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A Framework for Quantifying the

Various Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions

C.K. Ong1* and R.M. Kho2

University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, Selangor, Malaysia;
Einsteinstraat 11, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Introduction research has grown rapidly since 1983, as

various international and national institutes
Agroforestry systems will be able to mimic have become involved in both tropical and
or replicate many of the nutrient-cycling temperate regions (Sanchez, 1995; Rao et al.,
and favourable environmental influences 1998). With many field experiments in progress,
found with forest ecosystems, while the growing volume of evidence necessary
generating the exportable outputs achieved to establish a scientific basis for the quanti-
with agricultural systems. tative analysis of the various interactions
(Kidd and Pimentel, 1992) that occur when trees and crops are grown
Early assessments of the potential benefits together in a range of climatic and geograph-
of agroforestry at the farm level were based ical regions is rapidly becoming available.
largely on the assumption that it is possible The past decade has experienced weather
to extrapolate from existing information on patterns and global temperatures outside
forestry and agriculture (Huxley, 1983; Nair, the normal range, and the likelihood of cli-
1993), and partly on observations of trad- mate change is now broadly accepted (Boko
itional agroforestry systems that showed et al., 2007). Large percentages of human
increased growth of understorey vegetation populations in developing countries derive
(Ong and Leakey 1999; Kho et al., 2001). their livelihoods from agriculture and are
Various negative effects have also been rec- particularly vulnerable to climate change.
ognized, such as competition for moisture, For example, the Intergovernmental Panel
excessive shading and allelopathy, although on Climate Change has presented evidence
these have attracted much less attention from that climate is modifying the natural eco-
scientists. Most of the evidence of benefits systems and Chagga homegardens on Mount
and drawbacks of agroforestry continues to Kilimanjaro through complex interactions and
be qualitative or indirect, i.e. extrapolated from feedbacks (Hemp, 2006; Boko et al., 2007;
a wide range of systems, creating often un- see cover photograph). The traditional Chagga
realistic expectations of the benefits of agro- homegardens maintain a high biodiversity
forestry technologies (Garcia-Barrios and Ong, with over 500 vascular plant species and over
2004). Fortunately, the volume of agroforestry 400 non-cultivated plants, and are typical of


© CAB International 2015. Tree–Crop Interactions, 2nd Edition:

Agroforestry in a Changing Climate (eds C.K. Ong et al.) 1
2 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

the multi-layered agroforestry systems through- traditional system. However, recent studies
out the humid tropics of South-east Asia, in Uganda show that intercropping banana
Africa and Latin America (Fig. 1.1). During and coffee is highly profitable for small-
the past few decades, many of these home- holders and can even enable them to cope
gardens have been abandoned by smallholders, with the effects of climate change (van Asten
who have focused instead on growing new et al., 2011). To feed everyone adequately,
coffee varieties that are sun tolerant and the world food supply will need to double
do not require the shade provided by the over the next 30 years (Cleaver and Schreiber,

Albizia schimperiana

20 m

10 m

Coffea arabica
Colocasia esculenta fragrans

Drynaria volkensii

Albizia schimperiana lecardii Elettaria cardamomum Telfairia pedata Musa div. spec.
0m 10 m 20 m



Fig. 1.1. Profile and ground plan of a typical Chagga homegarden at Old Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
(Figure courtesy of Andreas Hemp, Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Bayreuth, Germany.)
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 3

1994). In many countries, there will be limited the complex interacting factors involved
ability for new varieties and increased fertil- (Anderson and Sinclair; 1993; Rao et al., 1998;
izer use to increase yields (Huang et al., 2002). Garcia-Barrios and Ong, 2004). Thirdly, the
Climate change will add additional stress to advantages of agroforestry cannot be quanti-
an already overtaxed system. For example, fied simply in terms of productivity alone,
it is predicted that climate change will re- because some of the benefits result from en-
duce the length of the growing season of vironmental improvements such as erosion
rice (Aggrawal and Mall, 2002) and affect control and increased soil organic matter
the incidence of pests and diseases, whose content; these cannot be measured within only
incidence is often still poorly understood. a few seasons. Finally, a quantitative approach
Agroforestry options may provide a means is an important step in the quest for a fuller
of diversifying production systems and in- understanding of the complex mechanisms
creasing the resilience of smallholder farm- of tree–crop interactions, which should offer
ing systems to climate extremes (Lin, 2011; de the scientific basis for designing yet more pro-
Leeuw et al., 2014). However, research into ductive and sustainable agroforestry systems.
the contribution that agroforestry may be This chapter briefly describes the individ-
able to make in buffering against climate ual effects of tree–crop interactions and suggests
change and variability is not well advanced how these may be quantified. Subsequent chap-
(Verchot et al., 2007). Work on alternatives ters examine how tree–crop interactions can
to slash-and-burn agriculture in the humid be explained in terms of competition principles
tropics has provided solid evidence of the (Chapter 2) and a simple model of shading
potential of agroforestry systems in Sumatra and water balance (Chapter 3). Later chap-
and Cameroon (Gockowski et al., 2001; Palm ters explore the physiological and physical
et al., 2004). These systems can be promoted mechanisms involved in each interaction in
through the Clean Development Mechanism detail.
(CDM) to create synergies between mitigation
and adaptation and to meet the requirements
that CDM projects produce social as well as
environmental benefits at the global level. Main Types of Tree–Crop
Four new chapters in this second edition of Interactions
this book explore how agroforestry systems
may buffer against climate change by modi- Before considering methods for quantifying
fying microclimatic conditions (Chapter 5), the overall effects of tree–crop interactions,
mitigation of the impact of temperature ex- it is useful to list the biophysical benefits and
tremes on important crops such as coffee consequences that are commonly attributed
and rice (Chapter 10), the beneficial effects of to agroforestry systems to determine whether
scattered trees in parklands (Chapter 11) the evidence for each interaction is based
and finally a synthesis of the prospects for on direct or indirect observations. The rela-
crops for the future (Chapter 12). tive importance of each effect will depend
A scientific framework for quantitative on both the type of agroforestry system and
analysis of tree–crop interactions is needed the location of the site. For example, the
for several reasons. First, it should provide effects of any soil fertility enrichment by
reliable methodology to determine which agroforestry will be less obvious if fertilizer
benefits are likely to be realized for a given input is high. For the purpose of this chapter,
agroforestry technology in a defined situ- it is premature to include effects that have
ation. Secondly, it should enable researchers not yet been substantiated by field observa-
to evaluate the relative importance of each tions. For example, there is no quantitative
interaction in order to guide them more pre- experimental evidence concerning the effect-
cisely in the choice of research priorities. This iveness of agroforestry in controlling weeds
is no trivial matter, as agroforestry research or maintaining sustainability (Table 1.1), al-
requires long-term commitment of research though there are good theoretical reasons to
resources, and it is not easy to separate expect such benefits. Another unresolved issue
4 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

Table 1.1. Main effects of tree–crop interactions. the formidable task of translating the ‘promise’
+ and − denote positive and negative effects; of agroforestry into sustainable land use can
0 indicates that no evidence is available. Key be attempted.
sources are cited.


