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Several other techniques contribute to the expressive palette of musicians.

Here are a few:

1. **Tremolo:** Rapid repetition of a single note or rapid alternation between two notes, giving a
trembling or shivering effect.

2. **Trill:** Rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a whole or half step apart.

3. **Portamento/Glide:** Sliding smoothly from one pitch to another, covering all the pitches in

4. **Glissando:** Similar to portamento but involves sliding through all the pitches between two notes
without stopping.

5. **Pizzicato:** Plucking the strings of a bowed instrument instead of using the bow.

6. **Harmonics:** Producing a high-pitched, bell-like tone by lightly touching a string at a specific nodal

7. **Double stops:** Playing two notes simultaneously on a string instrument.

8. **Mute:** Placing a mute on an instrument to dampen its sound.

These techniques, when used skillfully, add depth, emotion, and variety to musical performances across
different genres.

Vibrato is a musical technique involving a regular, pulsating change of pitch. It is typically applied to
sustained notes on a musical instrument or in singing. Musicians achieve vibrato by oscillating the pitch
of the note slightly above and below its regular pitch at a consistent and controlled rate. This subtle
variation in pitch adds warmth, richness, and expressiveness to the sound, contributing to a more
nuanced and emotive musical performance. Vibrato is commonly used in various genres, including
classical, jazz, and popular music.

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