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Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend with Culture

Nabila Sansabila 1 , Indrianti Dwi Puspita 2nd, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus

Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

This study investigates the dynamic relationship between lifestyle, Generation Z, and fashion in Indonesia,
specifically focusing on the integration of traditional textiles ("wastra") into contemporary styles. Emphasizing
lifestyle as a key individual characteristic, the research highlights its role in shaping Generation Z's self-
expression through fashion. The literature review explores Generation Z's traits, emphasizing education and
technology's influence, especially through social media. Utilizing qualitative methods, including literature and
Instagram-sourced photo studies, the study analyzes the use of traditional Indonesian textiles, batik and kebaya,
in Generation Z's fashion. Findings reveal innovative expressions, such as the fusion of batik with modern
clothing and kebaya paired with sneakers, showcasing the adaptation of traditional wear to modern lifestyles.
The study concludes by recognizing the unique potential of Indonesian traditional textiles and applauds
Generation Z's creative use of waste for self-expression, positioning them as agents of change through social
media promotion of Indonesian wastra appreciation in urban communities.
Keywords: Generation Z, Fashion Style, Culture


Lifestyle is a distinctive characteristic that distinguishes individuals from one another.

As defined by David Chaney in Rizal, 2018: 9, lifestyle includes actions and patterns that
distinguish one person from another. Among the various lifestyles prevalent today, the
fashion lifestyle stands out. It has grown into a phenomenon in society, with external
influencers playing a significant role in shaping people's lives. In addition, a large number of
Generation Z utilizes fashion as a means of self-expression, thus boosting their confidence
levels. Fashion is also a communication for the wearer which gives implications for the use of
fashion. And relates to how people communicate values, status, personality, identity, and
feelings to others defined by Trisnawati in (Jurnal+Bintang+Socia, n.d.) Therefore, in this
increasingly advanced age, lifestyle is increasingly important and many think that not only
lifestyle is important but appearance is also important.
So, we chose this topic because there are many changes in fashion from time to time
and fashion has also become a daily lifestyle for everyone. According to Bananudin &
Rosalina (2021) in (Saputra & Feizal, n.d.) the development of fashion style is very fast along
with the development of technology, almost every year and every month and even every day
fashion style products appear with new models created by designers and Alex Thio in his


Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

book, Sociology, "fashion is a great though brief enthusiasm among relatively large numbers
of people for a particular innovation." Fashion is anything that can be used by everyone and
becomes a trend. Along with the times, fashion trends change very quickly. For example, the
development of the use of batik and kebaya in Indonesia is changing and there are many
differences in the use of batik and kebaya from ancient times and today, not only in Indonesia
the use of fashion from time to time is also increasingly different and more advanced due to
the development of the world of technology. According to Priskila (2022) in (Saputra &
Feizal, n.d.) The development of the world of technology and information is increasingly
advanced, therefore everyone is required to convey information more quickly, accurately and
effectively globally.

Literature review

A. Generation Z
Generation Z is defined as the cohort born between 1994 and 2009, according to
Hidvégi and Kelemen-Erdős (2016). In 2017, the oldest individuals in the millennial
generation were 22 years old. This generation is characterized by a notably high level of
education, diversity, and extensive use of technology. Cruz (2016) asserts that information
technology and the internet play a crucial role in shaping the values and behaviors of
Generation Z. Moreover, this generation is considered part of the information age, where the
boundaries of information have been significantly expanded through the pervasive influence
of social media and the internet.
B. Fashion style
Fashion is a form of dress or style adopted by a community in their daily lives. It involves the
art of dressing individuals appropriately based on the specific place, time, or occasion they
intend to attend. Fashion manifests in various styles, ranging from simplicity and elegance to
luxury and coolness. It is often considered a mode of appearance that aligns with
contemporary trends and the spirit of the times. In this way, individuals can easily align
themselves with current fashion trends and maintain a sense of modernity.
C. Culture
Culture is a way of life that evolves and is shared by a group of people, transmitted from one
generation to the next. It comprises a multitude of intricate elements, encompassing religious
and political systems, customs, language, tools, clothing, architecture, and artistic


Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

expressions. As articulated by Raymond Williams in James Lull's work (1997), culture

encompasses not only the way we communicate and dress but also extends to the food we
consume, the rituals surrounding its preparation, the deities we worship and how we do so,
our perceptions of time and space, our dance forms, the values ingrained in socialization, and
myriad other aspects that collectively shape our daily existence.