Effect Direct Indirect Reference(s) Soil fertility improvements

1. Increased + + Rao et al. Many of the frequently quoted examples of

productivity (1998)
improvements in soil fertility are based on
2. Improved + + Akinnifesi et al.
soil fertility (2007)
traditional agroforestry systems that have
3. Nutrient + + Sileshi et al. been established for many years. The poten-
cycling (2008) tial for microsite enrichment by some trees
4. Soil + + Young (1997) is an extremely important aspect of agrofor-
conservation estry that has received considerable atten-
5. Improved + + Brenner (1996) tion (Nair, 1984; Young, 1997). Surprisingly,
microclimate most of these examples are based on widely
6. Competition − − Rao et al. (1998) scattered, slow-growing trees such as Faid-
7. Allelopathy 0 − Tian and Kang herbia albida in arid or semi-arid environ-
ments in West Africa (Felker, 1978), Prosopis
8. Weed control 0 + Sileshi and
cineraria in Rajasthan, India (Singh and Lal,
(2006) 1969) and Pinus caribaea in the savannah of
9. Sustainability 0 + Sanchez (1987); Belize (Kellman, 1979). These authors con-
Young (1997) cluded that accumulation of mineral nutri-
10. Pests and 0 − Zhao (1991); ents is the result of a long-term process of
diseases Bos et al. capture of precipitation or nutrient-rich litter.
(2007) This argument implies that the ability of trees
to contribute directly to fertility enhance-
ment is likely to be small at first as they are
is the potential importance of allelopathy, initially slow growing. Studies of recently
which has been reported repeatedly for some planted (5–10 years old) F. albida stands in
tree species under laboratory conditions but is India and Africa confirm that microsite en-
doubtful in field conditions for various reasons richment is a slow process.
(see the critical review by Horsley, 1991). In contrast to the slow enrichment of
There is ample evidence that overall bio- soil fertility in traditional agroforestry systems,
mass production in agroforestry systems is alley cropping (also known as hedgerow inter-
generally greater than in annual cropping cropping or avenue cropping) using fast-
systems, although not necessarily greater than growing, nitrogen-fixing trees such as Leucaena
in forestry or grassland systems. The basis leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium in the
for the potentially higher productivity may be humid tropics can significantly increase soil
due to increased capture of growth resources fertility within 2–3 years (Kang et al., 1990).
such as light, water and nutrients (Chapter 4, A major feature of the alley-cropping con-
this volume), or improved soil fertility. Com- cept is the capacity of trees to produce large
petition, a negative influence in this context, quantities of biomass for green manure and
is often a significant factor in simultaneous the need for regular pruning to prevent
agroforestry systems, even when there is evi- shading to reduce competition with associ-
dence that the combined productivity by both ated crops. Alley cropping has been shown
components is increased. It is fair to conclude to be successful in relatively fertile soils,
that only the top six effects shown in Table 1.1 but attempts to extend this technology to in-
have been substantiated by field observations. fertile acidic soils of the humid tropics
Certainly, there remains an urgent need for (Szott et al., 1991; Matthews et al., 1992) or
research to acquire more ‘hard evidence’ before the semi-arid tropics (Singh et al., 1989; Rao
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 5

et al., 1998) have been disappointing. The a well-established example of microclimate

main constraints are poor tree growth, alumin- improvement that enhances crop yields
ium toxicity, low nutrient reserves and ex- (Reifsnyder and Darnhofer, 1989). Of course,
cessive competition with crops (Kang, 1993). where environmental conditions are already
Considerable progress has been made in se- favourable for crop growth, there is little ad-
lecting acid-tolerant fast-growing tree species vantage in reducing wind speed (Lott et al.,
such as Senna reticulata, Senna spectabilis, 2009) or moderating air temperature (Monteith
Inga edulis and Calliandra calothyrsus, but et al., 1991). Even when there is a clear advan-
economically viable techniques for reducing tage in reducing wind speed to protect young
tree–crop competition are still lacking. So far, seedlings, negative effects may be induced due
it appears that alley cropping was not sustain- to competition for moisture between the roots
able on acidic, infertile soils without the add- of trees and crops during dry periods (Malik
ition of chemical fertilizers, chiefly due to and Sharma, 1990). The greatest benefit of
the inherent soil infertility and insufficient shelterbelts is observed when soil water supply
recycling of nutrients from prunings, when is not limiting, especially where irrigation is
carried out at Yurimaguas in Peru, Northern possible (Brenner, 1996).
Zambia and Claveria in the Philippines The evidence for the beneficial effects of
(Maclean et al., 1992; Matthews et al., 1992; shade trees depends on the nature of the under-
Szott and Kass, 1993, Sanchez, 1995). storey crops. The clearest effect is reported for
crops that require shading for optimal growth,
such as black pepper, turmeric and cacao
Soil conservation (Nair, 1984). Analysis of Paulownia and tea-
based agroforestry systems in subtropical China
suggests that tea production improved slightly
Contour hedgerows have consistently been
when shading was around 37%, but the over-
shown to be highly effective in controlling
all economic benefit was largely due to the
soil erosion even within periods as short as
production of additional timber from Paul-
18 months (Lal, 1989; Maclean et al., 1992).
ownia (Yu et al., 1991). Details of shelterbelt
Woody hedgerows provide a semi-permeable
effects on microclimate and crop responses
barrier to surface movement of water, while
have been described by Brenner (1996) (see
mulch from the trees reduces the impact of
also Chapter 5, this volume).
raindrops on the soil and minimizes splash
and sheet erosion (Young, 1997). Mulching
also provides an effective means of reducing
soil evaporation and other improvements in Competition
microclimate, although these effects are sel-
dom measured in agroforestry systems. Current
Although competition between trees and crops
emphasis is on selection of tree species that
for the same limiting growth resources is
provide effective physical barriers to erosion
most obvious when they are grown in close
and produce mulch that offers a longer-lasting
proximity, the extent of below-ground com-
protective role (Kiepe and Rao, 1994). Rela-
petition is often not apparent (Singh et al.,
tively little information is available on the
1989). Assessment of the extent of competi-
influence of trees on the physical properties of
tion is thus complicated by possible inter-
soils in terms of infiltration rate or bulk density
ference between neighbouring plots due to
and soil water storage capacity (Siriri et al.,
proliferation of tree roots into adjacent plots
2006, 2012).
or the effect of shading, especially with tall
trees (Huxley et al., 1989; Rao et al., 1998;
Siriri et al., 2012). Another complication is
Microclimate improvements the choice of an appropriate control for both
tree and crop species to provide a reliable
The use of trees as shelterbelts in areas ex- basis to assess the impact of competition on
periencing high winds or sand movement is crop yield (Ong, 1991). For example, many
6 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

