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16 Pages 31.8KB


Nov 4, 2023 12:42 PM GMT+5:30 Nov 4, 2023 12:42 PM GMT+5:30

4% Overall Similarity
The combined total of all matches, including overlapping sources, for each database.
4% Internet database 0% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
2% Submitted Works database


About the NGO/Organization engaged in the Social Welfare Sector

Anant Aman Social Welfare Society is a registered NGO under the M.P.
SOCIETY REGISTRATION ACT, 1973 (No. 44 of 1973) and holds
certification from Niti Aayog, as well as 80G and 12A exemptions under the
Income Tax Act. The NGO actively collaborates with various social groups,
orphanages, educational institutions (including Medicaps, IPS Academy, Shri
Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya), corporates (such as Systango-ITpark
and Rave Infosys), government authorities like IAS Sandeep Rajappa Ji (SDM),
renowned doctors like Dr. Sandeep Julka Ji, and numerous other entities to
carry out a wide range of social activities.

Anant Aman social welfare society’s mission is to make a positive impact on

various aspects of society. This includes:

1.Promoting Healthy Education: The NGO aims to support and enhance

education, especially for underprivileged children, ensuring that they have
access to quality education.

2. Health and Environment: They are focused on improving health and

environmental conditions. This might involve spreading awareness about health
and hygiene practices and potentially engaging in environmental conservation

3.Contributing Towards National Progress: The NGO is committed to

playing a part in the overall development and progress of the nation, likely
through their various initiatives and projects.

4.Helping Underprivileged Sections of Society: Their main objective is to

assist those who are less fortunate, possibly by providing them with essential
resources, support, and social security.

5. Raising Awareness: The organization seeks to inform people about their

rights and responsibilities, which can empower individuals to lead better lives.

6. Supporting Backward Sections of Society: The NGO aims to assist

marginalized and less privileged groups in society, helping them to access their
rights and improve their living standards.

7. Educating Children: One of their primary actions is to help children from

disadvantaged backgrounds acquire an education, which is often a crucial step
in breaking the cycle of poverty.

8.Promoting Well-Being: They appear to be interested in overall well-being,

which might encompass physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of

Dedicated to making a positive impact on education, health, and the

environment while also addressing the needs of underprivileged and backward
sections of society. Their efforts are geared towards creating a more equitable
and prosperous nation.
Chapter: 2
History of the organization and objectives
Anant Aman Social Welfare Society is a registered NGO under the M.P.
SOCIETY REGISTRATION ACT, 1973 (No. 44 of 1973), certified by Niti
Aayog, and granted 80G and 12A tax exemptions under the Income Tax Act.
The NGO actively partners with diverse social organizations, orphanages,
educational institutions (including Medicaps, IPS Academy, Shri Vaishnav
Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya), businesses (such as Systango-ITpark and Rave
Infosys), government authorities like IAS Sandeep Rajappa Ji (SDM), esteemed
doctors like Dr. Sandeep Julka Ji, and numerous other entities to conduct a wide
spectrum of social initiatives.
The goal of Anant Aman Social Welfare Society is to assist the underprivileged
sections of society, provide social security, promote community development,
contribute to national progress, and raise awareness while advocating for the
rights and privileges of disadvantaged groups by improving their living
standards. To achieve this objective, the NGO is actively involved in educating
children, imparting knowledge about health, hygiene, and their rights and
responsibilities, with the aim of integrating them into the mainstream of society.
Major Projects and Initiatives by the NGO
✓Free Medical camps at slums


✓Project AAS-The Gyaan Shala

✓Run for a cause–WOMANATHON

✓Regular Blood Donation Campaigns

✓Awareness session for Organ Donation under supervision ofDr.

SandipSaxena [DMNephrology (AIIMS, NewDelhi), Vice-President(Indian
Society of Organ Transplantation)]
✓Kala Darpan (Art and Photography-Competition cum Exhibition) ✓Recently
we have non officially adopted a Government school where we provide regular
aid and support in kinds.
Anant Aman Social Welfare Society was founded by Mr. Hemant Gupta, and it
currently boasts a membership exceeding 100 individuals. Mr. Gupta receives
support from Mr. Bhushan Pungliya in the operation of this NGO. Prospective
individuals interested in joining or volunteering with the organization are
required to commit to a minimum one-year term of service.
Chapter: 3



1. Increased Literacy Rates: The NGO has successfully improved literacy

rates among underprivileged children, ensuring that they have access to quality

2. Health and Hygiene Awareness: The organization has raised awareness

about health and hygiene practices, resulting in better health outcomes and
reduced illness among the targeted communities.

3. Social Security Initiatives: The NGO has implemented social security

programs that have provided essential support to vulnerable individuals and
families, contributing to their overall well-being.

