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‫مدرب اللغة وليد خالد‬

Reading stories can be an effective way to learn English
because it allows you to practice your reading skills and
expose yourself to a wide range of vocabulary and
grammatical structures in context. Additionally, reading
stories can be an enjoyable and engaging way to learn,
which can help to keep you motivated and engaged in the
language learning process.
Here are a few specific ways that reading stories can help
you learn English:
1. Vocabulary acquisition: Reading stories exposes
you to a wide range of vocabulary in context,
which can help you to better understand and
remember new words.
2. Grammar practice: Reading stories allows you to
see grammar structures in use, which can help you
to better understand and internalize them.
3. Reading comprehension: Reading stories can help
you to improve your reading comprehension skills,
as you need to understand the story in order to
follow along.
4. Fluency practice: Reading stories aloud can help
you to practice your speaking fluency and
5. Cultural understanding: Reading stories can also
provide insight into different cultures and ways of
life, which can help you to better understand and
appreciate the language and culture.
Overall, reading stories can be a valuable tool for
learning English and improving your language skills.

As I stepped off the bustling streets of Baghdad and onto

the cobblestone path of AlMutanabi Street, I was
immediately struck by the vibrant energy of the area. The
crowded marketplace was a riot of color, sound, and
motion, with stalls and shops lining both sides of the
street as far as the eye could see.

By Steve Mumford “Mutanabi

I made my way through the throngs of people, marveling

at the wide variety of goods on offer. There were stalls
selling everything from fresh produce and hand-woven
textiles to intricate gold jewelry and ornately decorated
pottery. The air was filled with the pungent aroma of
spices and the lively chatter of vendors and shoppers

As I walked, I couldn't help but be drawn to the rows of

bookshops that dotted the street. I had come to
AlMutanabi Street specifically to buy some books, and I
was eager to see what treasures I might find.

I browsed through the stacks of books in one shop after

another, marveling at the sheer number of volumes on
offer. There were dictionaries and language guidebooks
of every size and shape, their covers adorned with
intricate designs and elaborate lettering. I leafed through
several of them, taking note of the useful phrases and
grammar lessons they contained.

But it wasn't just the language books that caught my eye.

There were also countless children's books on display,
their brightly colored covers and whimsical illustrations
beckoning to me. I had always been a fan of children's
literature, and I couldn't resist the urge to flip through a
few of these volumes as well.

As I looked through the children's books, I was struck by

how beautifully written and illustrated they were. Many
of them contained charming stories that captivated my
imagination, with lovable characters and engaging plots
that kept me turning the pages. But beyond just being
entertaining, I also appreciated the way these books
helped to teach important lessons and foster critical
thinking skills in young readers.
I was particularly struck by the way many of the
children's books on AlMutanabi Street used vivid
imagery and engaging storytelling to introduce kids to
new concepts and ideas. Whether it was a book about
science, history, or the natural world, these volumes
seemed to have a way of making even the most complex
subjects accessible and enjoyable for young readers.

In the end, I left AlMutanabi Street with an armful of

books, including several dictionaries, language
guidebooks, and a number of children's books that I
couldn't wait to read. As I made my way back to my
hotel, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the vibrant and
bustling marketplace that had provided me with such a
rich and varied selection of literature. AlMutanabi Street
truly is a magical place, full of endless possibilities and
endless discoveries.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away in
Mesopotamia, there lived a brave and adventurous young
girl named Sophia. Sophia loved to explore the world
around her, and she spent her days climbing mountains,
wading through streams, and running through fields of
One day, Sophia decided to embark on the greatest
adventure of her life. She packed a small bag with some
food, water, and a few other essentials, and set off into
the unknown. She walked for miles, taking in the
beautiful sights and sounds of the wilderness. She
climbed over rocky cliffs and crossed rushing rivers. She
listened to the songs of the birds and the rustling of the
leaves in the trees.

As she journeyed deeper into the forest, Sophia

encountered all sorts of creatures. She saw a family of
rabbits scampering through the underbrush, a majestic
deer drinking from a clear stream, and a sly fox stalking
its prey. She even met a wise old owl who offered her
some words of advice.

Sophia continued on her journey, determined to reach the

end of the forest. She marched through the night, using
the light of the moon and the stars to guide her way. She
rested when she needed to, and she ate some of the food
from her bag to keep her strength up.

Finally, after many days of traveling, Sophia emerged

from the forest and found herself in a beautiful meadow.
The sun was shining, and the grass was as green as
emeralds. Sophia felt a sense of triumph and
accomplishment, and she knew that she had truly
achieved something special.
She wandered through the meadow, taking in the sights
and sounds of this new and magical place. She saw a
sparkling river, a grove of tall trees, and a patch of
wildflowers. She heard the laughter of the birds and the
babbling of the stream. She felt alive and free.

Sophia continued to explore the meadow, and she

eventually came across a small cabin in the woods. She
knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. The
woman welcomed Sophia inside and offered her a warm
meal and a place to rest.
Sophia gratefully accepted the old woman's hospitality,
and she spent the night in the cozy cabin. In the morning,
the old woman gave Sophia a gift: a map of the land
beyond the meadow. Sophia thanked the old woman and
set off once again on her journey of discovery.

She traveled for many more days, using the map to guide
her way. She climbed mountains, crossed rivers, and
explored forests. She saw all sorts of amazing things, and
she met many interesting people along the way.
In the bustling city of Basrah, Iraq, there once lived a
young boy named Hassan. Hassan lived with his parents,
his older sister Fatima, and his younger brother Ali in a
small house in the heart of the city.

Hassan was a curious and adventurous boy, and he loved

nothing more than exploring the streets and alleys of
Basrah. He would often spend hours wandering around
the city, marveling at the vibrant colors and sounds of the
marketplaces, the beautiful mosques and palaces, and the
busy harbor where ships from all over the world came to

Despite the hustle and bustle of the city, Hassan's home

was a peaceful and loving place. His mother was a kind
and gentle woman who always made sure that her
children were well-fed and well-cared for. His father was
a hardworking merchant who sold spices and other goods
at the market.

Hassan and his siblings were very close, and they spent
their days playing and exploring together. They would
often go on adventures in the nearby fields and forests,
where they would climb trees, catch fish, and play
As Hassan grew older, he began to take on more
responsibilities around the house. He helped his father
with the family business, and he also began to learn the
art of trading and bargaining from his father. He was a
quick learner, and he soon became an expert at haggling
with customers and securing the best deals for his
family's goods.
Despite the challenges and hardships that they faced,
Hassan and his family were happy and content in their
home in Basrah. They had each other, and they had the
love and support of their extended family and the
As Hassan grew into a young man, he continued to work
hard and help his family. He was determined to make a
good life for himself and his loved ones, and he was
grateful for the opportunities and adventures that the city
of Basrah had given him.
In a small village in Iraq, there was once a young girl
named Fatima. Fatima lived with her parents and her four
brothers in a modest house on the outskirts of the village.
Fatima's family was poor, and they struggled to make
ends meet.
Despite their hardships, Fatima was a happy and
optimistic child. She loved to play outside with her
brothers and explore the fields and forests around her
village. She was also very clever and loved to learn. She
spent hours every day studying and practicing her
reading and writing skills.
One day, Fatima's parents decided that they would have
to send her brothers to the city to work and earn money
for the family. Fatima was heartbroken at the thought of
being separated from her brothers, but she knew that it
was necessary.
Her brothers left for the city, and Fatima was left to help
her parents with the household chores and take care of
her younger siblings. She worked hard every day, and
even though she missed her brothers terribly, she was
determined to make the best of the situation.
As the months went by, Fatima's brothers sent back
money from the city to help support the family. They also
wrote letters to Fatima, telling her about their adventures
and their new lives. Fatima was happy for her brothers.
Saleem was an Iraqi officer, known for his bravery and
courage in the face of danger. As a friend, he was loyal
and kind, always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a
listening ear.

One day, Saleem was called upon to lead a mission deep

into enemy territory. Despite the risks, he accepted the
challenge without hesitation, determined to protect his
fellow soldiers and complete the mission at all costs.

As they journeyed deeper into enemy territory, Saleem

and his men faced many challenges. They battled fierce
sandstorms, braved scorching temperatures, and fought
off relentless enemy attacks. But through it all, Saleem
remained strong and focused, using his wits and
determination to keep his men safe.

Despite the odds, Saleem and his men successfully

completed their mission and returned home as heroes.
Saleem's bravery and leadership had saved countless
lives, and his name became known throughout Iraq as a
true hero.

From that day on, Saleem was known as a man of honor

and valor, a friend to all who knew him and a shining
example of what it means to be a true hero.

Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, is a city with a rich history

and culture. It was once the center of the Islamic world,
and is home to many historical and cultural landmarks. A
tour of Baghdad offers visitors the opportunity to explore
this fascinating city and learn more about its past and

One of the must-see sights in Baghdad is the Baghdadi

Museum. This museum contains a collection of artifacts
and historical items that tell the story of the city's past.
Visitors can see ancient manuscripts, coins, and other
relics that provide insight into Baghdad's history.

Another popular attraction in Baghdad is the Al-Shaheed

Monument. This monument honors the victims of the
Iraqi conflict, and features a striking design that
symbolizes the resilience of the Iraqi people. Visitors can
pay their respects and learn more about the country's
recent history at this important site.

In addition to its cultural and historical attractions,

Baghdad also offers a vibrant nightlife. The city is home
to many restaurants, bars, and cafes, where visitors can
sample local cuisine and enjoy live music. There are also
many shopping districts, where visitors can purchase
souvenirs and traditional handicrafts.

Overall, a tour of Baghdad is a rewarding and

educational experience. It offers visitors the chance to
explore the city's rich history and culture, and to
experience its vibrant modern life. Whether you are
interested in history, culture, or nightlife, Baghdad has
something to offer everyone.
Professor Waleed was a passionate teacher of English,
with a deep love for the language and a desire to share
his knowledge with others. As a YouTube creator, he
spent countless hours creating educational videos,
sharing his expertise and motivating people to learn
English and speak it fluently.

Born and raised in Iraq, Waleed had always been

fascinated by the English language. As a child, he spent
hours studying dictionaries and grammar books,
determined to master the language and one day teach it to

After completing his education, Waleed began his career

as an English teacher at a local school. He quickly
became known for his engaging and interactive teaching
style, and his students adored him.

As the years passed, Waleed's love for teaching and his

passion for English continued to grow. He began to
experiment with new teaching methods and techniques,
and even started creating his own educational materials.

It was around this time that Waleed discovered YouTube.

He began to create videos on a variety of English-related
topics, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation
and conversation. His videos were informative,
entertaining, and most importantly, effective.

Before long, Waleed's videos had gained a large

following, and he had become a popular figure in the
online English-learning community. People from all over
the world were watching his videos, and he received
countless messages from viewers thanking him for
helping them improve their English skills.

But Waleed's success didn't stop there. He continued to

create new videos, always striving to improve and inspire
his audience. He also began to collaborate with other
English teachers and experts, sharing his knowledge and
experience with others.

Today, Professor Waleed is one of the most well-known

and respected English teachers on YouTube. His videos
have been viewed millions of times, and he continues to
inspire and motivate people to learn English and speak it

Despite his success, Waleed remains humble and

dedicated to his craft. He continues to teach at his local
school, sharing his passion for English with his students,
and he is always looking for new ways to help people
learn and improve their English skills.
Professor Jasim, the Director of the English program, is a
dedicated and hardworking individual. He is from Iraq
and has a deep passion for teaching and working with his
students. He is intelligent and knowledgeable, with a
keen understanding of the English language and how to
effectively teach it to others. His lessons are engaging
and informative, and he always goes above and beyond
to ensure that his students are learning and progressing.

Professor Jasim is also patient and understanding, always

willing to take the time to help students who may be
struggling with a particular concept or skill. He is
approachable and friendly, making it easy for students to
ask questions and seek guidance. Additionally, he is
organized and efficient, ensuring that all aspects of the
English program run smoothly and effectively.

Overall, Professor Jasim is an outstanding director and

teacher. He is committed, dedicated, and passionate about
his work, and his students are lucky to have him as their
instructor. He is truly a valuable asset to the English
program and to the students who are fortunate enough to
learn from him.

The process of making Iraqi kebab is truly a work of art.

