza di
condizioni di ansia grave e severa. Si può affermare quindi che la didattica a distanza non ha impat-
tato in modo negativo sullo stato psicologico e sull’apprendimento degli studenti infermieri e che
potrebbe rappresentare una valida integrazione alla didattica in presenza.
PAROLE CHIAVE: Sars-CoV2, studenti infermieri, Online Learning, Stress, emozioni, conoscenza
INTRODUCTION: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the name
given to the coronavirus that appeared in China, probably in the city of Wuhan, and was traced in
humans in December 2019. The pandemic caused by this new virus has led to a disruption of peo-
ple's lives in all areas, schools, sports, work, education and healthcare.
Education has been affected at all levels and schools have found themselves obliged to replace tra-
ditional in-person learning with distance learning.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to describe the effectiveness of distance learning and its
impact on the students’ physical and mental state during the lockdown of the first covid-19 wave,
through the eyes of Italian nursing students.
STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive analytical cross-sectional study.
METHODS: Sampling was by convenience. The sample comprised 375 students enrolled in the
Bachelor of Nursing programme in the academic year 2020-2021. A total of 239 students (64%)
participated in the study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire in electronic
RESULTS: Students use mobile devices to a greater extent and most of them find the audio / video
input and the internet connection to be of adequate quality.
The main obstacles experienced by the students were: lack of interaction with
fellow students (32%), lack of interaction with lecturers (27%), and the lack of technical assistance
in case of problems with the DL platforms used (19%). It has emerged that distance learning is less
motivational than in-person learning. 74% of the students who participated in the survey reported
that online learning was not as effective as in-person learning. 38% of the students scored medium
anxiety in the GAD-7 assessment and 38% scored minimal anxiety and, generally speaking, nega-
tive emotions were experienced by the minority of students.
CONCLUSIONS : the quality of the DL devices and the internet connection and interaction with
© 2023 instructors and fellow students during distance learning was adequately assessed. Learning quality
Professioni Infermieristiche was not overly affected by distance learning, which did not lead to the onset of serious and severe
anxiety conditions. It can therefore be stated that online/distance learning did not have a negative
Vol. 76 1 2023 impact on the psychological state and learning of the nursing students and can be viewed a valuable
support to in-person/classroom learning.
KEYWORDS: Sars-CoV2, Nursing Students, Online Learning,Stress, Emotion, Knowledge
47 Distance learning and the psychological state of nursing students


