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Module 7

SEM: Live Project

SEM & Display

Please note that I had problem with my Google Ad A/c after Name: Sneha Khaitan
setting both the campaign therefore as suggested by Mentors
in doubt solving session I had made new account from scratch Blog link:
and I have run the campaign. I had taken extensions and I was
given time by upgrad Buddy till 25th June to submit my project.
Q1: Your campaign problem statement and information provided (Budget provided, Campaign objective)

Budget provided is 1000/- for search Campaign and 700/- for Display Campaign.
Campaign Objective is to get website traffic.
Q2: Here you need to list out the keywords which you have used in the search campaign. You need to
justify the reason behind choosing these keywords.
The List of Keywords which I have used in Search Campaign are as follows:
dance academy
kathak dance
The reasons for choosing these keywords are:
bharatanatyam dance
kathak for beginners As I was running campaign for Dance studio so I wanted Broad Match keywords
dance institute near me which can trigger the ad
kathak is a classical dance of Ads may Show up on the searches that may relate to my keyword.
dance academy near me for adults
As we discussed in the session, for open broad match keywords, there are certain
bharatanatyam dance for
beginners themes that are considered as subsets of the parent theme. Here, ‘Kathak’ is
indian dance academy considered a subset of the ‘Dance’ keyword, and hence, it will trigger the ad. If the
classical dance classes near me search query was ‘learn Kathak ’, it would still trigger the ad. This is because
kathak classes near me
Google has an inbuilt system where it groups keyword themes such as Kathak,
dance program
kathak dance teacher Bharatnatyam, classical etc. under the theme of dance. This is the power of open
kathak dance classes broad keywords.
dance academy for adults near me
music and dance
kathak dance style
dance academy near me
dance academy near me with fees
kathak performance
classical dance academy near me
kathak nritya
Q3: Identify the low performing keyword for your search ad from the result. What approach/steps would you take to
increase the Quality Score of the low-performing Keyword? Mention at least two steps.

Ans: The low performing keyword for my search ad from the result are: academy
2.bharatanatyam dance

The following steps can be taken to increase the Quality Score of the low-performing Keyword:
1. Optimize Ad Relevance- Dance academy can be changed to Dance Studio or Academy word should have used in
the Ad. The ad or website doesn’t contain any academy word and that’s why when dance academy is searched this ad
is not triggered and same is with “Bharatnatyam Dance” word. So to perform this keywords better I need to include
this the ad headline/ ad description and also website.
2. Enhance Expected Click-Through Rate (CTR): I will review my target audience and adjust my ad targeting settings to
reach a more relevant audience. Target specific demographics, geographic locations, or devices to increase the
chances of attracting users who are more likely to click on your ads.
Q4: Here you need to share the screenshot of search campaign summary.
Q5: Here you need to share the screenshot of your search ad copy.
Q6: Here you need to share the screenshots of search campaign result summary. Mention areas that require improvement and areas which fared well. This should cover the
important metrics like CTR, Clicks, Impressions, CPC, etc. You also need to mention bid adjustments for optimising your ads on four parameters:
Gender & Age
Ad schedule

Ans: Let's analyze the areas that require improvement and the areas that have fared well in the ad campaign:

• Areas that require improvement:

1. Click-Through Rate (CTR):
The CTR of 0.82% is lower than the industry average of 2%. This indicates that the ad campaign is not generating enough clicks relative to the
number of impressions. CTR can be improved.
• Areas that have fared well:
With 47,389 impressions, the ad campaign has reached a significant number of potential viewers. The high impression count suggests that the
ads are being displayed to the target audience and have good visibility.
2. Clicks:
Achieving 389 clicks indicates that there is some level of engagement with the ad campaign. Users are showing interest and clicking through to
learn more about the dance classes. The number of clicks can improved more.
3.Cost Per Click (CPC):
The CPC is low, indicating that the cost to acquire each click is reasonable. This means that the ad campaign is not experiencing budget

Bid adjustments for optimizing ads on four parameters:

After analyzing the performance of the ad campaign across different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) , mobile device is significantly
outperforming others in terms of CTR and conversions, we can consider increasing the bid adjustment for mobile device to allocate more budget
towards it and decrease the bid adjustment or exclude the underperforming devices.
Q7: Here you need to share the screenshot of your display campaign summary.
Q8: Here you need to share the screenshot of the display ad which you had created.
Q9: Here you need to share the screenshot of display campaign result summary. Mention areas that require improvement and areas which fared well.
This should cover the important metrics like CTR, Clicks, Impressions, CPC, etc. You also need to mention bid adjustments for optimising your ads on four
•Gender & Age
•Ad schedule
According to the display campaign result summary, let's analyze the areas that require improvement and the areas that have fared well in the display campaign:
• Areas that require improvement:
With 13,766 impressions, the display campaign seems to have a relatively low reach. Increasing the number of impressions could help to improve the visibility and exposure of the
ads to a larger audience.
• Areas that have fared well:
1. Click-Through Rate (CTR):
The CTR of 5.51% is relatively high, indicating that the ads are generating a good level of engagement and attracting clicks from the audience. This suggests that the ad creatives
and targeting are resonating well with users.
2. Clicks:
With 758 clicks, the campaign is generating a reasonable number of clicks, indicating that users are interested in the dance classes and are clicking through to learn more.
3.Cost Per Click (CPC):
The CPC of $0.33 is quite low, suggesting that the campaign is efficient in terms of cost per click. This indicates that the budget is being utilized effectively to drive clicks and

• Bid adjustments for optimizing ads on four parameters:

After analyzing the performance of the ad campaign across different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) , mobile device is significantly outperforming
others in terms of CTR and conversions, we can consider increasing the bid adjustment for mobile device to allocate more budget towards it and decrease
the bid adjustment or exclude the underperforming devices.

