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Nada Amr

Telling lies is one of the most inappropriate behavior that anyone can use.There is no denying
that telling lies have some benefits but it doesn’t last long.It often have a causes.

Telling lies can have both causes and effects. One cause of lying is the desire to avoid
consequences or punishment. People may lie to protect themselves or to avoid getting into
trouble. One effect is the erosion of trust. When someone is caught in a lie, it can damage their
relationships and make it difficult for others to believe them in the future.

The other cause is the fear of judgment or rejection. People may lie to maintain a certain image
or to avoid disappointing others. It leads to guilt and anxiety. Keeping up with lies can be
mentally and emotionally exhausting. Additionally, lying can create a cycle of dishonesty, where
more lies are needed to cover up previous one .

In conclusion It's important to consider the consequences of telling lies . Being honest
and transparent can help build trust with each other and maintain healthy relationships.

Cause Effect

Punishment Erosin of trust

Judgment and rejection Guilt and anxiety

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