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God Loki

Loki (Laufeyson) Odinson, prince of Asgard and god of mischief, is now officially named God
Loki, which can be confirmed on Marvel's official website.

Which is spot on when you think of it because as Odin once said, the Asgardians aren't
technically gods. They are born, they live and they die just like we do. I'm sure the same

applies to frost giants too. And that would also be why Asgardians don't hang out in
Omnipotencity (except for Odin who clearly went to Zeus' 0rgies... ). So even if he's called
god of mischief and has been worshiped as one by many people throughout history, he
wasn't a literal God to begin with.

But now with all the powers he gained on top of the Asgardian magic and frost giant abilities
he already had, he can now emulate the powers of every infinity stone.

And he gained true omnipotence and omniscience when he took control of the timelines
because now he sees everything that happens through the multiverse (like The Watcher)
and could most likely astral project or illusion cast himself anywhere and at any point in time
in any universe..

It's nice to think that he basically sees all and is everywhere. For all time. Always.

Also, it is incredible how it all started in 2012 New York with a villain Loki that wanted a
throne to rule all of Midgard and to "free the humans from freedom" (so basically taking our
free will). To put things into perspective, here is his speech from Avengers 2012:
It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom
diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be

Then after season 1 of Loki, we got a Loki (or two actually) that refused He-Who-Remains'
throne and actually gave everyone on the sacred timeline their own free will, creating a full

And we ended up with an older but fully tech-savvy Loki, with immense powers and abilities
sitting on the biggest throne, but with great powers comes great responsibility so he's
maintaining and protecting the whole multiverse's freewill.
God Loki

To make sure there is no misinformation, my only sources are Marvel's official website and
the movies and shows themselves.

Time stone - He has full time control abilities, as he proved by pausing Sylvie in the S2

Space stone - He knows how to teleport. I believe he learned it in the Void when Classic Loki
created a portal to skedaddle out of the bunker.

Reality stone - The powers of the red rock are similar to those of wanda, just remember that
scene when Thanos met the Guardians of the Galaxy. By using only the reality stone, the
Mad Titan abilities were really similar to both the Hex and the Illuminati fight scene in Dr
Strange 2. Loki can shapeshift, astral project, rearrange molecules, levitate, he is telekinetic
and he can conjure blankets and daggers. He's close enough to being able to rewrite reality
with his magic alone, and the rest is probably covered by his abilities on the Yggdrasil
throne, as he probably would be able to erase any universe from reality if he ever had to just
by not holding it in his hands with the others.

Power stone - There is not much to say about this one. To be able to withstand the extreme
temporal radiation in the S2 finale, he had to be incredibly powerful. And he is able to create

energy blasts similar to how the power stone was able to do, but I wonder if he would be
able to shatter a planet tho

Mind stone - This stone can grant psychic abilities (like Wanda's) which he clearly has, since
he learned from Sylvie how to enchant the mind and he can see memories through
telepathic links. And it basically grants its user Charles Xavier's powers in the Cerebro when
combined with the power stone and I believe he is able to do the same thing from the
Yggdrasil throne now.

Soul stone - this infinity stone is known to manipulate the soul and vital essence of living
beings, and is basically able to control life and death itself. God Loki literally jump started the
timeline and every living being in the multiverse in the S2 finale, and he is literally in control
of who lives and who dies, as he asked for advice from Mobius about precisely this.

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