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Camarões (Salgado Filho) - Review

Camarões is an restaurant that serves food in general, but they are specialized in seafood,
specifically shrimps, that’s why the name of the restaurant is camarões, because translated to
english it means: shrimps. The restaurant is well located and it’s air conditionated, on top of
that it has a huge a wide variety of dishes ranging from fish and shrimp to seafood and meat.
And what’s more it’s well known for it’s entry plates like: shrimp’s caprese, couvert and many
tipes of pasty,on top of that there are the main plates from camarões that personally are my
favorites, higlights are : Chef’s Shrimp, greek shrimp and Cabugi’s shrimp, on the the other side
if you don´t want to eat meat there is a wide variety of salads , the restaurant is well Worth a
visit and i highly reccomned it.

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