studies of alley cropping have used the yield ratio (LER) provides a widely accepted
of the alley crop where mulch is removed as index for evaluating the effectiveness of mixed
the sole crop ‘control’. This is clearly erro- cropping (Willey, 1979; Vandermeer, 1989).
neous as the crop will still be influenced by LER is the ratio of the area needed under
the adjacent hedgerows (Gichuru and Kang, sole cropping to the area under intercrop-
1989). More rigorous experimental design and ping, at the same management level, that is
precautions are necessary to ensure that as- required to provide an equivalent yield. It is
sessment of competition is free from inter- the sum of the fractions of yields of the
ference by other treatments. These aspects intercrops relative to their sole crop yields:
are considered below.
X i Yi
A simple but effective method to deter- LER = + (1.1)
mine competition is to measure tree and crop X s Ys
yields along transects across the tree–crop where X and Y are the yields of the compo-
interface (Huxley, 1985). The use of transects nent crops in either an intercrop (i) or a sole
is particularly useful in on-farm situations crop (s) system. When LER = 1, there is no ad-
as it is difficult to obtain sole crop controls vantage of intercropping over sole cropping,
in scattered tree systems. However, to under- but when LER is >1, production in the inter-
stand the mechanistic origin of competition, crop is higher than in separate sole crops.
it is necessary to determine the soil and aerial The stand density in the sole crop influences
environment within the transect. For example, the outcome, and the implicit assumption
studies of two tree species (Vitellaria para- that the stand density in the sole crop is at
doxa, Parkia biglobosa) scattered among three its optimum is usually made.
annual crops (cotton, sorghum and pearl millet) In agroforestry systems, the yield of an-
in south Mali, West Africa, showed that sorghum nual crops is generally more important to
and pearl millet exhibited 50–60% yield re- farmers than the yield of tree products as the
ductions under the trees, despite a signifi- trees usually have only a supportive function
cant increase in soil fertility (Kater et al., 1992). for associated crops, with possible tree prod-
However, cotton yield was relatively un- ucts being regarded as extra benefits. The yield
affected by V. paradoxa (−8%) and P. biglobosa of sole trees is not known, and neither is prod-
(−16%). Kater et al. (1992) concluded that the uctivity at the optimum tree density. In such
yield reduction resulted from plant mortality cases, the production performance is better
caused by fungal attack or shading, in agree- expressed by I, the difference in crop yield
ment with Kessler (1992). resulting from the presence of trees relative to
the yield of the sole crop:

YAF − Ys (1.2)
Quantifying Tree–Crop I =
Yield Performance
where YAF and Ys represent crop yields in the
agroforestry system and sole crop, respect-
Before quantifying the effects of tree–crop
ively. The minimum value of I is −1 (i.e. the trees
interactions, an appropriate measure is needed,
suppress the crop completely and crop yields
which depends on the goal of the land-use
in the agroforestry system are zero) but when
system involved. For farmers, the primary goal
I is >0, the agroforestry system is more advan-
is on short-term crop production, with more
tageous than the sole crop. In Eqn 1.2, I is
intangible goals such as food security and
defined as a fraction. If it is to be expressed as
sustainability setting boundary conditions.
a percentage, it must be multiplied by 100.
Subsequent sections in this chapter and other
chapters focus on the production aspect of
tree–crop interactions.
When the products of each component Tree–crop interaction models
species in mixed agroecosystems are equally
important to farmers, either financially or in Models represent an idealized, simplified
terms of biomass production, the land equivalent representation of reality. All models are, by
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 7

definition, wrong, but some may be useful the trees on soil fertility and microclimate; and
(Box and Draper, 1987), particularly where C is the competition effect, i.e. the percentage
they provide predictive power with extensive decrease in production attributable to com-
scope and minimal complexity. Such models petition by the trees for light, water and nu-
provide insight and direction to help under- trients. The equation was quantified by field
stand and manage agroecosystems worldwide. experiments with 2 × 2 factorial designs, with
Concerning tree–crop interaction models, factors being defined as the presence or ab-
‘scope’ first refers to the applicability of models sence of trees and/or mulch. This separated
to contrasting global agroecological zones. the mulch (‘fertility’) effect from other tree
The corresponding goal is to understand and (‘competition’) effects. Similarly, root compe-
predict yield performance over a wide range tition effects were separated from other tree
of biophysical situations. Secondly, mostly effects by treatments involving vertical poly-
within a specific agroecological zone, scope thene barriers or trenches (e.g. Corlett et al.,
can refer to different management and tech- 1992). The experiments showed that: (i) com-
nology options (e.g. the exact arrangement and petition from trees may be strong; (ii) rapid
placement of trees and crops). The correspond- tree growth is associated with severe com-
ing goal is to optimize specific agroforestry petition; and (iii) positive and negative effects
technologies. Thirdly, scope may refer not only are highly site specific and vary depending
to yield performance but also to the growth on environmental conditions. The predict-
processes leading to defined yields (i.e. dy- ive power of individual experiments was
namic models including a time dimension). therefore limited to the same agroecologi-
The corresponding goal is to understand cal zone.
and optimize the underlying processes. Of After a modification of Ong (1995), the
course, increased complexity is needed with equation evolved to the following (Rao et al.,
increased scope, but the art is to avoid ex- 1998):
cess model parameters that decrease predict-
I = F +C + M + P + L + A (1.4)
ive power and so reduce outputs to merely
descriptive information. The ‘big picture’ where F refers to effects on chemical, phys-
must also be kept in mind to avoid becom- ical and biological soil fertility, C to competi-
ing lost in detailed modelling subprocesses tion for light, water and nutrients, M to effects
that contribute little to model performance on microclimate, P to effects on pests, dis-
and output. eases and weeds, L to soil conservation and
Three approaches to tree–crop inter- A to allelopathic effects. Equation 1.4 is
action models can be distinguished: (i) sep- comprehensive, incorporating all possible
arating positive and negative effects; (ii) the effects involved, but, as emphasized by the
resource balance approach; and (iii) model- authors, many of the effects are interdepend-
ling resource capture. ent and cannot be estimated experimentally
independently of one another. Because of the
Separating positive and negative effects overlap, the equation cannot provide insight
into the relative importance of each term for
Four decades ago, agroforestry was pro- specific systems.
moted with great enthusiasm but often led Cannell et al. (1996) reinterpreted Ong’s
to disappointment. Apparently, besides the equation in terms of resources (light, water
positive effects, there were definitely also and nutrients) and deduced that ‘The tree
negative effects of the trees on crop growth. must acquire resources that the crop would
This was formalized by Ong (1995) as: not otherwise acquire.’ Because most biophys-
ical agroforestry hypotheses mentioned by
I = F +C (1.3)
Sanchez (1995) can be reduced to this cen-
where I is the overall interaction, i.e. the tral tenet, Cannell et al. (1996) referred to
percentage net increase in crop production this as the central agroforestry hypothesis.
attributable to the presence of trees; F is the However, this insight is more a logical the-
fertility effect, i.e. the percentage production orem than proof that the premise is true.
increase attributable to favourable effects of Thus, a mixture of two species is likely to
8 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

exploit a specific environment better than a tree effects. He recognized that these (Eqn 1.4
single species if more resources are available and Fig. 1.2) influence crop production mainly
to the mixture than to either species when by altering the balance of resource availabil-
grown alone. Cannell et al. (1996) did not ity to crops, and that the balance of resource
explicitly consider either conversion from limitations in the environment of agrofor-
resource capture to crop yields or environ- estry systems has a major impact on the final
mental influences on the efficiency of this outcome. If a resource is in ample supply,
conversion process. changes in its availability do not influence
crop production greatly. However, if there is
The resource balance approach a shortage of a resource, even small changes
in its availability can have a substantial im-
Kho (2000b) attempted to make the rela- pact on crop production. This idea was for-
tionships with resource supplies and envir- malized by Kho (2000b) as:
onmental conditions more explicit, while
simultaneously avoiding overlap of simple I = LR × TR + LW × TW + LN × TN + LF × TF (1.5)

Simple + shade − temperature + mulch/litter + N2 fixation

effects of − PAR + RH + SOM + root decay
trees − weeds − windspeed − soil bulk density + deep capture
+ rain interception − vapour pressure deficit + dry deposition
+ microbiological activity − run-off ± erosion
+ water-holding capacity + mineralization + root competition

Altering the balance of – – – –

resource availability to crops

Light Water N P ..

