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December Christian Educational Ministries 2023

with Ronald L. Dart

Teacher, which is the Greatest

Commandment in the Law?
Matthew 22:36
from a Born to Win program
by Ronald L. Dart

My wife and I were driving, was the second great commandment,

listening to a message that her sister and he omitted almost all reference to
had given to us. The speaker was an the first great commandment. And I
educator—a Ph.D in sociology at realized I had heard far more in my
a major university—who spoke at lifetime about loving my neighbor as
a community church. He was very myself than I had ever heard about
good—a remarkably effective and the first great commandment in the
engaging speaker. He was talking law: “You shall love the Lord your
about love based on Matthew 22:34– God with all your heart, with all your
40: “When the Pharisees had heard soul, and with all your mind.” Now,
that Jesus had put the Sadducees to when you begin to think about it, the
silence, they were gathered together. second commandment (that is, loving
Then one of them, which was a your neighbor as yourself) doesn’t
lawyer, asking him a question, tested really mean much if there is not the
him saying, ‘Master, which is the great love for God. How can a person ever
commandment in the law?’ Jesus come around to the kind of love for a
answered, ‘You shall love the Lord neighbor that ought to be there if the
your God with all your heart, with love for God has never gotten there in
all your soul, and all your mind. This the first place?
is the first and great commandment. I have often spoken about how the
The second is like it. You shall love two great commandments relate to
your neighbor as yourself. On these the Ten Commandments—“You shall
two commandments hang all the law love the Lord your God with all your
and the prophets.’” The speaker had heart” applies to the first four. “You
some very moving illustrations of shall love your neighbor as yourself ”
people loving one another. It slowly is summarized in the last six.
dawned on me as I listened to him The word “love” is key, I think,
that the entire emphasis of his sermon probably because it is used in so
many different ways in our language.
2) Christian Educational Ministries • December 2023
The word here is agape (agápē) in
the Greek. You’ve probably heard
people expounding the word agape
as a higher level of love than just
affection. You may have assumed καρδία ◆ kardia ◆ Heart
that agape is sort of like a godly 1. that organ in the animal body
love—that agape love is a love at a which is the center of the
higher level. Actually, it’s not. In fact,
the very first phrase in the lexicon circulation of the blood, and
defining agape means “to prefer hence was regarded as the seat of
above others”. It actually means “to physical life
set a preference for”. And you run 2. denotes the center of all physical
into a certain problem with it if you and spiritual life
try to adopt this idea that agape is
a spiritual love, love at a higher 3. of the middle or central or
level, or it’s a God-plane love, when inmost part of anything, even
you run into scriptures like John though inanimate
3:19, which says, “they have loved
darkness rather than light because ψυχή ◆ psychē ◆ Soul
their deeds are evil”. The word 1. the seat of the feelings, desires,
“loved” in this phrase is agape. So
affections, aversions (our heart,
they had agape for darkness rather
than light because their deeds were soul, etc.)
evil. So someone whose deeds are 2. the (human) soul in so far as it
evil can have agape. He has agape is constituted that by the right
for evil—for darkness rather than use of the aids offered it by God
light. So agape, then, is not really a
it can attain its highest end and
spiritual love. It is, in the simplest of
terms, to prefer one above another, secure eternal blessedness, the
to make this preference for. And soul regarded as a moral being
it is a very high-level love. It is a designed for everlasting life
conscious love. It is a deliberate love. 3. the soul as an essence which
It is a love that involves making a
differs from the body and is not
decision. Because one would have
to assume, would we not, that if dissolved by death (distinguished
the first great commandment of the from other parts of the body)
law is that you shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, your διάνοια ◆ dianoia ◆ Mind
soul, your mind, your strength, this 1. the mind as a faculty of
essentially means that—with your understanding, feeling, desiring
innermost being, with your very
life, with your mind, and with your 2. understanding
strength—you will place God above 3. mind, i.e. spirit, way of thinking
all others. and feeling
It is taking it out to the limit, right 4. thoughts, either good or bad
out to the wall—no equivocation, no
hesitation, no backing off—that you ἰσχύς ◆ ischys ◆ Strength
must prefer God above all others, or
you can’t be his disciple. 1. ability, force, strength, might
You can’t serve God and anything Verse 4: “You shall not make unto
else. He is a jealous God. Now let’s you any graven image or any likeness
look at 1 John 2:15—just a few little of anything that is in the heaven
references here to underline this first above, or that is in the earth beneath,
commandment once again to us and or that is in the water under the earth.
make us realize what it means: “Love not You shall not bow down yourselves to
the world. Neither the things that are in them. You shall not serve them. I, the
the world. If any man loves the world, Lord your God, am a jealous God,
the love of the Father is not in him.” visiting the iniquity of the Fathers
This is agape. Don’t love the world— upon the children to the third and
don’t prefer the world or the things fourth generation of them that hate
that are in the world. You can’t prefer me”—commandment two. Verse 7:
God above all things and prefer the “You shall not take the name of the
world above all things. For you will Lord your God in vain, for the Lord
love the one and hate the other. Or you will not hold him guiltless that taketh
will hold on to the one and despise the his name in vain.” These first three
other. It’s just as simple as that. commandments are negative—they
Continuing, he says, “If any man are prohibitions of things that we
loved the world, the love of the Father should not do.
is not in him. For all that is in the Now, as we come to the fourth
world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of commandment, we are told to do
the eyes, the pride of possessions, is something. Exodus 20, verse 8:
not of the Father, but is of the world. “Remember the sabbath day to keep
And the world passes away, and the it holy.” He has given us a command
lust thereof. But he that does the will to keep the Sabbath holy. The word
of God lasts forever.” You see, whatever “holy” means “apart”, “separate”. He
you prefer above God is a god. basically calls upon us to keep the
Now let’s turn to the Ten Sabbath apart. In addition to that,
Commandments in Exodus 20. Verse and as an explanation of that, he says
3: “You shall have no other gods that six days shall you labor and get
before me”—commandment one. all your work done.
“The seventh day is the Sabbath of
the Lord your God: in it you shall
More From not do any work, neither you, nor
your son, your daughter, your man
Ron Dart servant, your maid servant, your
cattle, nor your stranger that is within
The following titles are available to your gates. For in six days the Lord
you for free in the formats listed: made heaven and earth, and the
sea and everything in them, and he
It Begins with Devotion rested the seventh day. Therefore the
Lord blessed the seventh day, and
A World Tomorrow Workshop hallowed it.” God sets apart a day and
For the Love of God calls it “Sabbath”. And the Hebrew
word means simply “to rest” or “to
The New Testament Sabbath Day cease from work”. It is a day when
we are to rest. This commandment
Available Formats
is probably the best of all possible
-Audio -Video -Print places to start loving God, because it
is something that you can decide to
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or CALL Later, in Exodus 31:13, “The Lord
1-888-BIBLE-44 spoke to Moses saying, ‘Speak to the
To Claim Your children of Israel saying, “Verily, my
FREE Gifts & sabbath you shall keep. It is a sign
Subscribe to the between you and me throughout your
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4) Christian Educational Ministries • December 2023
I am Jehovah that does sanctify you.”
There is a more to the Sabbath day than last days. In Isaiah 58, toward the end
merely abstinence and rest. It is a point of it, we come to a statement about the
of identity. People may think you’re Sabbath which I think may help us
Jewish (or at least following Jewish more than anything else to understand
customs) if you keep the Sabbath day. why it is that in keeping the first great
But of course, the Sabbath is far older commandment—you shall love the
than Judah or Judaism. The fourth Lord your God with all your heart,
commandment with all your soul,

