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Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

DOI 10.1007/s00244-013-9993-2

Variation in Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxin (Microcystin) Content

of Water Samples and Two Species of Fishes Collected
from a Shallow Lake in Algeria
Amina Amrani • Hichem Nasri • Amina Azzouz •

Yacine Kadi • Noureddine Bouaı̈cha

Received: 15 October 2013 / Accepted: 30 December 2013 / Published online: 21 January 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract Microcystins (MCs) produced from cyanobac- for tolerable daily intake was exceeded only in common carp
teria can accumulate in freshwater fish tissues. In this study, muscle.
variations in these toxins content were examined monthly in
water samples and two species of fish in Lake Oubeira,
Algeria, from April 2010 to March 2011. During the study
period, MCs were analyzed using protein phosphatase type When meteorological conditions and nutrient supply are
2A (PP2A) inhibition assay. In lake water, total (dissolved favorable, cyanobacteria flourish in lakes and rivers where
and intracellular toxins) MC concentrations by PP2A ranged they can produce blooms and thus represent an emerging
from 0.028 to 13.4 lg equivalent MC-LR/l, with a peak in human and environmental health concern (for review see
September 2010. MC-LR was the dominant variant (90 % of O’Neil et al. 2012). Maximum growth rates are attained by
the total) in water samples, followed by MC-YR and MC- most cyanobacteria at temperatures [25 °C. For example,
(H4)YR. The highest MC concentration in the omnivorous within the North African basin, in Egypt (Mohamed et al.
common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was found in the order 2003), in Morocco (Oudra et al. 2001), in Tunisia (El Herry
intestine [ hepatopancreas [ muscle; however, in the car- et al. 2008), and in Algeria (Nasri et al. 2004, 2007, 2008)
nivorous European eel (Anguilla anguilla) the order was cyanobacterial blooms have been observed in several sur-
liver [ intestine [ muscle. Highest MC concentrations in face freshwaters during the warmest months particularly in
the intestine tissue of the common carp were found between summer and early autumn. The occurrence of these harmful
August and November 2010 where high MC concentrations microorganisms in aquatic ecosystems is often accompa-
were detected in water samples, whereas high levels of MCs nied by a production of a variety of cyanotoxins, which are
in the liver of the European eel were found later between generally classified into four categories, i.e., hepatotoxins,
January and February 2011. During the entire period of neurotoxins, irritant toxins, and cytotoxins, depending on
study, the World Health Organization (WHO) lifetime limit their mode of action (Chorus and Bartram 1999). The
presence of such toxins has been reported throughout the
world, and it appears that liver-toxic microcystins (MCs)
A. Amrani  H. Nasri  A. Azzouz
are more commonly found in 40–75 % of cyanobacterial
Laboratoire Biodiversité et Pollution des Écosystèmes, Institut
des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université d’El Tarf, blooms (Chorus and Bartram 1999).
36 000 El Tarf, Algérie In marine ecosystem, human poisoning through phyco-
toxins highlights that biomagnifications of these toxins in
Y. Kadi
the aquatic food chain may cause illness in humans when
Laboratoire Central de Pathologie, Hôpital El Taref,
36 000 El Tarf, Algérie biota from higher trophic levels are consumed and that this
risk must be assessed in freshwater ecosystems for cy-
N. Bouaı̈cha (&) anotoxins as well. Freshwater aquacultures are the fastest
Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution, UMR
growing animal food sector in the world, and cultured fish
8079-Université Paris-Sud/CNRS/AgroParisTech, Université
Paris-Sud, Bâtiment 362, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France supply now provides [13 % of the animal protein intake
e-mail: for the human population (WHO 2007). Therefore,

