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The RDD transformations or operations functions from the options provided are:

- flatMap(): Transforms each element of the RDD by applying a function that

returns multiple elements.

- Map(): Transforms each element of the RDD by applying a function.

- Filter(): Filters elements of the RDD using a predicate function.

- reduceByKey(): Merge the values for each key using an associative and
commutative reduce function.

- Reduce(): Merges the elements of the dataset using a function.

The rest are actions or terminal operations:

- Count(): Returns the number of elements in the dataset.

- Collect(): Returns all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver
- First(): Returns the first element of the dataset.

- Max(): Returns the maximum value in the dataset.

- sortByKey(): Sorts data by keys and returns a new RDD.

So in summary, the RDD transformations provided are: flatMap(), map(), filter(),

reduceByKey(), reduce(). The rest are actions/terminal operations.

Here are solutions to the problems in Scala:

1. Word count:

Def wordCount(text: String): Map[String, Int] = {
Val words = text.split(\\s+)

2. Text search for word:

Def textSearch(text: String, word: String): Boolean = {

3. Prediction with linear SVM:


// Input data
Val data ="libsvm").load("data.txt")

// Feature vector
Val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(data.columns except "label")

Val transformedData = assembler.transform(data)

// Train model
Val lr = new LinearSVC()

Val model =

// Make prediction
Val prediction = model.transform(transformedData)
.select("features", "prediction")

This shows basic Scala code to perform word counting, text search and linear SVM
prediction using Spark MLlib. Let me know if any part needs more explanation!

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