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Compiled For Middle Semester Test 2

Entrepreneurship Lecture Points


Herman Wijaya, S.A., M.Ak.

Compiled By :

Dior Briliandy




As time goes by, nowadays there is also greater competition that occurs in the business world,
ranging from the business of food and beverages, clothing, household needs, electronics, to
pharmaceuticals and medicines, both on a large industrial scale to MSMEs, making us have to be more
observant in choosing the business to run,

Among the many choices of types of businesses that can be done and developed, one of the
highlights is running a culinary business. Culinary business is one type of business that has great
opportunities and promising results. This is because the demand for human needs for food and
beverages is always there. In addition, the culinary business also has its own attraction for the
community, because it is related to taste and taste.

Culinary business can be defined as business activities engaged in food and beverages, starting
from the production process, processing, to sales. Culinary business can be done in various scales,
ranging from small scale to large scale. There are several types of culinary businesses that are commonly
found, including: restaurants, cafes, food stalls, canteens, to traveling food / beverage vendors.

The culinary business has great potential for success but also has its own challenges. One of the
challenges faced by the culinary business is increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, culinary business
people must be able to compete by offering quality products, affordable prices, and good service.

One of the culinary businesses that is popular in Indonesia and has good potential to be run and
developed is Warmindo or indomie food stalls. This business offers a simple but filling meal, namely
instant noodles. Instant noodles are a food that is favored by various groups, ranging from children to
adults, especially in Indonesia, this is because instant noodles have a good taste, practical, and
affordable prices.

Warmindo has a great opportunity to develop in Indonesia. This business can be the right choice
for people who want to start a culinary business in Indonesia because the warmindo business is
relatively easy to run even by beginners because this business does not require sufficient capital
great and special skills. Indonesia itself has a large population of around 280 million people which means
there is a large market potential for warmindo business.

On this occasion, we will also discuss the analysis of the product / business to be sold,
accompanied by comparisons with other products using SWOT analysis and Google Trends so that
Warmindo (Warung Makan Indomie) is obtained as a winning product.

Analysis Results of the Three Comparison Products Using SWOT Analysis and Google Trends

Market needs in Indonesia will vary depending on population characteristics, climate, economic
development, and other local factors. Here are some selected businesses / products that are generally
needed and have great potential in the market including:

1. Warming
2. Children's Clothing
3. Multivitamin

In determining what product / business will be chosen as the winning product of the three
selected products, in this discussion we will use SWOT Analysis and Gooogle Trends to help choose the
best from the three selected products.

Analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

The following is the result of a SWOT analysis of the three selected products (wrmindo,
children's clothing, and multivitamins) to assess each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats of a business / product to be marketed. SWOT analysis can also be used to assist businesses in
making targeted strategies to achieve their goals.


1. Warming
- The market for warmindo business is very broad, ranging from students, students, workers,
to families.
- The market share for warmindo business in Indonesia is still quite large because not many
entrepreneurs are serious about pursuing this business.
- The capital needed to start a warmindo business is relatively small, this makes this business
an attractive choice for beginners.
- The profit potential of the warmindo business is quite large, because the price of instant
noodles is relatively affordable.

2. Children's Clothing
- Indonesia has a large child population, which is about 40% of the total population. This
means that there is a large market potential for the children's clothing business.
- Changes in the lifestyle of an increasingly modern society make parents pay more attention
to the appearance of their children and encourage demand for quality and fashionable
children's clothing.
- Positive economic growth in Indonesia can increase people's purchasing power.

3. Multivitamin
- Indonesians are increasingly aware of the importance of health. This is driving demand for
health products including multivitamins.
- Technological developments, such as social media, can help multivitamin entrepreneurs to
reach a wider range of consumers.
- Indonesians are increasingly aware of the importance of quality products, including
multivitamins and this can drive demand for quality multivitamins.

Disadvantages (weaknesses)

1. Wamindo
- Consumers who like instant noodles tend to have dynamic tastes. This makes warmindo
entrepreneurs have to continue to innovate to meet consumer needs.
- Competition in the warmindo business is quite tight because lately many entrepreneurs are
interested in pursuing this business.
- The profit margin of warmindo's business tends to be small because the price of instant
noodles is relatively affordable.
2. Children's Clothing
- Dynamic consumers. Children's tastes tend to change with development.
- The children's clothing industry in Indonesia is quite competitive so there is fierce
competition because many entrepreneurs are interested in pursuing this business.
- The potential profit margin of the children's clothing business tends to be small.