The skilled chefs carefully select the finest cuts of lamb
or beef, and then expertly mix them with a blend of
aromatic spices and herbs. The meat is then carefully
shaped into long, thin sausages and placed onto skewers.

As the meat sizzles over the hot coals, the enticing aroma
fills the air, drawing in hungry customers from all
around. The chefs work tirelessly, flipping the skewers
and basting the meat with rich, flavorful sauces to ensure
that it cooks to perfection.

The end result is nothing short of mouthwatering. The

tender, juicy kebab is bursting with flavor, and the subtle
hints of spices and herbs add depth and complexity to
each bite. It is no wonder that Iraqi kebab is so popular
among locals and tourists alike.

If you are in the mood for a truly delicious and satisfying

meal, I highly recommend trying Iraqi kebab. Whether
you are strolling through the bustling streets of Mutanabi
or enjoying a quiet meal at home, this delicious dish is
sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more.
Don't miss out on this amazing culinary experience –
visit Mutanabi Street and try Iraqi kebab for yourself!

Iraqi kebab is a delicious and mouthwatering dish that is

a must-try for anyone who loves Middle Eastern cuisine.
It is a popular dish in Iraq, where it is often served as a
main meal with rice or pita bread.
First, mix the ground meat with the minced onion, salt,
black pepper, cumin, coriander, and paprika in a large
bowl. Make sure the spices are evenly distributed and the
meat is well-coated.

Next, take a handful of the meat mixture and form it into

a long, thin sausage shape. Press it onto a skewer, making
sure to leave some space between each piece of meat.
Repeat until all the meat is used up.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high

heat. Carefully place the skewers into the skillet and cook
for about 5-7 minutes, or until the meat is cooked through
and nicely browned on the outside.

Remove the skewers from the skillet and let them cool
for a few minutes. Then, sprinkle them with the chopped
parsley and serve with rice or pita bread on the side.

Iraqi kebab is a flavorful and succulent dish that is

perfect for any occasion. The combination of ground
meat, spices, and herbs creates a rich and aromatic flavor
that is truly unique and satisfying. Whether you are
hosting a party or just want to enjoy a tasty meal at home,
Iraqi kebab is a delicious and satisfying choice. Give it a
try and see for yourself!

My day is hectic from the early beginning. Starting from

getting stuck in traffic to the rush of leaving home early
in the heart of darkness of dawn. Getting to my
destination in Baghdad is the ultimate challenge.

Driving through the main highway is high risk. There are

many reckless and unlicensed drivers. There is neither
legal speed limit, nor police patrols that regulate speed
quite often. The cherry on the cake is the road bumps
scattered every 10 inches on the highway. The thing that
keeps me sane is the amount of listening I do on my way
to work. It keeps me busy and engaged with the speakers
talking about various things I am interested to learn more

The first station on my way is the gas station. I fill up the

tank, firmly secure the gas tank cap, pay gas fee, and then
hit the road running.

Well, I almost always get up very early, at about 4:45. I

get up early because I like to pray and check my work
duties and write down my priorities to achieve in this
day. “Carpe diem” is a Latin aphorism, usually translated
"seize the day", taken from book of the Roman poet
Horace's. I truly believe in this quote and work

When I arrive close to my work. I drop by a local café

that opens 24/7. I enjoy my daily latte that the barista got
used to fix for me just from looking at me entering his
After breakfast, I read the recent articles on New York
Times website; especially the ones relate to Iraq. Since I
work as a freelancer, translator, and a private tutor, I need
to keep myself on top of my major by constantly training
myself, challenging myself, socializing, and learning new
skills. Knowledge is extremely dynamic and needs to be
reshaped, reinvigorated, and updated with new sources.


As an English professor who lives in Iraq, my daily
routine is busy, varied, and fulfilling. Every morning, I
wake up bright and early at 6am, feeling refreshed,
energized, and eager to start the day. I spend a few
moments stretching, meditating, and setting my
intentions for the day ahead.

After a quick breakfast of oatmeal, fruit, and coffee, I

head to my home office, where I spend most of my time
creating language learning content, reading, and teaching.
I am passionate, dedicated, and committed to helping my
students improve their English skills and achieve their

I typically start my workday by checking my email,

answering messages, and reviewing my schedule for the
day. I am organized, disciplined, and always make sure to
plan my time effectively to make the most of each day. I
have found that planning and setting clear goals are key
to being a successful professor.

Throughout the day, I spend time researching, writing,

and creating new language learning materials. I am
constantly learning, growing, and striving to improve my
skills and knowledge. I also enjoy reading and studying
the latest research and developments in the field of
language learning and teaching.

In the afternoons, I usually have a few teaching sessions

with my students. I am patient, understanding, and
always try to make my lessons engaging, interactive, and
fun. I believe that the best way to learn is by doing, so I
encourage my students to practice speaking, listening,
reading, and writing as much as possible.

After my teaching sessions, I spend some time reflecting

on my lessons and making any necessary adjustments or
improvements. I am always looking for ways to innovate,
improve, and provide my students with the best possible
learning experience. I also make sure to keep in touch
with my mentors and colleagues, as I believe that having
a strong support network is crucial to success.

In the evenings, I like to unwind and relax by going for a

walk, practicing yoga, or reading a book. I am grateful,
content, and always try to find time to take care of myself
and recharge my batteries. I believe that maintaining a
healthy work-life balance is essential to being happy and

Overall, my daily routine as an English professor in Iraq

is dynamic, challenging, and rewarding. I am grateful to
have a career that I am passionate about, and I am
committed to making a positive impact on my students
and the field of language learning.
Once upon a time, in the city of Mosul in Iraq, there lived
a brave and heroic Yazidi man named Hassan. Hassan
was known throughout the city for his kindness and
compassion, as well as his strength and courage.

Hassan lived in a time of great turmoil and conflict, as

Mosul was constantly being threatened by various enemy
forces. Despite the dangers, Hassan never wavered in his
commitment to protecting his community and fighting for

One day, a group of militants arrived in the city with the

intention of forcibly converting the Yazidis to their
particular brand of Islam. Hassan knew that he had to do
something to stop them, so he gathered a group of brave
Yazidi warriors and together they set out to face the

The battle was fierce and intense, but Hassan and his
comrades fought with all their might and eventually
succeeded in driving the militants out of the city. The
Yazidis were grateful to Hassan for his bravery and
leadership, and they knew that they could always count
on him to protect them in times of danger.

From that day on, Hassan became known as a hero and a

champion of the Yazidi people. He was admired and
respected throughout the city, and his legacy lived on
long after he had passed away.

As the years went by, Mosul changed and evolved, but

the memory of Hassan and his brave deeds lived on in the
hearts and minds of the Yazidi people. He remained a
symbol of hope and courage, and an inspiration to all
who knew his story.


Once upon a time, in the city of Fallujah in Iraq, there
lived a young woman named Zainab. Zainab was a fierce
and determined young woman who had always been
fascinated by the idea of justice and equality. She had
grown up in a world where women were often treated as
second-class citizens, and she was determined to change

As a young girl, Zainab had always been fascinated by

stories of great heroes who fought for justice and stood
up for what was right. She dreamed of one day becoming
a hero herself, and as she grew older, she began to
dedicate her life to this cause.

Zainab spent her days studying and learning everything

she could about the law and the justice system. She
worked tirelessly to become the best lawyer she could be,
and she became known throughout the city as one of the
brightest and most dedicated young legal minds in all of

As the years passed, Zainab's reputation grew and she

became known as a fierce advocate for justice and
equality. She took on cases that no one else would dare to
touch, and she fought tirelessly to defend the rights of the
downtrodden and the oppressed.
One day, a young woman came to Zainab with a story
that would change the course of her life forever. The
woman's husband had been arrested and accused of a
crime he did not commit, and she begged Zainab to help
her clear his name. Zainab knew that this case would be
difficult, but she was determined to see justice done.

Over the next several months, Zainab worked tirelessly to

gather evidence and build a case in defense of the
woman's husband. She faced countless obstacles and
setbacks, but she never wavered in her determination to
see justice done.

Finally, after months of hard work, Zainab was able to

prove the man's innocence and clear his name. The young
woman was overjoyed, and Zainab was hailed as a hero
throughout the city.

From that day on, Zainab became known as the "Hero of

Fallujah," and she dedicated her life to fighting for justice
and equality for all people, no matter their background or
circumstances. She became an inspiration to countless
others, and she will always be remembered as a hero and
a champion of justice.


In the bustling port city of Basrah, in southern Iraq, there

lived a young woman named Nadia. Nadia was a bright
and ambitious young woman who had always been
drawn to the idea of helping others and making a
difference in the world.
As a child, Nadia had always been fascinated by stories
of great heroes who stood up for what was right and
fought for justice. She dreamed of one day becoming a
hero herself, and as she grew older, she began to work
towards that dream.

Nadia spent her days studying and learning everything

she could about the issues that mattered most to her. She
became an expert in human rights and social justice, and
she worked tirelessly to improve the lives of those around

As the years passed, Nadia's reputation grew and she

became known as a erce advocate for justice and
equality. She took on cases that no one else would dare to
touch, and she fought tirelessly to defend the rights of the
marginalized and the oppressed.

One day, a young woman came to Nadia with a story that

would change the course of her life forever. The woman's
husband had been arrested and accused of a crime he did
not commit, and she begged Nadia to help her clear his
name. Nadia knew that this case would be dif cult, but
she was determined to see justice done.

Over the next several months, Nadia worked tirelessly to

gather evidence and build a case in defense of the
woman's husband. She faced countless obstacles and
setbacks, but she never wavered in her determination to
see justice done.

Finally, after months of hard work, Nadia was able to

prove the man's innocence and clear his name. The young
woman was overjoyed, and Nadia was hailed as a hero
throughout the city.

From that day on, Nadia became known as the "Hero of

Basrah," and she dedicated her life to ghting for justice
and equality for all people, no matter their background or
circumstances. She became an inspiration to countless
others, and she will always be remembered as a hero and
a champion of justice.


In ancient Iraq, there was a beautiful young woman
named Fatima who lived in a small village by the Tigris
River. Fatima was known throughout the village for her
kind and generous heart, and she was loved by all who
knew her.

One day, Fatima received a visit from an old man who

had been traveling from far away. The old man was tired
and hungry, and Fatima took pity on him, inviting him
into her home and offering him a warm meal and a place
to rest.
As the old man ate and rested, he told Fatima about his
journey and the many wonders he had seen along the
way. Fatima was fascinated by his stories, and she
listened intently as he spoke of distant lands and magical

When the old man was nished, he thanked Fatima for

her kindness and asked if there was anything he could do
to repay her. Fatima thought for a moment and then said,
"There is one thing you could do for me. I have always
dreamed of traveling the world and seeing all of the
wonders that you have told me about. Could you take me
with you on your journey?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, but then he smiled

and agreed. And so, Fatima packed her bags and set off
with the old man on an adventure that would take them to
the ends of the earth and beyond.

As they traveled, Fatima and the old man encountered all

manner of strange and wonderful creatures, from talking
animals to magical beings that could grant wishes. They
climbed mountains, crossed deserts, and braved dark
forests, all the while growing closer and closer as they
shared their journey together.

In the end, Fatima and the old man returned home to the
small village by the Tigris River, where they were
greeted with joy and celebration. And though they had
been gone for many years, their hearts were lled with
the memories of all the amazing adventures they had
shared together.

From that day on, Fatima was known throughout the

village as the bravest and most adventurous woman of
all, and her name became a legend that was passed down
from generation to generation.


Captain Hassan was a brave and valiant Iraqi soldier who
had spent years defending his beloved country against the
enemy. From the moment he had enlisted in the army,
Hassan had known that he wanted to be a hero, to serve
his country and protect his fellow citizens with all his

Hassan was a strong and courageous man, with a erce

determination and a unwavering sense of duty. He was
always ready to put his life on the line for the greater
good, and he never hesitated to put himself in harm's way
when the situation demanded it.

Over the years, Hassan had faced countless dangers and

challenges on the battle eld, but he had always emerged
victorious. His quick thinking and resourcefulness had
saved countless lives, and he had earned the respect and
admiration of his fellow soldiers.
Despite the many dangers he faced, Hassan never lost
sight of his love for his family and friends. He thought of
them often as he fought, and he drew strength and
inspiration from the thought of returning home to them

As the years passed and the war raged on, Hassan

became an increasingly skilled and experienced soldier.
He mastered every weapon in the arsenal, and he became
an expert in tactics and strategy. He led his men with
con dence and grace, and they followed him into battle
with absolute trust and loyalty.

