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‘THE PUPPETEER Level Proficiency Bonus Features Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Level Alteration Made Ast Evy Possessive Binding, Fetish Magic 2 2 1 - 2nd 42 Alterations 2 2 1 2 3rd +2 = 2 2 1 2 Ath +2 Ability Score Improvernent 2 2 1 2 sth 3 Improved Binding 4 2 2 3 6th 3 Binding Feature 4 3 2 3 7th 3 = 4 3 2 4 8th 3 Ability Score Improvernent 4 3 2 4 sth +4 - 6 3 3 5 Toth “4 Binding Feature 6 3 3 5 nth +4 Masterful Binding 6 4 3 5 12th “4 Ability Score Improvernent 6 4 3 6 13th 5 = 8 4 4 6 14th s Binding Feature 8 4 4 6 15th 6 = 8 4 4 7 16th “5 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 4 7 17th 46 Monstrous Marionette 10 4 5 7 18th +6 - 10 4 5 8 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 5 8 Spontaneous Binding 5 8 PUPPETEER [A small dog made of burlap bounded into the clearing, and in its wake grasping vines that bound the men’s feet to the ground. A young woman followed it, gloating over the helpless men and slowiy twirling a small pair of scissors, ‘The doll looked like alittle jester, and somehow danced like one, too, The siblings were so transfixed by the spectacle that they didn't notice the sneering figure sneaking up behing them, ‘Staring at the dripping, weirdly twitching sack at the practitioner's feet was giving him a headache. No...he thought, wiping blood from his nose with a trembling hand, This is something else. Puppeteers are odd practitioners who have mastered a tunique style of fetishistic magic wherein a soul is bound into an object to animate it and command its service. The animalistic potential of nature can be harnessed in this way by binding a beast spirit. By trapping the soul of a humanoid inn appropriate vessel one can gain power over other intelligent creatures, For those either dating ot foolish enough to attempt to bind the alien essence of an extraplanar outsider can use the freezing cold and utter madness of the void to assail their foes with terrifying power. Macicat SERVITUDE Puppeteers use a unique arcane technique to trap souls in certain objects and bind them to their service. The biding ritual additionally bonds the soul of servant to master, mixing their essances and altering both in strange and interesting ways, ‘The bound spirit is driven by the desires of ts master, and alters the objects they are bound to in subtle and fantastic ‘ways to better suit its needs. Dolls develop articulation and sacks grow arms and legs; whatever allows the puppet to better perform its duties. Because of this adaptability of form, ‘magical puppets come in an endless variety of shapes and sizes, rom one-eyed umbrellas to the common, unassuming stuffed bear. The only common thread amongst the endless variety being their simple-minded drive to serve. Rarg TALENT The rituals required to perform this kind of binding are rare knowledge usually not shared and difficult to develop. This leads to very few individuals ever becoming puppeteers, and even fewer advance beyond the most basic stages of development in the class. This Scarcity means a vast majority ‘of common folk will have never heard tales of puppeteers let alone seen one in practice. “Another consequence ofthe difficulties inherent in the practice isthe propensity for the ritual knowledge of the puppeteer to be passed from master to apprentice, Without this transferrence of knowledge, the art of soul binding may have been lost long ago. CREATING A PUPPETEER ‘When making a puppeteer, consider how they came about the ritual knowledge needed to create their puppet. Perhaps they found a dust covered scroll hidden in a shadowed corner of a book seller's shop. Perhaps they gleaned the knowledge from a mouldering tome fetched from a weathered tomb. Or did they learn their skills from a teacher, someone to show them how to harness and express their magical talent. Also consider what your character did once you'd completed the ritual to bind your puppet-soul to your service? Did they use it for nerfarious purposes, perhaps revenge or robbery? Did they use it to provide assistance on excursions away from civilization? Does your character see the puppet as anything other than an object, or ita companion or a partner? ‘These questions will help you develop and expand your character, Qurcx Bun You can make Puppeteer quickly using these suggestions First, make your highest bility score one ofthe fllowing + Intelligence ifyou are using the Binding of Man, * Charisma ifyou are using the Binding of Beast. * Wisdom ifyou are using the Binding of the Outsider. ‘Your next highest score should be Constitution. Finally, choose the Haunted One background Cass FEATURES ‘As a Puppeteer, you gain the following class features. Hrr Ponts Hit Dice: 146 Hit Points at 1st Level: 146 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) +your Constitution ‘modifier per Puppeteer level after Ist PRovIcIENcy ‘Armor: None ‘Weapons: Simple weapons ‘Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools and one gaming set. Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma ‘Skills: Choose three skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Perception, Pursuasion, and Slight of Hand Eguiement You start with the following equipment in adltion to the caquipment granted by your background + (a) two dagger or 0) a handax + (@) adungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer's pack Possessivz BINDING At Ist level you've bound a spirit to a puppet that is under your control, The nature of your puppet’s Bound Spirit determines the effects ofthe binding and is your choice: Binding of the Beast, The Binding of Man, and The Bound Outsider, each of which is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at Ist level and ‘again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level ‘Additionally, you gain the following benefits, + All creatures summoned by the effects of a puppeteer spell you cast are constructs instead of any other type. Constructs are do not need to eat or sleep and are immune to poison damage and the Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed Petrified, and Poisoned conditions. + Puppeteer spells you cast with a range of self can instead target your puppet, * Ifyou are within 30 ft of your puppet, any puppeteer spell ‘you cast that originates in your square can instead originate in the square occupied by your puppet. BInpIne SpEiis Each type of spirit grants a lst of spells—its binding spells— that you gain at the Puppeteer levels noted in the binding description, FerisH Macic ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT ‘The magic binding you to your puppet has granted you a ‘measure of magical ability. See Spelis Rules forthe general rules of spelicasting. Canrairs You know two cantrips from the spell list granted by your Possessive Binding feature. Spex. SLots “The Puppeteer table shows how many spel slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of| ‘your spell slots are the same level To cast one of your spells of Ist level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 6th level, you have three 2n- level spell slots. To cast a Istlevel spell you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd.evel spell SPELLS KNOWN OF 1sT LEVEL AND HIGHER At Istlevel you know two Latlevel spells from the spell list granted by your Possessive Binding feature. ‘The Spells Known column of the Puppeteer table shows ‘when you lear more puppeteer spells of 2nd level and. higher. When you reach Sth level for example, you learn two more spells which are 2nd level SPELLCASTING ABILITY ‘Your spellcasting ably is determined by the Possessive Binding option you choose at Ist level and you use that ability whenever a spell refers to your spelleasting ability. In addition, you use your ability modiffer when setting the saving throw DC for a Puppeteer spell you cast and when ‘making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Ability Score modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier SrELLcastiN Foaus ‘You can use the puppet granted by your “Possessive Binding” feature as a spelleasting focus for your puppeteer spells ALTERATIONS ‘As you mastery of binding magic and your control over your bound spirt increase, you begin to develop magical alterations you can make to your puppets to alter and enhance their power ‘At 2nd level you gain two alterations of your choice. Your alteration options are detailed at the end of the class, description. When you gain certain puppeteer levels, you gain additional alterations of your choice as shown in the Alterations Made column of the Puppeteer table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can ‘choose one of the alterations you've made and replace it with another alteration that you could make at that level When you reach 4th lovel and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you ean increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, IMPROVED BINDING At Sth level, you've improved upon the ritual you used to bind your puppet’ spirit. Instead of using your action to issue a ‘command to your puppet, you can use a bonus action. INEFFABLE BINDING By 1th level, you and your puppet are as one mind and need not communicate to be effective. No action is required to issue commands to your puppet. Furthermore, you can spend your hit dic o heal your puppet during rests, Monstrous MARIONETTE ‘The spirit contained in your puppet has grown powerful is unsettling to be near. At 17th level, all enemies within 20 ft of your puppet have disadvantage on saving throws against spells or effects with you or your puppet as their source. SPONTANEOUS BINDING ‘At 20th level you've learned to summon the spirits needed to bind new puppets and bind them with ease. During a long rest, you can bind a new spirit to your puppet, effectively changing your Possessive Binding specialization. Ifyou spend a long rest doing this, you do not gain any of the benefits of that long rest. Bounp Spirits ‘The spirits used by puppeteers to create their min‘ons are as varied as the forms that they are bound to. These wildly different souls provide wildly diferent abilities to those who control them, and the ability tomaster the use of all different types of spirit i the truest sign of a master puppeteer. ‘The collection ofa sou is not an easy process, nor is the ritual required to complete the binding. Once