3. Multivitamin
- Consumer tastes for multivitamins tend to change along with the development of
information and knowledge.
- The multivitamin industry in Indonesia is quite competitive.
- The profit margin of the multivitamin business tends to be small because the price of
multivitamins is relatively affordable.

Opportunities (Opportunities)

1. Warming
- Positive economic growth in Indonesia can increase people's purchasing power. This can
encourage an increase in demand for culinary products, including warmindo.
- Technological developments, such as social media, can help warmindo entrepreneurs to
reach a wider range of consumers.
- Changes in people's lifestyles that are increasingly practical can encourage an increase in
demand for fast food culinary products, such as warmindo.

2. Children's Clothing
- Technological developments, such as social media can help children's clothing
entrepreneurs to reach a wider range of consumers.
- Indonesians are increasingly aware of the importance of quality products, including
children's clothing and this can drive demand for quality children's clothing.
- The development of e-commerce can open up new opportunities for children's clothing
entrepreneurs to reach a wider range of consumers.
3. Multivitamin
- The development of e-commerce can open up new opportunities for multivitamin
entrepreneurs to reach a wider range of consumers.
- Increased awareness of healthy lifestyles. Indonesians are increasingly aware of the
importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Ancaman (Threats)

1. Warming
- Changes in consumer tastes can cause a decrease in demand for existing culinary products,
including warmindo.
- The entry of new competitors can increase competition in the warmindo business.
- Government policies, such as rising raw material prices, can have a negative impact on
warmindo's business.

2. Children's Clothing
- Changes in consumer tastes can lead to a decrease in demand for fashion products,
including children's clothing.
- The entry of new competitors can increase competition in the children's clothing industry.
- Government policies, such as rising raw material prices, can have a negative impact on the
children's clothing business.

3. Multivitamin
- Changes in consumer tastes can lead to a decrease in demand for health products including
- The entry of new competitors can increase competition in the multivitamin industry.
- Government policies, such as rising raw material prices, can negatively impact multivitamin
Analysis Using Google Trends

Google Trends Graphic Image Comparison Between Selected Products (Warmindo, Children's Clothing,
and Multivitamins) in a 1-year period:

Based on the google trends chart above, the following analysis results are obtained:

1. Results of Google Trends Analysis of Warmindo

Based on the chart, interest in warmindo in Indonesia has continued to increase over the past
12 months. In November 2022, interest in warmindo bottomed out at 25%. However, the interest
continues to increase until it reaches its highest point in July 2023 with a value of 75%. The increase in
interest in warmindo can be caused by several factors, including:

- Increasing purchasing power of Indonesian people.

- Changes in the lifestyle of Indonesian people who prefer practical and affordable food.
- Indonesia's culinary trends are increasingly diverse.
2. Results of Google Trends Analysis of Children's Clothing

Based on the chart, interest in children's clothing products in Indonesia has also continued to
increase over the past 12 months. In November 2022, interest in children's clothing bottomed out at
50%. However, the interest continues to increase until it reaches its highest point in July 2023 with a
value of 75%. Increased interest in children's clothing can be caused by several factors, including:

- Increasing number of families with children in Indonesia

- Increased awareness of parents on the importance of quality children's clothing
- Increasingly diverse children's fashion trends

3. Results of Google Trends Analysis of Multivitamins

Based on the chart, interest in multivitamin products in Indonesia has remained stable over the
past 12 months. In November 2022, interest in multivitamins reached a value of 50%. This value will
continue to be stable until July 2023. The stability of interest in multivitamins can be caused by several
factors, including:

- The needs of the Indonesian people for multivitamins are relatively stable
- Availability of sufficient multivitamins on the market
- Relatively affordable multivitamin price
Comparison of Trend / Interest of Warmindo Products, Children's Clothing, and Multivitamins Based on
Sub Regions:

1. Warming up


From the graph, it shows that the interest of the Indonesian people in warmindo based on the
subregion with the highest interest in warmindo is the Special Region of Yogyakarta, followed by Central
Java, West Java, East Java, and the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