4. Community Development: The NGO's efforts have led to the development

of local communities, including infrastructure improvements and increased
access to basic services.

5. Contributions to National Progress: By empowering marginalized

communities, the NGO has played a role in the progress and development of the
nation as a whole.

6. Rights and Privileges Advocacy: The organization has been successful in

advocating for the rights and privileges of disadvantaged groups, ensuring that
they are recognized and upheld in society.
7. Improved Living Standards: Through its initiatives, the NGO has
significantly enhanced the living standards of the underprivileged, leading to a
better quality of life.

Challenges faced by NGO

1. Resource Constraints: Limited funding and resources can hinder the
organization's ability to implement and sustain its programs effectively.

2. Access to Remote Areas: Reaching marginalized communities in remote or

underserved regions can be challenging, impacting the NGO's outreach.

3. Cultural Sensitivity: Adapting programs to respect and accommodate local

cultural norms and beliefs can be complex, ensuring they are well-received by
the target population.

4. Government Regulations: Navigating bureaucratic processes and

compliance with regulatory requirements can be time-consuming and

5. Volunteer Recruitment: Attracting and retaining dedicated volunteers for a

year or more can be demanding and requires continuous effort.

6. Long-Term Impact Measurement: Assessing the long-term impact of the

NGO's work and its contribution to national progress can be complex.

7. Awareness and Advocacy: Advocating for the rights and privileges of

disadvantaged groups might face resistance or opposition, requiring effective
advocacy strategies.
8. Health and Hygiene Education: Overcoming deep-seated cultural practices
and habits to promote health and hygiene awareness can be a significant

9. Education Quality: Ensuring the quality of education provided to

underprivileged children can be hindered by a lack of resources and
Chapter: 4
Identification of problems and challenges

The problems encountered by the NGO

1. Financial Sustainability: Maintaining a stable source of funding and

resources for ongoing projects and operations can be a recurring challenge.

2. Access to Vulnerable Populations: Reaching and effectively engaging with

the most marginalized and isolated communities can be problematic.

3. Cultural Resistance: Overcoming cultural barriers, traditions, and social

norms that hinder progress in health, education, and social inclusion initiatives.

4. Government Support: Navigating bureaucratic obstacles and securing

government support for social security programs and community development
can be difficult.

5. Volunteer Recruitment and Retention: Attracting, training, and retaining

dedicated volunteers willing to commit for an extended period can be

6. Measurement of Long-Term Impact: Evaluating the sustained impact of

the NGO's work on disadvantaged groups and national progress can be

7. Advocacy Obstacles: Advocating for the rights and privileges of the

underprivileged may face resistance from those in power or those who benefit
from the status quo.
8. Health and Hygiene Challenges: Overcoming deep-seated health and
hygiene challenges in communities can be an ongoing struggle.

9. Quality Education: Ensuring the provision of high-quality education to

underprivileged children, especially in resource-constrained settings, can be a
significant problem.

10. Community Engagement: Fostering active community participation and

ownership of development projects can be challenging.

11. Sustainability: Ensuring that the progress achieved by the NGO's initiatives
is sustained after its direct involvement ends is a persistent concern.

12. Stakeholder Coordination: Coordinating efforts with diverse stakeholders,

each with their own goals and agendas, can be complex.
Chapter: 5
Recommended suggestions for the challenge faced

1. Resource Constraints:
- Diversify Funding Sources: Seek support from multiple donors, both public
and private, to reduce reliance on a single source.
- Grant Writing and Fundraising: Develop strong grant-writing skills and
actively engage in fundraising activities to secure additional resources.

2. Access to Remote Areas:

- Establish Mobile Outreach Units: Use mobile teams or units to reach remote
- Collaborate with Local Partners: Partner with local organizations or
community leaders who have better access to these areas.

3. Cultural Sensitivity:
- Conduct Cultural Sensitivity Training: Train staff and volunteers to
understand and respect local customs and traditions.
- Involve Community Members: Engage community members in program
design and implementation to ensure cultural alignment.

4. Government Regulations:
- Build Relationships: Establish positive relationships with local authorities and
government officials to streamline processes.
- Legal Expertise: Employ legal expertise or consult legal advisors to navigate
regulatory requirements efficiently.

5. Volunteer Recruitment:
- Outreach and Networking: Promote opportunities through social media, local
events, and networks to attract dedicated volunteers.
- Recognition and Support: Recognize and appreciate the contributions of
volunteers to boost retention rates.

6. Long-Term Impact Measurement:

- Establish Monitoring Systems: Develop robust data collection and monitoring

systems to track long-term outcomes.
- Impact Studies: Collaborate with researchers or institutions to conduct impact

7. Awareness and Advocacy:

- Public Awareness Campaigns: Utilize multimedia campaigns to raise
awareness and garner public support for the NGO's causes.
- Coalition Building: Form coalitions with like-minded organizations to amplify
advocacy efforts.