Hassan's bravery and leadership earned him numerous

accolades and awards, and he was hailed as a hero
throughout the country. But to Hassan, the greatest
reward of all was the knowledge that he had done all he
could to protect his family and his fellow Iraqis from

In the end, Hassan's service to his country ended in

victory, and he returned home to his loved ones a proud
and honored hero. And though the years went by, the
memory of his bravery and sel essness lived on,
inspiring generations of young Iraqis to follow in his
footsteps and serve their country with honor.
Fatima was a strong, courageous, and determined woman
who lived in the bustling city of Baghdad. She was a
dedicated teacher who had always been passionate about
education, and she worked tirelessly to inspire and
empower her students. Despite the many challenges she
faced, Fatima never wavered in her commitment to her
work, and she was loved and respected by all who knew

Fatima was a kind and compassionate woman, with a

gentle and nurturing nature that made her a natural
teacher. She was patient and understanding, and she
always took the time to listen to her students and help
them when they needed it. She was a erce advocate for
their success, and she worked tirelessly to ensure that
they had the best possible education.

Despite the demands of her job, Fatima was also a

devoted mother and wife, and she always made time for
her family. She was a loving and caring wife, and she
worked hard to create a warm and welcoming home for
her husband and children. She was a tireless caregiver,
always ready to lend a helping hand when someone in
her family needed it.

As a woman in modern Iraq, Fatima struggled to make

ends meet. The country was facing economic challenges
and political instability, and life was often dif cult and
uncertain. But Fatima never let these challenges get her
down. She was a resilient and resourceful woman, and
she always found a way to overcome any obstacle that
came her way.

Through her strength and determination, Fatima was able

to provide for her family and create a better life for them.
She was an inspiration to all who knew her, and she left a
lasting legacy of love, hope, and strength that will be
remembered for generations to come.


Waleed was a bright, ambitious, and driven young boy

who lived in a small village in Iraq. From a young age,
Waleed had always dreamed of becoming an English
professor, and he worked tirelessly to achieve that dream.
He was a diligent, hardworking, and determined student,
and he excelled in all of his classes.

Waleed was a curious and adventurous child, with a thirst

for knowledge and a love of learning. He was fascinated
by the English language and spent countless hours
studying and practicing in order to improve his skills. He
was a gifted, talented, and intelligent young man, and he
knew that with hard work and dedication, he could
achieve anything he set his mind to.
As he grew older, Waleed's hard work and dedication
paid off. He excelled in his studies and was accepted into
a prestigious scholarship program that would allow him
to study abroad in the United States. He was overjoyed,
and he knew that this opportunity was the chance of a

With the support of his family and friends, Ahmed set off
on his journey to California, where he would embark on a
Master's and PhD program in Linguistics. He was
nervous and excited, but he was also determined to make
the most of this opportunity.

Over the next several years, Waleed worked tirelessly to

complete his studies, earning top grades and impressing
his professors with his intelligence, curiosity, and
dedication. He became a respected and in uential
member of the academic community, and his research
and insights were highly sought after by his peers.

In the end, Ahmed's hard work and determination paid

off, and he graduated with honors from his PhD program.
He was overjoyed, and he knew that his dreams of
becoming an English professor had nally been realized.

Today, Waleed is a successful and respected English

professor, and he is known throughout the academic
community as a brilliant, dedicated, and passionate
teacher and researcher. His journey from a small village
in Iraq to the top of his eld is an inspiration to all who
know him, and his achievements will always be
remembered as a testament to the power of hard work
and determination.


Modern English is a fascinating and complex language,
with a rich history and a constantly evolving set of
conventions and practices. It is spoken by millions of
people around the world, and it is used as the primary
language of communication in many countries.

The origins of English can be traced back to the 5th

century, when it emerged as a Germanic language spoken
by the Anglo-Saxons in what is now England. Over time,
the language evolved and developed, and it was
in uenced by a number of other languages, including
Latin, French, and Norse.

Today, English is spoken by an estimated 1.5 billion

people around the world, making it the third most spoken
language on the planet. It is used as the primary language
of communication in many countries, including the
United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and
Canada, and it is also spoken as a second language by
millions of people in other parts of the world.

One of the key features of modern English is its

exibility and adaptability. The language is constantly
changing and evolving, with new words and phrases
being added to the lexicon all the time. This is partly due
to the fact that English is used as a global language of
communication, and it is constantly being in uenced by
other languages and cultures.

Another key feature of modern English is its rich and

varied vocabulary. The language has a vast and diverse
range of words and phrases, covering a wide range of
subjects and topics. This is partly due to the fact that
English has been in uenced by so many other languages
over the years, and it has adopted words and phrases
from many different sources.

In conclusion, modern English is a dynamic and

constantly evolving language that is spoken by millions
of people around the world. It is known for its exibility
and adaptability, as well as its rich and varied vocabulary,
and it continues to be a vital tool for communication and
understanding in the modern world.
Arabic is a Semitic language that is spoken by more than
400 million people around the world. It is the of cial
language of many Middle Eastern and North African
countries, and it is also spoken by millions of people in
other parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and the

The origins of Arabic can be traced back to the 4th

century AD, when it emerged as the language of the Arab
tribes who lived in the Arabian Peninsula. Over time, the
language spread and evolved, and it became the of cial
language of many different empires and civilizations,
including the Ottoman Empire and the Abbasid

Today, Arabic is spoken in many different varieties, each

with its own unique characteristics and dialects. The most
widely spoken variety of Arabic is known as Modern
Standard Arabic, which is used as a literary and formal
language in many Arab countries. In addition to Modern
Standard Arabic, there are also many other varieties of
Arabic that are spoken in different parts of the world,
including Egyptian Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, and Gulf

One of the key features of the Arabic language is its rich

and complex grammar, which is based on a system of
roots and patterns that allow speakers to create an almost
in nite number of words and phrases. The Arabic
alphabet is also distinctive, with 28 letters that are written
from right to left.

In addition to being spoken as a native language, Arabic

is also studied and learned by millions of people around
the world as a second language. It is a popular language
to study due to its cultural and historical signi cance, as
well as its use as a lingua franca in many parts of the
Middle East and North Africa.

In conclusion, Arabic is a rich and complex language

with a long and fascinating history. It is spoken by
millions of people around the world in a variety of
different dialects, and it continues to be an important tool
for communication and understanding in many different
parts of the globe.

20. IRAQ
Iraq is a country with a long and rich history, and its
traditions and culture have been shaped by the many
civilizations and cultures that have ourished there over
the centuries. From ancient Mesopotamia to the modern
nation-state of Iraq, the country has always been a
melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions.

One of the key elements of Iraqi culture is the country's

rich and diverse culinary tradition. Iraqi cuisine is known
for its avorful and aromatic dishes, which are often
made with a wide variety of spices and herbs. Some of
the most famous Iraqi dishes include kubba, a dish made
with minced meat and rice that is formed into balls or
cylinders, and biryani, a avorful rice dish that is often
served with meat or vegetables.

Another important aspect of Iraqi culture is the country's

rich and varied musical tradition. Iraqi music is known
for its complex and intricate rhythms, as well as its use of
traditional instruments like the oud, a stringed instrument
that is similar to a lute, and the darbuka, a drum that is
often used in traditional music.

In addition to its cuisine and music, Iraq is also known

for its rich and diverse art scene. The country has a long
tradition of art and craftsmanship, and many Iraqi artists
are known for their skill in painting, sculpture, and other
forms of artistic expression.

Iraqi culture is also shaped by the country's religious

traditions, which are an important part of daily life for
many Iraqis. Islam is the dominant religion in Iraq, and
the country is home to a number of important Islamic
holy sites, including the cities of Karbala and Najaf,
which are revered by Shia Muslims around the world.

In conclusion, Iraqi culture is rich and diverse, with a

long and fascinating history that has been shaped by the
many civilizations and cultures that have ourished there
over the centuries. From its avorful cuisine and vibrant
music scene to its art, craftsmanship, and religious
traditions, Iraq is a country that is deeply rooted in its
cultural heritage, and these traditions continue to play an
important role in the lives of Iraqis today.


The Iraqi Museum is a national museum located in the
capital city of Baghdad, Iraq. It is home to a vast and
diverse collection of artifacts and works of art that reflect
the country's long and rich history and cultural heritage.

The Iraqi Museum was founded in 1923, and it has

undergone a number of renovations and expansions over
the years. Today, it is home to more than 170,000
artifacts, including ancient Mesopotamian sculptures,
pottery, and jewelry, as well as modern works of art and
contemporary artifacts.

One of the highlights of the Iraqi Museum is its

collection of ancient Mesopotamian artifacts, which date
back more than 5,000 years. These artifacts include
cuneiform tablets, clay tablets, and other objects that
were used by the ancient Mesopotamians for writing,
record keeping, and other purposes. The museum also has
a number of sculptures, pottery, and other objects that
were used in everyday life by the ancient

In addition to its ancient Mesopotamian artifacts, the

Iraqi Museum also has a number of modern and
contemporary works of art, including paintings,
sculptures, and other objects created by artists from Iraq
and other parts of the world. These works of art reflect
the diverse and vibrant culture of modern Iraq, and they
provide visitors with a glimpse into the country's rich
artistic tradition.

In conclusion, the Iraqi Museum is a national treasure

that is home to a vast and diverse collection of artifacts
and works of art that reflect the country's long and rich
history and cultural heritage. From ancient
Mesopotamian sculptures to modern works of art, the
museum is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of
the Iraqi people, and it is an important resource for
anyone interested in the history and culture of Iraq.


The cobber local market in Baghdad is a vibrant and
bustling place, filled with the sights, sounds, and smells
of daily life in the city. Located in the heart of Baghdad,
the market is a hub of activity, with hundreds of stalls
and vendors selling a wide variety of goods and services.

The cobber local market is known for its lively and

chaotic atmosphere, with vendors shouting out their
wares and haggling with customers over prices. The
market is a melting pot of cultures and traditions, with
merchants and shoppers from all walks of life coming
together to buy and sell goods.

One of the highlights of the cobber local market is its

wide range of goods and services. From fresh produce
and spices to clothing and household items, the market
has something for everyone. There are stalls selling
everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to handmade
crafts and jewelry, and there are also vendors offering a
variety of services, such as shoe repair and tailoring.

In addition to its wide range of goods and services, the

cobber local market is also a great place to experience the
culture and traditions of Baghdad. Visitors can sample
local foods and drinks, watch artisans and craftsmen at
work, and interact with the friendly and welcoming
people of Baghdad.

In conclusion, the cobber local market in Baghdad is a

vibrant and bustling place that is a must-see destination
for anyone visiting the city. With its wide range of goods
and services and its lively and chaotic atmosphere, the
market is a unique and authentic window into the culture
and traditions of Baghdad.


Osama was an agricultural engineer from Wasit, Iraq,
who had always been fascinated by the science of
growing crops and improving agricultural practices. He
had studied hard to earn his degree in agricultural
engineering and had always dreamed of using his skills to
help the farmers of his homeland increase their yields and
improve their livelihoods.
As soon as he graduated, Osama began working for a
small company that provided agricultural consulting
services to farmers in the Wasit region. He enjoyed his
work and was able to use his knowledge and expertise to
help the farmers improve their farming practices and
increase their crop yields.
One day, a group of foreign investors approached Osama
and asked him to work for them on a special project.
They were planning to invest in a large-scale agriculture
venture in Wasit and wanted Osama to help them design
and implement the project.
Osama was excited at the opportunity and agreed to join
the team. Over the next few years, he worked tirelessly to
help the investors develop a modern, high-tech farm that
could produce a wide variety of crops year-round.
The farm was a huge success and soon became a model
for other farmers in the region to follow. Thanks to
Osama's hard work and expertise, the venture helped to
improve the lives of countless people in Wasit and the
surrounding areas.
As the years passed, Osama became known as a leading
expert in agricultural engineering and was sought after by
farmers and investors from all over the region. He was
proud to have used his skills to make a positive
difference in the world and was grateful for the
opportunity to do so.
Mesopotamia was a region located in the eastern
Mediterranean, situated between the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers. It was home to some of the world's first great
civilizations, including the Sumerians, Akkadians,
Babylonians, and Assyrians. These civilizations
developed complex systems of government, art,
literature, and religion, and made significant advances in
agriculture, trade, and architecture.

