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From word to world.

Writing Test

Part 1 Chapter Creation

Please write the first three chapters of a novel according to the outline below.

Chapter 1
Abigail Lewis returns home to find her boyfriend Liam cheating on her with her sister
Heartbroken, Abigail breaks up with Liam, who begs for forgiveness.
Zoey claims she's pregnant with Liam's child to avoid her arranged marriage.
Abigail's adopted parents William and Nora arrive, furious to see Zoey with another
man when she's engaged.
Nora suggests Abigail marry the man instead, angering Abigail.
They know Abigail needs money for Grace's medical treatment and offers to pay if
she marries the illegitimate Lester son.
Despite being mistreated by her family, Abigail agonizingly accepts the proposal only
to get money for Grace's treatment, not knowing the man she'll marry.
Zoey and the parents are satisfied with the unfair arrangement.

Chapter 2
Abigail arrives at the church for her arranged marriage to Elijah Wright, an
illegitimate man she's never met.
She wears a simple dress and headpiece, focused only on getting payment for Grace's
The groom is late and Abigail anxiously awaits, having heard he is unemployed and
Her smug sister Zoey arrives with Abigail's ex Liam, who regrets cheating on Abigail.
Zoey makes rude comments about the missing groom's family not caring.
Abigail scolds Zoey for her rude behavior in church.
Just then the groom arrives, a tall handsome man whose entrance captivates everyone.

Chapter 3
Zoey assumes he is one of Elijah's rich brothers but is shocked when he is revealed to
be Elijah himself.
Zoey regrets agreeing to let Abigail marry Elijah after seeing how attractive he is.
Abigail notices Elijah's expensive Patek Philippe watch, contradicting claims that he
is poor.
Elijah curtly apologizes for being late before turning to examine Abigail.
She doesn't mind his tardiness, just relieved he is good-looking.

- Word Counts:

From word to world.

The word count for each chapter should be between 1000-1500.

- Requirements:
1. Please name each chapter.
2. Focus on the story's commencement: craft a first chapter with a gripping start that
captivates and intrigues readers. Achieve this through a compelling event,
conversation, or situation. Conclude the chapter with a tantalizing cliffhanger,
enticing readers to eagerly proceed to the next installment.
3. Adhere to the provided outline while writing. Ensure your narrative incorporates all
specified elements and plot points. Feel free to embellish the story with additional
details or plot twists, maintaining consistency and logical coherence throughout.
4. About steamy scenes: The steamy scenes can be a spark in a story, but not all, as
long as it is crucial for plot development, it has a reason to be written. Please note that
what we value most is the ability to have attractive writing and charismatic characters,
so you can write this part to your needs.

Part2 Outline Creation

Based on the outline provided in the first part, please continue to write the outline of
the story in chapters 4-10 based on your logic and imagination.

Part3 Blurb Writing

Based on the outlines provided in Part1 and you have created in Part2, please name a
book title of the story and write a blurb with words between 80-150.

1. Emphasize key themes, such as one-night stands, 1V1, billionaires, and love at first
sight, to help readers identify appealing elements and encourage them to delve into
the book.
2. The opening sentence holds significant weight, serving as an extension of the book
title. A compelling blurb should clearly convey essential information, character
backgrounds, and plot highlights to pique reader expectations.
3. Artfully construct suspense by introducing unresolved conflicts, robust character
conflicts, or abruptly concluding an exciting segment, guiding readers to uncover
answers within the novel.
4. Spotlight the distinctive traits of the characters. If the protagonists possess unique
characteristics, highlight them in the blurb. This enables readers to swiftly form
opinions, attracting those who appreciate such character dynamics.
5. Direct the blurb's focus towards the most thrilling plot twist in the story.

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