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"What is SQL?<br>A programming language used for creating websites<br>A scripting
language used for server-side development<br>A markup language used for styling web
pages<br>A database query language used for storing and managing data in Relational
DBMS" "A database query language used for storing and managing data in Relational
"Which of the following is an example of a Relational DBMS?
<br>Redis<br>Elasticsearch<br>MongoDB<br>MySQL" "MySQL"
"What is the purpose of DDL commands in SQL?<br>To perform transaction control
operations<br>To define and modify the structure of the database<br>To create and
manage user accounts<br>To manipulate the data stored in the database" "To define
and modify the structure of the database"
"Which DDL command is used to create a new table?
"What is the purpose of DML commands in SQL?<br>To perform transaction control
operations<br>To manipulate the data stored in the database<br>To define and modify
the structure of the database<br>To create and manage user accounts" "To
manipulate the data stored in the database"
"Which DML command is used to insert a new row into a table?
"What is the purpose of TCL commands in SQL?<br>To manipulate the data stored in
the database<br>To create and manage user accounts<br>To define and modify the
structure of the database<br>To control transactions and make changes permanent or
temporary" "To control transactions and make changes permanent or temporary"
"Which TCL command is used to permanently save changes made to the database?
"What is the purpose of the COMMIT command in SQL?<br>To create a savepoint for
future rollback<br>To undo the last transaction<br>To permanently save changes made
to the database<br>To temporarily save changes made to the database" "To
permanently save changes made to the database"
"Which command is used to undo the last transaction in SQL?
"What is SQL?" "SQL stands for Structure Query Language and is a database query
language used for storing and managing data in Relational DBMS."
"What is the purpose of SQL?" "The purpose of SQL is to perform all types of data
operations in RDBMS."
"Which model of database does SQL support?" "SQL supports E.F Codd's Relational
model of database."
"Which RDBMS use SQL as the standard database query language?" "Almost all RDBMS
(MySql, Oracle, Infomix, Sybase, SQL Server, MS Access) use SQL as the standard
database query language."
"What is DDL in SQL?" "DDL stands for Data Definition Language and includes
changes to the structure of the table like creation, alteration, and deletion of a
"What is the purpose of the CREATE command in SQL?" "The CREATE command is used
to create a new table or database."
"What is the purpose of the ALTER command in SQL?" "The ALTER command is used to
alter an existing table."
"What is the purpose of the TRUNCATE command in SQL?" "The TRUNCATE command is used
to delete all data from a table."
"What is the purpose of the DROP command in SQL?" "The DROP command is used to
drop a table."
"What is the purpose of the RENAME command in SQL?" "The RENAME command is used
to rename a table."
"What is DML in SQL?" "DML stands for Data Manipulation Language and is used for
manipulating the data stored in the table."
"What is the purpose of the INSERT command in SQL?" "The INSERT command is used
to insert a new row into a table."
"What is the purpose of the UPDATE command in SQL?" "The UPDATE command is used
to update an existing row in a table."
"What is the purpose of the DELETE command in SQL?" "The DELETE command is used
to delete a row from a table."
"What is the purpose of the MERGE command in SQL?" "The MERGE command is used to
merge two rows or two tables."
"What is TCL in SQL?" "TCL stands for Transaction Control Language and is used to
keep a check on other commands and their effect on the database."
"What is the purpose of the COMMIT command in SQL?" "The COMMIT command is used
to permanently save the changes made to the database."
"What is the purpose of the ROLLBACK command in SQL?" "The ROLLBACK command is used
to undo the changes made to the database and restore it to its original state."
"What is the purpose of the SAVEPOINT command in SQL?" "The SAVEPOINT command
is used to temporarily save the changes made to the database."
"SQL" "Structure Query Language"
"RDBMS" "Relational Database Management System"
"DDL" "Data Definition Language"
"DML" "Data Manipulation Language"
"TCL" "Transaction Control Language"
"create" "To create new table or database"
"alter" "To alter table"
"truncate" "To delete data from table"
"drop" "To drop a table"
"rename" "To rename a table"
"insert" "To insert a new row"
"update" "To update existing row"
"delete" "To delete a row"
"merge" "To merge two rows or two tables"
"commit" "To permanently save changes"
"rollback" "To undo changes"
"savepoint" "To save temporarily"

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