380 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

aquaculture farming in some Mediterranean countries has previously reported in this lake (Nasri et al. 2004, 2008).
grown to offset the increased demand. Therefore, this The high concentration of MCs was detected in autumn
intensive aquaculture commonly results in eutrophic con- 2004 at 29 mg equivalent MC-LR/l (Nasri et al. 2004). In
ditions and the occurrence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms October 2005, the death of two species of freshwater turtle
(Magalhaes et al. 2001). Several studies have been reported was observed in this lake during a Microcystis spp. bloom
that cyanobacterial toxins are known to bioaccumulate in (Nasri et al. 2008). The trophic status of the lake and the
common aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates, including increase in cyanobacterial bloom occurrences has led
zooplankton, mollusks, and crustaceans, as well as fishes, authorities to cease using this lake as a source for the
which pose a potential risk to both animal and human heath production of drinking water. However, it is still used for
if such aquatic animals are consumed (see review by Ib- irrigation and aquaculture particularly for two fish species:
elings and Chorus 2007; Ettoumi et al. 2011). Although no the common carp C. carpio (Linnée 1758) and the Euro-
case of human poisoning by this route has been reported in pean eel A. anguilla (Linnée 1758). The common carp is
the literature, this eventuality must not be ignored. Indeed, omnivorous, and its diet consists of insects, larvae, mol-
a study by Chen et al. (2009) reported that MCs were lusks, and various aquatic plants and algae. However, the
identified for the first time in the serum of a chronically European eel is carnivorous and a carrion feeder, and its
exposed human population (fishermen at Lake Chaohu, diet is highly biased toward fishes, water snails, worms,
China) together with indication of hepatocellular damage. aquatic insects, and different and varied waste, such as fish
Freshwater fish comprise only a minor proportion of fish corpses.
products in some countries. So far, only a few studies have During the period of study (April 2010 to March 2011),
measured MC content in feral fishes in Brazil (Magalhaes raw water and fish samples were collected monthly from
et al. 2001), Egypt (Mohamed et al. 2003), Portugal (Va- the same site in Lake Oubeira. For MC analysis in raw
sconcelos 1999), China (Xie et al. 2005), Mexico (Berry water, 1 l of lake water taken from the surface at the same
et al. 2011) and the United States (Schmidt et al. 2013) in site at 10 m from the shore was filtered through glass mi-
only a few species. Such studies are still lacking in Algeria, crofiber filters (GF/C; Whatman, VWR, Fontenay Sous
where people commonly consume freshwater fish regard- Bois, France) to separate MCs present in both the water
less of the danger of MCs. Therefore, the main goal of this (dissolved or extracellular toxins) and the cyanobacterial
study was to evaluate the presence of MCs in water sam- cells (intracellular toxins) using a vacuum pump. The filters
ples and different tissues (hepatopancreas, liver, intestine, were air-dried, packed in aluminum foil, and stored at
and muscle) of two fish species, i.e., the common carp -20 °C until further processing and analysis. Filtered
Cyprinus carpio (Linnée 1758) and the European eel water samples (filtrates) were maintained in glass bottles at
Anguilla anguilla (Linnée 1758) captured in Lake Oubeira, -20 °C until concentration and analysis. Every water
looking to associate the levels of MCs found in water with sample was taken in triplicate. For assessment of MC
those observed in fish tissues. bioaccumulation, species of locally consumed fish,
including predominantly the common carp, C. carpio, and
the European eel, A. anguillan were obtained monthly from
Materials and Methods small commercial catches of fisherman fishing within Lake
Oubeira during water-quality sampling. During the 1-year
Site Description and Raw Water and Fish Sample sampling period, the body weight of the common carp and
Collection the European eel varied between 250 and 1,400 g and 400
and 1,050 g, respectively. However, at each date of sam-
Lake Oubeira is a shallow, polymictic waterbody, located pling, every fish species was taken by triplicate with a
in northeastern Algeria (36°530 N and 008°230 E), home to similar body weight. After capture, fishes were ice-cooled
El Kala National Park, and has an average elevation of and transported to the laboratory where they were imme-
25 m above sea level. It is the first largest freshwater lake diately dissected, and, subsequently, hepatopancreas, liver,
in Algeria and has an estimated surface area of 2,200 ha intestine, and 100 g of muscle for each fish were separated.
and a maximum depth of *4 m. In 1984, the lake was Tissues were cut into small portions and transferred to
included as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention 50-ml tubes, lyophilized, and stored at -20 °C for sub-
[Ramsar Convention Official Website (] sequent extraction and analysis.
because it is considered an important natural reserve for
migratory birds and wildfowl species. Fishing and irriga- MC Extraction from Water and Fish Samples
tion are some of the activities practiced in and around its
waters. Cyanobacterial blooms with the dominance of For the determination of free dissolved MCs (extracellular
Microcystis spp., [90 % of the algal biomass, have been toxins), filtrates (500 ml in triplicate) were applied to C-18