tells us that the and with all your
Sabbath dates all
the way back to
nd the first great mind—the Sabbath
day is perhaps the
creation, and is
a memorial of
commandment very best of all
possible places to
creation. God is
basically saying, is the one upon which make a start.
Verse 13: “If
“You keep the
Sabbath because everything depends. you turn away
your foot from
I worked six days the sabbath,
and rested. You work six days and rest, from doing your pleasure on my holy
and you identify yourself with me.” day; and call the sabbath a delight…”
Now he goes on to say, “I want you Now we’re once again at the mercy of
to do this so that everyone will know language. And if you look at this, he
that I am Jehovah, that sanctifies [or says that on the one hand you’re not
sets you apart] as a holy people. You supposed to have “your pleasure” on
shall keep the sabbath therefore, for it the Sabbath, but you’re supposed to call
is holy to you. Everyone that defiles it “a delight”. Well, delight and pleasure
it shall surely be put to death. For are close to being synonyms. And what
anyone that does any work therein, he means from doing “your pleasure” is
that soul shall be cut off from among basically doing your own thing, doing
his people.” your thing on the Sabbath day. God
These are strenuous instructions to wants you to turn away from that and
Moses and Israel about the physical do his thing on the Sabbath day, if you
administration of the Sabbath in will. “Turn away your foot…” That's
their time. Now, the idea of it being an interesting expression. He wants us
a sign isn’t just for their time, but to refrain from stomping all over his
these administrative things are theirs Sabbath day, from doing your pleasure
to do, not yours and mine. “Six or doing as you please on his Sabbath.
days may work be done, but in the And if you will “call the Sabbath
seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to a delight, the holy of the Lord and
the Lord. Whoever does any work honorable, and shall honor him…”
in the sabbath day shall surely be You see, the actual fact of Sabbath
put to death. Therefore the children observance is an act of honoring God.
of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to That’s what we do when we come to
observe the sabbath throughout the end of the work week, when the
their generations for a perpetual sun goes down and we say, “This is
covenant. It is a sign between me and the Sabbath of the Lord, my God.
the children of Israel forever. For in It is a holy day that is holy to him.”
six days the Lord made the heaven We actually honor him, not the day.
and earth. And on the seventh day The day itself wouldn’t mean much.
he rested, and was refreshed.” The fact that we rest from our work
These things are powerful wouldn’t mean much. The fact that
statements, but one of the most we just don’t do this, and don’t do
powerful is found not here, but all that, and don’t do the other thing (or
the way back in the Book of Isaiah. sleep all day) doesn’t mean much.
Oddly enough, it’s found in the But the fact that we come to a day that
middle of a bunch of prophecies that he has hallowed, that he has set apart,
I think almost any of us would look ....Continued on page 8
at and understand point toward the (5