Tree effect on Crop production

Fig. 1.2. Trees influence crop production by altering the balance of resource availabilities to the crop.
The height of each shaded area relative to the height of the rectangle represents the relative net tree
effect on availability of the resource (Ti; see text). The width of each shaded area relative to the total
width represents the limitation of the resource in the tree–crop interface (Li; see text). The sum of positive
and negative shaded surfaces relative to the total surface of the rectangle represents the overall tree
effect I expressed as a fraction of sole crop production. PAR, photosynthetically active radiation;
RH, relative humidity; SOM, soil organic matter. (Adapted from Kho et al., 2001.)
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 9

where I is the overall net effect of trees on system and Ai;S is resource availability to the
crop production (Eqn 1.2); LR, LW, LN and LF sole crop. The net effect of trees on the avail-
are environmental factors indicating the ability of radiation to the crop is negative in
limitations of the resources radiation, water, simultaneous agroforestry systems and zero
nitrogen and other nutrients, respectively; in sequential agroforestry systems. For other
and TR, TW, TN and TF are factors indicating resources, the net effect of trees can be posi-
the relative net effects of trees on the avail- tive or negative, although it is probably gen-
ability to crops of radiation, water, nitrogen erally negative for water and positive for ni-
and other nutrients, respectively. This equa- trogen; this question should be investigated
tion can easily be expanded by dividing the further for different agroforestry technologies.
last term for ‘other nutrients’ into additional As Ong’s (Eqn 1.3) and Kho’s (Eqn 1.5)
terms. The mathematical derivation of the methods both lack a time dimension, delayed
equation is shown in Appendix 1.1. Effects of effects and long-term trends are not part of
trees which operate outwith resource avail- the models. The scope of these methods is
ability include pests, diseases and allelopathy. thus limited to a particular agroforestry tech-
The environment determines the limit- nology in a certain state (e.g. at equilibrium).
ing factors. The limitation Li is the weight for In the first few years of an agroforestry sys-
the relative net effect of tree on the availabil- tem, TN and TF are likely to be lower (or more
ity of resource i and is defined as the ratio negative) than in mature systems because
between the slope of the production response young trees have a superficial, and therefore
curve at a certain resource level (determined by less competitive rooting system, and nutri-
the environment) and the average use efficiency ents in slowly decaying tree material are not
of that resource by the crop (Kho, 2000a): yet available to crops. Competition for light
is relatively low in newly established sim-
δW /δAi
Li = (1.6) ultaneous agroforestry systems but increases
W /Ai progressively (TR becoming more negative)
where W represents crop production and Ai as the system matures.
is the availability of resource i. Li is dimen- Two rules can be formulated to predict
sionless, independent of the units used for the performance of agroforestry systems and
crop production and resource availability can be viewed as agroforestry counterparts
and is a metric between zero and one. If the of classic crop production principles:
resource is not limiting, the slope of the re-
sponse curve equals zero and therefore limi- Rule 1. The greater the availability of a
tation equals zero; if that resource is the only specific resource within an agroforestry sys-
limiting resource, production is propor- tem, the smaller its relative importance in
tional to resource availability and the slope the overall interaction because the severity
is equal to the corresponding use efficiency of the limitation decreases as availability in-
and the limitation is equal to one. Kho creases.
(2000a) showed that, if the proportional re- Rule 2. The greater the availability of other
lationship of outputs to inputs (de Wit 1992) limiting resources within agroforestry sys-
holds, the sum of all limitations should be: tems, the greater the relative importance of
individual resources in the overall inter-
LR + LW + LN + LF = 1.0 (1.7) action because the limitation increases as
The type of agroforestry system involved de- the constraints by other resources decrease
termines the technology parameters, with (Eqn 1.7).
the result that the relative net effect of trees These rules are helpful when developing
on the availability of a resource i to the crop is: agroforestry technologies or extending them
∆Ai Ai; AF − Ai;S (1.8) to other environments. For example, Kho
Ti = = (2000b) showed that the net effect of trees on
Ai Ai;S
the availability of resources such as light,
where Ai;AF represents the availability of water and phosphorus to crops in alley-
resource i to the crop in the agroforestry cropping systems is most likely to be negative,
10 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

while that for nitrogen is probably positive. options such as phosphorus fertilization, water-
In humid climates with nitrogen-deficient conserving tillage and weeding are all ap-
soils (Fig. 1.3a), the substantial limitation of propriate for alley-cropping technology to
nitrogen gives the positive nitrogen effect a decrease the negative net effect of trees (Rule 1).
high weight, leading to a positive overall inter- External inputs of organic or inorganic ni-
action. Addition of nitrogen fertilizer (Rule 1) trogen will probably decrease the overall
decreases the relative importance of the posi- interaction.
tive nitrogen effect, leading to a negative over- The resource balance approach can
all interaction (Fig. 1.3c). Under similar climatic thus be used easily in a qualitative way. For
conditions, but on acid soil, phosphorus is a particular agroforestry technology, key in-
less available, and its reduced availability not formation is: (i) the sign of the net effect of
only increases the negative phosphorus effect trees for the resources water, nitrogen and
(Rule 1) but also decreases the positive nitro- phosphorus, i.e. is the availability of these
gen effect (Rule 2), leading to a negative over- resources to crops greater or less in the agro-
all effect (Fig. 1.3b). Addition of phosphorus forestry system than in sole crops?; (ii) the
fertilizer decreases the negative phosphorus constancy of this sign, i.e. is the sign of a net
effect (Rule 1) and increases the positive nitro- effect of trees on the availability of a specific
gen effect (Rule 2), resulting in a positive over- resource independent of the availability of
all effect (Fig. 1.3d). In general, management other resources?; and (iii) the extent of these

(a) N-deficient soil (b) Acid soil

+ +

– –
– – – –


I = +23% I = –17%

(c) N-deficient soil + N

(d) Acid soil + P fertilizer

+ +

– –
– – – –


I = –27% I = +13%

Fig. 1.3. Possible tree effect balances of an alley-cropping technology in a humid climate in nitrogen
(N)-deficient soils (a), in acid (phosphorus (P)-deficient) soils (b), in N-deficient soils with N fertilizer (c)
and in acid soils with P fertilizer (d). The relative net tree effects on the availability of each resource (Ti) remain
equal; only the environment (i.e. resource limitations Li) changes, explaining the different overall effects (I).
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 11