completed though, the bound spirit will serve its new master faithfully, attempting to the best ofits ability to complete all tasks presented by its creator. At Ist level you learn the magical ritual used to bind a spirit to a magical puppet. The statistics of your puppet are determined by which Possessive Binding feature you choose at Istlevel You can have only one puppet ata time unless otherwise stated. I your puppet is ever slain, the magical bond you share allows you to return it to life. With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 25 gp worth of rare materials, you call forth your puppet’ sprit and use your magic to create a new body. for it You can return a puppet to life inthis manner even if you do not possess any part ofits bods. Ifyou use this ability to return a former puppet to life while you have a current puppet, your current bound spirit leaves you and is replaced by the restored spirit Master's COMMAND ‘Your puppet obeys your commands as best as it can. It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesnt take an action’ unless you command it to, On your turn, you can verbally command the puppet where to mave (no action required by you} You can use your action to use a command action, instructing it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action. Your features can change the type of action used to give verbal commands to your puppet. Ifyou are ineapacitated or absent, your puppet does nothing, becoming inanimate until you are conscious or return. The puppet never requires your command! to use its reaction, such as when making an opportunity attack. Your puppet has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level The puppet uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. In addition to the areas where it normally uses its proficiency bonus, a puppet also adds its proficiency bonus to its AC and to its damage rolls. Your puppet gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. It also becomes proficient with all saving throws. For each level you gain after 1st, your animal companion gains an additional hit die and nereases its hit points accordingly. Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your puppet’s abilities also improve. Your puppet can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, oF it ean increase two ability scores, ‘of your choice by 1. As normal your puppet can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless its description specifies otherwise, Your puppet shares your alignment, and has a personality trait and a flaw that you can roll for or select from the tables below. Your puppet shares your ideal and its bond is always, “I'm bound to obey the commands of my creator" d4 Trait 1 I think scaring people is funny. 2. I mock people when they aren't looking. 3. dislike being underestimated 4. Im incredibly loyal to my creator. d4Flew 1 My jokes can seem a bit threatening 2 Idon't like new people, and | don't hide it 3 lim alittle too energetic at times 4 | pointedly disapprove of everyone my creator associates with pce a KRePING TRACK OF PROFICIENCIES When you gain your animal puppet at 1st level, its proficiency bonus matches yours at +2. As you gain levels and increase your proficiency bonus, remember that your puppet's proficiency bonus, improves as wel, and is applied to the following areas: Armor Class, sills, saving throws, attack bonus, and damage rolls. => SEE BINDING OF THE BEAST When the puppeteer binds the sprit of a beast to a magical puppet, the resulting construct is ferociously savage and. follows its creators orders enthusiastically and tothe letter. ‘The nature magic granted by the beast spirit allows the puppet to take on the aspects of natural beasts, including. sharp claws and teeth and a resistance to natural damage types. Examples of appropriate vessels fora beast spirit are stuffed animals that resemble beasts, such as teddy bears, or taxidermy animals. ‘When you create a puppet with a bound beast spirit, it has the following statistics. BrEast PupPET ‘Small beast construct ‘Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 12 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30 &. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (42) 12.(1) 14 (42) 4 (3) 8 (1) 12641) Damage Immunities Poison Condition Immunities Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Understands all languages spoken by the puppeteer, but can't speak, read, or write False Appearance. While the puppet remains motionless, itis ingistinguishable from a normal example of whatever form it takes. Actions ‘law. