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SSC Examination – 2021

Subject: Higher Math

Assignment no. – 02

Chapter: 11 (Co-ordinate Geometry)

Hints of the solution of the assignment:

a) Considering the age of Raju = x

Age of Mina = 2x – 1
According to question,
y = 2x – 1 ……………….. (i)
Since the point A(m, 5) on the straight line (i).
So, putting x = m and y = 5 in equation (i) then you will get the value of m.
By this way you can find the co-ordinate of A.
To draw the graph,
We make a table to find the value of y for some different value of x:

x 3 2 1
y 5 3 1
Plot these points on the graph paper and join them.
b) Since straight line (i) intersect x-axis at point P,
Taking y = 0 in equation (i) then you will get the value of x.
So, you can find the co-ordinate of P.
Since straight line (i) intersect y-axis at point q,
Taking x = 0 in equation (i) then you will get the value of y.
So, you can find the co-ordinate of Q.
Again, since P & Q are equidistant from the point R(h, -2)
You will find the distance between P, R and Q, R by using the formula =
√(x 1−x 2)2 +( y 1− y 2)2
Taking, PR = QR
Then you can find the value of h.

c) At first you will find slope of PQ = m1, by using the formula slope, m =
y 1− y 2
x 1−x 2

Secondly, you will find slope of PS / QS = m2

Since the points P, Q & S are collinear, then taking
m1 = m2 you will find the value of a then you can find the coordinate of S.

d) Firstly, you will find slope of AP = m, by using the formula slope, m =

y 1− y 2
x 1−x 2

You can find the equation of straight line by using the formula
y – y1 = m(x – x1) where, x1 = ¼ and y = 2

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