effects, i.e. quantification of Eqn 1.8. These comprising the whole plots and the fertil-
features can all be obtained by factorial experi- izer treatments providing the split plots,
ments that mimic different environments by and ANOVA carried out accordingly.
manipulating resource availability. For ex- Kho (2000b) postulated that the sign of
ample, to investigate the effect of nitrogen, the net effect of trees on the availability of a
the four treatments shown in Table 1.2 should specific resource is constant and does not
be used. depend on the level or availability of other
For these treatments, the overall inter- resources. Thus, concerning the net effect
action without fertilizer is (Eqn 1.2): I0 = of trees on nitrogen availability, the sign of
(A0 − S0)/S0 and the interaction in a nitrogen- A00 − S00 − AN0 + SN0 should be the same
rich environment is I N = (AN − SN)/SN. as the sign of A0P − S0P − ANP + SNP and,
If the net effect on nitrogen availability to regarding the net effect of trees on phos-
the crop is positive (TN > 0), the difference phorus availability, the sign of A00 − S00 −
between crop production in the agroforestry A0P + S0P should be the same as the sign of
technology and the sole crop should be AN0 − SN0 − ANP + SNP. These are inter-
smaller with fertilizer (Rule 1) than without esting hypotheses that may verify or contra-
fertilizer (i.e. AN – SN < A0 − S0). If it is dict the validity of the resource balance
negative (TN < 0), the reverse should be the approach. Note that the availability of a re-
case. In other words, the sign of TN is esti- source may (and probably will) depend on
mated by the sign of the contrast A0 – S0 – the availability of other resources, e.g. phos-
AN + SN. phorus transport from soil to roots may be
To investigate the nitrogen and phosphorus decreased by decreases in soil water con-
effects simultaneously, the eight treatments tent, although this is not key. Most import-
shown in Table 1.3 can be carried out. For each ant in the resource balance approach is that
pair of fertilizer treatments, the overall inter- it is not the availability of a specific resource
action (Eqn 1.2) can be determined, e.g. for itself, but that the relative net effect of trees
nitrogen-rich environments IN0 = (AN0 − SN0)/ on the availability of specific resources to
SN0, and for phosphorus-rich environments associated crops is independent of the avail-
I0P = (A0P − S0P)/S0P, etc. The sign of TN is ability of other resources.
estimated by the sign of A0 − S0 – AN + SN The given contrasts do not provide esti-
with and without phosphorus fertilizer. mates of the technology factors (Eqn 1.8),
Thus, the sign of TN is estimated by the sign but give (and test) only the sign of these.
of the contrast: A00 − S00 − AN0 + SN0 + A
0P − S0P – ANP + SNP. Similarly, the sign of Table 1.3. A 2 × 2 × 2 design to investigate the
TP is estimated by the sign of the contrast A0 net effect on nitrogen and phosphorus availability.
0 − S00 + AN0 − SN0 − A0P + S0P – ANP
+ SNP. Statistical significance can be tested Treatment System N addition P addition
by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Treatments
may be randomized as a split-plot design, A00 Agroforestry No N No P
with agroforestry technology/sole crops technology fertilizer fertilizer
S00 Sole crop No N No P
fertilizer fertilizer
Table 1.2. A 2 × 2 design to investigate the net AN0 Agroforestry N fertilizer No P
effect on nitrogen (N) availability. technology fertilizer
SN0 Sole crop N fertilizer No P
Treatment System N addition fertilizer
A0P Agroforestry No N P fertilizer
A0 Agroforestry No N fertilizer technology fertilizer
technology S0P Sole crop No N P fertilizer
S0 Sole crop No N fertilizer fertilizer
AN Agroforestry N fertilizer ANP Agroforestry N fertilizer P fertilizer
technology technology
SN Sole crop N fertilizer SNP Sole crop N fertilizer P fertilizer
12 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

However, data from the above experiments model the processes of resource capture and
can be used to obtain quantitative estimates convert these to biomass production:
of Li (Eqn 1.6), Ti (Eqn 1.8) and thus Eqn 1.5,
W = e conversion × Capture (1.9)
but this requires more complicated analysis
because, even when no fertilizer is applied, where W represents dry biomass production
a background level of nitrogen and phos- (e.g. g m−2), econversion is the conversion effi-
phorus is available that should be taken into ciency (e.g. g dm−1 MJ−1 for light, g dm−1
account. Fortunately, the absolute availabil- mm−1 for transpired water and g dm−1 g−1 ab-
ity of these background levels is not required sorbed for nutrients), and Capture repre-
and only relative changes are relevant (Kho, sents the accumulated capture of specific
2000a; Kho et al., 2001). resources (e.g. MJ m−2 for light, mm tran-
If the experiment summarized in Table 1.3 spired for water and g m−2 uptake for nutri-
was repeated in another season with differ- ents). The assumption is made that a strict
ent rainfall, and hence water availability, law of the minimum is applicable, that the
information about the sign of the net effect resource under investigation is the only
of trees on water availability (TW) could also limiting resource and that all other resources
be obtained by applying Rule 1. If the diffe- are in ample supply. Then, biomass produc-
rence (I) between agroforestry technology and tion is proportional to Capture with a con-
sole crops increases, or becomes less nega- stant proportionality factor econversion, as sug-
tive, with increasing water availability (stat- gested by Eqn 1.9. If light is not limiting,
istical significance may be tested using paired additional interception will not increase
t-tests, for example), the net effect of trees growth if, for example, the stomata are
on water availability (TW) is negative. Figure 1.4 closed; if water is not limiting, additional
summarizes all possible outcomes and in- transpiration will not increase growth if, for
terpretations. example, shortage of nutrients prevents the
Experiments containing the treatments formation of structural biomass. If a specific
shown in Table 1.3 are relatively simple to nutrient is not limiting, additional uptake
perform and provide information on key will not increase biomass but will increase
features of agroforestry technologies. Biomass its concentration within the plant biomass.
is more closely related to availability of re- Thus, if a resource is not limiting, additional
sources than to the harvest of specific plant capture is the result of growth but does not
organs; to obtain a mechanistic understand- lead to further increases in growth and yield.
ing, it is better to evaluate these experiments The fact that resource capture is both the re-
using above-ground crop dry biomass pro- sult and determinant of growth shows that
duction rather than the harvest of an eco- the relationship between biomass (W) and
nomically valuable product. Capture of a single resource is a correlation
and not a causal relation. From a methodo-
Modelling resource capture logical point of view, correlations are not a
sound basis for making predictions, so Eqn
The resource balance approach recognizes 1.9 should be used with caution. If a strict
that trees influence crop production by al- law of the minimum is applicable, Eqn 1.9
tering availability of resources to crops, but can only be viewed as a causal relationship
leaves an open question as to how this hap- if the resource in consideration is the only
pens. Process-oriented research is needed to limiting resource. However, Kho (2000a)
address this question. Principles of light, showed that a strict law of the minimum is
water and nutrient capture and use have been seldom the case and that it is better to think
fruitfully applied for sole crops (Monteith in terms of multiple limiting factors, each
et al., 1994) and were later extended to inter- with their own degree of limitation.
crops, weeds and agroforestry (van Noordwijk This theoretical drawback is also sup-
et al., 2004; Chapters 3 and 6, this volume). ported by data. Azam-Ali et al. (1994) pre-
A third approach to provide insight into sented radiation conversion efficiencies for
tree–crop interactions is to investigate and three C4 species and nine C3 species growing
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 13