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 The purpose of the study is to describe the effectiveness
(SARS-CoV-2) is the name given to the coronavirus that of distance learning and its impact on the students’
appeared in China, probably in the city of Wuhan, and physical and mental condition during the lockdown of the
was detected in humans in December 2019. Coronaviruses first covid-19 wave, through the eyes of Italian nursing
are viruses that circulate among animals and can, in rare students. The specific aims of this research are to describe
cases, also infect human beings (Ministry of Health, the type and quality of the electronic devices used and the
2020). quality of the internet connection (1); to describe the
The pandemic caused by this new virus has led to a obstacles encountered in distance learning (2); to describe
disruption of people's lives in all areas, schools, sports, the quality of distance learning and the platforms used,
work, education and health care. compared to in-person classroom lectures, laboratory
Education has been affected at all levels and schools courses and examinations (3); to describe the emotions
have found themselves obliged to replace traditional in- experienced during the period of distance learning (4).
person learning with distance learning. According to
UNESCO (2020), the closing of schools due to the
pandemic has affected half the world's students, some 890 METHODS
million in 114 countries. In a very short time, we expe-
rienced a sudden shift from exclusively classroom learning Design
to exclusively distance learning. The design is a descriptive analytical cross-sectional
Distance education has been defined by Gaur et al. study.
(2020) and Klašnja-Milićević et al. (2017) as a method of
education that facilitates learning through the application Sample
of information and communication technology and Sampling was by convenience and comprised 375
provides students with the opportunity to access all students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing
required educational programmes. Sejzi et al. (2012) have programme at the Reggio Emilia campus of the University
identified this mode of education as an alternative to the of Modena and Reggio Emilia (CDSIRE), in the 2020-
traditional view and consider the virtual classroom concept 2021 academic year. A total of 239 students (64%) took
as a viable prospect for both school and university educa- part in the study. The participating students were split
tion. according to the programme year, as follows: 108 in the
Distance learning has an impact on the emotional and first year, 77 in the second and 54 in the third.
psycho-somatic dimension of students, in fact, an analysis The socio-demographic breakdown of the sample is
of the relevant literature has brought to light a series diffe- shown in Table 1.
rent issues related to the emotional state of students.
Bahrambeygi et al. (2018), Kattoua & Al-Loz (2016) and Table 1: Socio-demographic data
Moore (2014) highlight how a feeling of isolation and loss N(%)
of personal contact between instructor and pupil can arise, AGE Average: 22 years ­ DS 4.84
threatening the educational interaction between the two MALE FEMALE
primary players in the educational process. Wang et al. GENDER 36 (15%) 203 (85%)
(2020) point out that the pandemic period was emotio- FIRST SECOND THIRD
nally stressful for the entire population, especially for the
YEAR 108 (45%) 77 (32%) 54 (23%)
most vulnerable groups; the study emphasises that one of
these is represented by university students, who are most at SINGLE SINGLE
risk of developing high levels of stress, anxiety and depres-
Married 7 (3%)
sion, particularly among female students. The analysis of MARRIAGE
84 (36%) 142 (59%) Engaged 3 (1%)
the work of Kopala-Sibley et al. (2016), Plexousakis et al. STATUS
Divorced 2 (1%)
(2019) and Schwartz et al. (2019) shows that some of the
issues related to distance learning are represented by post- OUTSIDE THE CITY
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. PLACE OF
125 (53%) 110 (47%)
Changes in teaching methodology have also occurred RESIDENCE
in Italian university settings. As a result of the SARS-CoV2 NO YES
pandemic, and in order to comply with the operational 193 (81%)
guidelines of the universities, based on the national and Father 151 (30%)
regional regulations, the nursing courses at universities DID YOU Mother 168 (34%)
SHARE THE Brother(s) 83 (17%)
have been required to reorganise their teaching methods,
HOUSE 46 (19%)
thereby changing the habits of both instructors and WITH Sister(s) 70 (14%)
students. These sudden changes can increase the risk of OTHERS? Friend(s) 8 (1%)
poor learning outcomes, with negative effects on the Boyfriend 14 (3%)
students' physical and mental health. Other relatives 10 (2%)

Professioni Infermieristiche
Gianluca Casaroli, Stefano Finotto 48

Data Collection Tool the questionnaire would be tantamount to acceptance of

The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire the research study.
created on the basis of the analysed literature; the question- The data thus collected were used as a whole and not
naire was administered, in electronic form, through individually and were processed in accordance with the
Google Forms, the only requirement being owning a regulations in force in Italy (EEC Good Clinical Practice
personal account on the University of Modena and Reggio (GCP), DM of 15 July 1997 and following
Emilia (UNIMORE) platform. The questionnaire
featured validated instruments: the full Generalised 30/sg) and with the principles of the Declaration of
Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) questionnaire Helsinki. The rules of the relevant Ethics Committee were
(Lowe B, Decker O, Muller S, et al., 2008), several items complied with, even though no approval procedure was
of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales Short Version required for this type of study.
(DASS-21) questionnaire (Henry & Crawford, 2005), the
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) questionnaire
(Kessler RC, Barker PR, Colpe LJ, Epstein JF, Gfroerer RESULTS
JC, Hiripi E, et al 2003) and the Patient Health Question-
naire (PHQ-4) (Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JBW, With regard to the type and quality of the electronic
Löwe B., 2009). devices used in distance learning and the quality of the
The questionnaire comprised 56 statements/questions internet connection, it emerged that (i) students tended to
concerning: socio-demographic data (7), the type and use mobile devices the most (table 2), and that (ii) most of
quality of the electronic devices used (5), the obstacles them found the audio / video input and internet connec-
encountered during distance learning (1), the quality of tion of adequate quality.
distance learning compared to in-person classroom Table 2: Devices used by students in distance learning
lectures, laboratory courses and examinations (26), and the
emotions experienced during distance learning (17). The
questionnaire consisted of either closed-type questions Desktop computers 29 8%
with multiple choice answers or Likert scale questions.
Two types of Likert scales were used, one consisting of 4 Laptop computers 220 64%
items coded dichotomously (positive evaluations 1 –
Tablets 27 8%
Never, 2 – Some days and negative evaluations 3 – More
than half the days, 4 – Almost every day) and one consi- Smartphones 69 20%
sting of 5 items coded trichotomously (positive evaluations
Other 0 0%
4 – Agree, 5 – Strongly Agree, neutral evaluations 3 –
Neither Agree nor Disagree, and negative evaluations 1 –
Strongly Disagree, 2 – Disagree). The problems experienced by students, in connection
Face validity was calculated using the methodology with distance learning, mainly consisted of the lack of inte-
proposed by Sousa and Rojjanasrirat (2011) and was posi- raction with fellow students (32%), the lack of interaction
tive as all items scored above 80%. Content validity was with instructors (27%), the poor IT skills of instructors
calculated using Cronbach's alpha which was found to be (42%), and the lack of technical assistance in case of
0.64 for the entire questionnaire. problems with the platforms used (19%).
The questionnaire was administered electronically, With regard to the quality of distance learning
using Google Forms, in February 2021. compared to classroom lectures, laboratory courses and
examinations, it emerged that 37% reported that the plat-
Data Analysis forms used did not facilitate interaction between all parti-
A descriptive statistic of the data and frequency calcu- cipants. 33% of students found instructor/student interac-
lation was performed, Student's t-test between samples tion easy and immediate during online lectures, and 54%
with different variances and the Mann-Whitney test, assu- during online laboratory courses. In the online laboratory
ming p=0.05 for both tests as the level of significance level. courses, 39% of students found interaction between fellow
students easy, while 40% of students did not experience
Ethics this ease of interaction between fellow students during
The research protocol was approved by the Council of online lectures.
the Nursing Degree Programme, based at the Reggio It emerged that distance learning was less motivational
Emilia campus of the University of Modena and Reggio than in-person learning, but many students (59%) never-
Emilia. The data collection guaranteed the anonymity of theless found it easy to use and 68% of the sample reported
the source and non-traceability of the data, thanks to the that distance learning allowed them to organise their
settings in Google Forms, the e-mail addresses of the study leisure time better.
participants were not recorded. 74% of the students participating in the survey
The introduction to the questionnaire presented the reported that online learning is not as effective as in-person
purpose of the study, the guarantee of anonymity of the learning and, although 45% of the students were neutral
sources and the information according to which compiling about their overall assessment of distance learning, only