by Blake Silverstein contemplate if people are genuinely

bettered by such intervention, or if
Perhaps love, in its purest form, it just temporarily alleviated their
is the complete acceptance of responsibility. This question has
someone just as they are. This many facets worth exploring.
distinction is vital: acceptance is Let’s examine the account of Jonah,
not synonymous with approval. It is where we witness the delicate balance
in this nuanced understanding that between intervention and free will.
we may perceive how God accepts God directly calls Jonah to Nineveh,
us. Though He may not endorse but Jonah refuses. Rather than
every choice, attitude, or action we force compliance, God permits his
undertake, His love seems potent venture in the opposite direction. I
enough to allow us the liberty to believe this restraint originates from
carve our own paths, for better or loving respect. Later, as Jonah finds
worse. himself in the belly of a fish, divine
This concept does not negate intervention plays a pivotal role
the desire for a life well-lived, as in redirecting his journey. In both
encouraged in Deuteronomy 30:19– instances, God skillfully balances
20. Yet, it emphasizes God’s respect the honoring of Jonah’s free will
for our free will, even when our with timely interventions, spurred
choices diverge from His way. As a by love, to both foster growth and
parent cringes watching their child purpose and fulfill His plan.
struggle through the twists and turns God’s involvement in our lives
of life’s complex maze, I imagine appears to oscillate, much like a
God too feels the agony over our dance. The prevailing factor in
less-than-ideal decisions. Though this intricate movement seems to
the parental instinct to shield their be love—a consideration of what
precious children is overwhelming, allows each person to thrive. It’s a
God restrains, allowing us to freely challenging notion, but one worth
chart our own course. contemplating: how often do we,
But what about divine intervention? mirroring Jonah, attempt to evade
If God momentarily “took the reins” life’s arduous paths? These daunting
to correct our trajectory, would routes often become crucibles for
this demonstrate love? Perhaps our development into resilient
sometimes. We would need to leaders and empathetic individuals.