under apparently optimal conditions or under

conditions of water and/or nutrient defi- Lessons from Alley Cropping
ciency. Under optimal conditions, radiation and Parkland
conversion efficiency ranged from 1.2 g MJ−1
for barley (C3) to 2.69 g MJ−1 for sorghum In past decades, hundreds of alley-cropping
(C4). However, within the same species, the experiments have been carried out all over
conversion efficiency may range from 0.23 the world in different climates and on dif-
to 1.3 g MJ−1 in soybean and from 0.57 to ferent soils. Sanchez (1995) reviewed some
2.62 g MJ−1 in millet. Similarly, van Duiven- long-term alley-cropping experiments that
booden et al. (1996) reviewed hundreds of included the four mulch transfer treatments
fertilizer experiments and reported nitrogen that are necessary to separate fertility (F) from
and phosphorus conversion efficiencies for competition (C) effects using Ong’s equa-
five major cereals. The maximum phosphorus tion. The fertility effect ranged from +3 to
conversion efficiency ranged from 832 g +58%, the competition effect from −8 to −77%
dm−1 g−1 of phosphorus for wheat to 1418 g and the overall interaction from −58 to +32%.
dm−1 g−1 of phosphorus for sorghum. Within Sanchez (1995) concluded that alley crop-
the same species, phosphorus conversion ping should work at sites where the supply
efficiency ranged from 444 to 1389 g dm−1 g−1 of water and nutrients is likely to be suffi-
of phosphorus for rice and from 557 to 418 g cient. However, the reasons why the fertility
dm−1 g−1 of phosphorus for sorghum. These effect would probably be lower than that of
and other data sets clearly show that con- competition, especially on fertile soils with
version efficiencies are determined more by adequate rainfall, remain unclear. The fertil-
environmental conditions than by species. ity and competition effects vary greatly, and
Consequently, the scope of a model that uses there was no systematic relationship with soil
empirical estimates of conversion efficiencies or climate.
is limited to similar environmental conditions. Kho (2000b) reviewed the same alley-
The variation of conversion efficiencies cropping experiments without separating F
with environmental conditions is a pitfall and C and found, on the basis of the re-
for modelling the growth of sole crops, but source balance approach, the two rules and
this is even greater when modelling agrofor- Fig. 1.4, that the net effect of trees on water
estry systems. Because trees alter resource and phosphorus availability to the crop is
availability to crops, the limitations, and hence most likely to be negative (negative TW and
conversion efficiencies, for crops in agrofor- TP) and that the net effect on nitrogen avail-
estry systems are likely to differ from sole ability to crops is most to be likely positive
crops. For example, on theoretical grounds, (positive TN). Hence, alley cropping should
one can expect the radiation conversion ef- work on sites where water and nutrient sup-
ficiency to be greater if light is more limit- plies are ample, with the exception of nitro-
ing, as occurs under a tree canopy, than in gen, which should be deficient (Fig. 1.3).
the open. Many alley-cropping experiments (e.g. Sanchez
Notwithstanding the limitations and pit- (1995) and others) fit this framework well.
falls of modelling resource capture, process- Hundreds of alley-cropping experiments were
based simulation models are important tools necessary to come to this insight. In retrospect,
for understanding why, and to what extent, one well-controlled multi-year experiment
the availability of resources differs for crops involving the treatments shown in Table 1.3
grown in agroforestry systems compared with would have been sufficient to provide the
sole crops. They are also important for opti- same information. This is an important les-
mizing agroforestry technologies and evalu- son from the alley-cropping experience.
ating different management options. To counter The parkland system (scattered trees in
these pitfalls, models could be used with dif- cropland) is a well-known traditional agro-
ferent conversion efficiencies as input to evalu- forestry system in semi-arid regions. In the
ate the sensitivity of the outcome to assumed Sahelian region, parkland tree species include
efficiencies. the shea butter tree or karité (V. paradoxa),
14 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

Availability of resource A
decreases increases

If I If I

decreases increases decreases increases

(more neg.) (less neg.) (more neg.) (less neg.)

TA<0 TA>0 TA>0 TA<0

and/or‡ and/or‡ and/or‡ and/or‡
T B> 0 TB<0 TB<0 TB>0

A positive A negative I A positive A negative

I becomes becomes I becomes I becomes
negative positive negative positive

TA<0 TA>0 TB<0 TB>0

Fig. 1.4. Diagram to derive the sign of net tree effects on availability of a resource (other factors being
equal). TA refers to the net effects of trees on the changed resource and TB to that of another limiting
resource. ‡Both statements may be true. However, if I is negative, the statement with the negative T value
is most meaningful; if I is positive, the one with the positive T value is most meaningful. If the overall
interaction I changes sign, then certainty about one net effect of the trees is given. (Adapted from Kho, 2000b.)

néré (P. biglobosa) and F. albida (formerly tree density. However, if physical factors
Acacia albida). The latter is particularly not- dominate the albida effect, the trees would
able because it has a reverse phenology and increase the productivity of the system, sug-
develops a green canopy during the 9-month gesting that high tree densities would be
dry season and sheds its leaves at the onset beneficial.
of the rainy season, thereby reducing dir- Vandenbeldt and Williams (1992) re-
ect competition for light, water and nutri- ported that soil temperature was up to 10°C
ents. Under the tree crown, crop growth is lower under the canopy of F. albida trees
considerably better (the so-called ‘albida ef- than in the open. In a separate experiment,
fect’; Vandenbeldt, 1992). This has been at- they used vertical shade barriers to modify
tributed to increased soil fertility, improved soil surface temperature by varying the period
microclimate and soil physical properties over which the soil was exposed to direct
and its reverse phenology (Depommier et al., sunlight in plots located some distance from
1992; Kamara and Haque, 1992; Rhoades, the tree to remove any confounding effects
1995). Whether nutritional or physical effects of differences in soil fertility. Pearl millet
dominate, the albida effect is likely to have was sown in this range of environments in
important consequences for the management rows perpendicular to the barrier. Vandenbeldt
of these parklands. The higher soil fertility and Williams (1992) found a clear negative
under the crown of trees could result directly linear relation between shoot dry weight
from the presence of trees (Geiger et al., 1992) 6 weeks after sowing and mean soil surface
or the lateral redistribution of resources by temperature. Because this relationship was
animals or roots. In both cases, the system consistent with the lower soil temperature
as a whole would gain nothing from a higher and greater millet growth under the crowns
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 15

of F. albida trees, they concluded that shade- F. albida trees and the negative interaction
induced reductions in soil temperature con- between the trees and applications of nitro-
tributed to the improved growth of crops gen fertilizer. Without fertilizer, dry matter
under the trees. They suggested that, without production in millet grown under F. albida
the companion effect of decreased tempera- was 36% greater than in the open, but this
ture under F. albida, millet crops would be difference disappeared with the high nitro-
unable to exploit the greater fertility associ- gen fertilizer treatment, with and without
ated with this tree species; they proposed a phosphorus fertilizer. Following the high
greater use of soil shading to reduce soil nitrogen fertilizer application, its limitation
temperature. (LN) decreased. As the albida effect disap-
Kho et al. (2001) planted five replicates peared entirely, the positive nitrogen effect
of the eight treatments shown in Table 1.3 (TN) must have been the most important com-
together with two additional fertilizer treat- ponent of the effect of this tree species. Indeed,
ments in which half the nitrogen dose and Kho et al. (2001) estimated that nitrogen avail-
half the phosphorus dose used in the agro- ability accounted for approximately two-thirds
forestry systems and sole crop were applied. of the albida effect (c.26% production gain
In total, there were 25 split plots containing arising from a 200% increase in nitrogen
pearl millet under the canopy of five F. albida availability; TN = 2) and that phosphorus ac-
trees and 25 split plots containing pearl mil- counted for one-third (c.13% production in-
let in five open areas. At 25 days after sow- crease arising from a 29% increase in soil
ing, mean biomass was greater under the phosphorus availability; TP = 0.29) (Fig. 1.5).
F. albida canopy, although not significantly. The increase in phosphorus availability was
Phosphorus fertilizer induced a highly sig- relatively small, but because of the high limi-
nificant effect, but the effect of nitrogen fer- tation (0.46), it had a large impact. Rhoades
tilizer was not significant. At harvest, the (1995) also found that soil nitrogen avail-
effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer ability was up to three times greater beneath
were highly significant, as was the effect of F. albida canopies than in the open.