1. Special Region of Yogyakarta

Has the highest interest in warmindo, with a percentage of 20%. This may be due to cultural
factors and traditions of the people of Yogyakarta who like spicy and savory food.
2. Jawa Tengah
Has the second highest interest in warmindo, with a percentage of 15%. This may be due to the
large and diverse population factor in Central Java.
3. West Java
Has the third highest interest in warmindo, with a percentage of 12%. This may be due to the
growing economic factors in West Java, so that people have more money to shop.
4. Jawa Timur
Has the fourth highest interest in warmindo, with a percentage of 10%. This may be due to
cultural factors and traditions of East Javanese people who like festive and crowded food.
5. Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Has the fifth highest interest in warmindo, with a percentage of 8%. This may be due to the large
and diverse population factor in Jakarta, so warmindo can be enjoyed by various circles of

Based on these data, it can be concluded that warmindo is a popular food in Indonesia,
especially in the Java region. Warmindo offers a variety of affordable and practical food and beverages,
making it suitable for various circles of society. Overall, the graph shows that Indonesian people's
interest in warmindo is quite high. Warmindo is a popular food among various Indonesians, especially in

2. Children's Clothing


The graph shows that children's clothing is one of the most popular product categories by
Indonesians. By subregion of public interest in clothing
The highest children are in West Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, West Sumatra, and Bengkulu.
This shows that people in these areas have a high interest in children's clothing.

In general, Indonesian people's interest in children's clothing tends to increase from time to
time. This can be caused by several factors, including:

- The growing population of Indonesia

- Increased public awareness of the importance of appearance
- Increasing people's purchasing power

3. Multivitamin


From the chart above shows that the provinces with the highest interest in multivitamins are
North Maluku, West Papua, North Sulawesi, North Kalimantan, and Bangka Belitung Islands. The lowest
interest in multivitamins is in the provinces of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and

Interest in multivitamins is highest in provinces located outside Java, for example in North
Kalimantan and West Papua. This may be due to several factors, such as the level of
Awareness of the importance of higher multivitamins, higher income levels, or geographic conditions
that require more multivitamins, such as hotter or colder climates.

Interest in multivitamins in DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten is
relatively low. This may be due to several factors, such as a lower level of awareness of the importance
of multivitamins, lower income levels, or geographic conditions that do not require multivitamins as
much, such as a more moderate climate.

Overall, the multivitamin chart shows that interest in multivitamins varies depending on the
province. Provinces outside Java generally have a higher interest in multivitamins compared to provinces
in Java.


Based on the results of the Google Trends graph on the three selected products, it can be
concluded that interest in Warmindo's products / business in Indonesia continues to increase. The
increase in interest can be caused by various factors, including increasing people's purchasing power,
lifestyle changes, and increasingly diverse culinary trends. Meanwhile, interest in children's meals and
multivitamins tends to be stable. So it can be concluded that based on the increasing trend, warmindo
can be one of the right business choices,

Meanwhile, in the SWOT Analysis, Warmindo (Warung Makan Indomie) is an option that can
create convenience, profit, and effectiveness and efficiency compared to competitors' products when
viewed in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to develop and compete in the
Indonesian market.

The results of the analysis using Google trends and SWOT Analysis with the three selected
products are directly proportional or have the same results that show Warmindo (Warung Makan
Indomie) as a winning product / selected product that has good potential in the market in Indonesia.
Warmindo's Grand Opening Plan to Attract Prospective Customers

The grand opening is one of the important moments for the new Warmindo business. This
moment must be utilized as much as possible to attract potential customers and build awareness of
Warmindo's business itself. Warmindo entrepreneurs can choose activities that are in accordance with
their budget and target market. With careful planning, the grand opening of the new warindo can be a
successful and profitable moment. Here are some ways that can be done to attract potential customers
during the grand opening of the new Warmindo:

1. Attractive promotions
Promotion is one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers by offering various
attractive promos, such as discounts, cashback, or free shipping. This promo can be done offline,
such as by installing banners or distributing brochures, or online, such as by using social media.
2. Lively event
A lively grand opening event can attract the attention of potential customers, one of which is by
holding various events, such as music performances, door prize distribution, or cooking demos.
This event can also be used to introduce new menus offered by Warmindo.
3. Good service quality
Improving the quality of good service can also be a special attraction for prospective customers
by providing fast, friendly, and professional service. This can make potential customers feel
comfortable and satisfied when visiting Warmindo.

Here are some examples of activities and promos that can be done during the grand opening of
warmindo baru:

1. Up to 50% discount on all menus

2. Free shipping for a minimum purchase of Rp100,000
3. Free drinks for a week after the grand opening
4. Door prizes in the form of free meal vouchers
5. Music performances from local bands
6. Cooking demos from professional chefs
7. Inviting Influencers / Food Vloggers for Warmindo promotions

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