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5f one target. Hit: 7 (148 ~ 2) slashing damage. If the targets a creature, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw with a DC of & + the puppet's Strength modifier + your proficiency odifier or be knocked prone, Ifyou use this feature, the puppet cannot move or make any more attacks this tur. BINDING OF THE BEAST SPELLS Spell Level Spells Cantrips Druideraft, Primal Savagery Ist Absorb Elements, Ensnaring Strike Sth Animal Messenger, Seast Sense 9th Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy 13th Dominate Beast, Guardian of Nature Vth Commune with Nature, Hold Monster Your spelleasting ability for spells granted by this class is Wisdom, ‘Ferocious AssavLt Starting at Ist level your puppet reacts ierely when ordered toattack. When you command your puppet to use the attack action, ican attack twice instead of once. ‘Reacrrvg ATTACK. ‘At 6th level. your puppet is extremely reactive to your actions in combat. When you cast a spell on your turn, if your puppet can see you it ean use its reaction to make a melee attack. Compar REFLEXES Starting at 10th level your puppet's reflexes have become preternaturally fast. Your puppet ean use a number of reactions equal to its Dexterity modifier. Mavt ‘At 14th level, your puppet has become a savage attacker. ‘When your puppet hits a foe with a melee attack, as a reaction it can make an additional atack against one creature adjacent to the target that is also within range of your attack. ‘Tue BINDING oF MAN The binding of a humanoid spirits tricky, and creates a puppet with a rebellious streak and a mind of its own. On the other hand, puppets created using humanoid souls are much ‘more intelligent and cunning than those use that use beasts and outsiders, so many puppeteers are willing to deal with the added dificulties in exchange for the benefits of having an intelligent servant, Puppets containing bound humanoid souls most often take the form of dolls, small mannequins, or puppets with a roughly human shape so that the soul is able to fully make use of the object it is bound within. When you create a puppet with a bound humanoid spirit, it has the following statistics. HUMANOID PupPET ‘Small humanoid construct ‘Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 12 (148 + 2) Speed 30 f. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6(-2) 16 (+3) 8 (1) 142) 12(41) 1442) Damage Immunities Poison Condition kmmunities Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Understands and speaks all languages spoken by the puppeteer, but cart read, of write False Appearance. While the puppet rernains motionless, itis indistinguishable frorm a normal ‘example of whatever form it takes. Actions Pummel. Melee Weapon Attack:-2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage THE BINDING OF MAN SPELLS SpellLevel Spells Cantrips Friends, Guidance Ist Charm Person, Cornmand 2nd Calm Emotions, Suggestion 3rd Catnap, Hypnotic Pattern 4th Compulsion, Confusion Sth Dominate Person, Geas Your spelicasting ability for spells granted by this class is Intelligence, Czver CREATION ‘Starting at Ist level you can equip your puppet with any weapons a creature ofits size can use, Additionally, it can use ‘two-weapon fighting if it meets the conditions for it. ‘Vira Sraixe Avéth level, your puppet has learned where to strike a tarot to inflict serious harm. Once per turn, your puppet can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature it hit with an attack ift hhas advantage on the attack roll or at least one of your allies is adjacent to the target. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon, ARTERIAL STRIKE ‘Starting at 10th level your puppets Vital Strikes cause intense bleeding when they hit. Whenever you deal damage with your Vital Strike feature, roll 1d4. The target takes damage equal to your roll at the end of each ofits turns. This, bleed damage can be stopped with a suecessful medicine check or magical healing. SNEAKY SURPRISE [At LAth level. your puppet has become quite adept at taking advantage ofits ability to surprise its foes. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. Additionally, any hit the puppet scores against a creature that is surprised isa critical hit Tue Bounp OUTSIDER ‘Outsiders are incredibly powerful unknowably alien creatures with vast amounts of power. Though the risk involved is immense, some puppetcers have takca to stcaling portions of their essence and binding it to objects to utilize the eldritch creatures’ strange magics. This binding need not bbe done on a puppet, as the objects containing the essence of ‘an outsider often become twisted and nightmarish, rarely resembling the objects they once were. Though almost completely mindless and hard to control utilizing the power of an outsider can grant a mortal powers beyond that oftheir in, When you ereate a puppet with a bound outsider, has the following statistics. Bounp OvTSIDER ‘Small aberration construct ‘Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 11 (112 + 4) Speed 20 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (+2) 4 (+1) 18 (2) 1¢4) 1201) 6(2) Damage Immunities Poison Condition Immunities Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Understands all languages spoken by the Puppeteer, but can't speak, read, or write Aberrant Appearance. While the puppet remains motionless, itis almost completely indistinguishable from a normal example of ‘whatever form it takes Ia creature uses its action to examine the puppet, the creature can determine that i isn't what it appears to be with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. Actions Mental Intrusion. Ranged Spell Attack: 11 to hit, reach 1Oft, one target. Hit:7 (1d6 + 1) psychic

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