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Dear Technology Commission members,

Since childhood, I have found myself immersed in the world of technology. I can still
remember my father piecing together circuits and chips on Commodore 64s, while I sat
transfixed in front of my Magnavox Odyssey. Today, those memories seem to flicker like
black-and-white reels; we have come so far, and our technology has advanced so much
– it’s truly an extraordinary evolution, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve as Chair of AFC’s Technology
Commission. I come to this position having served as a teacher, mentor, consultant, and
professional development facilitator with over 100 institutions and organizations on
education reform and educational equity and with more than 25 years of experience in
K-16. I have a Bachelor of Education, Masters in English, and a Ph.D. in Instructional
Design and Technology. Most recently, I was the lead Instructional Consultant for
Florida International University's Center for the Advancement of Teaching where I
supported the redesign of 21 high-enrollment, low-pass courses through evidence-
based, learner-centered, and culturally-responsive pedagogy – achieving a 40%
increase in passing rates across redesigned courses. Currently, I am the Director of the
WeLearn 366 Institute at Miami Dade College’s Padrón Campus where I continue to
work on high impact course redesign to enhance teaching and learning experiences.
I am both honored and thrilled to be able to work alongside each of you, drawing upon
your diverse expertise and perspectives to foster environments that encourage
innovative ideas, meaningful dialogue, and impactful initiatives. Our commission is
rooted in the belief that technology is a catalyst for transformative change. Let us
continue this journey of exploration, collaboration, and innovation as we shape the
future of technology in education.*
*This final paragraph contains two revised lines drafted by ChatGPT.
Warmest Regards,

Dr. Belkis L. Cabrera
Chair, AFC Technology Commission
Director, MDC WeLearn366 Institute
Faculty Liaison, FIU Dual Enrollment Program
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