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389 381

solid-phase extraction cartridge (LiChrolut RP-18, 500 mg; 405 nm. The ‘‘toxin equivalent’’ concentration (MC-LR
Merck, France) previously washed with 5 ml of methanol equivalent/l or g dw) in each sample was determined from
[high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade] the linear part of the calibration curve (20–1,000 pg/ml
and further conditioned with 5 ml of Milli-Q water (Milli- with pure MC-LR; Novakits, France) produced in each
Q Plus ultrapure water purification system; Millipore, assay, which was between approximately 25 and 75 %
France). Toxins were eluted using 3 ml of methanol inhibition of PP2A. The test sample will, therefore, be
(HPLC grade) containing 0.5 % trifluoro acetic acid. The diluted or concentrated so that the inhibition value will be
eluate was evaporated to dryness at 40 °C under decreased in the linear portion of the standard curve. The limit of
pressure, suspended in 1 ml of 50 % (v/v) aqueous meth- quantification for PP2A was 5 ng/l of water samples or
anol, and stored at -20 °C until further analysis by phos- 20 ng/g dw of tissue samples. For water and fish samples,
phatase type 2A (PP2A) inhibition assay. For the analysis was performed on three different water and fish
determination of cellular MCs (intracellular toxins), air- samples and each analysis was replicated three times. The
dried filters were placed in glass tubes, covered with 5 ml total MC content in the lake water was obtained by the
of 75 % (v/v) aqueous methanol, and sonicated for 5 min addition of cellular (intracellular) and dissolved (extracel-
in an ultrasonic bath (Ultrasonic 300). The suspension was lular) MC concentrations.
centrifuged at 10,000 g for 5 min; the supernatant was
retained; and the filters were re-extracted two times as Identification of Microcystin Variants by Liquid
previously, described. Combined supernatants were evap- Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
orated to dryness at 40 °C under decreased pressure, sus-
pended in 1 ml of 50 % (v/v) aqueous methanol, and stored Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spec-
at -20 °C before analysis by PP2A inhibition assay. trometry (LC–MS/MS) analysis was performed in the
For MC extraction from fish tissues, 100 mg dry weight Laboratory PESSAC, INRA de Grignon, France. The
(dw) of each lyophilized tissue (hepatopancreas, intestine, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in positive mode
and muscle for the common carpe; liver, intestine, and experiment for confirming the identities of some MC-LR
muscle for the European eel) were homogenized with 1 ml variants in lake water, harvested on September 2010 where
of 75 % (v/v) aqueous methanol using a Teflon pestle. the highest MC concentrations were observed with the
Homogenates were introduced for 5 min in an ultrasonic PP2A assay, was performed using a Waters Acquity Ul-
bath (Ultrasonic 300) followed by centrifugation at traperformance LC separations module coupled to a
10,000 g for 10 min. The supernatant was retained and the Quattro Ultima triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer
residue re-extracted two times as previously described. (Waters, France). The sample was chromatographed on an
Combined supernatants were stored at -20 °C before Acquity ULPC BEH C18 column (100 9 2.1 mm i.d.,
analysis by PP2A inhibition assay. 1.7 lm) with a linear gradient (300 ll/min) of water (sol-
vent A) and acetonitrile (solvent B) each containing 0.1 %
Analysis of Microcystins by PP2A Inhibition Assay acetic acid as the mobile phase. The gradient consisted of
0 min at 95 % A, then to 45 % A at 7.50 min, to 100 % B
MC concentrations in the water and in each fish tissue at 8.50 min (1-min hold), followed by a return to 95 % A at
sample were determined using PP2A inhibition assay 9.60 min with a 2-min hold to equilibrate the column. The
according to Bouaı̈cha et al. (2002). Briefly, the PP2A MS/MS was run in precursor/product ion mode as descri-
activity was determined by measuring the coloration bed in Mekebri et al. (2009). Precursor-ion scanning (m/z
associated with the formation at 37 °C of p-nitrophenol (p- 500–1200) for m/z 135 was performed with collision
NP) from the substrate p-nitrophenyl phosphate (p-NPP) energy at 90 eV.
using a microtiter plate reader (CERES UV900 Hdi). The
p-NPP (80 mM) was dissolved in the Tris–HCl buffer Histopathology of Fish Hepatopancreas and Liver
containing 40 mM Tris–HCl, 34 mM MgCl2, 4 mM eth- Tissues
ylene diamine tetraacetic acid, and 4 mM dithiothreitol, pH
8.3. The PP2A was diluted in the Tris–HCl buffer and Three specimens of each species C. carpio and A. anguilla
supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) at with a mean body weight of 800 g were obtained from
0.5 mg/ml to a concentration of 200 mU/ml. The assay was small commercial catches of fisherman fishing within Lake
then performed by adding 100 ll of the sample solution Oubeira in October 2010. Two control carps (C. carpio)
prepared in the Tris–HCl buffer to 50 ll of the enzyme with a mean body weight of 20 g were purchased from a
solution in a 96-well microtiter plate. After incubating at local fish hatchery. The carps were kept at a water tem-
37 °C for 5 min, 50 ll of substrate (p-NPP) was added. perature of 15 °C in dechlorinated tap water under con-
The rate of p-NP production was measured after 1 h at tinuous aeration and fed with pellet food at a rate of 1 %

382 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

Fig. 1 Distributions and 14000 2000

variations of extracellular
Extracellular toxin 1800
(broken line) and intracellular

Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/l)

Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/l)

12000 Intracellular toxin
(unbroken line) MCs in surface 1600
water collected monthly in Lake

(Extracellular toxin)
Oubeira from April 2010 to 1400

(Intracellular toxin)
March 2011. Data were
expressed as the mean value and 8000
SDs of three replicate 1000