Vol. 76 1 2023

49 Distance learning and the psychological state of nursing students

Chart 1: Satisfaction rating for Distance Learning 6% rated the experience as very satisfactory.
With regard to the emotional experience of the
students, it emerged that 38% of the students scored mild
anxiety on the GAD-7 and 38% scored minimal anxiety,
and, generally speaking, the negative emotions envisaged
in the questionnaire were experienced by a minority of
students. 60% of the students did not feel that the online
examinations decreased their anxiety. A statistically signifi-
cant difference (p=0.0178) emerged performing the
Mann-Whitney test, assuming 2 samples with different
variance, between students experiencing less anxiety
during online examinations and students experiencing the
same or greater anxiety, the latter noted greater concentra-
tion problems in following online lectures.


In the light of the results obtained, it can be stated that

Chart 2: Negative emotions experienced by students in absolute numbers the students surveyed in our sample mainly used mobile
devices, as in the study by Mohamed AbdEl-Hamed Diab
& FouadElgahsh (2020); furthermore, as in the results
obtained by Adnan (2020), most of the students also
enjoyed an adequate internet connection for distance lear-
ning. It can be inferred from the answers to the survey
questions that CDSIRE students are adequately equipped
and prepared for distance learning, probably because they
were already widely using the web resources provided by
the university before the pandemic.
The difficulties encountered in distance learning
mainly consist in the lack of technical support, in the case
of problems with the online platforms used and the lack of
interaction with both fellow students and instructors.
These results are in line with Wilcha's (2020) study, which
highlights, among the difficulties experienced by students,
technical problems (with the internet connection or the
hardware) and a sense of isolation and lack of social
exchange and meaningful interaction among the students.
Problems of a technical nature are probably linked to the
speed with which university facilities have had to adapt to
Chart 3: Percentage frequency of perceived anxiety distance learning and the impossibility of coping with an
exponentially increasing demand for technical assistance.
Communication problems, which hinder relations with
instructors and fellow students, may also derive in part
from this fast-moving change, which has not allowed
students and instructors to adapt gradually to the transi-
tion and to learn how to make optimal use of the platforms
provided by the university.
The platforms themselves were found to be adequate
by the students, but the examinations were not without
technical problems and did not decrease anxiety compared
to in-person exams. The latter finding agrees with the
work of Savarese et al. (2020), who point out that for
many students, online exams are a huge source of stress,
especially if they held in the presence of other colleagues or
family members. Elsalem et al. (2020) confirms that most
students report being equally, or even more, stressed than
in the case of in-person exams. In our study, however, a
correlation emerges between increased exam anxiety and