Biomass E C
(t ha– 1) 7 B
5 E
4 B A C
0 A
350 110
300 100
250 80
200 70
150 50
N availability 100 40
30 P availability
(kg ha– )
50 20 (kg ha– 1)
0 0 10

Fig. 1.5. Millet dry biomass in the open field at N’Dounga, Niger, as a function of nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P) availability. The letters A–E denote the placement of the fertilizer treatments in the open
(lower square) and under Faidherbia albida (upper square). A, control; B, 180 kg N ha−1; C, 60 kg P ha−1;
D, 180 kg N ha−1 and 60 kg P ha−1; E, 90 kg N ha−1 and 30 kg P ha−1. The shaded area corresponds to
the tree effect on N and P availability. (From Kho et al., 2001.)
16 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

The conclusions of Kho et al. (2001) environment but also when extrapolating
contradict those of Vandenbeldt and Williams results from a subprocess (e.g. growth during
(1992), as an unshaded millet crop grown in crop establishment) to another, higher, level
the open exploited the increased fertility (e.g. growth over the whole season). Growth
provided by applied fertilizer without any results from subprocesses can only be ap-
accompanying effect of decreased tempera- plied to other situations if the resource limi-
ture, whereas the experiment described by tations are the same.
Vandenbeldt and Williams (1992) was ter- The net effects of F. albida are positive for
minated 6 weeks after sowing. Nitrogen is nitrogen, phosphorus and, probably, water
not limiting at the start of the growing sea- (positive TN, TF and TW) and negative for radiation
son because net mineralization is strongly (negative TR). Because of its reverse phenology,
stimulated if this is preceded by a long, hot, the reduction of radiation is relatively small
dry season (Penning de Vries and Djitèye, (c.50%; Vandenbeldt and Williams, 1992), which,
1982; Rhoades, 1995). At the start of the grow- in highly nitrogen- and phosphorus-limiting
ing season, water and phosphorus were prob- environments is insufficient to increase the
ably limiting. Vandenbeldt and Williams (1992) light limitation under the canopy significantly. In
created the gradient in soil surface temperat- nitrogen- and phosphorus-limiting environ-
ures by varying the period over which the soil ments, such as the Sahelian and Sudanian
was exposed to direct sunlight with distance zones in West Africa, the albida effect is then
from a vertical barrier. The soil temperature a nitrogen and phosphorus effect. For other
gradient was thus confounded by a gradient parkland tree species without reverse phen-
in radiation, and probably also wind speed, ology, such as karité and néré, the reduction in
and hence a gradient in evapotranspiration. solar radiation received by understorey crops
If water availability for evaporation (i.e. loss may be up to 80% (Kessler, 1992; Jonsson et al.,
of latent heat) is insufficient to balance in- 1999), which would increase light limitation
coming solar energy supply, soil surface tem- under the tree canopy and hence reduce the
perature rises. The temperature gradient must limitations of water, nitrogen and phosphorus
therefore have been confounded by a gradi- (Eqn 1.7). For these trees, the negative effects
ent in soil water availability. This shows that of competition for light may nullify (millet:
the observed negative relationship between Jonsson et al., 1999) or outweigh (sorghum:
millet growth and soil surface temperature Kessler, 1992) the positive effect of increased
in the experiment reported by Vandenbeldt fertility under the tree canopy. Kessler (1992)
and Williams (1992) was in fact a correlation showed that pruning of tree branches can re-
and not a causal relationship. Both vari- duce competition for light and hence decrease
ables were related to a third variable, soil crop yield losses.
water availability, which was at least partly
the real causal variable. Two lessons can be
learned. First, relationships between paired
measured variables are correlations and not Implications for Species Choice
necessarily causal. Since R.A. Fisher devel-
oped systematic experimental design at Farmers’ common sense tells them that mix-
Rothamsted Agricultural Research Station, tures of two or more species represent a good
Harpenden, UK, a century ago, we have combination if each ‘fits into’ space not oc-
learned that: (i) only by randomization of cupied by the others. This is, in principle,
the different levels of the independent vari- the same insight reported by Cannell et al.
able, can an empirically established relation- (1996) that trees must acquire resources that
ship be accepted as causal; and (ii) it is the crop would not otherwise use. This is a
hazardous to make predictions on the basis general paradigm for species choice.
of correlations. Second, the balance of In simultaneous agroforestry systems,
available resources should be taken into competition for light may outweigh all posi-
account constantly, not only when transfer- tive effects. Tree species selected for use in
ring an agroforestry technology to a different such systems should ideally provide limited
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 17

competition for light. Suitable species are interactions at the farm level but does not
characterized by a compact canopy shape and address the complex mechanisms used by
erect structure, as became clear from alley- farmers to cope with stress and shocks re-
cropping experiments (van Noordwijk et al., sulting from drought and climatic extremes.
1995; Chapter 3, this volume) and parkland Over the past three decades, resilience has
systems (Kessler, 1992). If trees have numer- emerged as an important framework for ana-
ous vertical leaves, their extinction coefficient, lysing the sustainability of socio-ecological
and hence light interception, will be min- systems (Folke, 2006). Resilience is considered
imal (Chapter 4, this volume). Lower light the ability of a complex system to continue
interception by trees will reduce competi- to perform its desired functions when it is
tion not only for light but also for water be- under stress or external shock (Folke, 2006).
cause transpiration is directly related to the For example, complex agroforestry systems
quantity of radiation intercepted by their have been considered by ecologists to be
canopies (Chapter 6, this volume). C4 crop ‘structurally and functionally the closest
species have a much higher photosynthetic mimics of forests yet attained’ (Ewell, 1999)
light saturation level for incident solar radi- and, because of their high species diversity
ation than C3 crops and thus have a larger and low export of nutrients, are regarded as
limitation (LR) than C3 crops. Hence, C3 crops the ‘epitome of sustainability’ throughout the
are more appropriate from a biophysical tropics (Kumar and Nair, 2004). To understand
viewpoint in light-limiting environments. how adaptation to increased climate vari-
A major factor determining direct and ability might be accomplished, it is useful to
indirect competition for water and mobile examine how species and populations are
nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium is coping with current climatic variation and
the relative rooting depths of trees and extreme events.
crops (dcrop/dtree). This ratio should be as low Tree-based agroecosystems have obvi-
as possible, calling for shallow-rooted crops ous advantages in terms of maintaining pro-
and deep-rooted trees. Although the desir- duction during unusually wet or dry years.
ability of such complementarity of rooting First, the deep root systems of trees can ex-
architecture is obvious, the reality of achiev- ploit a larger soil volume for water and nu-
ing this is not (Chapter 8, this volume). In trients than crops, which will be beneficial
nitrogen-limited environments, the best results during periods of drought. Second, in-
(highest I) are expected from combinations creased soil porosity and infiltration rates
of leguminous trees and non-leguminous crops. and retention of water in the soil profile can
Leguminous crops have a lower limitation reduce moisture stress during low-rainfall
(LR) and therefore profit less from the enhanced years. Third, new observations have con-
nitrogen supplies provided by leguminous firmed that tree-based systems have lower
trees than non-leguminous crops. soil evaporation rates than row crops and
A major factor determining direct compe- may even modify regional climates (Ong
tition for water and poorly mobile nutrients et al., 2014). Agroforestry options may pro-
such as phosphate is the root length density vide a means for diversifying production
(cm of root length cm−3 of soil) of the trees rela- systems and increasing the resilience of
tive to the crop in shared soil layers (van smallholder farming systems (Chapter 12,
Noordwijk et al., 2004; Chapter 8, this volume). this volume). The most dramatic examples
Thus, trees with a low percentage of fine roots are those described in sub-Saharan Africa,
in the top soil horizons are preferable, espe- where use of fertilizers by smallholders to
cially in phosphate-limiting environments. replenish their soils is often not economic-
ally feasible due to high prices and the risk
of drought stress (Kater et al., 1992; Ong and
Conclusions Leakey, 1999). The future is currently bleak,
as several studies project that higher tem-
The above framework provides an overview peratures and lower rainfall in parts of Africa,
of simple methods to examine tree–crop combined with a doubling of the human
18 C.K. Ong and R.M. Kho