The Sumerians, who lived in southern Mesopotamia

around 4000 BC, are credited with creating the first
known system of writing, as well as the wheel and the
plow. They also built impressive cities, complete with
temples, palaces, and public buildings. The Akkadians,
who rose to power in northern Mesopotamia around 2500
BC, created the first empire in world history. They were
known for their military might and their use of the first
professional army.

The Babylonians, who ruled Mesopotamia from the 18th

to the 6th centuries BC, are perhaps most famous for
their impressive city of Babylon, which was considered
one of the wonders of the ancient world. The city was
home to the Hanging Gardens, a series of terraces filled
with plants and trees that were said to have been built for
a queen who missed the greenery of her homeland. The
Babylonians also made significant advances in
mathematics and astronomy, and developed a system of
law known as the Code of Hammurabi.

The Assyrians, who ruled from the 13th to the 7th

centuries BC, were known for their military prowess and
their sophisticated system of government. They built a
vast empire that stretched from Egypt to the Persian Gulf,
and are credited with developing the first organized
system of libraries.

Mesopotamia has had a significant impact on the world,

and its legacy can still be seen today in the languages,
cultures, and religions of the region.

Babylon was an ancient city located in what is now
modern-day Iraq. It was founded around the 18th century
BC and rose to prominence as the capital of the
Babylonian Empire, which ruled over much of
Mesopotamia from the 18th to the 6th centuries BC.

Babylon was known for its impressive architecture,

including the Hanging Gardens, which were one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The city was also
home to the famous Ishtar Gate, a grand entranceway
decorated with glazed brick reliefs of animals and
mythical creatures. The gate was one of the most
impressive structures in the city and was designed to
protect the city from invaders.

In addition to its architecture, Babylon was also known

for its cultural achievements. The city was a center of
learning and scholarship, and was home to a number of
libraries and institutions of higher education. The
Babylonians made significant contributions to
mathematics and astronomy, and developed a system of
law known as the Code of Hammurabi.

Babylon was conquered by a number of empires over the

course of its history, including the Persians, Greeks, and
Romans. Despite its long and storied history, the city
eventually declined in importance and was eventually
abandoned. Today, the ruins of Babylon are a popular
tourist destination and a testament to the city's former


Abbas was a hardworking, dedicated, and determined
Iraqi lawyer and PhD researcher in Civil law. Despite
growing up in a poor family in Wasit, he never let his
circumstances hold him back. He was a bright,
intelligent, and ambitious young man with a strong
passion for his work at Al-Iraqia University in Baghdad.

Despite the challenges he faced, Abbas was a resilient,

courageous, and persistent individual who never gave up
on his dreams. He was deeply committed to improving
his English skills and had a strong desire to study at the
American University.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Abbas was also a

compassionate, caring, and generous person who always
put the needs of others before his own. He was deeply
affected by the loss of his father, who had passed away
from COVID-19, but he remained strong and continued
to pursue his goals with determination.
Abbas was a responsible, reliable, and trustworthy
individual who always upheld the highest standards of
integrity in everything he did. He was well-respected by
his colleagues and peers, who admired his work ethic,
dedication, and professionalism.

Overall, Abbas was a remarkable, talented, and

exceptional individual who had overcome many
obstacles to achieve his dreams. He was a shining
example of hard work and determination, and he inspired
those around him to strive for greatness in their own


Mr. Maher was a brilliant, intelligent, and knowledgeable
Physics teacher who had graduated from AL
Mustansiriya University in Baghdad with high honors.
Despite growing up in the countryside, he had always
had a love for science and a passion for teaching.

In the classroom, Mr. Maher was a dynamic, engaging,

and enthusiastic teacher who was always eager to share
his knowledge with his students. He was patient,
understanding, and approachable, and he had a way of
explaining complex concepts in a way that was easy for
even the most struggling students to understand.

Mr. Maher's love for teaching extended beyond the

classroom as well. He was a devoted, hardworking, and
dedicated educator who always went above and beyond
to help his students succeed. He was often seen staying
late after school to offer extra help, and he was always
available to answer questions or offer support.

In addition to his passion for teaching, Mr. Maher also

had a deep love for movies and classical music. He was
an avid fan of films like The Godfather and The
Shawshank Redemption, and he spent many hours
listening to the works of classical composers like
Beethoven and Mozart.

Despite his busy schedule, Mr. Maher always made time

for his family, particularly his son Adam, who aspired to
be a physicist just like his father. Mr. Maher was a
supportive, loving, and caring parent who was always
there for Adam, encouraging him to follow his dreams
and do his best in school.

Overall, Mr. Maher was a remarkable, dedicated, and

passionate individual who truly loved what he did. He
was an inspiration to his students and his family, and his
love for teaching and learning was evident in everything
he did.

My dad, Khalid, was born in 1958 and spent most of his
life living through wars and conflicts in Iraq. As a young
man, he worked as a driver for an Iraqi officer and spent
much of his time on the frontlines, away from his family.
Despite the challenges he faced, my dad was a strong,
resilient, and courageous individual who always did his
best to provide for his loved ones.
Growing up in Iraq in the 1980s was no easy feat, and my
dad had to endure many hardships and difficulties during
this time. The country was embroiled in a brutal and
devastating war, and there was little hope or opportunity
for those living in the midst of the conflict. My dad lived
in a constant state of fear and uncertainty, never knowing
what the future might hold or if he would make it through
the next day.

Despite the circumstances he lived in, my dad was a

loving, caring, and selfless person who always put the
needs of his family first. He worked tirelessly to provide
for us and ensure that we had everything we needed to
thrive and succeed. He understood the importance of
education, and he did everything in his power to help us
get the best education possible, despite the war and all
the challenges it brought.

Through sheer determination and hard work, my dad

managed to support us financially and emotionally,
making sure we had access to the resources and
opportunities we needed to succeed. He was an incredible
role model and a constant source of inspiration, always
encouraging us to work hard, persevere, and never give
up on our dreams.

In many ways, my dad's life was a testament to the

strength of the human spirit and the incredible power of
love and determination. Despite all the obstacles he
faced, he never let go of his hope for a better future for
himself and his family. He was a true hero, and I am
forever grateful for all that he did for us.
My mother, Haleema, is a beautiful, loving, and
passionate Iraqi woman who grew up in a small village in
Wasit, Iraq. From the moment I was born, she has been
the most important and influential person in my life, and
I am eternally grateful for all that she has done for me.

Haleema is a kind, caring, and nurturing person who

always puts the needs of others before her own. She is
selfless, compassionate, and generous, always willing to
lend a helping hand to those in need. She is also fiercely
intelligent and determined, always striving to learn and
grow, both personally and professionally.

In addition to her many wonderful qualities, Haleema is

also an incredibly talented and creative person. She is a
gifted artist, with a natural talent for painting, drawing,
and crafting. She has a keen eye for beauty and a deep
appreciation for the finer things in life, and she always
manages to bring a touch of magic and wonder to
everything she does.

As a mother, Haleema is simply the best. She is patient,

understanding, and supportive, always there to listen,
offer guidance, and provide comfort and encouragement.
She is an endless source of love and strength, and I am so
grateful to have her in my life.

To describe my mother in words alone is a task that feels

nearly impossible, for she is a person who is truly beyond
words. She is a shining light in my life, and I am blessed
to have her as my mother.
Here is a little poem I have written to honor her:

My mother, Haleema, is a precious gem,

A shining light in my life, a gift from heaven.
Her love and kindness know no bounds,
Her strength and courage inspire and uplift.

She is a woman of great beauty and grace,

With a heart as pure as gold.
I am forever grateful for her love and care,
And I will always cherish the memories we share.


Ridha Alwan café is a vibrant cafe located in the heart of
downtown Baghdad. Established in 1960 in the bustling
neighborhood of Karrada, it has become a staple for the
city's educated elite, decision makers, and intellectuals.
With its rich history and reputation for serving some of
the best Middle Eastern coffee in the city, it's no wonder
that this cafe is a beloved gathering spot for locals and
tourists alike.

The cafe itself is a cozy, intimate space, with dark wood

paneling and plush, comfortable seating. The atmosphere
is lively and energetic, with the constant hum of
conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee
filling the air. The walls are adorned with artwork and old
photographs, giving the cafe a warm, homey feel.

One of the things that sets Ridha Alwan café apart is its
commitment to quality. The coffee beans are carefully
selected and roasted to perfection, resulting in a rich,
bold flavor that is truly unmatched. Whether you prefer a
strong, dark roast or a smoother, more mellow blend,
you'll find something to suit your tastes at Ridha Alwan.

But it's not just the coffee that draws people to this cafe -
it's also the sense of community and camaraderie that
exists within its walls. At Ridha Alwan, you'll find a
diverse crowd of people from all walks of life, coming
together to share ideas, engage in spirited debate, and
simply enjoy each other's company. Whether you're a
student looking for a place to study, a professional
looking to network, or just someone in search of good
conversation and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, you'll
find it at Ridha Alwan café.

Of course, no visit to Ridha Alwan would be complete

without indulging in some of the cafe's delicious Middle
Eastern pastries and snacks. From flaky baklava to spicy
falafel, there's something to satisfy every craving. And if
you're in the mood for something a bit stronger, the cafe
also serves a selection of beers and wines.

But it's not just the food and drink that make Ridha
Alwan café such a special place. It's also the sense of
history and tradition that permeates every corner of the
cafe. Established over 60 years ago, this cafe has
witnessed countless moments of triumph and tragedy,
and has played host to some of the city's most influential
figures. In many ways, it's a microcosm of Baghdad itself
- a place where the past and present intersect, and where
the future is shaped by the ideas and passions of those
who come together within its walls.
So the next time you find yourself in Baghdad, be sure to
pay a visit to Ridha Alwan café. You'll be rewarded with
some of the finest coffee in the city, as well as the chance
to experience the rich culture and history of this vibrant,
cosmopolitan capital. Whether you're looking for a place
to relax and unwind, or simply want to soak up the
atmosphere and engage with the city's movers and
shakers, Ridha Alwan is the perfect spot. So grab a cup of
coffee and settle in - you're sure to find something to love
about this exceptional cafe.


The University of Al Mustansiriya is a richly storied
institution with a long and fascinating history. Located in
the heart of Baghdad, this ancient university has played a
central role in the city's intellectual and cultural life for
over eight centuries.

Founded in 1227 by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mustansir, the

University of AlMustansiriya was one of the first
institutions of higher learning in the Islamic world. Set in
the bustling center of the city, the university quickly
became a hub of intellectual activity, attracting scholars
and students from all over the region.

Over the years, the University of Al Mustansiriya has

undergone many transformations. It has survived wars
and revolutions, and has adapted to changing cultural and
political climates. Yet through it all, the university has
remained a vital center of learning and innovation,
shaping the course of history in countless ways.
The University of Al Mustansiriya is a sprawling
complex of buildings and courtyards, set amid the
bustling streets of Baghdad. Its architecture is a blend of
styles, reflecting the many different periods of its history.
The main buildings are constructed of brick and stone,
with arched doorways and intricate carvings. The
courtyards are lush and green, filled with plants and trees,
and the air is filled with the sound of fountains and the
rustling of leaves.

Inside the university, the atmosphere is one of intellectual

curiosity and creative energy. The classrooms are
spacious and well-lit, with high ceilings and rows of
desks. The corridors are lined with posters and notices,
announcing lectures and events, and the walls are
adorned with artwork and photographs. Everywhere you
look, you'll find students and faculty engaged in lively
discussions and debates, or lost in the pages of books and

The University of AlMustansiriya is home to a wide

range of disciplines, from the humanities and social
sciences to the natural sciences and engineering. Its
faculty is comprised of some of the most highly respected
scholars and researchers in the region, and its student
body is equally diverse and talented. From its earliest
days, the university has been a place where ideas are
exchanged and tested, and where knowledge is pursued
for its own sake.

