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Course Name: Microprocessors Instructors:

Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie

and Assembly Language Dr. Shatha AbuShanab
Student Name:
Course Number: 12140414
Student Number:
Assignment No.: 3
Questions Number:2 1st Semester 2023-2024 Exam Date:

Question (1) 4 Points

Write the assembly instructions that test a block of 500H bytes of memory to count the
1. the unsigned numbers greater than 82H, memory location GREATT contains the count
2. the unsigned numbers less than 82H, memory location LESST contains the count (word-

Question (2) 6 Points

Design and draw a circuit that uses a decoder (7 4 H C T 1 3 8) for selecting seven 4k x 8
EPROMs for memory location starting F2000H

End of Exam

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