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Writing 5

An email to your aunt: My memories

Write an email to your aunt, Karla about your past memories
● Tell her Who was your favorite teacher at school?
● Tell her What songs or singers were famous in past?
● Tell her What was your first vacation?
● Tell her Were you a shy child?
● Tell her Were you noisy?
● Tell her What was your favorite book?
● Tell her Was your childhood interesting or boring?

Write 60 words or more in the body of the email.

Follow an email format:

Good morning aunt Karla
How are you? Hello Karla's aunt, I hope this message finds you well. In
terms of my favourite teachers at school, I particularly enjoyed learning
from Lic. Pamela, Lic. Norma Sola, and Lic. Ruben Paredes. As for famous
singers, I am a fan of Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga.
Some of my favourite songs include 'Let's Get Loud' and 'Love Don't Cost
a Thing'. My first holidays were when I was six years old in Atacames. I
was a funny but not noisy child. My favourite books were Troy, Romeo and
Juliet, and The Odyssey. This was an interesting childhood.
Hope to hear from you soo
Andres Perez

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