Despite the many challenges it has faced over the years,

the University of Al Mustansiriya remains a beacon of
hope and opportunity. It continues to attract students and
scholars from all over the world, drawn by its rich history
and reputation for excellence. Whether you're a student
looking for a place to study, or a researcher seeking to
explore new horizons, the University of Al Mustansiriya
is a place where anything is possible. So, it is a vital,
historic, and influential institution in Baghdad and


The Great Mosque of Samarra is a towering, majestic
structure with a rich and complex history. Located in the
heart of the ancient city of Samarra, this massive mosque
is a testament to the grandeur and ingenuity of Islamic

From a distance, the Great Mosque of Samarra is an awe-

inspiring sight. Its slender, soaring minarets rise up from
the flat, sandy landscape, seeming to touch the very sky.
The main dome is a massive, spherical structure,
surrounded by smaller domes and arches, all adorned
with intricate geometric patterns and glazed tiles of
bright blue and green. The entire mosque is surrounded
by a sprawling complex of courtyards and gardens, filled
with palm trees and flowering plants.

The Great Mosque of Samarra is a living monument to

the history of Islam. It was built in the 9th century, during
the golden age of the Abbasid caliphate, when Samarra
was the capital of the Islamic world. The mosque was
commissioned by the caliph Al-Mu'tasim, who wanted to
create a grand and impressive religious center that would
be a symbol of his power and authority.
The Great Mosque of Samarra is a marvel of engineering
and design. Its construction was a massive undertaking,
requiring the labor of thousands of workers and artisans.
The main dome is one of the largest in the world,
measuring over 150 feet in diameter. It is supported by a
series of arches and columns, which are themselves held
up by a series of massive, intricately carved stone piers.
The entire structure is clad in tiles of glazed brick, which
shimmer and sparkle in the sun.

Despite its grandeur, the Great Mosque of Samarra is

more than just a beautiful building. It is a place of
spiritual and cultural significance, a hub of religious and
intellectual activity. Throughout its history, it has been a
center for learning and scholarship, attracting scholars
and students from all over the Islamic world. Today, it is
a popular tourist destination, drawing visitors from all
over the globe who come to marvel at its beauty and
learn about its rich history.

Despite the many challenges it has faced over the

centuries, the Great Mosque of Samarra remains a vibrant
and vital place. It is a symbol of the enduring power and
influence of Islam, and a testament to the enduring
resilience of the human spirit. Whether you are a student
of history, an admirer of art and architecture, or simply
someone seeking to connect with the spiritual and
cultural traditions of the past, the Great Mosque of
Samarra is a place that is sure to inspire and uplift you.
The Iraqi marshes, located in the south of Iraq, are a
unique and diverse ecosystem that is home to a variety of
flora and fauna. These marshes are made up of shallow,
flooded areas that are fed by the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers, and they cover an area of around 20,000 square
kilometers. The marshes are an important habitat for
many species of animals, fish, and birds, and they
provide a range of ecosystem services to the people who
live in the region.

One of the most notable features of the Iraqi marshes is

the rich variety of plant and animal life that they support.
The marshes are home to a range of species, including
fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Some of
the species that are found in the marshes include the
threatened Basra reed warbler, the endangered smooth-
coated otter, and the vulnerable marbled teal. The
marshes also support a range of plant life, including
cattails, bulrushes, and reeds, which provide habitat and
food for the animals that live there.

The Iraqi marshes are not just a home for wildlife,

however; they are also an important source of livelihood
for the people who live in the region. The marshes are
home to several communities of Marsh Arabs, who have
lived in the region for centuries. These communities rely
on the marshes for their livelihood, fishing, hunting, and
farming the land. The marshes also provide the Marsh
Arabs with a range of other benefits, including water for
irrigation and domestic use, and the natural resources that
they rely on for their daily needs.
Despite the many benefits that the Iraqi marshes provide,
they have faced a number of challenges in recent years.
In the 1990s, the marshes were severely damaged as a
result of the Gulf War, and they have also been affected
by drought and water management practices that have
reduced the amount of water flowing into the region. In
recent years, efforts have been made to restore the
marshes, including the construction of new dams and the
implementation of water management practices that are
more sustainable.

Overall, the Iraqi marshes are a unique and important

ecosystem that is home to a rich variety of plant and
animal life. They provide a range of ecosystem services
to the people who live in the region, and they are an
important source of livelihood for the Marsh Arabs.
Despite the challenges that they have faced in recent
years, efforts are being made to restore and protect the
marshes, and they remain a vital part of the natural and
cultural heritage of Iraq.

The Ziggurat of Ur is an ancient Mesopotamian structure
located in the city of Ur in modern-day Iraq. This
impressive monument was built in the 21st century BC
and was one of the most important religious and political
centers of the ancient Sumerian civilization.

The Ziggurat of Ur is a pyramid-shaped temple that

stands at over 50 feet tall and is made up of a series of
terraces. It is believed to have been built by King Ur-
Nammu of Sumer, who ruled from 2112 to 2095 BC. The
temple was dedicated to the Sumerian god Nanna, the
moon god, and it was an important center of worship for
the people of Sumer.

The Ziggurat of Ur is made of mud brick, a common

building material in ancient Mesopotamia, and it is
decorated with intricate carvings and reliefs. The temple
was originally covered in glazed tiles, which would have
given it a bright and colorful appearance. The top of the
temple was also adorned with a shrine, where the moon
god Nanna was worshipped.

Over the centuries, the Ziggurat of Ur has undergone

several renovations and restorations. It was damaged
during the wars that have plagued the region over the
years, and it has also been damaged by natural disasters
such as earthquakes. Despite these challenges, the temple
has survived to the present day and remains a popular
tourist attraction in Iraq.

In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve and

restore the Ziggurat of Ur. In the 1980s, the temple was
designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). Since then, a number of restoration projects
have been carried out to preserve the temple and ensure
that it remains a symbol of the ancient Sumerian
civilization for generations to come.

Today, the Ziggurat of Ur is a fascinating and important

historical site that attracts visitors from around the world.
It is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the
ancient Sumerians, and it is a reminder of the rich
cultural and historical heritage of Iraq.
The Code of Hammurabi is an ancient legal text that was
created in ancient Babylon around 1754 BC. It is
considered to be one of the oldest and most influential
legal codes in the world, and it has had a lasting impact
on the development of laws and legal systems around the

The Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 laws that cover

a wide range of topics, including property, family law,
trade, and criminal law. The laws are organized into
different categories, and they are written in a clear and
concise manner that makes them easy to understand.

One of the most notable aspects of the Code of

Hammurabi is its emphasis on justice and fairness. Many
of the laws contained in the code are designed to protect
the rights of individuals and ensure that they are treated
fairly and justly. For example, the code contains
provisions that protect the rights of widows and orphans,
and it also includes provisions that ensure that people are
compensated for injuries or damages that they suffer as a
result of someone else's actions.

Another important aspect of the Code of Hammurabi is

its focus on punishment. The code contains a number of
provisions that outline the penalties for different crimes
and offenses, and it is known for its use of the principle
of "an eye for an eye." This principle, which is also
known as lex talionis, is based on the idea that the
punishment should fit the crime, and it has been
influential in shaping the legal systems of many countries
around the world.
In addition to its focus on justice and punishment, the
Code of Hammurabi is also notable for its influence on
other legal codes and systems. The code has had a
particularly strong influence on the legal systems of
countries in the Middle East and North Africa, and it has
also been used as a model for the development of laws in
other parts of the world.

Overall, the Code of Hammurabi is a remarkable and

influential legal text that has had a lasting impact on the
development of laws and legal systems around the world.
It is a testament to the ingenuity and vision of the ancient
Babylonians, and it remains an important part of the
cultural and historical heritage of the region.


The Virgin Mary's Chaldean Catholic Church in Baghdad
is a beautiful and historic place of worship that holds a
special place in the hearts of the people of Baghdad.
Located in the heart of the city, this majestic church is a
testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of
Iraq and is a symbol of the strong faith of the Chaldean
Catholic community in Baghdad.

The Virgin Mary's Chaldean Catholic Church has a long

and storied history that dates back to the early 20th
century. It was built in the 1920s by the Chaldean
Catholic community in Baghdad, who were seeking a
place of worship that would reflect the unique traditions
and beliefs of their faith. The church was designed in the
traditional Byzantine style, with a grand dome, elaborate
frescoes, and ornate decorations.

Over the years, the Virgin Mary's Chaldean Catholic

Church has become an important center of worship for
the Chaldean Catholic community in Baghdad. It is a
place where people can come to pray, seek spiritual
guidance, and connect with their faith. The church is also
an important gathering place for the community, and it is
often used for weddings, baptisms, and other special

Despite the many challenges that the Chaldean Catholic

community has faced in recent years, the Virgin Mary's
Chaldean Catholic Church remains a vital and active
place of worship. It is a beacon of hope and faith in a city
that has been torn by conflict and violence, and it is a
reminder of the enduring resilience and strength of the
Chaldean Catholic community in Baghdad.

Today, the Virgin Mary's Chaldean Catholic Church is a

beloved and revered institution in Baghdad, and it is an
important part of the city's cultural and spiritual
landscape. It is a place of beauty, inspiration, and hope,
and it is a symbol of the deep faith and commitment of
the Chaldean Catholic community in Baghdad.
Erbil Citadel is an ancient and historic place that holds a
special place in the hearts of the people of Erbil, Iraq.
Located in the center of the city, this majestic fortress is a
testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of the
region and is a symbol of the enduring strength and
resilience of the people of Erbil.

Erbil Citadel is believed to be one of the oldest

continuously inhabited settlements in the world, with a
history that dates back over 7,000 years. It was originally
built as a fortress to defend against invaders and was later
used as a palace and a center of government. The citadel
has undergone numerous renovations and restorations
over the centuries, and it has survived a number of wars
and conflicts to become one of the most iconic and
enduring landmarks in Iraq.

Today, Erbil Citadel is a popular tourist attraction and is

an important part of the cultural and historical fabric of
the city. It is a place where visitors can learn about the
rich history of Erbil and get a glimpse of what life was
like in ancient times. The citadel is surrounded by a
bustling market and is home to a number of museums, art
galleries, and other cultural attractions.

Despite the many challenges that the city of Erbil has

faced in recent years, Erbil Citadel remains a vital and
vibrant part of the city's cultural and historical landscape.
It is a place of great beauty and significance, and it is a
testament to the enduring spirit and resilience of the
people of Erbil.
The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein is a sacred and
important place of worship for Shia Muslims around the
world. Located in the city of Karbala in central Iraq, the
shrine is dedicated to Imam Hussein, a revered figure in
Shia Islam who is considered to be the third imam and
the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein is a complex of

buildings and structures that includes a mosque, a library,
and a number of other facilities. The shrine is surrounded
by a large courtyard and is surrounded by a high wall that
is decorated with intricate carvings and mosaics. The
main building of the shrine is a grand and ornate
structure that is topped with a golden dome and minarets.

The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein is an important place

of pilgrimage for Shia Muslims, and it is visited by
millions of people every year. Pilgrims come to the
shrine to pray, pay their respects to Imam Hussein, and
seek blessings and spiritual guidance. The shrine is also a
place of learning and scholarship, and it is home to a
number of libraries and educational institutions that are
dedicated to the study of Shia Islam and its teachings.

The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein is an important part of

the cultural and spiritual landscape of Iraq, and it is a
symbol of the deep faith and devotion of the Shia Muslim
community. It is a place of great beauty and significance,
and it is a testament to the enduring legacy of Imam
Hussein and the central role that he plays in the beliefs
and practices of Shia Muslims around the world.
The Iraqi National Museum is a treasure trove of cultural
and historical artifacts that tell the story of the rich and
diverse history of Iraq. Located in the heart of Baghdad,
the museum is home to a vast collection of artifacts that
span more than 5,000 years of Iraqi history, from the
ancient Sumerian civilization to the present day.

The Iraqi National Museum was founded in 1923 and has

undergone several renovations and expansions over the
years. It is housed in a grand and ornate building that was
designed in the neo-classical style and is adorned with
intricate carvings and decorations. The museum is
divided into a number of galleries, each of which is
dedicated to a different period or theme in Iraqi history.

One of the highlights of the Iraqi National Museum is its

collection of ancient Mesopotamian artifacts. This
collection includes a range of objects, from clay tablets
and cuneiform inscriptions to sculptures and jewelry.
These artifacts provide a fascinating glimpse into the
lives and beliefs of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians,
and Babylonians, and they offer insight into the rich
cultural and intellectual heritage of the region.

