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Q1: UPDATE keyword is used for:?

a None

b to manage users

c None

d to change data

e to select data

f to create database elements

Q2: What number is the first key of a PHP’s numerical array??

a -1

b None



e None


Q3: The most common way to display the network settings of network interfaces on a Linux
system is by using which command??

a ipconfig/all

b ipconfig

c None

d show ipv4

e ifconfig

f None

Q4: How to list PersistentVolumes sorted by capacity in Kubernetes??

a None

b kubectl get pv

c kubectl get pv

d kubectl get pv --sort-by=.spec.capacity.volume

e kubectl get pv --sort-by=.spec.capacity.memory

f None

Q5: What will be the output of the following query. SELECT * FROM `sales` WHERE amount
> 200.?

a the query will display all the sales records with amounts less than 200

b None

c the query will display all the sales records with amounts greater than 200

d the query will display all the sales records with amounts starting from 200 and

e None

f the query will output sales records with the amount equal to 200.

Q6: What does the WHERE SQL operator does:?

a None

b None

c eliminates all row repeats from the result set

d changes the order of output rows

e restricts the set of rows to the selection of those records for which the condition is

f converts the value of a column or function to a different type

Q7: What is the purpose of $_SESSION[]??

a none of the above

b None

c None

d Used to store variables of the current session

e Used to register a global variable

f Used to initialize a session.

Q8: What does HTML stand for??

a None

b Hyper Text Markup Language

c None

d Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

e None

f Home Tool Markup Language

Q9: Which of the following are true for a pod in Kubernetes??

a You can have only 1 container running in 1 pod

The correct Answer is: None

c Pods are the simplest units in the Kubernetes object model that you create or

d A pod is the same as a container

e A Pod represents processes running on your Cluster

The correct Answer is: None

Q10: What Are Kubernetes Controllers??

a Kubernetes controllers are Surverless, Deployment capacitor.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Kubernetes controllers are Replicaset, Deployment controller.

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