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Declarative and Interrogative Sentences Assentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Asentence begins with a capital letter. A sentence that tells something is a declarative sentence. A declarative sentence ends with a period, A sentence that asks @ question is an interrogative sentence. An intenrogative sentence ends with a question mark. Declarative Sentence Some cogs know how to smie. Interrogative Sentence Do you play with your dog? Directions: Write Dif the sentence is declarative. Write / if the sentence is imerrogative 1. Dogs are not allowed in the fil 2. Did she really see « beat? 3. Winn-Dixie knows how to smile, 4, Smiling is one of his talents. 5. What else can he do? Directions: Write each sentence with the correct end punctuation mark. 6. Which book did Miss Franny throw at the bear 7. She threw a large book, War and Peace 8. What is the dog's name 9. The dog's name is Winn-Dixie ; 10, Will he be my friend too Unit Because of Winn-Dixie Grammar 1 Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences ‘An imperative sentence gives @ command or makes a request. it usually begins with a verb and ends with a period. The ‘subject (you) is not shown. An exclamatory sentence shows strong feeting or surprise. it ends with an exclamation mark. ‘An interjection also shows strong feeling and ends with an exclamation mark. An interjection is a word or group of words, not a complete sentence. Imperative Sentence Look for Indians near the river. Exclamatory Sentences. | can't believe it! The squirrels are swimming! Interjection Hurray! Directions. Write F if the sentence is exclamatory. Write / if the sentence is imperative. 1, Help me load the ship with these boxes. 2. Bring some hickory nuts to the ship, 3. Good dog! Go! 4, Incredible! 5. Ask the Indians for help. Directions. Write the correct end punctuation for each sentence. Then write E if the sentence is exclamatory and /if the sentence is imperative. 6. Find a good beat first 7. Look fora dog that ean sw 8. Your dog is as huge as a bear 9. Leannot believe they explored so much 10, Fetch the stick for me Unit 1 Lewis and Clerk and Me Grammar 2

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