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1. What year was Canada founded in?

a. !1867
b. 1668
c. 1859
d. 1798

2. Which of the following Assyrian kings did NOT rule during the NeoAssyrian
a. Ashurnasirpal II
b. Esharhaddon
c. !ShamshiAdad III
d. Shalmaneser V

3. Assyrian king Sennacherib039;s destruction of Babylon in 689 BCE was viewed as a

triumph by other Assyrian citizens.
a. True
b. !False

4. The United States was a member of the League of Nations.

a. True
b. !False

5. United States President Ronald Reagan was the first president to appoint a woman
to the Supreme Court.
a. False
b. !True

6. Who was the President of the United States during the signing of the Gadsden
a. !Franklin Pierce
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Andrew Johnson
d. James Polk

7. What is the name of the ship which was only a few miles away from the RMS
Titanic when it struck an iceberg on April 14, 1912?
a. Carpathia
b. Commerce
c. !Californian
d. Cristol

8. Which country was Josef Stalin born in?

a. Germany
b. Poland
c. !Georgia
d. Russia

9. The fraudelent doctor John R. Brinkley acummulated great fame and wealth in the
early 1900s offering what service?
a. !Goat testicles transplant
b. Pig blood transfusion
c. Turkey breast implants
d. Cow liver transplant

10. What country joined the EU in 2013?

a. Bulgaria
b. Slovenia
c. !Croatia
d. Turkey

1. Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War?
a. Winston Churchill
b. Clement Attlee
c. !Neville Chamberlain
d. Stanley Baldwin

2. Before 2011, quot;True Capitalist Radioquot; was known by a different name. What
was that name?
a. Texan Capitalist Radio
b. United Capitalists
c. True Republican Radio
d. !True Conservative Radio

3. Due to the Nagoya Resolution, China agreed to allow Taiwan to compete separately
in international sporting events under what name?
a. Chinese Taiwan
b. Republic of Taipei
c. !Chinese Taipei
d. Republic of Taiwan

4. quot;Yes, America Can!quot; was this United States politician039;s de facto

campaign slogan in 2004.
a. !George W. Bush
b. John Kerry
c. Barack Obama
d. Al Gore

5. Donald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential
a. !False
b. True

6. Who was elected leader of the UK Labour Party in September 2015?

a. David Cameron
b. Ed Miliband
c. Theresa May
d. !Jeremy Corbyn

7. George Clinton, Vice President of the United States 18051812, is an ancestor of

President Bill Clinton.
a. !False
b. True

8. Which of these is NOT one of Donald Trump039;s children?

a. Eric
b. Donald Jr.
c. !Julius
d. Ivanka

9. In June 2017, Saudi Arabia and Egypt broke off ties with which country over its
supposed support for terrorism?
a. !Qatar
b. United States of America
c. Bahrain
d. Russia

10. Which former US president was nicknamed quot;Teddyquot; after he refused to

shoot a defenseless black bear?
a. James F. Fielder
b. Andrew Jackson
c. !Theodore Roosevelt
d. Woodrow Wilson

11. What are the first names of the first father and son pair that were both Prime
Ministers of Canada?
a. John and Louis
b. Brian and Pierre
c. !Justin and Pierre
d. Brian and Justin

12. Who is the only US president to serve two nonconsecutive terms in office?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. !Grover Cleveland
c. James K. Polk
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt

1. The S in Harry S. Truman stands for quot;Samuelquot;.

a. !False
b. True

2. Which of the following Pacific Islander countries is ruled by a constitutional

a. Palau
b. !Tonga
c. Fiji
d. Kiribati

3. According to the United States Constitution, how old must a person be to be

elected President of the United States?
a. 30
b. 40
c. 45
d. !35

4. Which of the following United States Presidents served the shortest term in
a. Zachary Taylor
b. James A. Garfield
c. Warren G. Harding
d. !William Henry Harrison

5. One of Barack Obama039;s United States presidential campaign slogan039;s was

quot;Yes We Canquot;.
a. False
b. !True

6. The State of Queensland, Australia voted NO to a referendum for daylight savings

in 1992.
a. !True
b. False

7. Donald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential
a. True
b. !False

8. What is centralism?
a. Remaining politically neutral.
b. Conforming to one single common political agenda.
c. ! Concentration of power and authority in a central organization.
d. The grey area in the spectrum of political left and right.

9. Who was elected leader of the UK Labour Party in September 2015?

a. !Jeremy Corbyn
b. David Cameron
c. Ed Miliband
d. Theresa May

10. Which of these was an official candidate in the 2017 British General Election?
a. James Francis
b. !Lord Buckethead
c. Sir Crumpetsby
d. Robert Wimbledon

11. Which former US president was nicknamed quot;Teddyquot; after he refused to

shoot a defenseless black bear?
a. Woodrow Wilson
b. James F. Fielder
c. Andrew Jackson
d. !Theodore Roosevelt
12. The Watergate Scandal occured in what year?
a. 1971
b. !1972
c. 1973
d. 1974

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