8. Health and Hygiene Education:

- Community Involvement: Involve community members as educators and
advocates to facilitate acceptance of health and hygiene practices.
- Behaviour Change Communication: Use behaviour change communication
strategies to address deeply rooted habits.

9. Education Quality:
- Teacher Training: Invest in the training and development of educators to
improve the quality of education.
- Infrastructure Enhancement: Seek partnerships or grants to improve
educational infrastructure.
10. Community Engagement:
- Community Workshops: Conduct workshops and forums to encourage
community participation and ownership of projects.
- Local Leaders: Collaborate with local leaders to build trust and encourage
active involvement.

11. Sustainability:
- Capacity Building: Build the capacity of local communities to take over and
sustain initiatives.
- Income Generation: Develop income-generating programs to fund
community projects.
Chapter: 6

Working with a non-governmental organization (NGO) can be a transformative

and rewarding experience. The learnings I gain from such work can be both
personal and professional.
1. Passion and Dedication: Working for a cause you believe in can ignite or
deepen your passion for it. You may become more dedicated to the cause and the
work you do.

2. Empathy and Compassion: Interacting with people in need or facing difficult

circumstances can increase your empathy and compassion. It helps you see the
world from a different perspective.

3. Teamwork and Collaboration: NGOs often require extensive teamwork and

collaboration. You learn to work with people from diverse backgrounds and
skillsets, which can enhance your interpersonal skills.

4. Project Management: You may get involved in various projects and learn
project management skills, including planning, execution, and evaluation.

5. Leadership and Initiative: Taking on responsibilities in an NGO can help you

develop leadership skills and the ability to take initiative in addressing social

6. Advocacy and Communication: NGOs often need to advocate for their

causes and communicate effectively with various stakeholders. You may learn
how to create compelling messages and engage with different audiences.

7. Research and Problem-Solving: Researching social issues and finding

solutions can improve your analytical and problem-solving skills.
8. Resource Management: NGOs often have limited resources. Learning how to
manage these resources efficiently and creatively is a valuable skill.

9. Cultural Sensitivity: NGOs often work with diverse communities. You'll

learn to be culturally sensitive and respectful of different customs and traditions.

10. Resilience: Dealing with challenging situations and witnessing suffering can
build your emotional resilience.

11. Time Management: Balancing multiple tasks and responsibilities in an NGO

can enhance your time management skills.

12. Self-Reflection: Working with NGOs often involves self-reflection about

your values, goals, and the impact you want to make in the world.

13. Gratitude: Working with those in need can in still a sense of gratitude for the
privileges and opportunities in your life.

11- SEP-2023 Meeting with Hemant sir
12-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

13-SEP-2023 Taught in government school, went for food drive

17-SEP-2023 Attended zoom meeting

23-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

24-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

25-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

26-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

27-SEP-2023 Taught in government school

28-SEP-2023 Work at office (Research for menstrual Hygiene)

29-SEP-2023 Work at office (Research for menstrual Hygiene)

30-SEP-2023 Work at office (Research about child learning)

1-OCT-2023 Work at office (Research about child learning)

3-0CT-2023 Taught in government school

4-OCT-2023 Work at office


In conclusion, working with Anant Aman Social Welfare Society, a dedicated

NGO in the social welfare sector, provides an opportunity to make a positive
impact on education, health, and the environment, while also addressing the needs
of underprivileged and marginalized sections of society. The organization's
commitment to community development, advocacy for rights, and overall well-
being is commendable.

While the organization has achieved significant milestones, it faces challenges

that are not uncommon in the NGO sector. These include resource constraints,
access to remote areas, cultural sensitivity, government support, volunteer
recruitment, long-term impact measurement, advocacy obstacles, health and
hygiene challenges, education quality, community engagement, sustainability,
and stakeholder coordination.

To address these challenges, several recommendations have been made, including
diversifying funding sources, establishing mobile outreach units, conducting
cultural sensitivity training, building relationships with government authorities,
promoting volunteer opportunities, implementing monitoring systems, raising
public awareness, and involving the community in projects.

Working with Anant Aman Social Welfare Society offers a wealth of learnings
and daily experiences that can enhance one's passion, empathy, teamwork,
leadership, advocacy, research, cultural sensitivity, resilience, time management,
self-reflection, community engagement, and gratitude. It is an opportunity to
make a meaningful contribution to society while growing personally and
Similarity Report

4% Overall Similarity
Top sources found in the following databases:
4% Internet database 0% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
2% Submitted Works database

The sources with the highest number of matches within the submission. Overlapping sources will not be
1 1%
2 1%
3 <1%
4 <1%

Waterloo Community Schools on 2023-05-04

5 <1%
Submitted works

Sources overview

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