The Iraqi National Museum also has a collection of

Islamic artifacts, including coins, manuscripts, and
ceramics. These objects tell the story of the spread of
Islam in Iraq and the role that the country played in the
development of the religion. The museum also has a
collection of modern Iraqi art, which includes a range of
paintings, sculptures, and other works that reflect the
cultural and political developments of the 20th and 21st

In addition to its collection of artifacts, the Iraqi National

Museum also offers a range of educational and cultural
programs, including lectures, workshops, and exhibitions.
These programs are designed to promote the appreciation
and understanding of Iraqi history and culture, and they
are an important part of the museum's mission to
preserve and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the

The Museum is a veritable treasure trove of cultural and

historical artifacts that offer a fascinating glimpse into the
rich and diverse history of Baghdad. Located in the heart
of the city, this esteemed institution is a veritable
cornucopia of cultural riches, with a collection that spans
more than 5,000 years of Iraqi history, from the ancient
Sumerian civilization to the present day.

Upon entering the Museum, visitors are immediately

struck by the sheer breadth and depth of the collection on
display. The museum is home to a plethora of ancient
Mesopotamian artifacts, including clay tablets and
cuneiform inscriptions, sculptures and jewelry, and other
objects that offer a window into the lives and beliefs of
the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians. The
museum also boasts a wealth of Islamic artifacts,
including coins, manuscripts, and ceramics, which tell
the story of the spread of Islam in Iraq and the country's
role in the development of the religion.
In addition to these ancient and medieval artifacts, the
Museum also has a wealth of modern and contemporary
art on display. This includes a range of paintings,
sculptures, and other works that reflect the cultural and
political developments of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The museum is also home to a number of educational and
cultural programs, including lectures, workshops, and
exhibitions, which are designed to promote the
appreciation and understanding of Iraqi history and

The Museum is not just a place to admire the past,

however; it is also a place where visitors can immerse
themselves in the culture and history of Iraq. The
museum is full of interactive exhibits and hands-on
activities that allow visitors to get a sense of what life
was like in ancient and modern Iraq. Whether you are
interested in ancient Mesopotamia, the spread of Islam,
or the contemporary art scene in Baghdad, there is
something for everyone at the Museum.

The Museum is an invaluable resource for anyone

interested in the culture and history of Iraq. It is a
veritable goldmine of cultural riches, and it is a
must-see destination for anyone visiting Baghdad.

Overall, the Iraqi National Museum is a remarkable

institution that provides a window into the rich and
diverse history of Iraq. It is a place of great cultural and
historical significance, and it is a testament to the
enduring legacy of the country and its people.
I made a trip to one of my favorite cologne’s shops in
Baghdad. The colognes shop is located in Shorja,
Baghdad and is a veritable oasis of fragrant scents and
luxurious perfumes. From the moment you step inside,
you are enveloped in a sensory experience unlike any

The shop is called Refat AlKhotbee shop for perfumes. It

it is quite spacious, with high ceilings and well-lit display
cases that showcase an impressive array of colognes and
perfumes. The ambiance of the shop is inviting and
warm, with richly colored walls and plush, comfortable
seating areas where customers can relax and try out
different scents. The sales associates are knowledgeable
and friendly, always willing to help customers find the
perfect fragrance to suit their tastes and needs.

The shelves are lined with bottle after bottle of every

imaginable scent, from classic, timeless fragrances to
more modern, exotic blends. These colognes have very
distinctive features such as:

In addition to its impressive selection of colognes and

perfumes, the shop also offers a range of other luxury
beauty products, including lotions, soaps, and bath oils.
The products are all of the highest quality, made with the
finest ingredients and packaged in elegant, visually
appealing containers.

Overall, the colognes shop of Refat Al Khotbee in Shorja,

Baghdad is a truly exceptional place to shop for all of
your fragrance needs. Whether you are looking for a
classic scent to wear to work or a bold, daring fragrance
to make a statement at a special event, you are sure to
find something to suit your needs and preferences at this
amazing shop.

The history of colognes in Middle East is deeprooted.

The Middle East is a region with a rich history and
culture of perfumery. Perfumes and colognes have long
been a part of daily life in the Middle East, and the region
is home to a wide range of fragrance collections and
retail shops that offer a variety of scents for all tastes and

Generally, the most popular types of colognes in the

Middle East are those that are inspired by traditional
Arabic perfumes. These colognes often feature a blend of
warm, spicy notes such as frankincense, myrrh, and oud,
and are often preferred by those who are looking for a
more exotic and luxurious scent. Prices for these
colognes can range from around $15 for a smaller bottle
to upwards of $1800 for a larger, more premium offering.

In addition to traditional Arabic perfumes, the Middle

East is also home to a wide range of modern colognes
and perfumes that are popular with both men and women.
These colognes often feature more contemporary and
fresher notes, such as citrus, herbal, and floral scents, and
can be found in a range of price points to suit different

Retail shops in the Middle East that offer perfumes and

colognes range from small specialty stores to large
department stores and chain stores. Many of these shops
offer their own exclusive collections of perfumes and
colognes, as well as popular international brands. Many
shops also offer the option to sample and test different
scents before making a purchase, allowing customers to
find the perfect fragrance for their personal taste.

In terms of people's preferences for colognes in the

Middle East, there is a wide range of choices available to
suit different tastes and preferences. Some people prefer
more traditional, classic scents, while others opt for more
modern and contemporary fragrances. Some people also
prefer stronger, more intense scents, while others prefer
more subtle and subtle fragrances. Ultimately, the choice
of cologne is a personal one and will depend on an
individual's personal style and preferences.

Perfumes and colognes are fragranced products that are

used to enhance a person's natural scent and add a
pleasant aroma to the air around them. They are made
from a blend of natural and synthetic ingredients,
including essential oils, solvents, and fixatives. Perfumes
are typically more concentrated and longer-lasting than
colognes, which tend to be lighter and more subtle in
their fragrance.

Perfumes and colognes are popular products that are

widely available in many different retail outlets,
including department stores, specialty perfumeries, and
online retailers. They are often sold in a variety of sizes
and formats, including sprays, roll-ons, and solid

People's preferences for perfumes and colognes can vary

widely, as these products are often chosen based on
personal taste and individual scent preferences. Some
people prefer strong, bold fragrances, while others prefer
more subtle, delicate scents.

In conclusion, the Middle East is a region with a rich and

diverse history of perfumery, and is home to a wide range
of collections of perfumes and colognes that are available
in retail shops throughout the region. With a wide range
of price points and scent profiles to choose from, there is
something for everyone in the Middle East's perfumery
scene. Some possible adjectives to describe the
perfumery scene in the Middle East include: luxurious,
exotic, diverse, rich, varied, sophisticated, elegant,
stylish, high-end, premium, fashionable, fashionable,
trendy, contemporary, classic, traditional, timeless,
alluring, captivating, seductive, irresistible, appealing,
attractive, beautiful, enchanting, captivating,
mesmerizing, mesmerising, and delightful.
41. A Memoir of a Man from Marshes

Hameed was a courageous and determined individual

who fought against a tyrannical regime in the 1980s.
Despite facing numerous challenges and dangers, he
remained resolute in his efforts to bring about change and
justice for his people.

Hameed's journey was long and arduous. He was forced

to flee his native Iraq and seek refuge in India, where he
lived for many years. The transition to life in a new
country was difficult for Hameed, as he had to adapt to a
new culture and way of life. Despite these challenges,
Hameed persevered and worked hard to establish himself
in his new home.

However, Hameed's parents were left behind in Iraq, and

they suffered greatly as they were unable to see or
communicate with their son. This separation was a
constant source of pain and heartache for both Hameed
and his parents.

Despite the difficulties he faced, Hameed never lost hope.

He continued to work towards his goal of returning to
Iraq and making a positive impact on his country. After
the fall of the tyrannic regime in 2003, Hameed was able
to return home and become involved in politics. His
dedication, perseverance, and selfless efforts to serve his
country earned him the respect and admiration of many

Hameed's journey was one of bravery, resilience, and

hope. It was marked by numerous challenges and
setbacks, but he always remained determined and
focused on his goals. His success upon returning to Iraq
and becoming a politician is a testament to his
unwavering spirit and his commitment to making a
difference in the world.

In describing Hameed's journey and success, one could

use a variety of traits such as courageous, determined,
resilient, selfless, dedicated, persevering, hardworking,
adaptable, compassionate, noble, self-sacrificing, and
visionary, to name just a few. Hameed's story is truly
inspiring and serves as a reminder of the power of the
human spirit to overcome even the most difficult of
Basrah, also known as Basra, is the capital city of Basrah
Governorate and is located in southern Iraq. It is Iraq's
main port and the second largest city in the country, with
a population of over 2 million people.

The city has a long and rich history dating back to

ancient Mesopotamia. It was founded in the 3rd century
CE and was a major trade and cultural center in the
region. It was also a major center of learning and
scholarship, and was known for its beautiful gardens and

Throughout its history, Basrah has been conquered and

controlled by a number of different empires, including
the Sassanids, the Abbasids, and the Ottomans. It was
also a major center of the Arab Revolt against the
Ottoman Empire during World War I.

In the 20th century, Basrah became a major hub for the

oil industry in Iraq. It is home to the country's main oil
refinery and is a key export point for Iraqi oil. The city
has also been a center of economic activity and trade,
with a large commercial port and a number of markets
and shopping districts.

However, the city has also been the site of significant

conflict and instability in recent years. During the Iraq
War, it was a major battleground between coalition forces
and Iraqi insurgents. It has also been a target of terrorism
and sectarian violence, and has struggled with issues such
as corruption and poor infrastructure.
Despite these challenges, Basrah is a vibrant and
dynamic city with a rich cultural heritage. It is home to a
number of historical landmarks, including the Great
Mosque of Basrah, which dates back to the 8th century
CE, and the Basrah Museum, which houses a collection
of ancient artifacts from the region. The city is also
known for its lively arts and music scene, and is home to
a number of festivals and cultural events throughout the

Overall, the current status of Basrah is one of both

promise and challenges. While it faces significant issues
such as corruption and instability, it is also a vital
economic and cultural hub in Iraq and has a rich history
and vibrant culture.


The Iraqi football team's victory in the last match of the
Gulf 25 tournament in Basrah was a momentous occasion
for fans and players alike. Crowds of enthusiastic
supporters flocked to the Palm Trunk Stadium,
determined to show their support for the team. Despite
the struggles to access the stadium, with many having to
walk for miles from nearby Gulf countries and other Iraqi
provinces, the mood was electric and the atmosphere was

The fans' passion and dedication was evident from the

moment they arrived at the stadium. They were
boisterous, exuberant, and filled with a sense of pride and
hope. The energy was palpable as they cheered, chanted,
and sang, creating a raucous and rambunctious
environment. The players fed off of this energy, and it
was clear that they were determined to give their all and
secure the win.

As the match progressed, the tension and excitement in

the stadium was palpable. The fans were on the edge of
their seats, anxiously cheering on their team. The players
fought hard, displaying their skill and determination, and
the crowd roared with appreciation. The final moments of
the match were nail-biting, but when the final whistle
blew and the team had secured their victory, the stadium
erupted in a deafening roar of joy.

The fans were ecstatic, overjoyed, elated, and euphoric.

They hugged and high-fived one another, tears of
happiness streaming down their faces. The players were
mobbed by adoring fans, who hugged them, kissed them,
and lifted them up on their shoulders in triumph. The
streets outside the stadium were filled with a sea of
people, all celebrating and singing.

