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Count and Non-Count Nouns

In English, there are two kinds of nouns: count nouns and non-count nouns. It is important to understand the
difference between them, because they often use different articles, and non-count nouns usually have no plural. Here is
a summary of the differences:

Type of
Explanation Example

“There are two

Count nouns are things which can be counted. That means that there can be books on the table.”
more than one of them. Also, when a count noun is singular and indefinite,
the article “a/an” is often used with it. (The real meaning of “a” is “one”.) “There is an
elephant in my car.”

“Could I have some

Non-count nouns (or uncounted nouns) are usually things which cannot be
Non- water please?”
counted, such as rice or water. Non-count nouns have a singular form, but
when they are indefinite, we either use the word “some” or nothing at all
nouns “I'd like rice with my
instead of an article.

How to tell whether a noun is count or non-count

You can usually work out whether a noun is count or non-count by thinking about it. Count nouns are usually objects
which can be counted. Non-count nouns are often substances (such as sand, water or rice) which cannot be easily
counted, or they may be large abstract ideas such as “nature”, “space” or “entertainment”. Here are some more

Count nouns Non-count nouns

pen education
table intelligence
car clothing
idea soap
answer air
student cheese
exam grass
shoe literature
Articles with Uncountable Nouns

Learn how and when to use Articles with Uncountable Nouns.

1. We do not say a/an with an uncountable noun.
For example:
• water (NOT a water)
• weather (NOT a weather)
• music (NOT a music)
2. A number can not be put in front of an uncountable noun.
For example:
• a piece of news (NOT 1 news)
• two bottle of water (NOT 2 water)
• a grain of rice (NOT 1 rice)
3. An uncountable noun is used with no article if we mean that thing in general.
For example:
• He put sugar in his tea and stirred it.
• He taught music at a school in Edinburgh.
4. The is used with an uncountable noun when we are talking about a particular thing.
For example:
• I immerse my clothes in the water.
• She dissolved the sugar in the tea.
• Did you like the music they played at the dance?

Articles with Countable Nouns

Learn how and when to use Articles with Countable Nouns.

1. We put a number in front of a countable noun.
For example:
• two cats
• three pens
• five students
2. We put both a/an and the in front of a countable noun.
• a book
• an apple
• the lions
3. A plural countable noun is used with no article if we mean all or any of that thing.
For example:
• She’s always out with her friends.
• He likes cats but dislikes dogs.
• I like books about sport.
4. We usually use a/an with a countable noun the first time we say or write that noun.
For example:
• John has a dog and a cat. The dog is called Rover, and the cat is called Fluffy.
5. We use the with countable nouns when the second and subsequent times we use the noun or
when the listener already knows.
For example:
• I like the book you bought last night.
• I found the puppy whimpering next to the front door.
• Please open the window!
• I think I’ve broken the washing machine.

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