4000 600


0 0

Date of sampling

body weight/day for 6 months. However, breeding of the sampling period from April 2010 to March 2011, the total
European eel is not well controlled in our laboratory; MC concentrations, corresponding to the addition of the
therefore, we do not have a control for this species. After intracellular and the extracellular fractions, ranged between
dissection, hepatopancreas and liver tissues from captured 0.028 and 13.4 lg equivalent MC-LR/l. The percentage of
and control fishes were quickly removed and rinsed in tap MC levels found in the extracellular fraction ranged from
water for subsequent histopathological analysis. Liver and 67 to 99 % for all sampling dates except in June and July
hepatopancreas tissues were fixed in 5–10 % neutral buf- where it ranged from 1.6 to 32 %, respectively. Therefore,
fered formalin, dehydrated through a graded series of eth- in the current study, the dissolved fraction contributed a
anol, cleared in xylene, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at a high percentage to total MC concentrations in this lake.
thickness of 5 lm, and stained with hematoxylin (H) and
eosin (E) for histological examination. Subsequently, liver Microcystin Variant Identification by LC–MS/MS
and hepatopancreas tissues were examined microscopically
(Leica DM 1000 LED, France), and their histological The LC–MS/MS tandem mass spectra of the water lake
abnormalities were recorded and photographed. fraction containing dissolved toxins and collected on Sep-
tember 2010, where the highest MC concentration was
observed with the PP2A assay, are shown in Figure 2.
Results These spectra showed the presence of three peaks (6.096,
6.294, and 6.371 min) giving a fragment ion at m/z 135, a
Seasonal Variation of Microcystin Concentrations typical fragment for MCs attributed to a [C9H11O]? frag-
in the Lake Water ment of the Adda residue. The parent ion [M?H]? of the
more abundant peak at 6.371 is m/z: 995.7. The parent ions
The MC concentrations in water (extracellular toxins) and [M?H]? of the two minor peaks at 6.096 and 6.294 min
algal samples (intracellular toxins) were analyzed by the are m/z: 1049.5 and 1045.7, respectively. To establish the
PP2A inhibition assay, and their seasonal variation is structural identities of these peaks, collision-induced dis-
shown in Figure 1. Measurable MC levels were detected in sociation spectra of the [M?H]? ions were generated. The
dissolved and particulate fractions in all of the examined product ions’ spectra of the peaks at 6.294 and 6.371 min
samples, with concentrations ranging from 18 to 11,800 summarize some of the important fragment ions present in
and from [10 to 1,600 ng/l, respectively. High concen- the MS/MS spectra of MC-YR (1017.5 and 603.5) and
trations of cell-bound MCs were found in 2010 in early MC-LR (967.9 and 553.4), respectively. However, the peak
autumn (September to October) with a maximum value of at 6.096 is not very intense, and except the fragment ion at
1.6 lg/l. Extracellular MC concentrations in all cases, m/z 135, no further characteristic fragment ions were
except June and July, are several orders of magnitude observed. In the literature, the only MC variant with a
greater than those of intracellular MC concentrations with a [M?H]? ion at m/z: 1049.5 described until now is MC-
peak in September of 11.8 lg/l. During the 12-month homotyrosineR (MC-(H4)YR) (Namikoshi et al. 1992).

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389 383

Fig. 2 LC–MS/MS precursor ion spectra of the water sample fraction containing dissolved toxins from Lake Oubeira harvested on September
2010 exhibit parent ions [M?H]? of MCYST-LR (m/z: 995.5), MCYST-YR (m/z: 1045.5), and MCYST-(H4)YR (m/z: 1049.5)

Therefore, according to retention time and the parent ion During the sampling period, the mean of MC concen-
[M?H]?, this minor compound should be MC-(H4)YR. trations in intestine, liver, and muscle tissues was highest in
Thus, the water sample form Lake Oubeira collected on the omnivorous fish C. carpio and lowest in the carnivo-
September 2010 presents three variants of MCs: MC-LR, rous fish A. anguilla. The highest MC concentration in the
MC-YR, and MC-(H4)YR. common carp was found in the order intestine [ hepato-
pancreas [ muscle; however, in the European eel the order
Variation of MC Contents in Various Organs of Fish was liver [ intestine [ muscle. Except in April 2010, the
highest MC concentrations in the intestine tissue of the
MCs measured in different common carp tissue samples omnivorous fish C. carpio were found between August and
collected between April 2010 and March 2011 ranged from November 2010 (Fig. 3) where high MC concentrations
343 to 771 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW in hepatopancreas were detected in water samples of Lake Oubeira (Fig. 1).
tissue, from 371 to 3,059 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW in The high MCs concentration detected in the intestine of the
intestine, and from 329 to 680 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW common carp in April 2010 can be the result of an earlier
in muscle (Fig. 3). The highest MC concentration was bloom of cyanobacteria that occurred in Lake Oubeira.
found in the intestine (3,059 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW), However, for the carnivorous fish A. Anguilla, the highest
followed by the hepatopancreas (771 ng equivalent MC- MC concentrations in liver tissue were found later between
LR/g DW) and the muscle (680 ng equivalent MC-LR/g January and February 2011 (Fig. 4).
DW) (Fig. 3). MC levels in different European eel tissue
samples ranged from 86 to 333 ng equivalent MC-LR/g Histopathology of Common Carp Hepatopancreas
DW in liver, from 66 to 233 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW and European Eel Liver
in intestine, and from 54 to 67 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW
in muscle (Fig. 4). The highest MC concentration was No fish mortalities were observed during the period of
found in the liver (333 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW), fol- study, and the appearance of the examined organisms was
lowed by the intestine (233 ng equivalent MC-LR/l) and macroscopically normal. However, during the period Sep-
the muscle (67 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW) (Fig. 4). tember to October 2010, when MC levels were greater, we