2.Gender & Age:

After reviewing the performance of the ad campaign based on gender and age groups, we can increase for 18-34 age group for females category that are
generating higher CTR and conversions and reduce the bid adjustment for lower CTR or exclude them from targeting.

If certain regions or cities are driving better results, we will increase the bid adjustment for those areas to maximize visibility and clicks and decrease the
bid adjustment or exclude them from targeting locations that are not yielding satisfactory results. In our case 20 metre around the studio area is giving
best result.

4.Ad Schedule:
Evaluating the performance of the ad campaign based on different days of the week and hours of the day its seen weekends between 12 pm to 4 pm are
Q10: You are running an ad campaign to increase awareness for the website and bring in more quality traffic. The metrics to track
are Impressions, Clicks, Search Impression Share and Click through Rate (CTR). Now, assuming that the industry average CTR for your
industry is 2% and yours is lower than that. What are the possible actions that you can take to improve the CTR? Mention at least
two actions.

Ans: If the click-through rate (CTR) for my ad campaign is lower than the industry average of 2%, there are several possible actions I can
take to improve it:

• Refine Ad Copy: First action I can take is to review and refine my ad copy. By making it more compelling, engaging, and tailored to the
target audience, I can increase the likelihood of users clicking on my ads. Some strategies to consider include:
1. Incorporating relevant keywords: Ensure that the ad copy includes relevant keywords that resonate with users searching for dance
classes. This can help improve the ad's visibility and relevance.
2.Highlighting unique selling points: Emphasize the unique aspects of the dance classes, such as experienced instructors, diverse dance
styles, flexible schedules, or any special offers or promotions. These selling points can differentiate the ad from competitors and entice
users to click.
3.Crafting a strong call-to-action (CTA): Using clear and compelling CTAs that create a sense of urgency or highlight the benefits of clicking
on the ad. For example, phrases like "Enroll Today," "Learn to Dance Like a Pro," or "Start Your Dance Journey Now" can encourage users
to take action.
• Ad Optimization and Testing: Another action to improve CTR is to conduct ad optimization and testing. This involves experimenting
with different ad variations and analyzing their performance to identify the most effective elements. Some optimization strategies to
consider are:
1. Ad headline and description variations: Creating multiple ad variations with different headlines, descriptions, and even visual
elements. Testing different combinations to determine which ones resonate best with my the target audience.
2. Ad extensions: Using ad extensions such as site links, call extensions, or structured snippets to provide additional information and
increase the visibility and appeal of the ads. Experimenting with different extensions and monitor their impact on CTR.
Q11: Identify at least three possible websites where your display ads for your blog should run and also give reasons
for the same.

Ans: The three possible websites where you display ads for my blog should run are :

• Dance-related blogs or online magazines:

Advertising on websites that focus specifically on dance-related content, such as dance blogs or online magazines. These websites attract
visitors who are already interested in dance, making them more likely to be interested in your blog about dance classes. By targeting these
platforms, we can reach a relevant and engaged audience.

• Fitness and wellness websites:

The websites that cater to fitness and wellness enthusiasts dance classes can be a great form of exercise, and many fitness enthusiasts are
open to trying new activities. By running ads on fitness or wellness websites, we can tap into an audience that values physical activity and
may be interested in incorporating dance classes into their fitness routines.

• Social media platforms:

Advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube allows us to reach specific demographics, interests and
locations. We can create engaging ad formats, such as videos or carousels, to showcase the excitement and benefits of dance classes.
Social media platforms also provide opportunities for users to like, share, and comment on ads, helping to generate buzz and expand
Q12: Describe your approach to search and display campaign in 250 words or less. Discuss what target audience you have
identified for your landing page and how you have approached targeting, campaign structure and your ad copy. (Your
description must include which blog and location you targeted and the reason for doing so.)
Ans. For my search campaign, I have adopted a comprehensive approach to effectively target and engage my desired audience.

• Target Audience Identification:

The target audience for my landing page on dance classes is primarily individuals who are interested in dance, seeking to learn or improve
their skills. This includes beginners, intermediate-level dancers, and dance enthusiasts of various age groups. I have identified this audience
based on the topic of my blog and the goal of attracting individuals looking for dance-related content and classes.

• Targeting and Campaign Structure:

To reach my target audience, I have employed a combination of search and display campaigns. For the search campaign, I have targeted
relevant keywords related to dance classes, such as "dance classes," "learn to dance," and "dance lessons." This ensures that my ads appear
when users actively search for dance class information. Additionally, I have set geographic targeting parameters to focus on a specific
location, such as a city or region, where I offer the dance classes.

For the display campaign, I have utilized audience targeting to reach individuals who have demonstrated an interest in dance, fitness, or
related topics. This includes targeting dance enthusiasts on social media platforms and websites related to dance, fitness, and wellness. By
displaying visually appealing ads across these platforms, I aim to capture the attention of my target audience and drive them to my landing
Ad Copy and Landing Page:
To make my ads compelling, I have crafted ad copies that highlight the unique aspects and benefits of my dance classes. I emphasize
elements such as professional instructors, diverse dance styles, friendly learning environments, and flexible class schedules. By conveying a
sense of excitement and the potential for personal growth through dance, I aim to attract and engage my target audience.
Regarding the landing page, I have designed it to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and informative. It provides detailed information
about the dance classes offered including class descriptions and testimonials from satisfied students. Additionally, I have included a simple

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