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Prepositions of place (vehicles) in and on

Usually, you should

- use in when you are talking about a small vehicle or a personal vehicle.

-use on when you are talking about a large vehicle or a public vehicle.

- an exception to this is when you are talking about a bicycle or motorcycle. For
small vehicles like those, use on.
1.The dog likes to ride in the car.

2.We were able to fit all of our luggage in the truck.

3.He liked going for drives in his Jeep during the summer.

4.He left his jacket in the limousine.

5.There wasn't much space to move around in the canoe.

6.She got on the bus near the library.

7.We parked our car on the boat.

8.The kids had a snack on the plane.

9.There were quite a few passengers on the train.

10.She sat on her bike for a minute adjusting her helmet, and then she headed

11.They arrived on a motorcycle.

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