384 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

Fig. 3 Distributions and 4500 14000

variations of total MC Hepatopancreas
concentrations in raw water 4000 Intestine 12000
(broken line) and their

Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/g DW)

Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/l)

accumulation in the Muscle
hepatopancreas (open bars), Total MCs
intestine (gray bars), and
muscle (black bars) of the
common carp (C. carpio) 8000
captured monthly in Lake 2500
Oubeira from April 2010 to
March 2011. Data are expressed 2000 6000
as the mean value and SDs of
three different fishes replicated 1500
three times 4000


0 0

Date of sampling

Fig. 4 Distributions and 500 14000

variations of total MC Liver
concentrations in raw water 450
(broken line) and their 12000
Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/g DW)

accumulation in the liver (open

Microcystin-LR equivalent (ng/l)

bars), intestine (gray bars), and Total MCs
muscle (black bars) of the 350 10000
European eel (A. anguilla)
captured monthly in Lake 300
Oubeira from April 2010 to 8000
March 2011. Data are expressed 250
as the mean value and SDs of
three different fishes replicated 200
three times
150 4000


0 0

Date of sampling

noticed that when we cutting hepatopancreas (common in October 2010 showed the presence of several abnor-
carp) and liver (European eel) tissues into small portions malities characterized by liver steatosis with large, fat
before lyophilization, the liver appeared to be a firm tissue; nodules at the periphery of hepatocytes (Fig. 5b), dilatation
however, the hepatopancreas appeared to be crumbled. of the lumen of hepatic sinusoid (Fig. 5c), and the presence
Microscopic examination of the H&E-stained hepatopan- of siderotic macrophages (Fig. 5d), an inflammatory cell
creas section of the common carp control showed no type indicating intrahepatic hemorrhage. Microscopic
histopathological degeneration (Fig. 5a). However, micro- examination of the HE-staining liver section of the Euro-
scopic examination of the H&E-stained hepatopancreas pean eel collected during the same period and at the same
sections of the common carp collected from Lake Oubeira site showed the presence of several abnormalities

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389 385

a b c

d e

Fig. 5 Histopathological changes in H&E-stained hepatopancreas (original magnification 910). d Presence of siderotic macrophages
section of common carp (C. carpio) and in H&E-stained liver section (arrow), an inflammatory cell type indicating intrahepatic hemorrhage
of European eel (A. anguilla) captured in Lake Oubeira during (original magnification 910). e Normal parenchyma (black arrow),
October 2010. a Hepatopancreas section of the common carp control hydropic degeneration (white arrowhead), focal necrosis (black
with no histopathological degeneration (original magnification 940). arrowhead), and haemosiderin deposits (broken arrow) (original
b Hepatocytes with lipid nodules (arrows) (original magnification magnification 940)
920). c Dilatation (arrows) of the lumen of the hepatic sinusoid