Uses qualitative methods with literature and photo studies. Photos are used as study
data, sourced from social media, namely Instagram and researcher documentation. While
literature sources are taken from scientific journals and books. In qualitative research, written
sources and photos are valuable sources of data. The photo data was then analyzed related to
the use of waste in Gen Z mix and match. The analysis included the type of waste, color
patterns, and accessories/complementary products worn by Gen Z.

Result and finding

1.Batik Mix and Match

Batik is one type of waste that is most often used by the people of Indonesia. Some
statues from the Singosari and Majapahit periods also depict batik clothing, for example, the
statue of Dewi Durga from the Singosari era has a batik motif.
UNESCO has recognized batik as Indonesia's Intangible Cultural Heritage, increasing
its popularity. Likewise, with the development of the industry, it affects the production
process. Various types of batik are produced, including written batik, stamped batik, and
painted batik. Meanwhile, those that are mass-produced through printing are known as batik
motif fabrics, while those that are included in the waste category are written batik and
stamped batik because they are done through a process of applying wax. Gen Z so they try to
experiment with mixing and matching batik with modern clothes. Gen Z has a way of being
creative, combining batik cloth with today's clothing. One example is using batik combined
with modern clothing such as a white shirt, black tote bag, and black boots that are
synonymous with Western culture (see Figure 1). The batik cloth is worn wrapped
around/wiru. The wiru style for women and men is slightly different. In women, the cloth is


Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

twisted from left to right with the wire in the front center. Whereas in men, the cloth is
twisted from right to left and usually the wire or folds are wider than in women.
The style looks more contemporary. Boots are synonymous with youthful style. This
combination also makes the look more casual and flexible, so this look can be used as an
everyday look, but can also be used as formal wear. The black tote bag, brown sentence
which is used as a belt, and bracelet accessories to support the style make the look more neat,
beautiful, and foramal.

2.Mix and match kebaya

Traditional clothing such as kebaya is the result of a cultural dialectic between local
values and external values where the tradition of dressing Indonesians before the arrival of
Islamic teachings, Chinese culture and European colonialism was to cover the lower part of
the body and leave the upper part of the body open. The role of outside cultures that came to
Indonesia resulted in the variety of clothes that we now wear.
In modern lifestyles, there is nothing wrong with combining kebaya with sneakers and
free clothes instead of batik cloth, which is called wearing kebaya, not how to wear kebaya.
The development of kebaya-related trends in the present is related to the dynamics of
kebaya models adapted to the lifestyle of the community. For example, the use of slippers in
making kebaya is related to the way of life of women who were still in the traditional sphere
in the past, while today women play more roles in the public sector which has implications
for the way of dress that is more emphasized on functional and does not inhibit space for
movement as well as modern style. The use of footwear in the form of slippers in kebaya is
still used at certain events that are more official such as weddings, graduations, and other
official events.


Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

The uniqueness and distinctiveness of Indonesian waste is an extraordinary potential
possessed by the Indonesian people. Each waste has different types, motifs and philosophies.
In the eyes of the European and even the international community, Indonesian Wastra has
received high appreciation because of its unique production techniques. Indonesian waste is a
source of inspiration for Gen Z in creating.
Gen Z itself is a generation born in the era of internet technology that can show their
creativity in mixing and matching Indonesian Wastra with contemporary styles. The mix and
match of the waste gives proof that Gen Z still has a sense of pride in the cultural heritage of
the archipelago. Although international fashion trends are currently rampant, Gen Z can
present the nation's identity through the creation of an Indonesian Wastra mix and match. The
creativity of water mix and match is also a means for Gen Z to express modern style with
Indonesian culture.
They can inspire the urban community to be more courageous in creating with
Indonesian Wastra. Gen Z is also an agent of change as well as an effective campaign tool to
invite citizens to appreciate Wastra more. Campaigning through media familiar with Gen Z,
namely social media, Instagram, TikTok and others so that Wastra Indonesia is increasingly

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Generation Z: Fashion Styles That Blend With Culture 2023

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