It was a truly unforgettable, historic, and momentous

occasion, one that will be remembered for years to come.
The happiness felt by the fans was indescribable, with
emotions ranging from joyful, proud, to grateful and

In conclusion, the winning of the Iraqi football team in

the last match of the Gulf 25 tournament was a powerful
and emotional experience for all involved. The fans'
unwavering support and the players' hard work and
determination led to a historic victory, one that brought
great joy and happiness to the people of Iraq and the Gulf
‫الـ ــقامـ ــوس‬
‫يـجب ان تـعرف ان كـل كـلمة فـي الـلغة لـها اصـل عـائـلي تـنتمي لـه وهـذه ثـغرة‬
‫أخــرى تســتطيع مــن خــاللــها االســتدالل عــلى مــعنى كــلمة مــعينة مــن خــالل‬
.‫استنتاج الشبيه لها من العائلة‬
List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs
1 Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
2 enable ability able ably
3 accept acceptance acceptable acceptably
4 accuse accusation accusing accusingly
5 achieve achievement achievable
act, action,
6 act active actively
7 add addition additional additionally
8 admire admiration admirable admirably
9 advise advice advisable advisably
10 agree agreement agreeable agreeably
11 anger anger angry angrily
12 appreciate appreciation appreciatively
13 approve approval approving approvingly
14 approximate approximation approximate approximately
15 argue argument arguably
16 attend attention attentive attentively
17 attract attraction attractive attractively
18 base base, basis basic basically
19 beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
20 believe belief believable believably
21 bore bore, boredom bored, boring boringly
22 breathe breath breathless breathlessly
23 calm calm, calmness calm calmly
24 care care careful, caring
centre, central,
25 centralize centrally
centralization centralized
26 characterize character characteristic characteristically
27 circulate circulation circular
28 clean cleanliness clean cleanly
29 clear clarity, clearance clear clearly
30 collect collection collective collectively
31 colour colour coloured colourfully
32 comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
33 compare comparison comparatively
34 compete competition competitively
35 complete completion complete completely
36 conclude conclusion conclusive conclusively
37 condition condition conditional conditionally
confident, confidently,
38 confide confidence
confidential confidentially
39 confuse confusion confusingly
40 consider consideration considerably
continuation, continual, continually,
41 continue
continuity continuous continuously
42 cool cool, coolness cool coolly
correction, correct,
43 correct correctly
correctness corrective
44 create creation, creativity creative creatively
45 criticize critic critical critically
46 accustom custom customary customarily
47 dare dare daring daringly
dark, darkened,
48 darken dark, darkness darkly
dead, deadly,
49 deaden death deadly, deathly
50 deceive deceit, deception deceptively
51 decide decision decided, decisive
52 decorate decoration decorative decoratively
53 deepen deep, depth deep, deepening deeply
54 defend defence defensive defensively
55 define definition definite definitely
56 demonstrate demonstration demonstrably
57 depend dependence
dependable dependably

58 describe description describable descriptively

59 destroy destruction destructive destructively
60 determine determination determined determinedly
61 difference different differently
62 direct direction direct directly
63 disagree disagreement disagreeable disagreeably