characterized by hydropic degenerations, focal necrosis, intake value for MC-LR of 300 lg/kg fw of food for adults
and haemosiderin deposits (Fig. 5e). Haemosiderin is an and 40 lg/kg fw of food for children with 100 g fw of
iron-stockage complex that it is most commonly found in contaminated fish being consumed per day. Using the
macrophages and is especially abundant after hemorrhage. guidelines of Ibelings and Chorus, none of the muscle tissue
samples of the common carp and the European eel in our
Potential Risks of MCs in Lake Oubeira study would have exceeded the seasonal value for adults.
However, for children only muscle tissue samples of the
To avoid potential health risk, the World Health Organiza- common carp would have exceeded the seasonal value. In a
tion (WHO) established the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for recent study, Mulvenna et al. (2012) assigned an acceptable
MCs over the lifetime of 40 ng/kg body weight/d for MC- daily limit for MCs in fish of 39 lg/kg fw for adults (aged
LR equivalents (WHO 2008). In this study, a coefficient of 5 C17 years) and 24 lg/kg fw for children (age 2–16 years).
was used to convert dry weight to fresh weight (fw) of A factor of 319 g fw of fish consumed/d for children and
muscle tissues of the common carp and the European eel 377 g fw/day for adults was used to generate the guideline
(Dong et al. 2012). The estimated daily intake (EDI) of MCs values. Using these guidelines, all muscle tissue samples of
for an adult weighing 60 kg ingesting 100 g of edible organs the common carp are above the limit for children and adults;
(muscle) of these fish is shown in Fig. 6. Compared with the however, none muscle tissue samples of the European eel are
TDI, i.e., 40 ng/kg body weight/day, muscle tissues of the above the limit for children and for adults.
common carp captured in Lake Oubeira between April 2010
and March 2011 were not deemed safe for consumption
(Fig. 6) due to their having concentrations of MCs 2.7–5.7 Discussion
times greater than the TDI. However, muscle tissues of
European eel captured during the same period and at the In this study, although no dense bloom of cyanobacteria
same site never exceeded the TDI. Ibelings and Chorus was observed during the 12-month sampling period from
(2007) used the seasonal WHO guideline value of 0.4 lg/kg April 2010 to March 2011, total MC concentrations ranged
body weight/day to estimate a seasonal (daily exposure for between 0.028 and 13.4 lg equivalent MC-LR/l. Com-
several weeks during the cyanobacterial season) tolerable pared with the total toxin concentration, the proportion of

386 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

Fig. 6 EDI of MCs by a person Common carp

consuming 100 g (fresh weight) 240

Ingested MCs (ng equiv. MC-LR /kg bw/day)

of muscle of common carp C. European eel
carpio (open bars) and
European eel A. anguilla (black 200
bars) captured monthly in Lake
Oubeira from April 2010 to
March 2011. The horizontal 160
broken line indicates the
maximum lifetime TDI for
humans (40 ng/kg/day) 120
proposed by WHO (Chorus and
Bartram 1999)


Date of sampling

extracellular MCs was generally greater ([65 %) than abnormalities, observed after histopathology examination
intracellular MCs, except in June and July 2010, when the of the hepatopancreas of the common carp, are character-
proportion of dissolved toxins were 1.6 and 32 %, ized by hepatopancreas steatosis, dilatation of the lumen of
respectively. These high percentages of dissolved MCs in hepatic sinusoid, and the presence of siderotic macro-
the water of Lake Oubeira could be the result of their phages, inflammatory cells indicating intrahepatic hemor-
release from cyanobacterial cells during the senescence and rhage. In liver of European eel, haemosiderin deposits,
decomposition periods of an earlier bloom. Indeed, several which are most commonly found in macrophages and are
results reported that toxic cyanobacterial blooms occurred especially abundant after hemorrhage, were observed.
throughout the year in this lake (Nasri et al. 2004, 2008). Atencio et al. (2008) reported that pathological lesions,
The LC–MS/MS tandem mass spectra of the dissolved including macrovesicular steatosis, were observed in the
toxins in the water lake harvested on September 2010, liver of Tinca tinca after exposition by oral route to
where the highest MC concentrations were observed with cyanobacterial cells. In addition, toxicity of MCs is medi-
the PP2A assay, showed the presence of a major MC-LR ated through the active transport of these toxins into
variant (90 % of the total) and two minor variants MC-YR hepatocytes by the bile acid organic anion transport system
(6 %) and MC-(H4)YR (4 %). As described in our earlier followed by inhibition of eukaryotic serine/threonine pro-
studies (Nasri et al. 2004, 2007), the profile of MC variants tein phosphatases 1 and 2A (Eriksson et al. 1990), thus
in Lake Oubeira usually consists of MC-LR as the domi- leading to hyperphosphorylation of proteins associated
nant variant in water samples followed by two or three with the cytoskeleton in hepatocytes (Toivola et al. 1997).
hydrophobic variants, such as MC-RR, MC-YR, D-Asp3- Therefore, the rapid loss of the sinusoidal architecture and
MC-LR, and, for the first time in this study, MC-(H4)YR. attachment to one another leads to accumulation of blood
MCs present in this lake can therefore enter aquatic in the liver, and death most often results from hemorrhagic
organisms, especially commercial fish species, by being shock in fish (Jiang et al. 2011). Our histopathological
absorbed through the gills when they filter contaminated observations, especially dilatation of the lumen of hepatic
water or through the diet (see Ettoumi et al. 2011). Once sinusoid and the presence of intrahepatic hemorrhage, seem
accumulated in fish, these toxins can affect liver tissue and to be in agreement with previous studies concerning
cause cell damage and death through inhibition of protein cyanobacterial hepatotoxicity in fish (Dong et al. 2012;
phosphatases (reviewed in Malbrouck and Kestemont Ernst et al. 2006; Fischer and Dietrich 2000). In a previous
2006). In the present study, the indication of hepatocellular study, we reported for the first time the death of two
and liver damage of the common carp and the European freshwater terrapin species, E. orbicularis and M. leprosa,
eel, respectively, consistent with MC poisoning, was indi- in Lake Oubeira during October 2005, with liver crumbling
cated both by the accumulation of these toxins and by the evident after examination of the fresh carcass of M. leprosa
presence of several abnormalities in these tissues. These (Nasri et al. 2008). Recently, Mitsoura et al. (2013)