6) Christian Educational Ministries • December 2023

The parable of the Prodigal Son but about embodying a way
(Luke 15:11–32) presents a striking of life that mirrors His love and
example of love manifesting as acceptance. This covenant calls for
acceptance. Imagine if the narrative a heart open to transformation, akin
had unfolded differently, with to the Prodigal Son who returned
the father harboring resentment home not just physically, but also
towards his son’s abrupt departure. spiritually. It’s about recognizing that
The essence of the story would have while our paths may veer from God’s
been fundamentally altered. This ideal, He is always there calling us
account, alongside the narrative of back home, wait to celebrate our
the woman caught in adultery— return. In the stories of Jonah, the
“Neither do I condemn you, go and Prodigal Son, the woman caught in
sin no more” (John 8:10)—and the adultery, and Zacchaeus, a consistent
endearing account of Zacchaeus pattern emerges: a loving God,
(Luke 19), all illustrate unconditional patient and unwavering, waiting for
love and acceptance, coupled with a His children to return or to evolve,
desire for positive growth. In these never imposing His will, yet always
stories, resentments are conspicuously prepared to guide and embrace.
absent, replaced by a profound sense Understanding and accepting God’s
of understanding and forgiveness with love as both active and passive
an invitation to come back to Him. challenges us to trust in a path that
This perspective leaves us grappling may not always have divine guardrails
with more questions than answers, and requires us to be more diligent
often leading to discomfort. Yet, in our obedience. The essence of our
could the converse also hold true? Is relationship with the Father and the
complete acceptance of God and His Son is grounded in this acceptance—
will not the highest form of love we accepting that God’s love is steadfast
can exhibit towards Him? John 14:15 and unchanging, and that His plans,
tells us if we love Him, we will obey though enigmatic at times, are
(accept) Him. Consider Jesus in the always geared towards our ultimate
Garden of Gethsemane, expressing, benefit.
“Father, if it is Your will, take this Our journey of faith is akin to a
cup away from Me; nevertheless dance with the Divine, where love
not My will, but Yours, be done.” and acceptance set the rhythm for
This moment epitomizes adoration, our steps. It’s a dance that requires
acceptance, and reverence in its us to relinquish our fears and
purest form. prejudices, to embrace the fullness
Our relationship with the Almighty of God’s love—a love that accepts us
is not merely transactional; it is entirely, challenges us to grow, and
a covenant encompassing every transforms us into embodiments of
facet of our existence. There are His grace and mercy. In this dance,
no exceptions within this sacred we find the truest expression of
bond. We are faced with a choice: love—both in our acceptance of God
to embrace God wholly or not at and His eternal acceptance of us.
all. This includes accepting His Thus, in contemplating love as
plans for our lives and those around acceptance, we not only delve into
us, without reservations. Such a the depths of divine love but also
commitment might seem daunting discover the essence of our own
and require sacrifice, yet it is the spiritual journey—a journey marked
essence of a faith-driven life. by continual growth, profound
In embracing this covenant, we must acceptance, and an unwavering
remember that it is not just about commitment to the path laid out by
adherence to a set of directives, a loving, guiding hand. (7
...“Increasing Your Love For God” continued
keep the Sabbath. What if you have an
that he has given us the command to emergency? God says you can take care
keep and to honor means something. of an emergency. If you have an ox in the
In doing so, we honor him. If you will ditch, you can go get it out [Luke 14:5,
“honor him, not doing your own ways, Matt 12:11]. If you have an emergency,
or finding your own pleasure, nor take care of it, and then return to
speaking your own words, you shall the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of
delight yourself in the Lord. And I will honoring God. I’ve heard people say,
cause you to ride upon the high places “Well, I wish I had more time to study.”
of the earth and feed you with the Fine, do it on the Sabbath. “Well, I can’t
heritage of Jacob your father. For the seem to find time to meditate.” Fine, do
mouth of Jehovah has spoken it”, and it it on the Sabbath. Time to think, time to
will be so. The whole idea of this matter read, time to meditate—God gave you a
is a place to start to love God. Because whole day for it. What do you mean that
love has to do not merely with the you don’t have time to study? Because the
way you feel, not with emotions and Sabbath is a day to keep holy to God and
feelings; it has a lot to do, though, with to honor him. And while it is important
the things that you do. The honoring of to assemble together, and it’s important
God on the Sabbath is something that to stay in touch with our brothers and
you can do. sisters, it’s far more important to stay in
Would you like to love God more touch with the Father and to honor him
than you do? Do you think you love on his days.
God enough? Well, how would you Teach your children the importance
go about loving God more? The of taking time for rest, for reflection;
Sabbath is a good place to start. For because children are like a ball of
example, how about knowing when energy. They are just going all the
the Sabbath starts and knowing time, or maybe they stay up too late
when it ends? I am looking ahead to at night. They don’t take the time to
the Sabbath, expecting the Sabbath, rest. And then there’s this activity
anticipating the Sabbath. What I and that activity. Teach your children
would like to do is to know when growing up that there is a time for
the Sabbath begins, so that when the quiet, there is a time to rest, there is
Sabbath begins, I will have finished a time to digest all the things that
my work. I will have prepared for have happened to you over the past
the Sabbath. I will be ready to honor six days and to think them through.
God. And as the Sabbath begins, I Teach your children the Bible. There’s
can plan for it (and that’s the idea of no better day to do that than to teach
the “preparation day” we read about them on the Sabbath.
in the Gospels). If I know when the And then along towards the end
Sabbath Day begins, then I can begin of the day, end the Sabbath. If you’re
the Sabbath. But the truth is, I think going to begin it, why not end it?
it’s important for us to consciously And if you know when the Sabbath
begin the Sabbath—to know when is over, end it. Some Jewish people
the Sabbath begins and begin it, start have a custom they call “saying
it. How would you go about doing goodbye” to the Sabbath. In fact, it’s
that? Well, when you think about it, like the Sabbath is my old friend and
it’s not that difficult. You can read a I welcome him when he comes, and
scripture, sing a hymn, say a prayer, I say goodbye to him with sorrow
or perhaps (even do as some Jewish when he goes. It’s a kind of reluctance
families do) light a candle. to let it go. But there comes a point in
The fact that the sun is going down, time when the Sabbath is over, and
darkness is coming on, and I now need it’s a time to go back to work, and to
to light my candle for illumination, once again seek your own ways and
causes me to think about God and to do your own thing, and the things
know that the Sabbath has begun. I that God allows you to do. Don’t just
begin the Sabbath, of course, then I let the Sabbath slip away—don’t just
....Continued on page 10
8) Christian Educational Ministries • December 2023
Around the World
Hello from “down under”—the land of koalas, kangaroos, and platypus.
Located in the southern hemisphere is the land a Portuguese navigator
named “The South Land of the Holy Spirit.” For indeed, now, the gospel has
reached the ends of the earth, in as so much that I live near Perth in Western
Australia, known as the world’s most isolated capital city.
I am sure those first century disciples had little idea of what the “ends of
the earth” looked like. But after 250 years of European settlement, founded
on Judeo-Christocentric values, today the emergent culture is increasingly
It is amidst this worldly climate that the Sabbatarian, Christ-centered
faith community lives and works. This doesn’t mean that the church isn’t seen
in Australia; quite the contrary. Apart from the mostly abandoned, aging
church building throughout the countryside, the Christian community
generally is still appreciated for its charitable work, schools, hospitals,
aged care, services for the poor and disenfranchised. In recent decades the
church’s profile has been tarnished with protracted and very public royal
commissions into systematic child abuse, both in the indigenous and welfare
communities. This has not helped the gospel message.
The Churches of God, however diverse, are active and consist of very
committed members. The work of ministry and outreach continues, as
does nurturing and discipleship. There are numerous Feast of Tabernacles
sites people can choose to visit. For example, the Can you fit in "Christian
Educational Services Australia (CESA) festival this year (hosted in
Caloundra, Queensland) brought together brothers and sisters in Christ
from across a diverse group of fellowships. This ecumenical sense of a new
covenant Body of Christ without borders is emerging I believe because of
the inherent Christian values so under threat in Australia essentially from
the secularist agenda, including the LGBTQ-rainbow flag, anti-Christian
policies legislated through parliament, and a leftist media intent on vilifying
established order.
I currently pastor three churches across Australia, and this involves
considerable travel. We recognize the pressing need to raise more Godly men
into servant leadership—men who have a clear Christ calling; a reputable
history; are well equipped in sound doctrine; and are willing to sacrifice,
serve, and love the brethren. To that end I believe we are making progress.
Apart from weekly Sabbath worship services, our churches proclaim the
gospel of Jesus Christ through a variety of means, including the publication
of The Edifier magazine, regular livestreamed worship services, some 900+
video sermons hosted on the Messageweek website, interactive Bible studies,
and occasional market gospel stalls giving away free Bibles.
May God’s good work continue here in the land “down under”, moving
“mountains”, opening the eyes of the “blind”, and raising a new generation
of Spirit-formed, Christ-centered disciples.
John Klassek