.64 disappointed,
disappoint disappointment disappointingly
. disappointing
65 distance distance distant distantly
66 disturb disturbance disturbingly
67 doubt doubt doubtful doubtfully
68 dream dream dreamily
69 dress dress dressed, dressy dressily
70 drink drunk, drunken drunkenly
71 ease ease, easiness easy easily
72 educate education educationally
73 effect effective effectively
74 electrify electricity electrically
75 embarrass embarrassment embarrassingly
76 emphasize emphasis emphatic emphatically
77 encourage encouragement encouragingly
78 end end endlessly
80 energize energy energetic energetically
81 enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably
82 entertain entertainment entertaining entertainingly
83 enthuse enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically
84 equalize equality equal equally
85 excel excellence excellent excellently
excitable, excitedly,
86 excite excitement
excited, exciting excitingly
87 excuse excuse excusable excusably
88 expect expectation expectant ,expectantly
89 expend expensive expensively
90 experiment experiment experimental experimentally
91 explain explanation inexplicably
92 explode explosion explosive explosively
93 express expression expressive expressively
94 familiarize familiarity familiar familiarly
95 fashion fashion fashionable fashionably
fearful, fearless, fearfully,
96 fear fear
fearsome fearlessly
97 finalize final final finally
98 fish fish, fishing fishy fishily
99 fit fit fitted fittingly
100 force force forceful, forcible
101 forget forgetfulness forgetful forgetfully
102 formalize formality formal formally
103 frequent frequency frequent frequently
104 freshen freshness fresh freshly
105 frighten fright frightening,
106 harden hardship hard hard, hardly
harm, harmful, harmfully,
107 harm
harmfulness harmless harmlessly
108 heat, overheat heat heated heatedly
109 help help helpful, helpless
110 hope hope hopeful, hopeless
111 hurry hurry hurried hurriedly
112 hurt hurt hurtful hurtfully
113 ice ice icy icily
imaginable, unimaginably,
114 imagine imagination
imaginative imaginatively
115 impress impression impressive impressively
116 increase increase increased increasingly
117 infect infection infectious infectiously
118 insist insistence insistent insistently
119 instruct instruction instructive instructively
120 intend intent, intention intentionally
121 interest interest interestingly
122 invent invention inventive inventively
123 invite invitation, invite inviting invitingly
knowledgeable, knowingly,
124 know knowledge
known knowledgeably
125 enlarge enlargement large largely
126 laugh laugh laughable laughably
127 outlaw law lawful lawfully
128 legalize legality legal legally
129 lengthen length lengthy lengthily
130 light, lighten light light lightly
131 ,locate location local locally
132 love love lovable, lovely lovingly
133 lower low low, lower low
134 man man, mankind manly
135 mark mark marked markedly
136 match match matchless matchlessly
,material immaterial,
137 materialize materially
materialism materialistic
,meaning meaningful, ,meaningfully
138 mean
meaningfulness meaningless meaninglessly
139 measure measurement measurable immeasurably
140 memorize memory memorable memorably
141 mind mindless, mindful mindlessly
142 minimize minimum minimal minimally
143 mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly
144 moralize moral, morality moral, moralistic morally
145 mother motherly
146 move move, movement movable, moving movingly
147 murder murder murderous murderously
148 name, rename name unnamed, namely
149 nationalize nationalization, nationally
150 naturalize naturalist, naturally
151 necessitate necessity necessary necessarily
152 need need needy needlessly
nerve, nervously,
153 unnerve ,nervous, nervy
nervousness nervelessly
154 renew news, newness new, renewable newly, anew
155 normalize normality normal normally
156 notice notice noticeable noticeably
157 obey obedience obedient obediently
158 offend offence offensive offensively
159 officiate office official officially
160 open openness open openly
operate, ,operational
161 operation operationally
cooperate operative
162 opt option optional optionally
163 originate origin original originally
164 pain pain painful, painless
165 part, impart part, partition partial, impartial partially, partly
166 pacify peace peaceful peacefully
167 perfect perfection perfect perfectly
personalize, person, personal,
168 personally
personify personality personalized
169 persuade persuasive persuasively
170 play, outplay play, playfulness playful, playable playfully
pleasant, pleasantly,
171 please pleasure
pleasurable unpleasantly
point, pointlessly,
172 point pointed, pointless
pointlessness pointedly
173 politicize politics politically
174 popularize popularity popular popularly
power, powerful,
175 power powerfully
empower powerless
176 prefer preference preferably
presence, present,
177 present presently
,presentation presentable
178 privatize private privately
179 profit profitable profitably
180 progress progressive progressively
181 provide provision provisional provisionally
182 publicize public, publicity public publicly
183 punish punishment punishingly
184 purify pure purely
185 question question questionable questionably
186 quieten quiet quiet quietly
187 race race racial racially
188 realize realism, reality real, realistic
189 reason reason reasonable reasonably
receipt, receptive,
190 receive reciprocally
,reception reciprocal
191 recognize recognition recognizable recognizably
192 reflect reflection reflective reflectively
regrettable, regrettably,
193 regret regret
regretful regretfully
194 regulate regular regularly
195 relate related, relative relatively
196 rely reliability reliable reliably
197 remark remark remarkable remarkably
198 repair repair irreparable irreparably
repeated, repeatedly,
199 repeat repeat, repetition
repetitive repetitively
200 report report reported reportedly
respectable, respectably,
201 respect respect respectful, respectfully,
respective respectively
202 respond responsive responsively
restless, rested,
203 rest rest restlessly
204 enrich riches, richness rich richly
righteous, right, rightly,
205 right ,right, rightness
rightful rightfully
romance, romantic,
206 romanticize romantically
romanticism romanticized
207 roughen rough roughly
208 round round round, rounded roundly
209 sadden sadness sad, saddened sadly
210 satisfy satisfaction ,satisfactory satisfactorily
school, pre-
211 school scholastic scholastically
212 search, research searchable searchingly
sense, sensibility, sensibly,
213 sensitive,
sensitize sensitivity, sensitively
214 separate separation separately
215 shake shake, shakiness shaky shakily
216 shape shape shapely, shaped shapelessly
217 sharpen sharpness sharp sharply, sharpish
218 shock shock shockingly
219 shorten short, shortness short, shortish shortly
220 shy shyness shy shyly
221 sicken sick, sickness sick, sickly sickeningly
222 signify significance significant significantly
223 silence silence silent silently
224 simplify simplistic simply
225 single single singular singly
226 sleep sleep, sleepiness asleep, sleepy sleepily
227 socialize ,society sociable, social socially
228 soften softness soft softly
229 solidify solid, solidity solid solidly
230 specialize specialty specially
231 speed speedy speedily
232 spot spot spotted, spotty spotlessly
stand, standing,
233 stand, standstill outstandingly
withstand outstanding
234 steepen steepness steep steeply
235 stiffen stiffness stiff stiffly
236 strengthen strength strong strongly
237 strike strike striking strikingly
238 structure structural structurally
239 study student, study studious studiously
240 style style, stylishness stylish, stylistic
241 substantiate substance substantially
success, successful,
242 succeed successfully
succession successive
243 suggest suggestion suggestively
support, supportive,
244 support supportively
supportiveness supporting
245 supposition supposed supposedly
246 surprise surprise surprisingly
suspect, suspected,
247 suspect suspiciously
suspicion suspicious
248 sweeten sweet sweetly
249 symbolize symbolic symbolically
250 sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympathetically
251 systematize systematic systematically
252 talk talk, talks talkative talkatively
253 taste taste tasteful, tasty tastefully
254 thank thankful thankfully
255 theorize theory, theorem theoretical theoretically
256 thicken thick, thickness thick thickly
257 thin thinness thin thinly
258 think thoughtful thoughtfully
259 threaten threat threatening threateningly
260 tighten tightness tight tight, tightly
,tired, tiresome tiredly,
261 tire tiredness
tiring tiresomely
touched, touchingly,
262 touch touch
touching, touchy touchily
263 trouble trouble troublingly
264 trust, entrust trust, trusteeship trustfully
265 typify type typical typically
266 understand understanding understandable understandably
267 use usage, use used, useful usefully
variant, variety, variable, varied, invariably,
268 vary
variation various variously
269 violate violence violent violently
270 wrong wrong wrongful
271 warm warmth warm warmly
272 waste wastage, waste waste, wasteful wastefully
273 watch watchful watchfully
274 weaken weakness weak weakly
weigh, weighty,
275 weight weightlessly
outweigh weightless
276 widen width wide widely
277 wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully
278 worry worry worrying, worryingly
279 write, rewrite writing written
‫ ك ـ ــلمة ف ــي الـ ـ ــلغة االنجـ ـ ــليزيـ ـ ــة تـ ـ ـ ــتعلمها م ــن‬1000 ‫اهـ ــم‬
‫خ ـ ــالل الـ ـ ــقصص الـ ــسابـ ــقة‬
35. She 70. When
1. The 36. My 71. Which
2. Be 37. Can 72. Now
3. And 38. As 73. Like
4. A 39. Know 74. Other
5. Of 40. If 75. Could
6. To 41. Me 76. Our
7. In 42. Your 77. Into
8. I 43. All 78. Here
9. You 44. Who 79. Then
10. It 45. About 80. Than
11. Have 46. Their 81. Look
12. To 47. Will 82. Way
13. That 48. So 83. More
14. For 49. Would 84. These
15. Do 50. Make 85. No
16. He 51. Just 86. Thing
17. With 52. Up 87. Well
18. On 53. Think 88. Because
19. This 54. Time 89. Also
20. N’t 55. There 90. Two
21. We 56. See 91. Use
22. That 57. Her 92. Tell
23. Not 58. As 93. Good
24. But 59. Out 94. First
25. They 60. One 95. Man
26. Say 61. Come 96. Day
27. At 62. People 97. Find
28. What 63. Take 98. Give
29. His 64. Year 99. More
30. From 65. Him 100. New
31. Go 66. Them 101. One
32. Or 67. Some 102. Us
33. By 68. Want 103. Any
34. Get 69. How 104. Those
105. Very 143. Ask 181. Seem
106. Her 144. When 182. Might
107. Need 145. As 183. Part
108. Back 146. School 184. Hear
109. There 147. State 185. Its
110. Should 148. Much 186. Place
111. Even 149. Talk 187. Problem
112. Only 150. Out 188. Where
113. Many 151. Keep 189. Believe
114. Really 152. Leave 190. Country
115. Work 153. Put 191. Always
116. Life 154. Like 192. Week
117. Why 155. Help 193. Point
118. Right 156. Big 194. Hand
119. Down 157. Where 195. Off
120. On 158. Same 196. Play
121. Try 159. All 197. Turn
122. Let 160. Own 198. Few
123. Something 161. While 199. Group
124. Too 162. Start 200. Such
125. Call 163. Three 201. Against
126. Woman 164. High 202. Run
127. May 165. Every 203. Guy
128. Still 166. Another 204. About
129. Through 167. Become 205. Case
130. Mean 168. Most 206. Question
131. After 169. Between 207. Work
132. Never 170. Happen 208. Night
133. No 171. Family 209. Live
134. World 172. Over 210. Game
135. In 173. President 211. Number
136. Feel 174. Old 212. Write
137. Yeah 175. Yes 213. Bring
138. Great 176. House 214. Without
139. Last 177. Show 215. Money
140. Child 178. Again 216. Lot
141. Oh 179. Student 217. Most
142. Over 180. So 218. Book
219. System 257. Stop 295. Service
220. Government 258. Pay 296. Area
221. Next 259. Study 297. Important
222. City 260. Since 298. Person
223. Company 261. Issue 299. Hey
224. Story 262. Name 300. Thank
225. Today 263. Idea 301. Much
226. Job 264. Room 302. Someone
227. Move 265. Percent 303. End
228. Must 266. Far 304. Change
229. Bad 267. Away 305. However
230. Friend 268. Law 306. Only
231. During 269. Actually 307. Around
232. Begin 270. Large 308. Hour
233. Love 271. Though 309. Everything
234. Each 272. Provide 310. National
235. Hold 273. Lose 311. Four
236. Different 274. Power 312. Line
237. American 275. Kid 313. Girl
238. Little 276. War 314. Around
239. Before 277. Understand 315. Watch
240. Ever 278. Head 316. Until
241. Word 279. Mother 317. Father
242. Fact 280. Real 318. Sit
243. Right 281. Best 319. Create
244. Read 282. Team 320. Information
245. Anything 283. Eye 321. Car
246. Nothing 284. Long 322. Learn
247. Sure 285. Long 323. Least
248. Small 286. Side 324. Already
249. Month 287. Water 325. Kill
250. Program 288. Young 326. Minute
251. Maybe 289. Wait 327. Party
252. Right 290. Okay 328. Include
253. Under 291. Both 329. Stand
254. Business 292. Yet 330. Together
255. Home 293. After 331. Back
256. Kind 294. Meet 332. Follow
333. Health 371. Die 409. Care
334. Remember 372. Food 410. Low
335. Often 373. Else 411. Human
336. Reason 374. History 412. Please
337. Speak 375. Buy 413. Hope
338. Ago 376. Result 414. True
339. Set 377. Morning 415. Process
340. Black 378. Off 416. Teacher
341. Member 379. Parent 417. Data
342. Community 380. Office 418. Offer
343. Once 381. Course 419. Death
344. Social 382. Send 420. Whole
345. News 383. Research 421. Experience
346. Allow 384. Walk 422. Plan
347. Win 385. Door 423. Easy
348. Body 386. White 424. Education
349. Lead 387. Several 425. Build
350. Continue 388. Court 426. Expect
351. Whether 389. Home 427. Fall
352. Enough 390. Grow 428. Himself
353. Spend 391. Better 429. Age
354. Level 392. Open 430. Hard
355. Able 393. Moment 431. Sense
356. Political 394. Including 432. Across
357. Almost 395. Consider 433. Show
358. Boy 396. Both 434. Early
359. University 397. Such 435. College
360. Before 398. Little 436. Music
361. Stay 399. Within 437. Appear
362. Add 400. Second 438. Mind
363. Later 401. Late 439. Class
364. Change 402. Street 440. Police
365. Five 403. Free 441. Use
366. Probably 404. Better 442. Effect
367. Center 405. Everyone 443. Season
368. Among 406. Policy 444. Tax
369. Face 407. Table 445. Heart
370. Public 408. Sorry 446. Son
447. Art 485. Action 522.
448. Possible 486. Support Development
449. Serve 487. Wife 523. Federal
450. Break 488. Decision 524. Former
451. Although 489. Receive 525. Role
452. End 490. Value 526. Pretty
453. Market 491. Base 527. Myself
454. Even 492. Pick 528. View
455. Air 493. Phone 529. Price
456. Force 494. Thanks 530. Effort
457. Require 495. Event 531. Nice
458. Foot 496. Drive 532. Quite
459. Up 497. Strong 533. Along
460. Listen 498. Reach 534. Voice
461. Agree 499. Remain 535. Finally
462. According 500. Explain 536. Department
463. Anyone 501. Site 537. Either
464. Baby 502. Hit 538. Toward
465. Wrong 503. Pull 539. Leader
466. Love 504. Church 540. Because
467. Cut 505. Model 541. Photo
468. Decide 506. Perhaps 542. Wear
469. Republican 507. Relationship 543. Space
470. Full 508. Six 544. Project
471. Behind 509. Fine 545. Return
472. Pass 510. Movie 546. Position
473. Interest 511. Field 547. Special
474. Sometimes 512. Raise 548. Million
475. Security 513. Less 549. Film
476. Eat 514. Player 550. Need
477. Report 515. Couple 551. Major
478. Control 516. Million 552. Type
479. Rate 517. Themselves 553. Town
480. Local 518. Record 554. Article
481. Suggest 519. Especially 555. Road
482. Report 520. Difference 556. Form
483. Nation 521. Light 557. Chance
484. Sell 558. Drug
559. Economic 597. Evidence 635. Throw
560. Situation 598. Product 636. Third
561. Choose 599. Realize 637. Care
562. Practice 600. Save 638. Rest
563. Cause 601. Arm 639. Recent
564. Happy 602. Technology 640. Available
565. Science 603. Catch 641. Step
566. Join 604. Comment 642. Ready
567. Teach 605. Look 643. Opportunity
568. Early 606. Term 644. Official
569. Develop 607. Color 645. Oil
570. Share 608. Cover 646. Call
571. Yourself 609. Describe 647. Organization
572. Carry 610. Guess 648. Character
573. Clear 611. Choice 649. Single
574. Brother 612. Source 650. Current
575. Matter 613. Mom 651. Likely
576. Dead 614. Soon 652. County
577. Image 615. Director 653. Future
578. Star 616. International 654. Dad
579. Cost 617. Rule 655. Whose
580. Simply 618. Campaign 656. Less
581. Post 619. Ground 657. Shoot
582. Society 620. Election 658. Industry
583. Picture 621. Face 659. Second
584. Piece 622. Uh 660. List
585. Paper 623. Check 661. General
586. Energy 624. Page 662. Stuff
587. Personal 625. Fight 663. Figure
588. Building 626. Itself 664. Attention
589. Military 627. Test 665. Forget
590. Open 628. Patient 666. Risk
591. Doctor 629. Produce 667. No
592. Activity 630. Certain 668. Focus
593. Exactly 631. Whatever 669. Short
594. American 632. Half 670. Fire
595. Media 633. Video 671. Dog
596. Miss 634. Support 672. Red
673. Hair 711. Difficult 748. Message
674. Point 712. Close 749. Song
675. Condition 713. Language 750. Enjoy
676. Wall 714. Window 751. Similar
677. Daughter 715. Response 752. Congress
678. Before 716. Population 753. Attack
679. Deal 717. Lie 754. Past
680. Author 718. Tree 755. Hot
681. Truth 719. Park 756. Seek
682. Upon 720. Worker 757. Amount
683. Husband 721. Draw 758. Analysis
684. Period 722. Plan 759. Store
685. Series 723. Drop 760. Defense
686. Order 724. Push 761. Bill
687. Officer 725. Earth 762. Like
688. Close 726. Cause 763. Cell
689. Land 727. Per 764. Away
690. Note 728. Private 765.
691. Computer 729. Tonight Performance
692. Thought 730. Race 766. Hospital
693. Economy 731. Than 767. Bed
694. Goal 732. Letter 768. Board
695. Bank 733. Other 769. Protect
696. Behavior 734. Gun 770. Century
697. Sound 735. Simple 771. Summer
698. Deal 736. Course 772. Material
699. Certainly 737. Wonder 773. Individual
700. Nearly 738. Involve 774. Recently
701. Increase 739. Hell 775. Example
702. Act 740. Poor 776. Represent
703. North 741. Each 777. Fill
704. Well 742. Answer 778. State
705. Blood 743. Nature 779. Place
706. Culture 744. 780. Animal
707. Medical Administration 781. Fail
708. Ok 745. Common 782. Factor
709. Everybody 746. No 783. Natural
710. Top 747. Hard 784. Sir
785. Agency 823. Scene 861. Vote
786. Usually 824. Section 862. Near
787. Significant 825. Treatment 863. King
788. Help 826. Wish 864. Box
789. Ability 827. Benefit 865. Present
790. Mile 828. Interesting 866. Figure
791. Statement 829. West 867. Seven
792. Entire 830. Candidate 868. Foreign
793. Democrat 831. Approach 869. Laugh
794. Floor 832. Determine 870. Disease
795. Serious 833. Resource 871. Lady
796. Career 834. Claim 872. Beyond
797. Dollar 835. Answer 873. Discuss
798. Vote 836. Prove 874. Finish
799. Sex 837. Sort 875. Design
800. Compare 838. Enough 876. Concern
801. South 839. Size 877. Ball
802. Forward 840. Somebody 878. East
803. Subject 841. Knowledge 879. Recognize
804. Financial 842. Rather 880. Apply
805. Identify 843. Hang 881. Prepare
806. Beautiful 844. Sport 882. Network
807. Decade 845. Tv 883. Huge
808. Bit 846. Loss 884. Success
809. Reduce 847. Argue 885. District
810. Sister 848. Left 886. Cup
811. Quality 849. Note 887. Name
812. Quickly 850. Meeting 888. Physical
813. Act 851. Skill 889. Growth
814. Press 852. Card 890. Rise
815. Worry 853. Feeling 891. Hi
816. Accept 854. Despite 892. Standard
817. Enter 855. Degree 893. Force
818. Mention 856. Crime 894. Sign
819. Sound 857. That 895. Fan
820. Thus 858. Sign 896. Theory
821. Plant 859. Occur 897. Staff
822. Movement 860. Imagine 898. Hurt
899. Legal 937. Pressure 975. Nobody
900. September 938. Purpose 976. Weapon
901. Set 939. Stage 977. Best
902. Outside 940. Blue 978. Station
903. Et 941. Herself 979. Island
904. Strategy 942. Sun 980. Absolutely
905. Clearly 943. Pain 981. Instead
906. Property 944. Artist 982. Discussion
907. Lay 945. Employee 983. Instead
908. Final 946. Avoid 984. Affect
909. Authority 947. Account 985. Design
910. Perfect 948. Release 986. Little
911. Method 949. Fund 987. Anyway
912. Region 950. Environment 988. Respond
913. Since 951. Treat 989. Control
914. Impact 952. Specific 990. Trouble
915. Indicate 953. Version 991. Conversation
916. Safe 954. Shot 992. Manage
917. Committee 955. Hate 993. Close
918. Supposed 956. Reality 994. Date
919. Dream 957. Visit 995. Public
920. Training 958. Club 996. Army
921. Shit 959. Justice 997. Top
922. Central 960. River 998. Post
923. Option 961. Brain 999. Charge
924. Eight 962. Memory 1000. Seat
925. Particularly 963. Rock
926. Completely 964. Talk
927. Opinion 965. Camera
928. Main 966. Global
929. Ten 967. Various
930. Interview 968. Arrive
931. Exist 969. Notice
932. Remove 970. Bit
933. Dark 971. Detail
934. Play 972. Challenge
935. Union 973. Argument
936. Professor 974. Lot

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