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389 387

observed histopathological changes, characterized by the tissues of the carnivorous fish (European eel) were
presence of lipid droplets and sporadic hemorrhagic observed later in winter when total MC concentrations in
symptoms in the liver of the common carp caught from the lake water were lowest (Fig. 4). This suggests that in
Lake Karla (Greece) with significant MCs concentrations the carnivorous fish, MC accumulation could have occur-
(0.75–3.9 lg/l). red through food web transfer, but this remains unknown
It has been well documented that the liver is the target without diet toxicity data. Nevertheless, several studies
organ for MCs accumulation in fish (Ernst et al. 2006; have been reported that MCs can be transferred to greater
Papadimitriou et al. 2012). This may be attributable to the trophic levels, i.e., from zooplankton and mollusks to
high density of organic anionic transporters on the surface carnivorous fish species, in natural and aquaculture systems
of hepatocytes (Fischer et al. 2005). However, numerous (Mohamed et al. 2003; Smith et al. 2008). Smith et al.
studies have proven that high concentration of these toxins (2008) reported that [80 % of noncovalently bound MC in
could be also accumulated in different organs of fish, such zooplankton Bosmina fed to sunfish Lepomis gibbosus was
as viscera, kidney, and muscle, whereas muscle usually directly transferred to the sunfish, indicating that free or
presents the lowest MC content (Fischer and Dietrich 2000; conjugated MCs can travel efficiently up the aquatic food
Mohamed et al. 2003; Schmidt et al. 2013; Zhang et al. web. Thus, the variations of MC concentrations in different
2009). Tricarico et al. (2008) reported that crayfish (Pro- tissues of the two fish species captured in this study are in
cambarus clarkii) collected in Massaciuccoli Lake (Italy) agreement with those reported in the literature. Xie et al.
accumulated cyanotoxins in all of the organs analyzed. The (2005) reported that MC concentration in liver was highest
highest concentration of MCs was found gradually in in carnivorous fish, followed by omnivorous fish, and was
intestine > hepatopancreas = stomach > abdominal mus- lowest in phytoplanktivorous and herbivorous fish. In
cle. These results are in reasonable agreement with the contrast, gut MC concentration generally showed a
results reported here for the common carp; however, in the reversed pattern with concentrations being highest in
European eel the highest MC concentrations was found in phytoplanktivorous fish followed by omnivorous and car-
the order liver [ intestine [ muscle. In fact, differential nivorous fish. In contrast, Zhang et al. (2009) found that
accumulation of MCs in fish tissues of different species has MC concentration in muscle was highest in omnivorous
been noted by several investigators (Berry et al. 2011; fish, followed by phytoplanktivorous fish, and was lowest
Palı́ková et al. 2011; Papadimitriou et al. 2012). Recently, in carnivorous fish.
Schmidt et al. (2013) reported that of 129 fish belonging to Until now, more attention has been paid to human
5 different species taken from a eutrophic lake in Ohio uptake of MCs through drinking water (WHO 1998) than to
(Grand Lake St. Marys, USA) tested for MCs, only black bioaccumulation of MCs in aquatic animals in natural
crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and common carp (C. waters. Fishes, at the top of the aquatic food chain, are
carpio) tested positive for MC-LR. In Lake Oubeira, MC likely to be most affected by exposure to toxic cyanobac-
concentrations in the common carp tended to be greater teria, and so their consumption may pose great risk to
when MC concentrations in water were also high during humans. During the entire period of this study, the WHO
cyanobacterial development in autumn. However, in the lifetime limit for TDI was exceeded only in common carp
European eel the high MC concentration was observed muscle. However, if we use the guidelines established by
later in winter where MC concentrations in water were low. Ibelings and Chorus (2007) (described previously in
This variability is likely attributable to the differences in Potential Risks of MCs in Lake Oubeira), none of the
diet between the two species sampled. The results from the muscle tissue samples of the common carp and the Euro-
literature show that MCs are taken into fish from both pean eel during this same period would have exceeded the
water and bloom material, both by way of the gills and the seasonal value for adults. However, for children only
intestine followed by their distribution and accumulation in muscle tissue samples of the common carp would have
different organs (Cazenave et al. 2003). Therefore, in the exceeded the seasonal value. The present results are in
current study, the highest MC concentrations in fish agreement with several studies reported in the literature.
intestine were observed in the common carp with a peak at For example, Garcia et al. (2010) reported that the highest
1933.3 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW on November 11, concentration of MCs occurring in crab tissue was 105 lg
2010, compared with 108.4 ng equivalent MC-LR/g DW MCs/kg fw representing an EDI, based on human body
on October 13, 2010, for the European eel (Figs. 3, 4), in weight and amount of crab tissue consumed, of 0.46 lg
autumn when MC concentrations in water were also MCs/kg body weight/d, a value [10 times the WHO TDI
extremely high. This suggests that the omnivorous fish guideline. Peng et al. (2010) indicated that most of the
(common carp) takes up MCs from both water and aquatic products from three large Chinese lakes seem to be
cyanobacterial cells more rapidly than the carnivorous fish unsafe for human consumption due to MC accumulation
(European eel). However, the highest levels of MCs in liver with EDI values 2–148 times greater than the lifetime