population, will lead to a massive increase programme (FMNR) in the parklands of the
in food insecurity over the next two decades Sahel in Africa. The high degree of comple-
(Boko et al., 2007). Restoring soil health is mentarity results from its unusual reverse
often regarded as the first entry point for in- canopy phenology, as it is leafless during the
creasing agricultural productivity because cropping season and leafy during the dry
soil nutrient depletion is generally most extreme season. Many authors have reported increased
in areas occupied by smallholder farmers. crop yields under F. albida, which have been
The greatest opportunity for simultan- attributed to improved availability of water
eous tropical dryland agroforestry systems and essential macronutrients, particularly
appears to be exploitation of complementary nitrogen and phosphorus, although the relative
interactions between trees and crops grown for importance of these factors varies season-
their marketable products (Ong and Leakey, ally and depends on soil water and nutrient
1999; de Leeuw et al., 2014). Although trees status at specific sites (Rhoades, 1995; Kho
provide valuable ecosystem services, these et al., 2001).
are not usually the primary reason why farm- However, the ‘albida effect’ would re-
ers retain, manage or plant them. In some areas, quire 20–40 years to develop in countries
trees are highly valued by farmers because such as Ethiopia (Poschen, 1986), a time-
economic yields from marketable tree prod- scale well beyond the planning horizon of
ucts more than compensate for losses of most farmers. Of course, it would be ideal to
crop yield. Thus, in semi-arid Kenya, farm- match valuable trees with crops, as reduc-
ers have developed intensive parkland sys- tions in crop yields would be more than off-
tems using the fast-growing indigenous spe- set by valuable products from the trees. One
cies Melia volkensii (Meliaceace), which is example is the M. volkensii/millet system
reputed to be highly compatible with crops used in semi-arid Kenya (Ong and Leakey,
and produces high-value timber within 1999). A recent approach is to promote and
5–10 years (Stewart and Bromley, 1994). To assist FMNR of useful trees such as F. albida
determine whether growing M. volkensii (Garrity et al., 2010). FMNR began in Niger
in cropland is cost-effective, Ong et al. (2002) in the 1980s due to the failure of massive
compared the timber products gained with conventional reforestation projects in the
that of the crop value lost due to competition Sahel. Analysis of satellite imagery has re-
over an 11-year rotation in Kitui District, vealed that 4.8 m ha of F. albida-dominated
Kenya. Their estimates showed that, at the farmlands have spread through the Maradi
end of the rotation, the total income from trees and Zinder regions through this practice (Reij
exceeded that of accumulated crop yield et al., 2009). Further research is needed to
losses resulting from competition by US$10 understand fully how FMNR promotes rapid
or 42% during average years, or US$22 or tree growth in Niger.
180% with the assumption of 50% crop fail- A few decades ago agroforestry was pro-
ure during drought years. de Leeuw et al. moted with great enthusiasm. Based on the
(2014) compiled numerous examples of the analogy with natural tree–herb ecosystems
resilience provided by trees in the East that could exploit the environment much
Africa drylands. better than sole crops alone, the benefits of
Species with outstanding hydrological agroforestry were often presumed. Disappoint-
properties and excellent complementarity ments enforced a more scientific treatment
of water use are often neglected by farmers. of agroforestry, and since then, major im-
Many native tree species are ideally suited provements have been made. At the start, as
for planting with annual crops but suffer a science, agroforestry was more descriptive
from the low value of their produce and/or and phenomenological. Many field experi-
slow growth rates. An exceptional case of ments in a range of climatic and geographical
successful avoidance of competition in sim- regions provided a wealth of technologies,
ultaneous agroforestry systems is the trad- hypotheses and facts. Theoretical develop-
itional use of F. albida, now a target species ments provided a framework for quantifying
of the farmer-managed natural regeneration the various effects of tree–crop interactions,
Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 19

placing them in a wider perspective. These it increasingly possible to predict when,

various effects and theories have been sum- where, how and why agroforestry can realize
marized briefly in this chapter. The scien- its promise, and when, where, how and why
tific endeavours of the past decades make it cannot.


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Quantifying the Effects of Tree–Crop Interactions 23

Appendix 1.1. Derivation of Kho’s Multiplying both sides of the equation

Equation (Eqn 1.5) by dz, and expressing the differentials rela-
tive to the sole crop value (i.e. dividing both
Within the temperature range at which a crop sides by the production of the sole crop, Ws,
species can grow and reproduce (c.0–35°C and multiplying the right-hand side by
for temperate species and 10–45°C for Ai;S/Ai;S) gives:
tropical species; Ong and Monteith, 1985), dW n δW Ai;S dAi
crop dry matter production (W) in specific = ∑ i =1 × (A1.3)
WS δAi WS Ai;S
environments is a function of resource
availability: By approximating the differentials with differ-
ences, the tree–environment–crop interaction
W = f ( A1, A2, ...,An ) (A1.1) equation may be derived:
where A1 is the availability of resource 1 WAF − WS n δW Ai;S A − Ai;S (A1.4)
and n represents the quantity of all resources. = ∑ i =1 × i; AF
WS δAi WS Ai;S
Apart from allelopathy and effects on pests
and diseases, trees will not influence crops where WAF is the production of the crop in
by modifying the production function (Eqn the agroforestry system. Substituting Eqns 1.2,
A1.1), but by their influence on the avail- 1.6 and 1.8 yields the general version of the
ability of resources to the crop, z denotes resource balance equation:
tree density (number ha−1) in a particular
I = ∑ i =1Li × Ti
agroforestry technology. According to the (A1.5)
chain rule:
For the four main resources of radiation,
dW n δW dAi water, nitrogen and ‘other nutrients’, this is
= ∑ i =1 × (A1.2)
dz δAi dz Eqn 1.5.

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