For more information about this ministry go to (9
...“Increasing Your Love For God” continued
This is the first commandment, and
let it pass without noticing. Honor the second is like it: “You shall love
God in the beginning, in the keeping, your neighbor as yourself.” There
and in the ending of the Sabbath day. is no other commandment that is
It is a part of coming to love him by greater than these.’ The scribe said,
doing these things which he has told ‘Well, Master, you have said the
you, commanded you, instructed truth. For there is one God, and there
you to do. is no other but he. And to love him
Now, in conclusion we’ll go with all your heart and with all the
to Mark’s version of this great understanding, and with all the life,
commandment of the law (Mark and with all of the strength, and to
12), and we’ll finish with an analysis love his neighbor as himself, that is
of just what it is that he says here. more than all whole burnt offerings
Beginning in verse 28, “One of the and sacrifices.’” He understood
scribes came, and having heard them clearly what Jesus was saying. This is
reasoning together and perceiving far greater and far more important
that he had answered them well, than any other. “And Jesus saw that
asked him and said, ‘Which is the he answered discreetly, and said
first commandment of all?’ And to him, ‘You are not far from the
Jesus answered him and said, ‘The kingdom of God.’” How far do you
first of all the commandments is want to be? But to love God with all
“Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God your heart, and all your mind, and
is one Lord. And you shall love the all your strength, all your life, and to
Lord your God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself, are
with all your soul, with all your two great commandments. And the
mind, and with all your strength.” first great commandment is the one
[Love God with everything you have.] upon which everything depends.