388 Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389

WHO TDI guideline. A previous study showed that MC MS analysis. We also thank Hind Kherfi, Laboratoire Central de
accumulation in muscle of crucian carp and common carp, Pathologie, Hôpital El Taref, Algérie, for assistance with histopa-
thological observations. We also thank anonymous reviewers for their
harvested from Lake Taihu in China, varied from 0.93 to comments and suggestions on the manuscript.
3.55 times TDI values (Zhang et al. 2009). Recently,
Schmidt et al. (2013) reported that of 129 samples of 5 fish
species taken from Grand Lake St. Marys (Ohio, USA),
only two samples that tested positive for MC—black
crappie (P. nigromaculatus) and common carp (C. car- Atencio L, Moreno I, Jos A, Pichardo S, Moyano R, Blanco A et al
pio)—would have exceeded the seasonal value for children (2008) Dose-dependent antioxidant responses and pathological
or the lifetime value for adults. changes in tenca (Tinca tinca) after acute oral exposure to
This current study was designed to evaluate only free Microcystis under laboratory conditions. Toxicon 52:1–12
Berry JP, Lee E, Walton K, Wilson AE, Bernal-Brooks F (2011)
MCs in tissues of the captured two fish species. However, Bioaccumulation of microcystins by fish associated with a
MCs are known to bind covalently to protein phosphatases persistent cyanobacterial bloom in Lago de Patzcuaro (Micho-
or other cysteine-containing peptides [e.g., reduced gluta- acan, Mexico). Environ Toxicol Chem 30:1621–1628
thione (GSH)]; therefore, conventional methods, such as Bouaı̈cha N, Maatouk I, Vincent G, Levi Y (2002) A colorimetric and
fluorometric microplate assay for the detection of microcystin-
organic extraction, only extract the unbound portions of the LR in drinking water without preconcentration. Food Chem
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determination of total toxin concentrations (Dionisio Pires Cazenave J, Wunderlin DA, Bistoni MA, Amé MV, Krause E,
et al. 2004; Ibelings et al. 2005; Nasri et al. 2008; Ott and Pflugmacher S et al (2003) Uptake, tissue distribution and
accumulation of microcystin-RR in Corydoras paleatus, Jenyn-
Carmichael 2006). It is estimated from the oxidation of the sia multidentata and Odontesthes bonariensis: a field and
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MCs contained within in the organism’s tissues are cova- Chen J, Zhang D, Xie P, Wang Q, Ma Z (2009) Simultaneous
lently bound (Ibelings et al. 2005; Lance et al. 2010; Nasri determination of microcystin contaminations in various verte-
brates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from a large eutrophic
et al. 2008). Smith et al. (2008, 2010) reported that protease Chinese lake, Lake Taihu, with toxic Microcystis blooms. Sci
degradation of protein phosphatase enzyme–MC complex Total Environ 407:3317–3322
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Conclusion 42:1263–1273
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MC concentrations in fish, especially the common carp (C. Ernst B, Hoeger SJ, O’Brien E, Dietrich DR (2006) Oral toxicity of
carpio), fall within the range of concentrations reported in the microcystin containing cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubes-
other studies from around the world, thus confirming that cens in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Aquat
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Acknowledgments This research was supported by a fund from the Pharmacol 164:73–81
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Grant No. 6313PS002). We Fischer WJ, Altheimer S, Cattori V, Meier PJ, Dietrich DR,
thank Ghislaine Delarue, INRA de Versailles (France), for LC–MS/ Hagenbuch B (2005) Organic anion transporting polypeptides

Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 66:379–389 389

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