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Direct application to debate

General info requiring attention


I. STT Quo
A. Women’s issue
Work industry
1. Employment
a) Gender stereotypes
b) Gender pay gap: man $1 >< women $0.82
(1) People dismiss this issue as a myth
c) Disadvantaged and exclusion in male-dominated fields: engineering,
finance, IT - generally higher earning potential (jobs for the smarts +
norm: man smart > women)
2. Workplace: environment and culture
a) Work flexibility (arrangement)
→ (I) Work-life balance (resonating with struggles and burdens in
personal and family life)
b) Voice: Feeling dismissed, ignored, excluded
→ (I) Wellbeing and motivation at work
c) Harassments: inappropriate touch, sexual remarks
→ (I) Daily long-enduring uncomfortability and anxiety
3. Career development
a) Mothers and women who want children: Pregnancy and child-having-
status -based discrimmination
(1) Pay reduction, fewer welfare, opportunities, getting fired.
(2) Poor parental-leave policies
(3) Post maternity leave: demotion
b) Glass ceiling in advancing to tenure positions and promotion. Because:
(1) Norms about leadership roles
→ (I) Underrepresentation of women in executive roles
c) After women make it to the top
(1) Earn less than their man counterpart
(2) Retaliation for objecting and addressing problematic behaviors.
Black women
1. Gender pay gap

B. Laws and Policies

1. USA's federal law: gender-based discrimmination in the working environment is
2. Laws prohibiting unlawful termination of employment for pregnant workers
→ Don’t always protect women. Because:
a) Subtle interactions, nuanced body mannerism (staring, suggestive
looks), microaggressions → Hard to call out and not included in the law.
b) Problems with reporting:
(1) No effective reporting mechanism.
(2) Victims keep quiet due to fear of reprisal, internalization, fear of
being judged.
II. Affirmative actions
A. Matter
1. Objectives and meaning
a) Right historic wrongs where past practices and policies created barriers
and discrimination towards a defined group
2. Examples
a) Access to employment opportunities: additional effort to employ and
promote qualified individuals in the disadvantaged group.
(1) Quota
b) Reduce discriminatory behaviors in employment procedures.
3. Effectiveness

Why is there no duty of a minority to other members in the society

Why is there a duty owed to the rest of the community
1. Reducing the overall capital for the movement
2. Worst case: Perpetuating the current system
3. Affect others’ choices
How will the rest of the society reacts to a person leaving their community
Why is it important for a minority to fight alongside a social movement

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