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How to compile a program to use with gdb


$ gcc -g -o binaryfile source_code.c

-g tells the compiler to store symbol table information in the executable.

this includes:

--> symbol names

--> type info for symbols
--> files and line numbers where the symbols came from

Tip: Check the size of binary with and without debugging symbols

$ gdb ./binaryfile


$ gdb

(gdb) file path_to_binary

GDB is a command line interface.

This means you will be provided with a prompt at which you can type commands.

The GDB commandline looks like this:


Basic Commands

This starts the program which you want to debug.


To exit GDB, use the quit command (abbreviated q) or type an end-of-file character
(usually Ctrl-d).


The "-q" (or "--quiet") option on the command line just tells GDB not to print
version information on startup.


If you’re ever confused about a command or just want more information, use the
“help” command, with or without an argument:

(gdb) help [command]

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