CEM Mission Statement

• First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world (Matthew 28).
• Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).
• Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA) (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
• Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts, wherever they may be (2 Corinthians 5:18).
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791
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(888) BIBLE–44
(903) 839–9311 Download Now! About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non–
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, an ordained minister
and evangelist, served God
through hundreds of sermons,
radio broadcasts, Bible
studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
Download website.

The 2024 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
What a year! Good job! We wrote almost 5000 verses from Genesis to
Numbers 32. Let's work to do at least 1000 more verses this coming year with
a goal of getting through Esther. We are also planning to include a few Bible
Trivia questions in the 2024 newsletters.
Jan 1 Num 23:1–15 Jan 17 Num 29:1–10
Jan 2 Num 23:16–30 Jan 18 Num 29:11–20
Jan 3 Num 24:1–12 Jan 19 Num 29:21–30
Jan 4 Num 24:13–25 Jan 20 Num 29:31–40
Jan 5 Num 25:1–9 Jan 21 Num 30:1–8
Jan 6 Num 25:10–18 Jan 22 Num 30:9–16
Jan 7 Num 26:1–12 Jan 23 Num 31:1–11
Jan 8 Num 26:13–25 Jan 24 Num 31:12–22
Jan 9 Num 26:26–39 Jan 25 Num 31:23–34
Jan 10 Num 26:40–53 Jan 26 Num 31:35–46
Jan 11 Num 26:54–65 Jan 27 Num 31:47–54
Jan 12 Num 27:1–12 Jan 28 Num 32:1–10
Jan 13 Num 27:13–23 Jan 29 Num 32:11–21
Jan 14 Num 28:1–10 Jan 30 Num 32:22–32
Jan 15 Num 28:11–20 Jan 31 Num 32:33–42
Jan 16 Num 28:21–31
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below. (11
Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

January Schedule
1st...................................Improve Your Life 17th.................................Unholy Terror #1

2nd.....................Overcome By the World 18th.................................Unholy Terror #2

3rd............Obligations of a Great People 19th-21st.....Islam & the Age of Reason

4th.....................................Out of Darkness 22nd..............Jerusalem at the End [Part 1]

5th-7th............The Survival of Jerusalem 23rd..............Jerusalem at the End [Part 2]

8th........The Middle East & Prophecy #1 24th.........................................Hitler's Arabs

9th........The Middle East & Prophecy #2 25th..........................Christian Persecution

10th......The Middle East & Prophecy #3 26th-28th..........................In Fear of Islam

11th......The Middle East & Prophecy #4 29th..................A Hard Road Ahead [Part 1]

12th-14th......................The Ends of Power 30th..................A Hard Road Ahead [Part 2]

15th......The Middle East & Prophecy #5 31st...............................................Not Guilty

16th......The Middle East & Prophecy #6

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