Professioni Infermieristiche
Gianluca Casaroli, Stefano Finotto 50

greater concentration problems during online classes. social exchange with the other students. With regard to the
Patricia Aguilera-Hermida (2020), argues that switching overall assessment of distance learning, the majority of
to online systems is associated with decreased self-efficacy. students believes that online learning is not as effective as
Although Hodges et al. (2020) point out that e-learning, classroom learning. This result, which was probably
thanks in part to technological advances, facilitates the influenced by the general condition of isolation required
delivery of theoretical content from instructors to learners, by the pandemic that abruptly introduced online learning,
our study shows that students perceive distance learning to is not confirmed in the literature, which on the contrary
be less effective than classroom lectures. This negative shows an improvement in online learning (Natarajian,
assessment is especially influenced by the difficulty of tran- 2006; Hodges et al., 2020). The majority of students also
smitting practical competences and gestural skills during provided a positive response to the survey questions for
the online laboratory courses. The students' negative assessing the overall distance learning experience. This
perception of distance learning as less motivating and less result is encouraging, compared to the study by Fawaz &
effective is probably heightened by the poor computer Samaha (2021), where a majority of students expressed
skills of some instructors, a fact that is emphasised by 42% their dissatisfaction.
of the surveyed students. In the question concerning With regard to the emotions experienced in distance
overall satisfaction with DL, only a minority of students learning, the majority of the survey participants reported
found it to be unsatisfactory. This result, which evaluates minimal and mild anxiety, with a low perception of nega-
distance learning positively, deviates from the work of tive emotions. This result is slightly worse than that of
Fawaz & Samaha (2021), where a majority of students Bolatov et al (2021).
were dissatisfied, and is in agreement with the work of In conclusion, it can be said that the quality of the
Koirala et al. (2020), where a majority of students were devices and of the connection and the level of interaction
satisfied with the DL experience. with the instructors and fellow students in distance lear-
With regard to the physical and mental state of the ning were adequately assessed. That the quality of learning
students, comparing the scores obtained from the GAD-7 did not reveal any overly critical aspects and that distance
assessment, the results differ from the work of Bolatov et learning as a whole did not lead to the emergence of serious
al. (2020); in fact, in the latter research, a majority of and severe levels of anxiety, although – as a whole –
students suffered from minimal anxiety, whereas in our students consider online learning to be less effective than
study minimal and mild anxiety are found to be equal. In in-person learning.
both studies, however, the minority of students expe- Distance learning did not have a negative impact on
rienced moderate and severe levels of anxiety and our the psychological condition and learning capacity of the
results show that negative emotions were either never expe- CDSIRE nursing students and could constitute a valuable
rienced or were experienced only on a few occasions. support to in-person learning.
Students with a minimal anxiety score found distance
learning less effective, in terms of their clinical and theore-
tical preparation, but nevertheless believed that it allows LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
them to organise their leisure time better and they also find
the instructors to have sufficient IT skills to provide it. On The main limitations of the study are related to the use
the other hand, those reporting a severe anxiety score of a convenience sample and the fact that the sample was
found distance learning less motivating, more tiring, less taken only from the CDSIRE, which makes it difficult to
user-friendly and limiting their ability to pursue meanin- generalise the results.
gful interactions.
Conflicts of interest: none. No external funding.

According to the results of the survey, we can say that Adnan, M. (2020). Online learning amid the COVID-19
students engaged in distance learning by using their pandemic: Students perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical
laptops to a greater extent and rated their internet connec- Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), 45–51.
tion quality as adequate and their audio / video input
quality as satisfactory, in agreement with the study by Bahrambeygi F., Shojaeizadeh D., Sadeghi R., Nasiri S.
Mohamed AbdEl-Hamed Diab & FouadElgahsh (2020). &Ghazanchaei E. (2018). The Effectiveness of an E-Learning
Program on Nurse’s Knowledge and Behavior for Caring of
The CDSIRE students had difficulty in adapting to the Patients with Thromboembolism: A Comparative Study.
new form of interaction during lectures and exams, but the Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Management, 1(1), 1–7.
most critical issue concerned interaction between students
during lectures; these results are in line with Wilcha's Barbour, M. K., Labonte, R., Kelly, K., Hodges, C., Moore, S.,
study (2020), which highlights, among the difficulties Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). Understanding
experienced by students, problems of a technical nature Pandemic Pedagogy: Differences Between Emergency Remote,
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